My take on the candidates and the president.

They suck. Trump sucks. Warren is a commie. Petey Boi is a sock puppet, Biden is a crook. Booker tries too hard to be the next Obama. Obama sucked. Harris was a fraud. Hitlery is the democrats version of Bolton.

Let's see, who did I leave out? Yang. A free $1000 a month candidate. What the hell, it's only money, right?
Tulsi. She's the best democrat the democrats have had since JFK. But the minute she said "cut spending on the wars," the democrat threw her under the bus.

Oh, and Trump sucks. The GOP wouldn't know a real conservative if you gave them his name.
Justin Amash

Now, with that said,,,,,,,,,,, "Let's dance"

LOL. . . . You called someone else a "sock puppet"

That's rich.
Got turned on to him during his '88 run....Didn't know a libertarian from a chorizo burrito.....Was gullible enough to believe that GHWB would be Reagan's 3rrd term (even though I knew that Reagan hated him), so went for the wimp.

Thus begun my long slouch to ancap/agorism.

I know some agorists. And a lot of ancaps, that's for sure. We need more of those kinds of folks on here.
I was for Ron Paul starting in 2008. Went to the "Rally for the Republic" in MN in 2011. That was awesome.
I still have a case of those Ron Paul cola's. All unopened. I had it bad.
But your right. Those things just aren't even really talked about anymore. With the Trumpbots it's all about how bad the democrats are. And visa versa with the democrats.
Fighting and arguing over crap that's not even important.

Really. I remember Rally for the Republic well. Small world. 10,000 people in the Target Center screaming End the Fed! For those who don't know, it was right down the road from the convention center. The RNC changed the rules and wouldn't let the man speak even after he'd earned the right after we played their game and earned that right for him. So, we filled the building down the road and by gosh the statesman spoke. For a while. Heh heeee. Gosh.

Those were the days.

Was way out west when that happened....Wish I was there.
Got turned on to him during his '88 run....Didn't know a libertarian from a chorizo burrito.....Was gullible enough to believe that GHWB would be Reagan's 3rrd term (even though I knew that Reagan hated him), so went for the wimp.

Thus begun my long slouch to ancap/agorism.

I know some agorists. And a lot of ancaps, that's for sure. We need more of those kinds of folks on here.
Yes, yes we do. :)
Really. I remember Rally for the Republic well. Small world. 10,000 people in the Target Center screaming End the Fed! For those who don't know, it was right down the road from the convention center. The RNC changed the rules and wouldn't let the man speak even after he'd earned the right after we played their game and earned that right for him. So, we filled the building down the road and by gosh the statesman spoke. For a while. Heh heeee. Gosh.

Those were the days.

After figuring out the "delegate plan," a bunch of us flooded the local RNC headquarters. 5 minutes before the first meeting started, the lady who organize all of us sent us text messages saying "don't say anything about Ron Paul." Turns out, the chairman was a Romney supporter. So we kept quiet about it.
A couple of us made (not me) made it to the state convention. But apparently our chairlady had found out who the RP supporters were. So she had those who made it to state, black balled.

It was such a good plan.
I miss those days too. It was so different then, than it is now. It wasn't about R vs D, red helmet vs blue helmet... it was about real principles and ideas...that people were passionate about, without all the hate and division. It actually brought people together.

Btw, Yours Truly, I too gave up on politics completely in 2012, after seeing what they did to Ron Paul and realizing that the powers-that-be will NEVER let a true patriot get to the highest office of the land.

I still can't believe some of the stuff we pulled off back then. This next one will in all likelyhood be my last time voting. Depends on how shenanigans pan out over the next four years on the down-low. Both parties are wide open for shenanigans. Heh heh.
They suck. Trump sucks. Warren is a commie. Petey Boi is a sock puppet, Biden is a crook. Booker tries too hard to be the next Obama. Obama sucked. Harris was a fraud. Hitlery is the democrats version of Bolton.

Let's see, who did I leave out? Yang. A free $1000 a month candidate. What the hell, it's only money, right?
Tulsi. She's the best democrat the democrats have had since JFK. But the minute she said "cut spending on the wars," the democrat threw her under the bus.

Oh, and Trump sucks. The GOP wouldn't know a real conservative if you gave them his name.
Justin Amash

Now, with that said,,,,,,,,,,, "Let's dance"

LOL. . . . You called someone else a "sock puppet"

That's rich.

When one candidate has the most billionaire donors, then something is up. Something is ALWAYS up. Billionaires are never patriotic about anything except getting their way.
I still can't believe some of the stuff we pulled off back then. This next one will in all likelyhood be my last time voting. Depends on how shenanigans pan out over the next four years on the down-low. Both parties are wide open for shenanigans. Heh heh.

I've had like 4 chances to register in the last week. But just haven't really found it important. I was hoping Amash would announce he was running for POTUS. But since the democrats screwed the pooch with their impeachment thing, I think they've handed Trump a 2nd term, on a silver platter.
They suck. Trump sucks. Warren is a commie. Petey Boi is a sock puppet, Biden is a crook. Booker tries too hard to be the next Obama. Obama sucked. Harris was a fraud. Hitlery is the democrats version of Bolton.

Let's see, who did I leave out? Yang. A free $1000 a month candidate. What the hell, it's only money, right?
Tulsi. She's the best democrat the democrats have had since JFK. But the minute she said "cut spending on the wars," the democrat threw her under the bus.

Oh, and Trump sucks. The GOP wouldn't know a real conservative if you gave them his name.
Justin Amash

Now, with that said,,,,,,,,,,, "Let's dance"

LOL. . . . You called someone else a "sock puppet"

That's rich.

When one candidate has the most billionaire donors, then something is up. Something is ALWAYS up. Billionaires are never patriotic about anything except getting their way.

There are Billionaire contributors on both sides.

Soros couldn't buy the election for Hitlary. . . . not even with the help of the majority of the media outlets.

So much for that strawman, huh.
I've had like 4 chances to register in the last week. But just haven't really found it important. I was hoping Amash would announce he was running for POTUS. But since the democrats screwed the pooch with their impeachment thing, I think they've handed Trump a 2nd term, on a silver platter.

Dems just gave him 1.4 trillion and basically funded everything he wants to do while that circus was going on. The impeachment was a charade in my view. Wasn't a peep mentioned about the omnibus bill the whole time. It's a duopoly.
There are Billionaire contributors on both sides.

Soros couldn't buy the election for Hitlary. . . . not even with the help of the majority of the media outlets.

So much for that strawman, huh.

And again, billionaire don't get patriotic about anything. Soro's can suck my nuts.
After figuring out the "delegate plan," a bunch of us flooded the local RNC headquarters. 5 minutes before the first meeting started, the lady who organize all of us sent us text messages saying "don't say anything about Ron Paul." Turns out, the chairman was a Romney supporter. So we kept quiet about it.
A couple of us made (not me) made it to the state convention. But apparently our chairlady had found out who the RP supporters were. So she had those who made it to state, black balled.

It was such a good plan.

It was disgusting. RNC is no different than the DNC. The nomination process for both is rigged. It's one of the main reasons I like Gabbard, she speaks up about it.
Dems just gave him 1.4 trillion and basically funded everything he wants to do while that circus was going on. The impeachment was a charade in my view. Wasn't a peep mentioned about the omnibus bill the whole time. It's a duopoly.

DING DING DING DING DING.. Winner winner chicken dinner. Out of the thousand people have heard talking about this charade, you're the only one I've seen thus far that believes the same way I do about all this.
Was telling my dad yesterday this very thing. And that it almost seemed as if the Dems were trying to get Trump re-elected. And a close friend today, that what is not consuming the news, is what we should all be looking for.

I have family member who's a died in the wool Trump supporter, who posted something about the Dems passing a bill that's going to pay for border walls in foreign countries. And he went on and on about how bad democrats were for doing this. So after like 2 seconds of research, I found the bill that you're talking about.
After telling him that it passed the GOP majority Senate, and is now sitting on Trump desk for his signature, who's he gonna blame when Trump signs it.
And I shit you not. He went from blaming the democrats for everything to "well, there must be some good stuff in the bill."

How do you explain conservatism to republican? I'm not that articulate and patient.
I've had like 4 chances to register in the last week. But just haven't really found it important. I was hoping Amash would announce he was running for POTUS. But since the democrats screwed the pooch with their impeachment thing, I think they've handed Trump a 2nd term, on a silver platter.

Dems just gave him 1.4 trillion and basically funded everything he wants to do while that circus was going on. The impeachment was a charade in my view. Wasn't a peep mentioned about the omnibus bill the whole time. It's a duopoly.
And they have Trump over a barrel....He has to sign the shit or the media will rake him over the coals for "shutting the gubmint down", even though we know what bullshit that is.

Harry Browne called this back in 1996, and we're seeing it in real time....Except that Browne would have actually just let it all burn.
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And they have Trump over a barrel....He has to sign the shit or the media will rake him over the coals for "shutting the gubmint down", even though we know what bullshit that is.

Harry Browne called this back in 1996, and we're seeing it in real time....Except that Brown would have actually just let it all burn.

From what I've heard, Trump is ecstatic about the bill. Can't wait to sign it. He's bragging like it was all his idea. Funny thing is, his supporters won't know that it's funding borders walls for foreign countries. And if they did, they'd just blame the democrats.

I feel a song coming on. Wanna sing with me.

Right wing, left wing.
It takes two wings to fly....

I can't remember the rest.
And they have Trump over a barrel....He has to sign the shit or the media will rake him over the coals for "shutting the gubmint down", even though we know what bullshit that is.

Harry Browne called this back in 1996, and we're seeing it in real time....Except that Brown would have actually just let it all burn.

From what I've heard, Trump is ecstatic about the bill. Can't wait to sign it. He's bragging like it was all his idea. Funny thing is, his supporters won't know that it's funding borders walls for foreign countries. And if they did, they'd just blame the democrats.

I feel a song coming on. Wanna sing with me.

Right wing, left wing.
It takes two wings to fly....

I can't remember the rest.
He has to crow about it....Art of the Deal....The swampers have read his book and are playing his game.....His vanity is being played against him.

Impeachment dstraction = mission accomplished
Washington is full of scumbags....always has been.

It’s amazing how pretty much everyone who serves in Congress becomes multimillionaires.

It’s a rigged system. If they were doing their jobs, they would cut the budget in half because the debt is going to crush the economy.

We need to vote out all incumbents.
Yes. Including incumbent Presidents.

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