Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching and setting things straight and disciplining in righteousness. 2Tim 3:16

- persecuting and victimizing the innocent ...


is beneficial.

youl know heavenly when you bring to justice the crucifiers, hopefully that's not yourself.
- persecuting and victimizing the innocent ...

View attachment 879981

is beneficial.

youl know heavenly when you bring to justice the crucifiers, hopefully that's not yourself.
They weren't Christian, they were a product of these-2Thess 2:3= the great apostasy=the son of destruction. All trinity religions are. The bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens. God warned all-GET OUT OF HER.
Islam stole from prior pagan religions....just like Christianity has done.
Present your evidence..........or don't, just make ad hominem attacks void of any objective facts in evidence. As far as always turning the "other cheek", Jesus promoted a doctrine of righteous "self defense". Example: In parable format: "When a strong man, FULLY ARMED, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace...." -- Luke 11:21

Literally, In fact Jesus told His disciples to "arm themselves" when they ventured outside their home area's to spread the Gospel. He told them to sell their garments if needed to purchase weapons, because He knew some of these areas were used by thieves and murderers. -- Luke 10:30, 22:35-36.

We know these weapons were to be used for "Self Defense" only.......why? Jesus informed them that 2 weapons among them would be enough (Luke 22:38)

There is a difference when someone confronts you concerning doctrine and becomes angered enough to slap your face..............and someone actually threatening your life, your family or your private property with weapons. The scriptures declare, (1 Tim. 5:8)......anyone that does not provide for his own is worse than an infidel.

Even Jesus became angered enough to run the money changers from the temple.....turning over tables and threatening them with a strap. -- John 2:15, Matt. 21:12-13
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It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.
One must consider the whole philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth and not just one or two verses treated as something that stands alone without consideration of other context.

In a careful consideration of all the context, to turn the other cheek is to choose not to retaliate when no material harm has been done. Do not return insult for insult. Condemnation for condemnation. Revenge is not the way of the Christian as it cannot restore anything that was lost or done to you and therefore is a waste of time, energy, spirit.

That does not mean that we should not defend the innocent or helpless or ourselves when unfairly/unjustly/maliciously attacked. It does not mean we should not right wrongs when we see them done or when done to us. Jesus demonstrated that by his own example.

In other words you don't have to choose to allow yourself to be a victim. But the Christian should be wise and understand that there is a difference between feelings and victimization.
Present your evidence..........or don't, just make ad hominem attacks void of any objective facts in evidence. As far as always turning the "other cheek", Jesus promoted a doctrine of righteous "self defense". Example: In parable format: "When a strong man, FULLY ARMED, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace...." -- Luke 11:21

Literally, In fact Jesus told His disciples to "arm themselves" when they ventured outside their home area's to spread the Gospel. He told them to sell their garments if needed to purchase weapons, because He knew some of these areas were used by thieves and murderers. -- Luke 10:30, 22:35-36.

We know these weapons were to be used for "Self Defense" only.......why? Jesus informed them that 2 weapons among them would be enough (Luke 22:38)

There is a difference when someone confronts you concerning doctrine and becomes angered enough to slap your face..............and someone actually threatening your life, your family or your private property with weapons. The scriptures declare, (1 Tim. 5:8)......anyone that does not provide for his own is worse than an infidel.

Even Jesus became angered enough to run the money changers from the temple.....turning over tables and threatening them with a strap. -- John 2:15, Matt. 21:12-13
^^^^ quite a REMOTE, in time and place,
interpretation. Review of the pertinent
information regarding the event in christian
literature is quite a mess. The undeniable
fact is that the "money changers" were
Roman appointees and despised by the
Pharisees almost as much as was Herod
^^^^ quite a REMOTE, in time and place,
interpretation. Review of the pertinent
information regarding the event in christian
literature is quite a mess. The undeniable
fact is that the "money changers" were
Roman appointees and despised by the
Pharisees almost as much as was Herod
There is no "interpretation"...........the scriptures self interpret when read in context based upon the subject matter of the entire book, chapter and verse. You did note that the Book, Chapter and Verses were provided that proves there was no private interpretation? Of course you ignored the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. What? you presented UNDENIABLE facts to disprove something? I can't seem to locate your UNDENIABLE FACTS IN EVIDENCE.

Private interpretation is forbidden (1 Peter 1:20) Please provide the objective, reproducible evidence that PROVES the money changers were not Jewish but Roman Citizens. You will not because you cannot. Read the only evidence available, the Holy Scriptures.......What does the Context declare in identifying the money changers? "And when the CHIEF PRIESTS and SCRIBES saw the wonderful things that HE did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David; THEY WERE DISPLEASED....(who was displeased, the Romans or the priests and scribes?

Regardless........your attempt at deflecting away from the scriptural fact that Jesus promoted the right of self defense to the point of taking up arms, you have proven nothing except your IGNORANT bigotry toward Christians. Its clear you have never attempted to read and comprehend the actual content of the N.T.
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Yup. The God of Abraham was no match for the Romans. That's probably what inspired Jesus to give him a personality makeover.
Indeed the Muslims did much better with the Roman Empire than the Jews. LMAO:abgg2q.jpg: Your supposed prophet did not make an appearance until 600 years after Biblical Israel was wiped from the face of the earth. Where did his doctrine come from? Paganism and the worship of a black stone. It was the ancient Britts in Northern Europe that finally put an end to the war machine known as the Roman Empire......with the remainder of the Empire in Brittan turning the pagans of Brittan into Civilized Christians over a span of a few centuries.
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There is no "interpretation"...........the scriptures self interpret when read in context based upon the subject matter of the entire book, chapter and verse. You did note that the Book, Chapter and Verses were provided that proves there was no private interpretation? Of course you ignored the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. What? you presented UNDENIABLE facts to disprove something? I can't seem to locate your UNDENIABLE FACTS IN EVIDENCE.

Private interpretation is forbidden (1 Peter 1:20) Please provide the objective, reproducible evidence that PROVES the money changers were not Jewish but Roman Citizens. You will not because you cannot. Read the only evidence available, the Holy Scriptures.......What does the Context declare in identifying the money changers? "And when the CHIEF PRIESTS and SCRIBES saw the wonderful things that HE did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David; THEY WERE DISPLEASED....(who was displeased, the Romans or the priests and scribes?

Regardless........your attempt at deflecting away from the scriptural fact that Jesus promoted the right of self defense to the point of taking up arms, you have proven nothing except your bigotry toward Christians.
Your post is very entertaining---you are entirely ignorant of the life and times of Jesus.
Did you forget that the land was OCCUPIED AND CONTROLLED BY ROME?---is it something that they forgot to teach you in jelly-bean school? The issue is well documented. Who was displeased? ----the answer was the ROMANS AND THEIR SHILLS---to wit the persons they appointed----the High Priests, the "KING" --Herod ---the people against whom the JUDEANS rebelled ----the people whom the PHARISEES DESPISED and who CRUCIFIED PHARISEES BY THE THOUSANDS. ----
Your post is very entertaining---you are entirely ignorant of the life and times of Jesus.
Did you forget that the land was OCCUPIED AND CONTROLLED BY ROME?---is it something that they forgot to teach you in jelly-bean school? The issue is well documented. Who was displeased? ----the answer was the ROMANS AND THEIR SHILLS---to wit the persons they appointed----the High Priests, the "KING" --Herod ---the people against whom the JUDEANS rebelled ----the people whom the PHARISEES DESPISED and who CRUCIFIED PHARISEES BY THE THOUSANDS. ----
You have simply overwhelmed me with your objective, testable, reproducible facts in evidence. :abgg2q.jpg: Fact: The Jews still had a Temple.........and a King during the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus declared that the Jews would be punished by God because of the way they treated the righteous prophets of God (Rome destroyed Biblical Israel and removed it from the globe in punishment by God who had promised to take their nation away when they failed to live up to the conditions presented in the Covenant of Moses...i.e, the Law and the Prophets.

It appears that you are a Jew in name only.....its clear you do not even know the content of the O.T. and the Torah written by Moses.

The actual content of the Holy Scriptures: Jesus declared there would not be one stone left unturned in the Temple (Matthew 24:1-2)
Jesus declared in prophecy that the generation of Jews He called vipers and hypocrites would not pass away until God would bring His wrath upon them (Matthew 23:33-36), 70 AD indeed was within the time frame of that same generation of Jews.

You can't declare that Biblical Israel was not removed from the earth in the 1st century as declared in prophecy. Biblical Isarel has not existed for well over 2000 years..the nation calling itself Israel is a fake knockoff based upon secular government was established, not by God, but under the terms of UN Resolution 181 in 1947. It has no king appointed by God, no tribal IDs, no Royal Priesthood, no burnt sacrifices to carry sin over from season to season, its a cheap knockoff of Biblical Iseral as appeasement for the Jews dislocated by the Second World War. There is no Temple and never will be a temple rebuilt in Jerusalem. Do I support Israel? Of course.........because its the closest thing to a working democracy located in the middle of 5th century despotism. They are the United States of America's only true allies in that area of the globe. The one thing I do respect is their military and the methods used to stop terrorism.

But.......Biblical Isarel has not truly existed since the late 1st century. Just as God promised.

God had promised Israel their nation would cease to exist when they disobeyed the righteous doctrine of the Covenant (Lev. 26:27-39). They would be driven from the land (Deut. 4:25-28) They would cease to be a nation (Deut. 8:19-20)

Now tell me how Israel was not destroyed with its citizen tribes scattered around the world............Never to be made whole again, just a promised by God (Jer. 19:7-13)
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Jesus declared in prophecy that the generation of Jews He called vipers and hypocrites would not pass away until God would bring His wrath upon them

what generation would that be any different than any of the others for jews their hereditary idolatry continues to this day ...

the renunciation of judaism itself their false personifications of the heavens as well as monotheism were the issue of the 1st century - to suggest a roman intervention as meaningful to that time is to deny the very existence of the individual that brought all that happened to its conclusion as well as their own crucifixion.
what generation would that be any different than any of the others for jews their hereditary idolatry continues to this day ...

the renunciation of judaism itself their false personifications of the heavens as well as monotheism were the issue of the 1st century - to suggest a roman intervention as meaningful to that time is to deny the very existence of the individual that brought all that happened to its conclusion as well as their own crucifixion.
And the sock puppet returns :abgg2q.jpg:1st century 70AD....its documented, look it up.:huh1: Rome destroyed Biblical Israel, just like Jesus decaled, ".........before THIS GENERATION ENDS......." -- Matt. 23:33-36

What? the destruction of Jerusalem with Israel's citizens scattered around the globe is just a conspiracy? Israel just disappeared from history for 2000 years for grins and giggles? Judaism is not a race of peoples.........its a culture of indoctrination. The vast majority of those claiming to be Jews have not been to temple since Moses was a baby floating down the Nile.
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You're only supposed to do that once, dumbass.

After that, beat their ass or whatever.

Jesus didn't say be a sucker and let people take advantage of you. :nono:
It's been this way since birth. My wife was just the latest abuser or many. The worst have been the Security Industrial Complex of Peel Region Police, TPS and DRPS.

All one can do in a caste system supported by the S.I.C is to make sure as many people know as possible. You wouldn't understand unless you walked a mile in my shoes.
It's been this way since birth. My wife was just the latest abuser or many. The worst have been the Security Industrial Complex of Peel Region Police, TPS and DRPS.

All one can do in a caste system supported by the S.I.C is to make sure as many people know as possible. You wouldn't understand unless you walked a mile in my shoes.
Sounds like not; But you're only supposed to turn the other cheek once.

After that the attacker or whatever is fair game, k?

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