Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.
Vengeance is mine said the Lord. Some take it for self out of pride. God loves all who apply his wise council. In the end when God hands out eternal life, those who did not apply his council will turn out to be the fool.
Vengeance is mine said the Lord. Some take it for self out of pride. God loves all who apply his wise council. In the end when God hands out eternal life, those who did not apply his council will turn out to be the fool.
I told my wife not to seek revenge for me calling the police on her, something I tried to avoid forever (otten due to her threats). Her mentality mixed with her families influence/police connection means she is arrogant and disregarding about what I say. Even after a decade + of despicable, vile abuses against me. The psychological terror against me never ends, Americans need to understand this. I saw a show called "Accused: Guilty or Innocent" where a man finally had enough of abuses and shot and killed his abusive wife, all caught on video. He wss acquited and her abuses against him seemed more mild in comparison. I worry that following certain beliefs has steered me wrong unfortunately. I don't want to think this way, but against certain abusers, turning the other cheek is only enabling more abuse.
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I told my wife not to seek revenge for me calling the police on her, something I tried to avoid forever (otten due to her threats). Her mentality mixed with her families influence/police connection means she is arrogant and disregarding about what I say. Even after a decade + of despicable, vile abuses against me.
There are certain situations where something like that is unavoidable. Turn the cheek once, then after that it could be hard to do, you know what i mean.
There are certain situations where something like that is unavoidable. Turn the cheek once, then after that it could be hard to do, you know what i mean.
I turned it hundreds of times, I now have permanent pains which I don't deserve. I want my freedom. It is impossible to obtain in Canada.
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I think people often misinterpret Christ's words. And remember, there is much written in the Bible and most of it is easily understood, even by an 8 yr old. Yet there is much that is NOT easily interpreted/understood.

Turning the other cheek is likely something you are called to do only when the offense is not permanently harmful. I SERIOUSLY doubt Jesus meant tht we are to turn the other cheek when the evildoer is doing something EGREGIOUSLY harmful to us or to others.
This is yet another reason we need an infallible CHURCH established by Christ Himself

to interpret and help us understand Him and the Way to Heaven. Jesus said getting to Heaven is NOT easy. It is called the NARROW way for a reason and Jesus said that FEW find that Way. Most people end up in Hell.
Live for Gods kingdom( Matt 6:66,Matt 7:21--over self. You could find joy.
My joy requires a new scene. I honestly feel.traumatized just living in Canada, it has been that debilitating at times.
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My joy requires a new scene. I honestly feel.traumatized just living in Canada, it has been that debilitating at times.
The grass may look greener but believe me it isnt. We are at the end of these last days, it will just keep getting worse.
Men are going from bad to worse( 2 Tim 3) Our govts and corporations are selling us cancer daily and now its a huge business. The only hope left is God stepping in. You can find joy anywhere if you put God first.
The grass may look greener but believe me it isnt. We are at the end of these last days, it will just keep getting worse.
Men are going from bad to worse( 2 Tim 3) Our govts and corporations are selling us cancer daily and now its a huge business. The only hope left is God stepping in. You can find joy anywhere if you put God first.
Ones needs a nation of citizens who care about civil liberties, accountability and transparency. It isn't to be found in old, dying, historical monsrachies.
Ones needs a nation of citizens who care about civil liberties, accountability and transparency. It isn't to be found in old, dying, historical monsrachies.
Every country on earth is corrupt to the core. Gods kingdom is the only remaining hope.
But we are not the measurement. Our holy God is. And He is perfect.

no such anomaly exists ...

those in the heavens are pure, how they are there and all in the heavens are equal.

triumph over evil is the means for admission to the everlasting, the heavenly religion of antiquity granted a&e and their journey for self determination.
Satan is the ruler of this world. Why would the righteous want any part of it? What is a c bible?

that is their calling - on planet earth.

to be righteous requires triumph over evil, not lip service or the c-bible religion of servitude -

same as jesus and those that die with him who taught liberation theology, self determination the original heavenly religion of antiquity.
that is their calling - on planet earth.

to be righteous requires triumph over evil, not lip service or the c-bible religion of servitude -

same as jesus and those that die with him who taught liberation theology, self determination the original heavenly religion of antiquity.
Jesus spoke to 7 congregations= a religion in Revelation, proving he has 1 single religion on earth( 1 Cor 1:10)--One must be taught by them to know Gods truth.
a religion in Revelation, proving he has 1 single religion on earth( 1 Cor 1:10)--One must be taught by them to know Gods truth.

those of the 1st century events were foremost a repudiation of - judaism - as the means for the restoration of the original heavenly religion of antiquity based on liberation theology, self determination ... for remission to the everlasting. for everyone.

"This very night, before the rooster crows up the dawn, you will deny me three times.

sorry, there were non that gave to jesus in their hour of need - they are the last to teach anything much less the true religion of antiquity.
those of the 1st century events were foremost a repudiation of - judaism - as the means for the restoration of the original heavenly religion of antiquity based on liberation theology, self determination ... for remission to the everlasting. for everyone.

sorry, there were non that gave to jesus in their hour of need - they are the last to teach anything much less the true religion of antiquity.
Yes Peter fell temporarily, no imperfect mortals are perfect. How would you have been knowing if you stood up for Jesus they would drive stakes through your flesh and torture you for the whole day? He stood back up and became stronger than ever. God doesn't expect perfection from imperfect ones. He expects repentance. Peter did stand up and die like that, but he made them hang him upside down.

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