Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

Mr shocked----as a point of interest---I learned about islam and muslims by
contact with muslims-----over the past 60 years. One of the reasons that
christianity is "SO STUPID" is that Jesus---who was OBVIOUSLY a MUSLIM---
would never suggest that anyone ---when slapped---"turn the other cheek"
NO MUSLIM WOULD. Uhm----back then---Jesus was doing the pharisee
thing which was "accomodate them as much as possible till they GO AWAY"
"survival is most important" -----armed resistance was virtually impossible.
ASK Josephus Flavius
Israel was apostocized when Jesus came. In the OT when God stood by Israel, no mortal armies could beat them. The Muslims are as false as 99% of all the religions claiming to be christian.
Meri----a basic islamic belief is ADAM was a muslim and the KORAN was
"created" -----at the time of "CREATION" ----in heaven. 610 marks the time
that the angel GIBRIL (that's gabriel) was sent by allah to CORRECT the utterly
messed up NT and OT (and that is the actual jelly-bean version of the history
of the world)
Not much is coming to a faith that worships a stone from space. "You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above........" -- Ex. 20:4-6

Black Stone? Really?
"You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above........" -- Ex. 20:4-6

Traditionally ascribed to Moses,

- "of anything that is in the heavens" ....

what could that be, my mother would punish me for drawing her picture as she might be happily in the everlasting ... moses the sociopath, christianity is not alone as a religion of servitude and denial.
It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.
I struggle with this a lot too.

Many people lack the will to change for the better, some even derive satisfaction from causing pain, they will never change, there is no need for them. Turning the cheek in this case is futile. If we were indestructible, it wouldn't matter, but we all have limited strength and time.

I think the key is that, IF you are dealing with an empathetic person, or someone that does not wish to do harm, but is hurting others out of 'self-defense', turning the other cheek CAN be extremely effective, since it helps to cut the cycle that hurts the person in question, and allows them to reflect. It's something I TRY to do 'strategically', since there are definitely examples of people for whom turning the other cheek is no call to change, just another chance to hurt, which unfortunately some people enjoy.
Traditionally ascribed to Moses,

- "of anything that is in the heavens" ....

what could that be, my mother would punish me for drawing her picture as she might be happily in the everlasting ... moses the sociopath, christianity is not alone as a religion of servitude and denial.
Carried forward into the N.T. of Jesus Christ (Acts 15:29, Romans 1:22-23, 1 Cor. 6:9-10, Eph. 5:5, 1 John 5:21, Revelation 21:8, 22:15)

Example: "..........that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourself from these, you well do well, FAREWELL." -- Acts 15:29

Apparently...........Moses lives in your head "rent free". :abgg2q.jpg:
Not much is coming to a faith that worships a stone from space. "You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above........" -- Ex. 20:4-6
Apparently...........Moses lives in your head "rent free" ... and from sexual immorality
what could that be, my mother would punish me for drawing her picture as she might be happily in the everlasting ... moses the sociopath, christianity is not alone as a religion of servitude and denial.

clarifying your error - the desert religions of servitude and denial ...

- answer the question above.

have you found the tablets claimed by the liar moses the desert religions make use for their persecution and victimization of the innocent - clyde.
Don't blame Jesus. He was talking about the Roman occupation and Roman law.
Jesus set the example for his followers. After being beaten, spit on and whipped, then stakes driven through his flesh. He returned-Forgive them Father they know not what they do.
clarifying your error - the desert religions of servitude and denial ...

- answer the question above.

have you found the tablets claimed by the liar moses the desert religions make use for their persecution and victimization of the innocent - clyde.
Yep.........I have found the tablets. Moses is still living rent free I see :abgg2q.jpg: Their history resides within the prima facie evidences of both the O.T. and N.T. as well as the foundation of US jurisprudence, the 10 commandments provide the foundation to civilized law. Again......absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, especially when "eyewitness testimony" is considered. (John 19:35, 2 Peter 1:16

The real question. Can you prove the tablets never existed? Of course not, thus your circular illogical argument. There is more evidence of their existence than evidence of their non existence. The bible can produce 3500 years of recorded prove the history of the commandments. What can you produce other than asking idiotic, non-logical negatives that you can't prove? Your duty is to disprove the Prima Facie evidences by introducing Objective, Reproducible, and consistent facts in evidence. Proceed....present the FACTS that dismiss the Prima Facie record of the Holy Bible. Your rebuttable evidence? Where is it? :deal:
:backpedal:Back Peddle.........much?
Prima Facie within the US legal system.
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Jesus set the example for his followers. After being beaten, spit on and whipped, then stakes driven through his flesh. He returned-Forgive them Father they know not what they do.

oh, lets have that one signed by jesus himself as for sure never was spoken as claimed - if nothing else 47 they new, all knowing - for those that claim they were a god or for anyone else that knows exactly what those people knew they were doing.

it's called being sinners ... they knew.
oh, lets have that one signed by jesus himself as for sure never was spoken as claimed - if nothing else 47 they new, all knowing - for those that claim they were a god or for anyone else that knows exactly what those people knew they were doing.

it's called being sinners ... they knew.
They didn't know they were killing Gods son. Even Gods own chosen refused to believe he was the one sent by God. Satan is blinding the world=99% on earth.
They didn't know they were killing Gods son. Even Gods own chosen refused to believe he was the one sent by God. Satan is blinding the world=99% on earth.
to whom was jesus referring when he said "forgive them, they know not what they do"?
It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.
God loves his creation in his own image. You don't strike me as anyone would call you a fool, SC. Keeping the Faith requires trusting in God.
God gave us the world but lets us choose whether we become part of the Kingdom of God. Faith in God and belief in God makes you a child of God. I would be honored if I just handed you joy in Jesus who paid with his life to have his believers to feel joyful when they've served Him by turning the other cheek, giving up a payday to feed a family of fatherless children who only have a mother who has more worries than comforts, and a father who never bothered to visit his kids, but instead ran away from his responsibilities. Or decided that as the new year resolution would be a year of perfect church attendance, which could bring you weekly encouragement to do God's will. Though we don't always see political issues the same way, I've noticed that you are very gifted in saying your opinion in a very positive way.

When it comes to God, just by doing a small good deed on a regular basis will put you right with the love God has for you. He knows you are having a tough time with your confidence in religious matters, so all I can offer to comfort you is to let you know he knows you are suffering when you try to turn the other cheek which isn't easy for you. And he loves and respects you for your efforts. My prayers are up for you to stop worrying and be happy. As for God, he only wants humanity to find your Eden and this time, don't talk to snakes. :thup:
to whom was jesus referring when he said "forgive them, they know not what they do"?
Both the Israelites and Romans. One who knows they will die the way he did has a great love for mortal man to go through with it. The night before, he prayed it be taken from him, but not his will his Fathers will. He sweated blood , means he was really anxious about it. God sent an angel to encourage him. Both Jehovah and Jesus have great love to let that occur.( John 3:16)
There isn't another king worthy to be served other than Jesus at present. Its the only vote one needs to cast perse.
oh, lets have that one signed by jesus himself as for sure never was spoken as claimed - if nothing else 47 they new, all knowing - for those that claim they were a god or for anyone else that knows exactly what those people knew they were doing.

it's called being sinners ... they knew.
They were blinded by satan( 2 Cor 4:4) as are 99% today.
-Forgive them Father they know not what they do.
oh, lets have that one signed by jesus himself as for sure never was spoken as claimed -

They were blinded by satan( 2 Cor 4:4) as are 99% today.

your answer is patently false - they are what you claim is satan that does not exist, they are neither forgiven nor did they not know what they were doing ...

- the true heavenly religion of triumph jesus died for surly calls for those people to be brought to justice as they prevail to this day. is the issue at hand, justice served for the crime committed.
your answer is patently false - they are what you claim is satan that does not exist, they are neither forgiven nor did they not know what they were doing ...

- the true heavenly religion of triumph jesus died for surly calls for those people to be brought to justice as they prevail to this day. is the issue at hand, justice served for the crime committed.
All sin is acquitted at ones death.( Romans 6:7) They cannot be rejudged on those past sins. That is Gods judgement for sin= death. They paid the wages in full.
God says satan exists.
All sin is acquitted at ones death.( Romans 6:7) They cannot be rejudged on those past sins. That is Gods judgement for sin= death. They paid the wages in full.
God says satan exists.

they are resolved before ones death, all their sins for their to be judgment on their completion for who then sins no more for their admission to the everlasting to be possible ...

or hope for reincarnation - from a lower level of remediation.
Not much is coming to a faith that worships a stone from space. "You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above........" -- Ex. 20:4-6

Black Stone? Really?
Islam stole from prior pagan religions....just like Christianity has done.

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