Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

Yeah.........modern day Israel is Biblical Israel - no should be a simple matter to use that same Bible to confirm that modern Israel is the same Israel that God husbanded exclusively........

there in lies the issue - no, the heavens never avail themselves to any group exclusively as any group lacks such proof or has anyone proven a claim of speciality either, judaism simply chooses to believe those people of false personifications for their own self interest and prosperity than those that knew better.

so yes modern judaism are the same as biblical judaism living in the same state of self delusion and raw self interests as they have always represented.
Divorce is a sin in G-d's sight with two exceptions. UNREPENTANT adultery and abandonment, especially where the one spouse is an unbeliever.

how is it unrepentant ...

can that be a guess, your claim is based on those commandments made up by the liar moses.
Its you who need to reread. The end of the tribulation=Rev 19:11-Jesus leads Gods armies to the earth and destroys the wicked. Satan is captured and abyssed for 1000 years=no satan influences--Do you see any out there? A resurrection from the dead occurs on earth, given a chance with no satan influences to learn and apply Gods will--then satan is loosed for a little while to test their faith, some fall, some stand and gain everlasting life. Satan and his angels along with death and Hades( grave) are destroyed in the lake of fire--All things are back to perfection= new earth, new heavens. Gods kingdom rule lasts forever.
Rev 21:4--No more mourning, outcries or pain, even death will be no more.

None of the above has occurred yet.

It all happened in the first century.
Yes, according to Christian belief.

According to Jewish belief, Gd know we cannot be perfect and doesn’t expect us to be. Good works DO matter.
No, they don't. Even the OT confesses that our righteousness are as "filthy rags", meaning no matter what we do, there can never be salvation without the shedding of the Blood of the Lamb.
According to Jewish belief, Gd know we cannot be perfect and doesn’t expect us to be. Good works DO matter.

there is nothing in the universe that is perfect - such an anomaly does not exist ... to free a spirit requires purity - to sin no more. for admission to the everlasting.
It all happened in the first century.
You live in darkness-Death occurs everyday of the week. mourning, outcries and pain occurs everyday of the week. proving 100% you are wrong. You need to learn from these-Matt 24:45-they are the only ones being lead by Jesus and holy spirit.
there in lies the issue - no, the heavens never avail themselves to any group exclusively as any group lacks such proof or has anyone proven a claim of speciality either, judaism simply chooses to believe those people of false personifications for their own self interest and prosperity than those that knew better.

so yes modern judaism are the same as biblical judaism living in the same state of self delusion and raw self interests as they have always represented.
The sock puppet returns.....redux.......a talking head without proof. I provide evidence found in the Word of God

Proof? Such as found in the record of the Holy Scriptures? Like the 2500 prophecies........with the majority (2000) having become reality as documented by history actual?

Again......only fools and the ignorant refuse to accept Prima Facie evidences as facts in evidence that establish truth until the Objective, Reproducible and Consistent evidences prove them false. Thus simply accuse void of providing any evidence "beyond the shadow of doubt" to validate your false accusations.
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ROFLMAO---muslim women have Y chromosomes? -----no wonder they marry
muslim "men". Goldstein's comment is way
beyond your ken. Interestingly---the rapist of mecca CLAIMED kinship with the son of Abraham---to wit ISHMAEL-----now that is quite an idiotic joke
Think about your lack of logic., thus the Sarcasm. :huh1: As stated.....there are Muslims with the same DNA markers because Muslims have occupied your supposed holy land over the past 2000 years of world history. Your DNA link has a 2000 year old gap of consistency.

Over 2000 years ago the nation of Biblical Israel was destroyed by the Roman Military............its peoples scattered all over the globe. Now you are attempting to claim JEWISH lineage based upon DNA that identifies people to specific regions of the earth. What? Are you attempting to tell us that no one entered the lands once occupied by the Jews over the past 2000 years......the land remained vacated by any human presence and your blood line has not been corrupted by the peoples that moved into the land once held by the Jews. In order for you to validate your claim, that your blood line, based upon regional occupation has never been corrupted over a 2000 year period? would have to prove that your lineage over 2000 years has never been broken, there are no gentiles/no other religions, whatsoever are found in your blood lineage over that same 2000 year period. :abgg2q.jpg:

As stated.........prove your accusation that your supposed LEVITE family tree has not been corrupted by the absence of Jews located in the specific regions used as DNA markers. We are supposed to Muslims/Gentiles/Blacks etc., have occupied that land over the past 2000 years of world history? Not to mention the fact that Europe was occupied by the same Jews who have mixed their blood with the supposed SUPER RACE of Nazi Aryans over these same 2000 years.

We are to simply ignore the 2000 years of world history........and make believe that you are still identified as if those 2000 years never happened? :dunno:
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Objective, Reproducible and Consistent evidences prove them false.

provide the stone tables w/ 10 commandments - etched in the heavens - as claimed by the liar moses or remove the false personifications from all three desert religions ... that which never existed.
provide the stone tables w/ 10 commandments - etched in the heavens - as claimed by the liar moses or remove the false personifications from all three desert religions ... that which never existed.
Moses still living rent free in the sock puppets head? :dev3:Strange..........but as I said, Maybe they were in the Temple the Romans destroyed? That was the purpose of the temple's construction, to house the ark of the covenant. Prove these tablets were not housed in the temple. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The bible provides prima facie evidence of these stone's existence........and it appears you can't present evidence that does not exist.

Have never read......God has hidden the ark, which contained the tablets, from mankind forever? It sure appears to upset act as if someone pissed in your cornflakes because God has outwitted you.

"And when you (Abraham's seed) have multiplied and been fruitful in the land, in those days, declares the Lord, they shall no more say, "The ark of the covenant of the Lord", It shall not come to mind or be remembered or missed; it shall not be made again........" -- Jer. 3:16

Where are the tablets right now? Easy peasy, someplace YOU WILL NEVER FIND THEM, for obvious reasons, "Then God's temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of His covenant was seen within His temple. There were flashes of lighting, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail.........." -- Rev. 11:19
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Think about your lack of logic., thus the Sarcasm. :huh1: As stated.....there are Muslims with the same DNA markers because Muslims have occupied your supposed holy land over the past 2000 years of world history. Your DNA link has a 2000 year old gap of consistency.

Over 2000 years ago the nation of Biblical Israel was destroyed by the Roman Military............its peoples scattered all over the globe. Now you are attempting to claim JEWISH lineage based upon DNA that identifies people to specific regions of the earth. What? Are you attempting to tell us that no one entered the lands once occupied by the Jews over the past 2000 years......the land remained vacated by any human presence and your blood line has not been corrupted by the peoples that moved into the land once held by the Jews. In order for you to validate your claim, that your blood line, based upon regional occupation has never been corrupted over a 2000 year period? would have to prove that your lineage over 2000 years has never been broken, there are no gentiles/no other religions, whatsoever are found in your blood lineage over that same 2000 year period. :abgg2q.jpg:

As stated.........prove your accusation that your supposed LEVITE family tree has not been corrupted by the absence of Jews located in the specific regions used as DNA markers. We are supposed to Muslims/Gentiles/Blacks etc., have occupied that land over the past 2000 years of world history? Not to mention the fact that Europe was occupied by the same Jews who have mixed their blood with the supposed SUPER RACE of Nazi Aryans over these same 2000 years.

We are to simply ignore the 2000 years of world history........and make believe that you are still identified as if those 2000 years never happened? :dunno:
In my undergraduate days----the course in GENETICS was a "killer" course---similar to Calculus and Physics in that it knocked so many out of the----uhm ---very popular science oriented profession that I chose. I aced all
three----whereas it is clear that your grasp of genetics did not make 8th grade level---
REMEMBER MENDEL? I would explain the issues to you but your post makes it clear that you are INCAPABLE of understanding
Maybe they were in the Temple the Romans destroyed?

in fact, they were destroyed before they could be read ...


were they even real moses is a heretic for either reason, making them up in the personification of the heavens or destroying what was etched in the heavens.

and what they said made them angry - liberation theology, self determination the path to heaven.
Where are the tablets right now? Easy peasy, someplace YOU WILL NEVER FIND THEM, for obvious reasons, "Then God's temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of His covenant was seen within His temple. There were flashes of lighting, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail.........." -- Rev. 11:19
OH---the CECILE B DEMILLE version
someplace YOU WILL NEVER FIND THEM, for obvious reasons ... and the ark of His covenant was seen within His temple.

well, its hard to read all of c154 posts, for many reasons - rather to refer to the crowd ...

- who will see what they were where they are claimed to be - - the sinner who crucifies jesus or who in triumph, sins no more.
OH---the CECILE B DEMILLE version
Yeah........Cecile always used Book, Chapter and Verse to validate Hollywood. Who in Hollywood would present lies? :dunno:

What happened to your LEVITE blood test results? :huh1: Its not like the Old Testament is filled with the many times the Jews were enslaved, run off from their property, began as a Nomadic nation moving from location to location.......but YOU can determine your Levite blood because certain portions of the middle east were expressly used by Jews only? Not to mention again the 2000 year globe trot of all the peoples claiming to be Jews.........but YOUR BLOOD, Jewish, is specific to regional geography I call BS.

I would also wager that you have not been to temple but a few times in your entire determined by your fantastic knowledge of the Torah and other books of the O.T.
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well, its hard to read all of c154 posts, for many reasons - rather to refer to the crowd ...

- who will see what they were where they are claimed to be - - the sinner who crucifies jesus or who in triumph, sins no more.
Public Education Problems? Heaven: The dwelling place of God. 😉 A place the minions of satan will never see. Those tablets you are looking for? I would not🤞 If I were you. Any 8 year old (reading capacity of leftoids after college) can comprehend a couple of lines of script. :abgg2q.jpg:
Public Education Problems? Heaven: The dwelling place of God. 😉 A place the minions of satan will never see. Those tablets you are looking for? I would not🤞 If I were you. Any 8 year old (reading capacity of leftoids after college) can comprehend a couple of lines of script. :abgg2q.jpg:

- you fail to answer the question ...

- who will see what they were where they are claimed to be - - the sinner who crucifies jesus or who in triumph, sins no more.

there never were tablets etched in the heavens your false religion serves you no purpose - than to persecute and victimize the innocent - seems your, c154's particular calling.
- you fail to answer the question ...

there never were tablets etched in the heavens your false religion serves you no purpose - than to persecute and victimize the innocent - seems your, c154's particular calling.MProve there was "NEVER" any tablets.................

declare there were based upon the prima facie evidence (3500 year history) found in the Holy Scriptures. The sock puppet keeps repeating the same ad hominem BS over and over and over......why? Because there no method to prove or disprove a negative. One of the laws of declared by Carl Sagen, ".....absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".

- you fail to answer the question ...

there never were tablets etched in the heavens your false religion serves you no purpose - than to persecute and victimize the innocent - seems your, c154's particular calling.
Moses still living rent free in that vacuum between your ears? SHORT BUS, I have answered your question every time you present your circular simply don't enjoy the truthful method that addresses your logical fallacy. The Holy Scriptures are filled with prmia facie evidences relating to the Law of Moses......i.e, the Law and the Prophets, and the corner stone of the Judeo:blues:Christian religion.........the 10 commandments. There exists a current 3500 running history declaring the 10 commandment true.

You are yet to provide any objective evidence to cause a reason to doubt the Holy Scriptures as being TRUTHFUL

Where do you suppose Sir William Blackstone referenced his "Commentaries on the Laws of England"? The cornerstone of US law and the constitution/bill of rights? that same Holy Bible and its 10 commandments.

Real slow so a supposedly educated leftoid can understand: A B S E N C E






A B S E N C E {Quote}: Carl Sagan:deal:
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- you fail to answer the question ...

there never were tablets etched in the heavens your false religion serves you no purpose - than to persecute and victimize the innocent - seems your, c154's particular calling.
You reveal yourself with every empty post, devoid of anything and everything.

What you consider “the heavens” or “the everlasting” is nothing more than an empty void. The Abomination of Desolation.

The Word and the Spirit of Truth speaks.

Glory Be to God The Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is Now and ever shall be, World without end AMEN.

If you cannot see or understand the infinite beauty and miracle of the world around you, who are you to speak on behalf of the religion of antiquity?

On whose authority do you proceed? What fraudulent deity do you represent?


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