Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

Rome destroyed Biblical Israel, just like Jesus decaled, "...

purely tangential military operation having nothing to do w/ the 1st century religious events -

deny all you want, present day is biblical israel while unbeknownst to them their detachment from the heavens - having nothing to do w/ the roman empire being entirely their own self made destiny as the injustices they use on others than they deserve for themselves.
How do we know he even really said that? There’s a lot I tske with a grain of salt.
the quotation comes from LUKE---who never met Jesus and did not speak aramaic. His
quoting Jesus whilst Jesus is being crucified is---
well----a matter of "DIVINE INSPIRATION" ??
in USA jurisprudence---hearsay not admissible
in court
the quotation comes from LUKE---who never met Jesus and did not speak aramaic. His
quoting Jesus whilst Jesus is being crucified is---
well----a matter of "DIVINE INSPIRATION" ??
in USA jurisprudence---hearsay not admissible
in court
I more likely believe that he said “Forgive them…..” than that he said “the only way to the Father is through me.” The latter is nothing that an observant Jew would sayl
I more likely believe that he said “Forgive them…..” than that he said “the only way to the Father is through me.” The latter is nothing that an observant Jew would sayl
that "... only way.....through me..." strikes me as
extremely egotistical to the point of mania---but
I would need the original language to attempt
to interpret----keep in mind we are dealing with
that "... only way.....through me..." strikes me as
extremely egotistical to the point of mania---but
I would need the original language to attempt
to interpret----keep in mind we are dealing with
True. He might have said in a different way that the way to The World to Come is to follow the laws and mitzvot he was laying out to them.
It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.
/——/ You misunderstand the Bible verse: What Does It Really Mean to “Turn the Other Cheek”? - Topical Studies
The “slap” in Matthew 5:39 could be regarded as contempt for a variety of personal rights, not simply the physical slap. It included insults and offenses against a person’s personal dignity. In Jesus’ day, Israel was Roman occupied territory. If the Jews, as subjects of Rome, did not comply with a Roman soldier’s requests for anything from a drink of water to handing over personal property, a swift backhand to the right cheek was common. But why would Jesus instruct His followers to offer the left cheek as well?

Paul T. Penley explains in “Turning the Other Cheek’: Jesus’ Peaceful Plan to Challenge Injustice,” “Roman soldiers tended to be right-handed. When they struck an equal with a fist, it came from the right and made contact with the left side of the face. When they struck an inferior person, they swung with the back of their right hand making contact with the right cheek. In a Mediterranean culture that made clear distinctions between classes, Roman soldiers backhanded their subjects to make a point. Jews were second-class.” The Roman slap was an insult to the Jews’ personal dignity.
In “On Turning the Other Cheek (and How It Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means),” Corey Far explained that a slap on the right cheek meant the soldier backhanded the Jews, which was a far more demeaning slap. “It was degrading,” he said. “It was what you gave to an inferior or a slave.” To not break down emotionally and simply turn the other cheek meant that the soldier couldn’t slap you again on the right cheek, and, Farr said, “he can’t slap you with his left hand, because that is unclean for both of you.” The soldier’s only option was to slap with the palm of his hand, and “this was not the way to slap a slave. This was reserved for equals.” Thus, in giving the other cheek, the degraded person asserted his humanity in a brave countermove — a humble response, yet also an act of courage against an oppressive system.
Forgive them Father they know not what they do.
How do we know he even really said that? There’s a lot I tske with a grain of salt.

its an absurdity as proof the surreptitious accounts written in their 4th century christian bible portraying their victim in this case unaware of the fate they indeed new and brought to themselves by the insatiable inertia of those criminals they ultimately were unable to prevent that prevails to this day.
right---like Moses

the 1st century events are a repudiation of judaism and particularly the false heavenly personifications made by certain individuals particularly moses and their false claims of heavenly commandments. used by all three desert religions.

jesus was never a jew ... to bring justice to the crucifiers is in a sense an only way were ever a way ever necessary.
Yes, but like the game of telephone, things morph. No practicing Jew would have held himself up as a deity.
If you believe the Scriptures you believe they are GOD INSPIRED. You either believe or you don't.

I could ask you the same questions about Moses. How do you KNOW he existed? How do you KNOW he said the words he said? People only do this with Christianity, which only strengthens my faith
If you believe the Scriptures you believe they are GOD INSPIRED. You either believe or you don't.

I could ask you the same questions about Moses. How do you KNOW he existed? How do you KNOW he said the words he said? People only do this with Christianity, which only strengthens my faith
I don’t question that Moses existed, just as I don’t question that Jesus existed. I don’t think the precise words he spoke are necessarily accurately retold.
I don’t think the precise words he spoke are necessarily accurately retold
That was my point. We could play the same doubt game with Moses.

"I don't believe they accurately retold Moses' words"

Actually, I do. But others play the same games. This isn't a good place to try to convince you to believe what you do ont believe or doubt. But I don't do that anyway. I'm confident in Christs words because of the way it all fits perfectly. I'm not interested in trying to convince anyone. Maybe I should be that way, but I'm just not

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