Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

My disbelief revolves around questions I have. A lifetime of abuses since I was a kid while living in a caste/Soviet-system you would understand. At some point I start to wonder if my belief in Jesus hss lead to more suffering. why wouod I believe otherwise no matter how much I try?
The Orthodox church in Russia backs Putins war in Ukraine-Even though that same religion is Ukraines as well. Thats like saying Jesus says its ok to kill your own brothers in Christ for a power mad mortal=100% false religion--The real Jesus= LOVE, PEACE and UNITY--at all times. The opposite= antichrist--like this-2Cor 11:12-15
I don't think you understand the scripture nor Jesus Christ. He turned the other cheek for the aggressor's sake. He wasn't thinking about himself. Jesus said love those who hate and despise you. So, try loving the persons making your life difficult or just leave the situation.
By the way, it is okay to defend yourself. Jesus never said not to. He only wants us to when it is absolutely necessary. An occasional kick in the butt or slap on the face may relieve the aggressor's troubles a bit and maybe you need that kick or slap. Judge righteously before taking the step to injure another person.

Non violent resistance is to shame the enemy. This whole sequence is about how to respond to oppressive Roman laws.
Non violent resistance is to shame the enemy. This whole sequence is about how to respond to oppressive Roman laws.
That's almost funny. Shaming a ruthless enemy only gets you killed. That's why Jesus said for slaves to do what their slave masters said to do. The bulk of his teachings was to the religious Jews and Gentiles of His day he was on the earth. Not to the Romans.
That's almost funny. Shaming a ruthless enemy only gets you killed. That's why Jesus said for slaves to do what their slave masters said to do. The bulk of his teachings was to the religious Jews and Gentiles of His day he was on the earth. Not to the Romans.

Martin Luther King and Gandhi both studied the Sermon on the Mount for non violent resistance .
Martin Luther King and Gandhi both studied the Sermon on the Mount for non violent resistance .
Absolutely! But, they didn’t say not to defend yourself if needed. Six million Jews died because politicians wanted to make nice with Hitler.
It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.
Forget about God the Father... No one understands HIm. The only way we understand Him is through Jesus Christ. You have sufferings for the same reason any of us does: because without a cross, we cannot get into Heaven. Jesus came to us to save us and that involves showing us how to accept the multitudinous miseries life throws at us.. Jesus said in the Garden "Let this cup pass from Me. Yet, not my will but yours be done."

He didn't like it either
That's almost funny. Shaming a ruthless enemy only gets you killed. That's why Jesus said for slaves to do what their slave masters said to do. The bulk of his teachings was to the religious Jews and Gentiles of His day he was on the earth. Not to the Romans.

The hot button issue of the day was Roman occupation and oppressive Roman laws. The sermon on the mount is not to the Romans. Jesus is telling the Jews how to survive.
My disbelief revolves around questions I have. A lifetime of abuses since I was a kid while living in a caste/Soviet-system you would understand. At some point I start to wonder if my belief in Jesus hss lead to more suffering. why wouod I believe otherwise no matter how much I try?

My life following Jesus has been one misery after another. And yet being close to Him, being IN Him is the only thing that gives life meaning. We have to let go of the "goodies" of this world some day, so IMO God allows us to lose this and that little by little, and that is painful, but some day, if we stay close to Jesus, we will be OUT of this world and into one that is pain-free, problem-free. It is difficult to believe in such a Place, and yet I know there is a better Place. How do I know? Well, I can't prove it to others but it's been proven to me. And besides, there HAS to be. Nothing makes sense otherwise
The hot button issue of the day was Roman occupation and oppressive Roman laws. The sermon on the mount is not to the Romans. Jesus is telling the Jews how to survive.
It teaches that God's children are those who act like God. The teachings of the sermon are often referred to as the "Ethics of the Kingdom": they place a high level of emphasis on "purity of the heart" and embody the basic standard of Christian righteousness.
It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.
don't stop everything has a reason I too suffer you are not alone
OIP (25).jpg

the best is yet to come
It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.
Mr shocked----as a point of interest---I learned about islam and muslims by
contact with muslims-----over the past 60 years. One of the reasons that
christianity is "SO STUPID" is that Jesus---who was OBVIOUSLY a MUSLIM---
would never suggest that anyone ---when slapped---"turn the other cheek"
NO MUSLIM WOULD. Uhm----back then---Jesus was doing the pharisee
thing which was "accomodate them as much as possible till they GO AWAY"
"survival is most important" -----armed resistance was virtually impossible.
ASK Josephus Flavius
Muhammad's first revelation in 610 marks the beginning of the Islamic religion.
Meri----a basic islamic belief is ADAM was a muslim and the KORAN was
"created" -----at the time of "CREATION" ----in heaven. 610 marks the time
that the angel GIBRIL (that's gabriel) was sent by allah to CORRECT the utterly
messed up NT and OT (and that is the actual jelly-bean version of the history
of the world)

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