My Questions About Islam


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
I've been thinking a lot about this and want to share those thoughts with you. I am not a scholar so a lot of my thinking could be wrong. I invite calm responses.

Muslims believe there is but one god – Allah. So do Christians and Jews, so why the rancor between the sects.

Muslims believe that Mohammed was a prophet who heard Allah's words and they were put into the Quran and used to further his military campaign to increase the territory he controlled.

Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet but a minor one. Like the Jews, they do not accept that Jesus was killed and rose again so all Mankind would live after death. Both groups believe the faithful will have a good life if they're faithful and go to hell if not.

It appears that the biggest problems in Islam is between groups fighting over who the successor to Mohammed were. This is worthy of centuries of slaughter? Christians believe Peter was sent to carry the word to the rest of the world. I don't think there has ever been a big deal over this.

To a Muslim, anyone who does not share his or her belief is an Infidel who should either convert or be enslaved or killed. Why? I don't understand this lack of acceptance for anyone who does not agree with someone's belief.

There is a brief comparison grid between Islam and Christianity @ Comparison grid between Christianity and Islamic doctrine but it doesn't answer all my questions. Am I misguided or do I find Islam to be a hateful and intolerant political cult that has only the goal of conquering everyone else?

And then I see something like this:
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And it raises the question of how can people like these ever become fully integrating into a free and open democratic society?
It appears that the biggest problems in Islam is between groups fighting over who the successor to Mohammed were. This is worthy of centuries of slaughter? Christians believe Peter was sent to carry the word to the rest of the world. I don't think there has ever been a big deal over this.

The Roman Catholics just had to slaughter other Christian sects through the ages to keep the competition down....
I'm no scholar, either, but I think it is the EXTREMIST interpretations, represented by the jihadists, who are hateful and intolerant. The billion+ Muslims on the planet who are NOT trying to kill or enslave the rest of us indicate that to me. And while Christianity is more peaceful in its scripture, not so long ago Christians of the west were merrily enslaving Africans and Native Americans (south of the border) and doing their best to destroy their belief systems. The days of Imperialism were staunchly upheld by believers in the spread of the one true religion.

I think any religion can be hijacked and distorted, as jihadists have have done and as some Christians have done in the past. Golly, two Pro-lifers have wished me dead this week. Christianity can get violent, too.

But Longknife, that video....she is a journalist, she has to know her very skimpy sundress would seem inappropriate to these guys; was she fishing for that type of response? I guess we need to ask the two million Muslims living in America why they aren't freakin' out over short-shorts and low cut dresses. They managed to assimilate somehow, or their parents did.
That makes me wonder about American Muslims who DO seem to accept the less than modest portions of our society. How to they deal with the LGBT and other segments of society?
That makes me wonder about American Muslims who DO seem to accept the less than modest portions of our society. How to they deal with the LGBT and other segments of society?
We do not accept them......we just ignore them. ...... :cool:
Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet but a minor one. Like the Jews, they do not accept that Jesus was killed and rose again so all Mankind would live after death. Both groups believe the faithful will have a good life if they're faithful and go to hell if not.
The Qur’an tells us a lot of wonderful things about Jesus. As a result, believers in the Qur’an love Jesus, honour him, and believe in him. In fact, no Muslim can be a Muslim unless he or she believes in Jesus, on whom be peace.

He is by no means "minor", but he is one of Ulu al-azm Prophets (the Resolute Messengers=Messengers of inflexible purpose)
He is described in quran as being
Al-Masih – “The Messiah

Kalimatullaah – “Word of God

Qawl al-haqq – “Sure word-of the truth

Ruhun minhu – “ Spirit from Him( from God)

Nabi – “Prophet

Rasul – meaning “Messenger

Isa ibn Maryam – “Jesus son of Mary” mentioned thirty three times.

Abdullah – meaning “Servant of God

Min al-muqareeabin – “Among those who are close to God

Wadjih – “Worthy of esteem " in this world and the next

Mubarak – “Blessed” as “a source of benefit for others
shia believed imam zaman and jesus are friends and they will come back at armageddon together ..
and both of them are alive
A simple FACT ignored by the people that do not grasp the danger.... Islam REQUIRES that all people be either Muslim or dead. There are two different approaches to how to accomplish this goal. One group believes they can accomplish it by out breeding everyone else and slowly taking over like they are in Europe. The goal is to become a majority and control the Government then to make everyone else a 2nd class citizen forced to pay a tax to survive. With eventual domination and control sometime in the future. These are the supposed Moderates.

The other group believe warfare and slaughter will get them the majority. And while the Moderates believe they can win with slow creep they do NOT oppose this approach.
I was waiting the comments about intra-faith discord among Christians causing as man deaths as those in Islam. Guess they realize facts disprove that.

The biggest killer in Europe was not religion, it was sanitation. The Bubonic Plague was estimated to have killed between 25 and 200 million people.
That makes me wonder about American Muslims who DO seem to accept the less than modest portions of our society. How to they deal with the LGBT and other segments of society?
We do not accept them......we just ignore them. ...... :cool:

"We"? Who are the "we"? You're alone, who talking with the royal plural?
I live in Hungary, I was born here, I lived here all in my life, I am a Hungarian citizen and I'm Hungarian nationality. The Hungarian government is notorious, many people says in the word that fascist. (true). Our Príme minister: Viktor Orban speaks similar as you. He says: "we Hungarians blahblahblah....". He should do not speak instead me, I'm not a fascist. I am outraged and furious!!

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