Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

I doubt your experience even remotely approaches what Job went thru

Jesus (the Creator of EVERYTHING) came to earth and revealed what He expects of HIS called out ones. He told you you're not to return evil for evil. But you don't have to (and SHOULDN'T) stay in an abusive environment. If you choose to, stop blaming God for your bad choices
Please explain , outside of my fierce loyalty, how I am responsible for my wfes abuse against me for well over a decade? This, among other abuses in Ontario.
You really, really need to stop comparing yourself to Job.
Oh there are many similarities. Noone on here has the details I have. Some may have been TOLD some by the in-house cops such as Donald H, whose job is to influence others and give partial facts but i know the truth over decades, so do certain Americans. You might want to ask yourself,. "why would a cop join this site the last couple of years?" . It was so bad that my soon to be ex, once told me that she was working with the police. Huh? I thought she was just blowing smoke, when I consider how much the police have worked to harm me, how they treated her the day they arrived when i called them, I have ro sadly consider that she may have been telling the truth. Now, this would be akin to state sponsored assaults (again) and abuse on a citizen. They would have had to have known.what was going on for years. This is who some of YOUR agencies are supporting. Put ot this way, my truth woukd qualify me for asylum in almost every other nation on earth.
Oh there are many similarities. Noone on here has the details I have. Some may have been TOLD some by the in-house cops such as Donald H, whose job is to influence others and give partial facts but i know the truth over decades, so do certain Americans. You might want to ask yourself,. "why would a cop join this site the last couple of years?" . It was so bad that my soon to be ex, once told me that she was working with the police. Huh? I thought she was just blowing smoke, when I consider how much the police have worked to harm me, how they treated her the day they arrived when i called them, I have ro sadly consider that she may have been telling the truth. Now, this would be akin to state sponsored assaults (again) and abuse on a citizen. They would have had to have known.what was going on for years. This is who some of YOUR agencies are supporting. Put ot this way, my truth woukd qualify me for asylum in almost every other nation on earth.

So you believe Satan was looking to prove that no one is righteous and God said, hey what about my man shocked canadian? The one who believes in my so little he hedges his bets with other religions?

That's the beginning of Job.
So you believe Satan was looking to prove that no one is righteous and God said, hey what about my man shocked canadian? The one who believes in my so little he hedges his bets with other religions?

That's the beginning of Job.
I hedge my bets on expanding righteousness beyond Chrisitianity. Is Jesus going to punish me for NOT eating pork? For praying to G_d before a meal? As long as I speak the truth and remain a good human, my spriit will be saved. Those who abused me cannot say the same.
As long as I speak the truth and remain a good human, my spriit will be saved.

Jesus had to come--and die--exactly because there ARE no "good humans".

Not me.

Not you.

Not any of us, except Him.

Anything less, or anything else, is not Christianity.
I hedge my bets on expanding righteousness beyond Chrisitianity. Is Jesus going to punish me for NOT eating pork? For praying to G_d before a meal? As long as I speak the truth and remain a good human, my spriit will be saved. Those who abused me cannot say the same.
I been following this thread but I still can't figure out exactly what your problem is. You were abused and you can't move on. That's what I'm getting.
If I'm wrong, just disregard

If someone knocks you down, that's their fault. If you're still down ten years later, that's you. That's you not getting up
It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.
That sentence was most definitely one added at some point by some oligarch 1000 years ago to control the population.
Essentially, according to this supposed sentence - "no matter what someone does to you, let them do it over and over again. Never retaliate."
I don't think for one second that is the intent and message of Christ.
I been following this thread but I still can't figure out exactly what your problem is. You were abused and you can't move on. That's what I'm getting.
If I'm wrong, just disregard

If someone knocks you down, that's their fault. If you're still down ten years later, that's you. That's you not getting up
My saga is far from over, this has been the intention of my wife and her family and, withoit question, certain apparatuses here.
Jesus had to come--and die--exactly because there ARE no "good humans".

Not me.

Not you.

Not any of us, except Him.

Anything less, or anything else, is not Christianity.
Of course there are good humans. I've met many horrible ones but the good do exist and we should strive to emulate them best we can. "Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God.". To me this doesn't mean there aren't good humans, they just don't rise to the level of G_d obviously so it is a relative term.
If you think the path to Salvation is through deeds then you must be a Catholic or a Mormon. Maybe a Scientologist ...

If you think "the path to salvation" is in spite of evil deeds then you must be an unreal idiot or a leading member of a criminal organisation like scientology. Do you really think the grace of god is able to be an excuse for evil deeds? So what do you compare? Scientology is nothing else than only a criminal organisation. The nightmare of a science fiction author.
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jesus was crucified by the jews ...

By the Romans. Only the Romans in the Roman Empire had the right to crucify someone (but only not-Romans). The Roman empire was full of crosses.

A tip: Replace in your thoughts the word "Jew" with "human being" or "American" then your are perhaps better able to understand the weird intrigues around the death of "the king of the Americans" Jesus.
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Of course there are good humans. I've met many horrible ones but the good do exist and we should strive to emulate them best we can. "Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God.". To me this doesn't mean there aren't good humans, they just don't rise to the level of G_d obviously so it is a relative term.

By our standards, of course. If we measure ourselves against each other, yes.

But we are not the measurement. Our holy God is. And He is perfect. It's not something He can control--He just is.

Think of it like this: He is perfect in the way a crystal clear glass of mountain spring water is "perfect". Now add just one drop of dark food coloring. What happens to the water?

Although God does not "absorb" our sin like water, He is repulsed by it in the way opposite sides of a magnet are. He cannot be around sin. THAT is the standard. Perfection is the standard.

We could never achieve it, and He knew this. So because of his vast and incomprehensible love, He sent someone who could, in our place.
By our standards, of course. If we measure ourselves against each other, yes.

But we are not the measurement. Our holy God is. And He is perfect. It's not something He can control--He just is.

Think of it like this: He is perfect in the way a crystal clear glass of mountain spring water is "perfect". Now add just one drop of dark food coloring. What happens to the water?

Although God does not "absorb" our sin like water, He is repulsed by it in the way opposite sides of a magnet are. He cannot be around sin. THAT is the standard. Perfection is the standard.

We could never achieve it, and He knew this. So because of his vast and incomprehensible love, He sent someone who could, in our place.
There is great evil going on in Canada and some Americans believe their lies about me. These tactics of abusers are some of the reasons you left the monarchy. Now somehow they are 'cool" as long as one if a member of a position of authority?

i can't even imagine what men who survived WWII think of such people who happily accept the abuse of power.
There is great evil going on in Canada and some Americans believe their lies about me. These tactics of abusers are some of the reasons you left the monarchy. Now somehow they are 'cool" as long as one if a member of a position of authority?

i can't even imagine what men who survived WWII think of such people who happily accept the abuse of power.

What are you talking about? This doesn't have anything to do with what I typed
What are you talking about? This doesn't have anything to do with what I typed
It has everything to do with this. One cannot be "good" no matter their efforts when the State, similar to how the Stasi acted; interfers with,.misrepresents and applies great effort to present someone as "bad". SOME in America, much to my dismay; has unfortunately bought into Canadas Police State. It wasn't like this in 2001 when they knew how staunchly I supported the U.S. It seems times have changed and the end result wll definitely mewj far less freedom globally.
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