My Sympathy Is With The Teacher

Once again, sorry. The second "bodily harm" part has to be met too.

Again, from your link:

No Requirement of Injury

To commit the crime of misdemeanor battery, an accused does not have to injure the alleged victim. The intentional touching against another person’s will is sufficient. In fact, where the allegation is that the touching was against the alleged victim’s will, the existence or extent of injury becomes irrelevant. D.C. v. State, 436 So. 2d 203, 206 (Fla. 1st DCA 1983).

The specific language of the law includes bodily harm. Touching (or in this instance, barely) that does not cause injury does not warrant the charge.

I think I've successfully to rest. One needn't inflict injury to be charged with battery...

(By the way, you seem diametrically opposed to the OP, are you wanting the charges for the teacher to spite the author of the thread or are you genuinely concerned? I can never really tell on this board anymore)

Why would I want to spite the OP? That's stupid.

I'm opposed to the OP because she's defending an adult who physically attacked a child.

You're completely fucked in the head if you don't see what's wrong with that...
My favorite new variation of this is all insanity is "Trauma-informed teaching".

Mostly this manifests as "traumatized" children destroying everything around them. Literally. Throwing things, melting down. Hitting, punching, kicking. When the other six year olds turn their wide innocent eyes on me....I got nothing. I'm supposed to say something inane like "Oh yeah he's just having a bad day".

Of course he just traumatized all of them.

I say this to those on the "trauma team" and they look at me like I'm nuts.

Just wow.

When I become Queen of America.....this will not be allowed. Teachers will be honored, and those interfering with education will be removed.

Teachers should be the center, not that absurd "guide on the side."

If only.
Let's go over the definitions of assault and battery:

Assault and Battery​

Florida's law specifically provides that:

  • An assault is an intentional, unlawful threat to harm another, when the actor has the apparent ability to cause harm and the threats cause another to fear for their immediate safety.

I don't believe there's any question regarding this aspect...

  • A battery occurs when the person intentionally and actually touches another against their will (no matter how slight the contact) or intentionally causes bodily harm to another.

I'd like to believe you understand the definition of the word "or", but I'm not so sure you do.

The simple contact, whether it inflicts injury or not, is sufficient...
Oh, for Christ's sake, fuck off.

If I'd have said "parent" you'd have bitched about me assuming the kid was from a broken home.

Fine, if the kid's from a broken home then the PARENT probably trusted the teacher until he/she saw this video.

'Fuck outta' here with your nonsense, Chic...

No vulgarity.

Learn how to address your betters.
If you want to get technical, the child committed verbal assault against the teacher. But hey we're all for letting kids off the hook for bad behavior. The kid won't be punished and the teacher will.
Why would I want to spite the OP? That's stupid.

I'm opposed to the OP because she's defending an adult who physically attacked a child.

You're completely fucked in the head if you don't see what's wrong with that...

Furthermore, as I said earlier, children need to suffer real-world adult consequences for this kind of behavior if their parents refuse to teach them those things.
Well, she isn't. They can't charge her under the statute. Felony battery needs to result in "great bodily harm" to the victim that could cause disability or disfigurement. The touching occurred, but no great bodily harm did.

This won't go well for the prosecution because this is most certainly an overcharge.

Soooo......any chance she'll get a medal and a promotion????
Now for the other side of this. I teach elementary. Even so I have been hit, bitten, had things thrown at me and been pushed into furniture. I'm petite. I don't weigh 100 lbs. So yeah, 4th and 5th graders quite often outweigh me and kids in meltdowns can be very strong.

My husband has had enough. He says next time I get physically assaulted at work and no one does anything he's paying a little visit to the front office. He's my HUSBAND. Who can blame him?

A special needs student just sent his teacher to the hospital in the last month. This happens all the time. Happened in my bldg just this year.

Again these stories typically don't get media and no one really cares. So again people are just leaving teaching. Good luck with the B team. And C team

I am so sorry.

How can so many teachers vote Democrat after what they've done to the profession.

Just wow.

When I become Queen of America.....this will not be allowed. Teachers will be honored, and those interfering with education will be removed.

Teachers should be the center, not that absurd "guide on the side."

If only.

On three separate occasions this year I have had students get mad and devastate my room. When this happens the OTHER kids must leave until the offender is all out of meltdown. Nothing happens to these kids. The psych hospitals for kids are all full up with long lists.

This is just one school. But happens in many schools. Really everywhere.

We are in big trouble. Sorry to be a downer but it's just that bad.
If you want to get technical, the child committed verbal assault against the teacher. But hey we're all for letting kids off the hook for bad behavior. The kid won't be punished and the teacher will.

Furthermore, as I said earlier, children need to suffer real-world adult consequences for this kind of behavior if their parents refuse to teach them those things.

So you believe the appropriate reaction to someone screaming at you and calling you a shithead would be to hit them?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Children need to suffer consequences, yes. "Real world adult consequences"? No. That's insane. You're stupid...
Hitting a student is never acceptable, period.

How about swearing at a teacher?

And how about Obama making certain that Nikolas Cruz was immune to punishment?

This is what support for Democrats does:

The results were exactly what any normal person would have anticipated: crime, unpunished, multiplied.

"Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."

Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.

Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."

The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

Good work, you dunce.
When I encounter someone here who's better than me, perhaps I'll take your advice.

Given your support for those who'd beat children, I hope you're not a breeder...
Spare us both the false outrage, please. It's an all too common show on this board that never reaches the real world with most of the members here.

But hey, keep supporting children who disrespect their elders and teachers.

(we both hope you don't breed or haven't bred either. Kids deserve to know what the consequences of their behavior will be. You don't seem to care if the child suffers any in this case, or perhaps any)
I am so sorry.

How can so many teachers vote Democrat after what they've done to the profession.

Thank you--people just do not know. But the great resignation is coming to teaching this fall. Schools will have to go remote again bc they can't get teachers. In a way....well, some parents have earned this.

Oh, one more fun detail then I'm done. It is very common now for every incoming Kinder class to have kids enter not toilet trained. Often nothing wrong with the kids. Parents just couldn't be bothered. So it's the school's job.

Want to know why Jaxon can't read? Well he spent kindergarten getting potty trained. That's why.
So you believe the appropriate reaction to someone screaming at you and calling you a shithead would be to hit them?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Of course. I would deck anyone who chose to walk straight up to me and verbally assault me. I would spank my kids (if I had any) for popping off at the mouth).

Nothing is wrong with me. I simply believe in the idea of cause and effect. Action and consequence.

And that any kid capable of knowing right from wrong should be educated on the consequences of bad behavior toward others, and if that happens to be a slap on the wrist or tap with a stick, so be it.
But hey, keep supporting children who disrespect their elders and teachers.

I don't support them at all, you ignorant fuck.

What I support is the idea that they shouldn't be beaten with a stick for screaming at someone.

Apparently, you believe that's perfectly fine. If you don't have children, please don't. If you do have children, they should be removed from your care...

(we both hope you don't breed or haven't bred either.

Wow, that was a snappy comeback.

But, you can fuck off, bitch. My daughter is a successful, respectful woman in her 30's. Her mother and I raised her that way...

Kids deserve to know what the consequences of their behavior will be. You don't seem to care if the child suffers any in this case, or perhaps any)

Where have I said the kid shouldn't suffer any consequences? That's right, dipshit, I HAVEN'T.

The sad part is that, when it comes to consequences, you're so intellectually inept that all you can come up with is beating the kid in question.

Do you seriously not see a problem with that?
I agree with this.

Why is hitting a teacher acceptable? Or why do we tolerate it?

There is 'hitting' and there is 'hitting.'

We've all heard jokes about Nuns in Catholic schools and their seem to have recovered and done just fine.

And the record of parochial schooling is outstanding.

  1. Many Catholic families joined the middle-class exodus from blighted communities, and few such schools were fund in the suburbs. “…middle-class Irish and Italian families started moving to the suburbs, leaving urban Catholic schools to cater to a majority of lower-income blacks and Hispanics.”,8599,1929589,00.html#ixzz0fid3CTtg
  2. Americans were migrating from the Northeast to western and southern states, which had no history of Catholic education.
  3. The liberalization of the Church after Vatican II dimmed the sense of obligation to educate their children in parochial school. And resulted in fewer entering religious vocations resulted in higher tuition. “In 1950, 90% of the teachers in Catholic schools came from religious orders; by 1967, the figure was 58%; today, it is 4%. This shift has meant that schools have had to raise tuition in order to pay more lay teachers. “,8599,1929589,00.html
  4. The general revolt against authority in the culture begged the question of sending children to the most authoritarian and dogmatic educational milieu.
«In 1981, James Coleman published the first significant finding that Catholic schools were more effective at education. (James S. Coleman, "Public Schools, Private Schools, and the Public Interest," The Public Interest No. 64 (Summer 1981).

e. Urban parochial schools were serving a growing share of disadvantaged and frequently non-Catholic youngsters. In a study published in 1990, for example, the Rand Corporation found that, of the Catholic school students in these Catholic high schools in New York City, 75 to 90 percent were black or Hispanic.
Over 66 percent of the Catholic school graduates received the New York State Regents diploma to signify completion of an academically demanding college preparatory curriculum, while only about 5 percent of the public school students received this distinction;

The Catholic high schools graduated 95 percent of their students each year, while the public schools graduated slightly more 50 percent of their senior class;

The Catholic school students achieved an average combined SAT score of 803, while the public school students' average combined SAT score was 642;

60 percent of the Catholic school black students scored above the national average for black students on the SAT, and over 70 percent of public school black students scored below the same national average.

« More recent studies confirm these observations.

"Classes in Catholic parochial schools tended to be larger than in private schools in general. More than 62 percent of the Catholic parochial schools had an average class size of 25 or more, a substantially higher proportion than private schools overall (36 percent)."

"Catholic schools are attractive to non-Catholics for several reasons, parents and Catholic educators say. They offer the close supervision and small classes of private schools at a fraction of the cost - often as little as $1,000 a year. Most important, along with academics, many parents say, is that Catholic schools provide discipline and instruct students in morals and values through their religious teaching." More Non-Catholic Students Trying Catholic Schools (Published 1987)

Bring back rulers!!!!!!!!!
I don't support them at all, you ignorant fuck.

What I support is the idea that they shouldn't be beaten with a stick for screaming at someone.

Did that look like a beating to you? Oh my. Then we didn't watch the same video did we?

Wow, that was a snappy comeback.

But, you can fuck off, bitch. My daughter is a successful, respectful woman in her 30's. Her mother and I raised her that way...

Equally snappy, Canon. Good for you, but you kinda deserved that for hoping someone else "wasn't a breeder."

Wait, is that you thinking you are immune to blowback from your own comments? Do you realize what kind of board this is?


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