Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

What do you do when you run out of cheeks? You get your face out of their arms reach. Jesus never said to let yourself be a punching bag. Take a couple of hits and then leave. Don't give anyone a third chance to fuck you over.
Please spread your blasphemy somewhere else
What are you talking aboit?

Just put her on ignore, bro. She's a troll who's only trying to get you to respond in a manner where she can say "I told you you're no Christian."

I usually keep her on "ignore" unless I need some entertainment.
If a person was found guilty in court, one of the punishments was that the victim could slap the right cheek of the offender. You stood in front of the the person found guilty and you had to use the back of your right hand to slap the right cheek of the one found guilty.
If the accused turned the other cheek it was a sign of indignation and innocence. A person standing in front of you can not slap the left cheek with the back of his right hand.

Having said that, forgiving, even though you aren't guilty of what you have been accused of, with no malice toward the one accusing you is exactly what Jesus would do, and did do, so if that is what you have done then Bravo, good and faithful servant.
God never promised you easy, He promised victory though, and forgiving is at the top of the list. It makes for a clean heart...
It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.


In Matthew 5, Jesus is setting out a whole new way of living for God. Now, He has fulfilled the law; He is setting up a NT law. It is perfection. Now, don't just not murder--don't even murder "in your heart". Don't just not commit adultery; don't even LOOK at a woman in lust. If someone wants one coat, give him two. If someone smacks you on the cheek, turn the other one. Etc.

The ending: "be perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect", is something to keep in mind always, but not something we can actually attain. If it were, Jesus could have given that sermon, swiped his hands and said, "well there it is, my work is done!"

But we can't do it, of course. We can't even come close. Hence His death and resurrection.

(For confirmation of this: when Jesus told the rich man to sell everything he had and follow him, and the rich man left sad. Then Jesus told His disciples "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of needle than a rich man to enter Heaven". The disciples ask, "Who then can be saved?" Jesus answers, "with man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible." All of this is in Matthew 19)
I've considered that yes,.like Job. The problem is that I have experienced the suffering far !onger than Job and at my age this shouldn't occur. Ontario is evil.

Okay honestly, this is pretty....I don't know, presumptuous I guess. The book of Job starts with Satan saying, hey God, got any righteous men down there? And God says, "Hey have you considered my man Job? He's really righteous."

Is that what you're saying?
Don't feel bad. That's why I never made a good Christian.

I have been a Christian for decades now. We regularly go to church. I read the Bible daily. I pray. I serve at church, etc. I say this to put forth that by exteriors, people would say "hey there's a good Christian".

I'm not a "good Christian" though by my own measure. The stuff I do is sometimes okay but mostly regrettable.

Look at my Savior, never at me. Thank God.
I don't think you understand the scripture nor Jesus Christ. He turned the other cheek for the aggressor's sake. He wasn't thinking about himself. Jesus said love those who hate and despise you. So, try loving the persons making your life difficult or just leave the situation.


Turning the other cheek is for the aggressor's sake, as with loving thy enemies, walking an extra mile voluntarily with your adversary, etc. etc. etc.

God loves ALL of his children, even the shitheads!

By continuing to be nice and forgiving, when the other person is shitty..... is so that the shitty person will feel burning coals on their head.... Guilt about being a jerk, guilt for being an asshole over and over to a person who has been controlled, peaceful, kind and forgiving.... Enough guilt to make them change the error of their ways.... from the inside, out.
It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.
Never good to build a life around one line in scripture, especially if one plans to use that verse out of context. In Jesus' day, there were specific instances, and specific people who might be struck on the cheek. Usually, it involved humiliation. Turning the other cheek was basically offering the other person an opportunity to humiliate himself.

Jesus never said, "If someone is abusing you, let 'em!"

If you are angry when someone abuses you, that emotion is instructing you to act. No, that does not mean you have permission to do something abusive in return. You make it clear you will not permit abuse.
Never good to build a life around one line in scripture, especially if one plans to use that verse out of context. In Jesus' day, there were specific instances, and specific people who might be struck on the cheek. Usually, it involved humiliation. Turning the other cheek was basically offering the other person an opportunity to humiliate himself.

Jesus never said, "If someone is abusing you, let 'em!"

If you are angry when someone abuses you, that emotion is instructing you to act. No, that does not mean you have permission to do something abusive in return. You make it clear you will not permit abuse.
That is the problem, for years I didn't call the poloce because se threatened that if I did it would be ME that would get screwed over. Here we are... She punched her own face before when I needed an ambulance after she struck me and even suggested that she almost told the doctor that the injury she had on her leg was caused by me! That was just a threat but it woke me up. How nice of her to NOT lie in that instance. Now imagine the position I was in? I've been abused all of my life in this country and only in one case did that a abuser get some (minor) consequences when our teacher plead guilty to molesting us students. That was a very long time ago.
Now imagine the position I was in? I've been abused all of my life
My own thought is to get away from the abuse. I don't know if there is an abuse hotline, or safe houses in your area, etc. You need a plan...and someone with experience and knowledge to assist in implementing it.
Of COURSE not. Don't be an idiot. Turn the other cheek and LEAVE. Don't carry vengeance in your heart. Just leave.

You have more excuses on why you stay in this marriage than almost anyone I have ever seen. It's how you get attention for yourself. Ohh poooorrr boy, so hurt, so innocent, so put upon. So helpless. Oh where oh where is this strong person that can battle these demons for him. Since he can't do it himself.
I hope you are never in such a place and someone says this to you

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