Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

If you think the path to Salvation is through deeds then you must be a Catholic or a Mormon. Maybe a Scientologist?

The last thing any human needs is to be held accountable for his/her deeds because of Free Will we all all fail whatever test there is.

The beauty of the Christian religion is the concept of The Grace of God. That was the mission of Jesus. He took the burden of our sins away.
It is not our deeds that save, and yet we have to have good deeds. The Bible says this, not me. I know. I have read the ENTIRE Book.

But also, it just stands to reason that a person who claims to be Christian but never DOES what Jesus says (some Christian...)

namely: feed the hungry, care for the widow/orphan

well, you can read Christ's Words yourself, in Mt 25:31-46

one of the few psgs where Jesus mentions "eternal punishment" (for those who do not show love toward the needy--by taking practical care of those needs)
It is not our deeds that save, and yet we have to have good deeds. The Bible says this, not me. I know. I have read the ENTIRE Book.

But also, it just stands to reason that a person who claims to be Christian but never DOES what Jesus says (some Christian...)

namely: feed the hungry, care for the widow/orphan

well, you can read Christ's Words yourself, in Mt 25:31-46

one of the few psgs where Jesus mentions "eternal punishment" (for those who do not show love toward the needy)
jesus was crucified by the jews because he beat living shit out of the moneychangers doing business at the holy temple.....he wasnt trurning nothing that day pilgrims
jesus was crucified by the jews because he beat living shit out of the moneychangers doing business at the holy temple.....he wasnt trurning nothing that day pilgrims
the last sentence is not making sense

But also, Jesus didn't physically beat anyone up.

He overturned their tables and drove them out of the temple
It is not our deeds that save, and yet we have to have good deeds. The Bible says this, not me. I know. I have read the ENTIRE Book.

But also, it just stands to reason that a person who claims to be Christian but never DOES what Jesus says (some Christian...)

namely: feed the hungry, care for the widow/orphan

well, you can read Christ's Words yourself, in Mt 25:31-46

one of the few psgs where Jesus mentions "eternal punishment" (for those who do not show love toward the needy--by supplying those needs)
If you have Faith and accept the Grace of God you will strive to do good deeds. Some of us will be better at it than others.

The concept of Grace is because of Free Will. It is God taking responsibility for the sin that we do because of Free Will. He sent his Son to bear the burden of our sins. That is the basic tenet of Christianity.
or maybe they are just young.

Show me the person who was not foolish when young

We are created in God's image and yet, we don't know God very well, even after walking with His Christ many moons
Young and old can be melodramatic. Still have to deal with it properly. When they are young in this condition, they turn out to be Democrats. :popcorn:
Yes, created both physically and spiritually in our Heavenly Parent's images. And, I know Father and Son pretty well. Their works in the past and present let me know who I'm working with. Two testaments of Jesus Christ and the Father's plan of Salvation, An a book(s) of information that were left out of the Old Testament and a book of doctrine and commandments for their children today. :thewave:
Young and old can be melodramatic. Still have to deal with it properly. When they are young in this condition, they turn out to be Democrats. :popcorn:
Yes, created both physically and spiritually in our Heavenly Parent's images. And, I know Father and Son pretty well. Their works in the past and present let me know who I'm working with. Two testaments of Jesus Christ and the Father's plan of Salvation, An a book(s) of information that were left out of the Old Testament and a book of doctrine and commandments for their children today. :thewave:

Jesus is God

so there's really no need to separate the 2 as though they are 2 totally different persons.

Jesus said that" if you have seen [Him] you have seen the Father"

and also "The Father and I are one"

I don't think mormons believe that?
jesus was crucified by the jews because he beat living shit out of the moneychangers doing business at the holy temple.....he wasnt trurning nothing that day pilgrims
Matthew 21:12-13, "12 ¶ And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,
13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
I doubt that anyone was still sitting in the seats when he tossed them. Where did you get he struck any of them? And, as you hopefully can read (I have my doubts) the was throwing the tables and seats out the door.
appreciate the humble honesty. I've been around Christians who act like forgiveness is easy and I'm wrong to struggle with it (not said exactly but implied). One person years ago (I think he said this out of hostily toward my Catholic faith...) said that we not only have to forgive, we have to FORGET

Please... The way the human brain is (with its awesome capacity for memory) precludes forgetting, in an absolute way anyhow
A reason we shouldn't forget is that if we should ever see something similar coming our way again, we might be able to play our part/reaction much better if we learned from the previous situation.

On the flip side, I have plenty of angst for what I have done, even unknowingly, that has impacted another. For example, when we were kids, my sister and I used to have a blast making homemade baked goods. One day it was chocolate cake with chocolate icing. I happened to see an ant crawling by, and having heard of chocolate covered ants, I rolled the ant in chocolate frosting and was about to pop it in my mouth when I got cold feet. Without telling her about the ant, I asked if she wanted the little ball of chocolate. She happily accepted and said, "This is really good." I waited two weeks before I told her what I had done, two weeks, because I was certain there would be no ill effects after that time. (I had been watching my sister carefully, and she had been fine.) The thing is that my poor sister felt queasy all evening, thinking she could feel that ant crawling around her stomach.

I think about...all the small things I may have done that I never gave a second thought--but maybe what has been long forgotten by me is still a stark, painful memory for someone else. My most sincere prayers are for those whom I may have hurt--and I don't even know, even to this day.
If you think the path to Salvation is through deeds then you must be a Catholic or a Mormon. Maybe a Scientologist?

The last thing any human needs is to be held accountable for his/her deeds because of Free Will we all all fail whatever test there is.

The beauty of the Christian religion is the concept of The Grace of God. That was the mission of Jesus. He took the burden of our sins away.
Many non-Catholic Christians may not realize that Catholics aren't tied up in salvation or "being saved." That is not our focus. Catholic focus is on kingdom living, i.e., discerning the will of God and following it. We are more in touch with, "Here I am, Lord...send me." We are servants of God, servants of Jesus Christ. And we attempt to be at all times.

Non-Catholic Christians sometimes give the impression that they believe God is their servant--He serves them up with heavenly salvation. So they poke fun at servants of God: "Look at those Catholic servants, they must be trying to earn salvation! Don't they understand God wants them to be couch potatoes like non-Catholic Christians because heaven is already our?"

Catholics pay just as much attention--or more--to the parable of increasing the number of talents God initially granted us to use now, and Kingdom living in the here and now, as we do to the afterlife.

Kingdom living, serving least think about that the next time you think you see someone you say is trying to "earn salvation." Far from it. We are already living in the kingdom--so no need to wait for death to enter it.
Jesus is God

so there's really no need to separate the 2 as though they are 2 totally different persons.

Jesus said that" if you have seen [Him] you have seen the Father"

and also "The Father and I are one"

I don't think mormons believe that?
So he was his own dad. Very interesting
My soul has.
You need to get out more. Among real people. You are lonely.
I got a horse for Christmas and after a while I could tell she had changed. The vet couldn't find anything physically wrong with her and he told me she is lonely. So I went and stabled her for part of the week and it did the trick. She is her happy self again now.
Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not comparing you to a horse. But we are social animals.
I've considered that yes,.like Job. The problem is that I have experienced the suffering far !onger than Job and at my age this shouldn't occur. Ontario is evil.
I doubt your experience even remotely approaches what Job went thru

Jesus (the Creator of EVERYTHING) came to earth and revealed what He expects of HIS called out ones. He told you you're not to return evil for evil. But you don't have to (and SHOULDN'T) stay in an abusive environment. If you choose to, stop blaming God for your bad choices
I doubt your experience even remotely approaches what Job went thru

Jesus (the Creator of EVERYTHING) came to earth and revealed what He expects of HIS called out ones. He told you you're not to return evil for evil. But you don't have to (and SHOULDN'T) stay in an abusive environment. If you choose to, stop blaming God for your bad choices
My bad choices.or the bad choices of others who have been unfairly rewarded? Educate yourself please.
Many non-Catholic Christians may not realize that Catholics aren't tied up in salvation or "being saved." That is not our focus. Catholic focus is on kingdom living, i.e., discerning the will of God and following it. We are more in touch with, "Here I am, Lord...send me." We are servants of God, servants of Jesus Christ. And we attempt to be at all times.

Non-Catholic Christians sometimes give the impression that they believe God is their servant--He serves them up with heavenly salvation. So they poke fun at servants of God: "Look at those Catholic servants, they must be trying to earn salvation! Don't they understand God wants them to be couch potatoes like non-Catholic Christians because heaven is already our?"

Catholics pay just as much attention--or more--to the parable of increasing the number of talents God initially granted us to use now, and Kingdom living in the here and now, as we do to the afterlife.

Kingdom living, serving least think about that the next time you think you see someone you say is trying to "earn salvation." Far from it. We are already living in the kingdom--so no need to wait for death to enter it.
I agree with this. I LOVE this, actually. I try to see myself as "returning to Eden" (as much as possible in this world, or living as ambassadors of The Kingdom.
the last sentence is not making sense

But also, Jesus didn't physically beat anyone up.

He overturned their tables and drove them out of the temple
why does God say he will send obese people to burn in a lake of fire for eternity then
You need to get out more. Among real people. You are lonely.
I got a horse for Christmas and after a while I could tell she had changed. The vet couldn't find anything physically wrong with her and he told me she is lonely. So I went and stabled her for part of the week and it did the trick. She is her happy self again now.
Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not comparing you to a horse. But we are social animals.
can you find a hot woman to stable with me for a few weeks

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