Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

That was my point. We could play the same doubt game with Moses.

"I don't believe they accurately retold Moses' words"

Actually, I do. But others play the same games. This isn't a good place to try to convince you to believe what you do ont believe or doubt. But I don't do that anyway. I'm confident in Christs words because of the way it all fits perfectly. I'm not interested in trying to convince anyone. Maybe I should be that way, but I'm just not
I’m glad you’re not that way. I’m fine with Christians believing in Jesus’ words, with the presumption they’re accurate. My problem comes in when Christians warn, scold, and harrsss Jews with tales of how they will burn in eternal damnation if they don’t abandon Judaism.

As far as what Jesus said, I believe he intended to mean that the path to heaven is through the mitzvot he teaches - which was pretty much what Hillel taught. And that’s all good.
I more likely believe that he said “Forgive them…..” than that he said “the only way to the Father is through me.” The latter is nothing that an observant Jew would sayl
John's Gospel is written in a different style than the other three Gospels. John begins with stating Jesus is the Word of God, and the Word was with God from the beginning. In John's thought, Jesus is saying, "The only way to the Father is through the Word of God." That would make sense to John and to Jews in Jesus' time.

Jesus believed and announced he was One with God. John's Gospel is adamant about this. Jews, of course, disagree with this assessment. However, wouldn't most Jews agree that the way to God is through the Word of God?
the desert religions are a choice of who to believe w/ all three having the same paterfamilias thread as their criteria ... fine for them an apartheid has always been their goal.

- the events of the 1st century were not those issues but for liberation theology, self determination the substance of what jesus taught - a way to free themselves their spirits for admission to the everlasting. to sin no more.

the 4th century christian bible is nothing but a rehash of judaism and the future similarity of islam and is an injustice to take from those that gave their lives in the 1st century as being the same negates the deserts claim of distinct heavenly existence to one sadly of their own making.
John's Gospel is written in a different style than the other three Gospels. John begins with stating Jesus is the Word of God, and the Word was with God from the beginning. In John's thought, Jesus is saying, "The only way to the Father is through the Word of God." That would make sense to John and to Jews in Jesus' time.

Jesus believed and announced he was One with God. John's Gospel is adamant about this. Jews, of course, disagree with this assessment. However, wouldn't most Jews agree that the way to God is through the Word of God?
Yes, of course. Only we don’t believe Jesus was One with Gd, whatever that means. We believe the way to Gd is to fulfill his commandments the best we can, ask for forgiveness when we fall short, make teshuva as a result, and vow to do better.

The Messiah was NEVER intended to be a man who is above all other men, a deity of some sort, according to Judaism. He is to be, when he comes, a messenger, but as mortal as we all.
Yes, of course. Only we don’t believe Jesus was One with Gd, whatever that means. We believe the way to Gd is to fulfill his commandments the best we can, ask for forgiveness when we fall short, make teshuva as a result, and vow to do better.

The Messiah was NEVER intended to be a man who is above all other men, a deity of some sort, according to Judaism. He is to be, when he comes, a messenger, but as mortal as we all.
Salvation by works will His absolute standards of perfection and Holiness. Hence the need for Yeshua G-d in the flesh.
Salvation by works will His absolute standards of perfection and Holiness. Hence the need for Yeshua G-d in the flesh.
Yes, according to Christian belief.

According to Jewish belief, Gd know we cannot be perfect and doesn’t expect us to be. Good works DO matter.
Yes, according to Christian belief.

According to Jewish belief, Gd know we cannot be perfect and doesn’t expect us to be. Good works DO matter.
Of course they "matter," but they don't "earn" you life beyond this. Without the Sacrifice to pay the penalty for sin, there is no GIFT of eternal life. It ends here.
Of course they "matter," but they don't "earn" you life beyond this. Without the Sacrifice to pay the penalty for sin, there is no GIFT of eternal life. It ends here.
Those are Christian teachings, you understand. Judaism teaches differently. Let’s just leave it as we both have different beliefs on this matter.
purely tangential military operation having nothing to do w/ the 1st century religious events -

deny all you want, present day is biblical israel while unbeknownst to them their detachment from the heavens - having nothing to do w/ the roman empire being entirely their own self made destiny as the injustices they use on others than they deserve for themselves.
Yeah.........modern day Israel is Biblical Israel. :no_text11: Let's compare the biblical record with the nation calling itself Israel today. Since you declare the BIBLE as a source of should be a simple matter to use that same Bible to confirm that modern Israel is the same Israel that God husbanded Jewish Law applies only to one nation, Biblical Israel (Deut. 5:2-3), no other nation nor peoples on earth were bound to the Law of Moses, it was expressly for the nation of Biblical Israel.

1st point from the same bible you are referencing, simply to prove a point that you are full of crap. In the eyes of God, the Bible declares, Jews no longer exist as God's chosen people. "There is neither Jew nor Greek/gentiles.......all are combined into one Christian nation, sons of Abraham, heirs to the promise God made to Abraham (to make Abraham's descendants number like the stars, uncountable). -- Gal. 3:28-29 Do you know how many Christians exist upon the face of the earth? Over 1/3 the earth's total population identify as Christians.

1. Biblical Israel was governed by the Laws of Moses (Ex. 19:5-7, Deut. 30:1-10, Ezra 7:10, Neh. 8:1-8). Modern Israel? Governed by a set of political, secular laws

2. Biblical Israel Ruled by a King appointed by God (1 Sam.8:42). Modern Israel? Is not a Monarchy as described in Jer. 22:28-30 (which explains how a governing authority like the KING "Coniah" was removed from his throne by God instead of by vote.........Israel is governed by political appointees...i.e, a semi democracy.

3. Biblical Israel once possessed ALL THE LAND that God promised them (1 Kings 4:21). Modern Israel? Possesses only a portion of the the promised land, and that was granted by the United Nations, not God.

4. Biblical Israel possessed the Temple constructed by the authority of God (1 Kings 8:1-10) You will like this passage, the temple was built to house the TABLETS of STONE, perhaps that's why you can't find the stone tablets, you are looking for them in Modern Israel. :abgg2q.jpg: Modern Israel? Has no Temple to house the ark of the covenant even if man could find what the God of Creation has hidden.

5. Biblical Israel had the Levitical Priesthood. (Numbers 3:6-10) Modern Israel? No order of Levitical Priests to oversee God's required annual burnt sacrifices to carry sin over from season to season

6. Biblical Israel was represented by 12 Tribes, each with their own ID. (2 Sam. 5:1-3) Modern Israel? Tribes? What the hell are you talking about? :dunno:
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the 1st century events are a repudiation of judaism and particularly the false heavenly personifications made by certain individuals particularly moses and their false claims of heavenly commandments. used by all three desert religions.

jesus was never a jew ... to bring justice to the crucifiers is in a sense an only way were ever a way ever necessary.
breezie, dear---you just failed freshman english comp. See me in the REPAIR room
Yeah.........modern day Israel is Biblical Israel. :no_text11: Let's compare the biblical record with the nation calling itself Israel today. Since you declare the BIBLE as a source of should be a simple matter to use that same Bible to confirm that modern Israel is the same Israel that God husbanded Jewish Law applies only to one nation, Biblical Israel (Deut. 5:2-3), no other nation nor peoples on earth were bound to the Law of Moses, it was expressly for the nation of Biblical Israel.

1st point from the same bible you are referencing, simply to prove a point that you are full of crap. In the eyes of God, the Bible declares, Jews no longer exist as God's chosen people. "There is neither Jew nor Greek/gentiles.......all are combined into one Christian nation, sons of Abraham, heirs to the promise God made to Abraham (to make Abraham's descendants number like the stars, uncountable). -- Gal. 3:28-29 Do you know how many Christians exist upon the face of the earth? Over 1/3 the earth's total population identify as Christians.

1. Biblical Israel was governed by the Laws of Moses (Ex. 19:5-7, Deut. 30:1-10, Ezra 7:10, Neh. 8:1-8). Modern Israel? Governed by a set of political, secular laws

2. Biblical Israel Ruled by a King appointed by God (1 Sam.8:42). Modern Israel? Is not a Monarchy as described in Jer. 22:28-30 (which explains how a governing authority like the KING "Coniah" was removed from his throne by God instead of by vote.........Israel is governed by political appointees...i.e, a semi democracy.

3. Biblical Israel once possessed ALL THE LAND that God promised them (1 Kings 4:21). Modern Israel? Possesses only a portion of the the promised land, and that was granted by the United Nations, not God.

4. Biblical Israel possessed the Temple constructed by the authority of God (1 Kings 8:1-10) You will like this passage, the temple was built to house the TABLETS of STONE, perhaps that's why you can't find the stone tablets, you are looking for them in Modern Israel. Modern Israel? Has no Temple to house the ark of the covenant

5. Biblical Israel had the Levitical Priesthood. (Numbers 3:6-10) Modern Israel? No order of Levitical Priests to oversee God's required annual burnt sacrifices to carry sin over from season to season

6. Biblical Israel was represented by 12 Tribes, each with their own ID. (2 Sam. 5:1-3) Modern Israel? Tribes? What the hell are you talking about? :dunno:
I am a levite----we is STILL HERE
I am a levite----we is STILL HERE
Yeah........lets see you document your supposed Levite family tree. LMAO I wonder what DNA marker your special Levite Blood provides? When was the last time you represented God with a burnt animal sacrifice? :dunno: You are full of it...........what ever it is. You can obviously claim anything you can imagine........but can you prove it? Of course not. You certainly represent your tribe.........I wonder why you are not in Israel overseeing these burnt sacrifices? A Jew in name only.........Judaism is not a race but an indoctrinated culture that exists in one's imagination.:abgg2q.jpg:
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Yeah........lets see you document your supposed Levite family tree. LMAO I wonder what DNA marker your special Levite Blood provides? When was the last time you represented God with a burnt animal sacrifice? :dunno: You are full of it...........what ever it is. You can obviously claim anything you can imagine........but can you prove it? Of course not. You certainly represent your tribe.........I wonder why you are not in Israel overseeing these burnt sacrifices? A Jew in name only.........Judaism is not a race but an indoctrinated culture that exists in one's imagination.:abgg2q.jpg:
your ignorance is remarkable---DNA related to the tribe of Levi that has been uncovered is on the Y chromosome---I am a girl. Animal sacrifice has been discontinued---Judaism is not a static religion
Turn the cheek for minor issues. For major issues he also said "if you have not a sword, sell your shirt and get one"

Canadas reputation is going to take another major hit, I will not tell a lie any longer. Every ally will know this truth.
your ignorance is remarkable---DNA related to the tribe of Levi that has been uncovered is on the Y chromosome---I am a girl. Animal sacrifice has been discontinued---Judaism is not a static religion
Yeah..........present your documented LEVITE blood. This same DNA........."Y" chromosome exists in many Muslims women as well. What an DNA is specific to any self defined religious lineage.

Quote from David Goldstein, professor of medical research in genetics at Columbia University: Author of the book Jaccob's Legacy: A genetic view of Jewish history........."When we say there is a signal of Jewish ancestry, its a highly specific statistical study DONE OVER A POPULATION (not a religious marker but a marker that denotes what geographical area their physical lineage might come from). To think that you can use these type of analyses to make any substantive claim about politics or religion or questions of identity, I think its frankly ridiculous." me this Magic Tribe of Levite DNA marker. This same to today (in the quest for more government money) that Jews can be identified by DNA......what has changed since 2008? David Goldsteins mind.

SCAM: A Fraudulent Scheme. Simply because DNA can be used to link a families geographical history does not indicate any type of religion which is a Belief (something that exists only between the ears of the gullible.

David Goldstein........this is the same author that today makes MONEY and acquires grant monies to study JEWISH DNA. LMAO :huh1:
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Yeah..........present your documented LEVITE blood. This same DNA........."Y" chromosome exists in many Muslims women as well. What an DNA is specific to any self defined religious lineage.

Quote from David Goldstein, professor of medical research in genetics at Columbia University: Author of the book Jaccob's Legacy: A genetic view of Jewish history........."When we say there is a signal of Jewish ancestry, its a highly specific statistical study DONE OVER A POPULATION (not a religious marker but a marker that denotes what geographical area their physical lineage might come from). To think that you can use these type of analyses to make any substantive claim about politics or religion or questions of identity, I think its frankly ridiculous." me this Magic Tribe of Levite DNA marker. This same to today (in the quest for more government money) that Jews can be identified by DNA......what has changed since 2008? David Goldsteins mind.

SCAM: A Fraudulent Scheme. Simply because DNA can be used to link a families geographical history does not indicate any type of religion which is a Belief (something that exists only between the ears of the gullible.

David Goldstein........this is the same author that today makes MONEY and acquires grant monies to study JEWISH DNA. LMAO :huh1:
ROFLMAO---muslim women have Y chromosomes? -----no wonder they marry
muslim "men". Goldstein's comment is way
beyond your ken. Interestingly---the rapist of mecca CLAIMED kinship with the son of Abraham---to wit ISHMAEL-----now that is quite an idiotic joke
Read your Bible.
Its you who need to reread. The end of the tribulation=Rev 19:11-Jesus leads Gods armies to the earth and destroys the wicked. Satan is captured and abyssed for 1000 years=no satan influences--Do you see any out there? A resurrection from the dead occurs on earth, given a chance with no satan influences to learn and apply Gods will--then satan is loosed for a little while to test their faith, some fall, some stand and gain everlasting life. Satan and his angels along with death and Hades( grave) are destroyed in the lake of fire--All things are back to perfection= new earth, new heavens. Gods kingdom rule lasts forever.
Rev 21:4--No more mourning, outcries or pain, even death will be no more.

None of the above has occurred yet.

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