My Proposed Amendment To The US Constitution

You have never heard those arguments before - never. This is new stuff.

Honestly Prof.?

I don't think you had any government classes at University, if you even went to University. And I'm not sure you paid much attention in high school.

I looks like you haven't paid much attention through the years, either.

The fact of the matter is. . . the current system we have? They don't follow the Constitution, or stick with it very closely as it is. And in this political climate, with the deep state and the bureaucracy are wielding more power than the public state. The partisans are subverting the rule of law for their respective stake holders.

Opening all that up to a total rework of the system would never, ever work.

Hell, these opposing interests can't even get a budget passed most of the time. . . so this is a fantasy that will never, ever happen. You should be more focused on joining with the rest of America to help us prevent an international oligarchical collectivist technocratic take over of the nation. . . which is currently happening, RIGHT NOW!

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I am not forbidding them from participating. As far as I am concerned, everyone is invited. I am not afraid that the nefarious people are so sneaky that their schemes will be unchallenged by the smart and honest litigation lawyers that will be participating and competing for the honor of being a signatory to the document that succeeds the almighty United States Constitution of 1787.

Lawyers, are, for the most part, part of the establishment, like members of the guilds. They are beholden to the interests of the establishment. When it comes to government, there really isn't such a thing as a lawyer which is, "an honest litigator," or a judge which remains, above the political fray. As they owe their careers to the party.

You live in a fantasy world, or you are a conscious and active saboteur.

Who sent you. . the Chinese? The Russians? Microsoft? Soros? :20:

You should be more focused on joining with the rest of America to help us prevent an international oligarchical collectivist technocratic take over of the nation. . . which is currently happening, RIGHT NOW!
It is not my fault that you do not see my ambition as ultimately challenging the idea that you describe in paranoic terms.

You live in a fantasy world, or you are a conscious and active saboteur.

Who sent you. . the Chinese? The Russians? Microsoft? Soros?

You are not trying to find a solution to the problems.

You are the one living in a paranoic state of delusion.
It is not my fault that you do not see my ambition as ultimately challenging the idea that you describe in paranoic terms.

You are not trying to find a solution to the problems.

You are the one living in a paranoic state of delusion.
Good lord. You aren't even paying attention to what is going on in the world, and now you are calling me "paranoid," for calling you out on that?

There has never been nor ever will be a form of gov't that will be better than the one we've already got, not as long as human nature exists. It isn't the Constitution that is the problem, it is the people who are charged with executing the functions therein. And if I might say so, the problem lies also with the people who are governed, by not holding elected and unelected officeholders accountable for their mistakes and misdeeds.
There has never been nor ever will be a form of gov't that will be better than the one we've already got, not as long as human nature exists. It isn't the Constitution that is the problem, it is the people who are charged with executing the functions therein. And if I might say so, the problem lies also with the people who are governed, by not holding elected and unelected officeholders accountable for their mistakes and misdeeds.
The checks and balances do not work as your third-grade teacher taught you they work. You are making excuse for not devising a better system of separation that provides for a more sophisticated system of checks and balances.

You cannot figure out a better way, and so, anybody who does appears to you to be of a nefarious origin. - Bipartisan_conspiracy.png
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We are saddled with a large number of incompetent and corrupt Federal judges who don't enforce the Constitution they way they vowed to do. I want all District Federal Judges to have their appointments and behavior reviewed every 10 years by a Senate Committee and the bad ones removed from the bench.
Ignorant nonsense.

Just because you don’t agree with how a Federal judge might rule doesn’t mean he’s ‘incompetent’ or ‘corrupt.’

And the Constitution already provides for impeachment and removal from the bench.
The US Congress is utterly corrupt and dysfunctional, so you want them to have even more power?

The issue is that the US federal government has far too much power, more than what was given it by the Constitution. The only way back is for states to rise up and regain their Constitutional powers by amending the Constitution themselves.

It has never been done but the provision was put there in case the US Federal government became too corrupt and powerful.

The supremacy of the Federal government is settled, accepted, and beyond dispute – as originally intended by the Framers.

Federal laws, the Federal courts, and the rulings of Federal courts are the supreme law of the land, the states and local jurisdictions subordinate to Federal laws and courts.
The US Congress is utterly corrupt and dysfunctional, so you want them to have even more power?

The issue is that the US federal government has far too much power, more than what was given it by the Constitution. The only way back is for states to rise up and regain their Constitutional powers by amending the Constitution themselves.

It has never been done but the provision was put there in case the US Federal government became too corrupt and powerful.
Sounds like a great idea - what can I do to help?

I have reviewed Article V and the Convention of States campaign. I believe that the leaders of the CoS are insincere and only seek to threaten a convention in an effort to compel the federal legislature to do the actual litigation of any amendments, because that is what has happened in the past.

It is extremely difficult to organize people to do anything, much less, the concept described in Article V. The ability to actually form the Article V convention and validate amendments (legislation) for state ratification would be the successor to the subsisting federal government, and the composers of Article V were well aware of this.

Again, what can I do to help with your proposal?

Where are you at in your effort - just kicking it around in your head hoping someone else has the leadership skills to move it forward???
We are saddled with a large number of incompetent and corrupt Federal judges who don't enforce the Constitution they way they vowed to do. I want all District Federal Judges to have their appointments and behavior reviewed every 10 years by a Senate Committee and the bad ones removed from the bench.
This doesn't take an amendment.
The inferior courts are created and regulated by Congress.
The supremacy of the Federal government is settled, accepted, and beyond dispute – as originally intended by the Framers.
Federal laws, the Federal courts, and the rulings of Federal courts are the supreme law of the land, the states and local jurisdictions subordinate to Federal laws and courts.
This is why it is still illegal to sell marijuana in all of the states that legalized it.
This doesn't take an amendment.
The inferior courts are created and regulated by Congress.
No. The Constitution says Federal judges serve life terms. They are appointed by the Pres and confirmed by the Senate.
No. The Constitution says Federal judges serve life terms.
US Constitution:

The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour,

In the establishment of inferior courts, Congress can specify a "good behaviour" rule of review.

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