My take on the candidates and the president.

Really. I remember Rally for the Republic well. Small world. 10,000 people in the Target Center screaming End the Fed! For those who don't know, it was right down the road from the convention center. The RNC changed the rules and wouldn't let the man speak even after he'd earned the right after we played their game and earned that right for him. So, we filled the building down the road and by gosh the statesman spoke. For a while. Heh heeee. Gosh.

Those were the days.

After figuring out the "delegate plan," a bunch of us flooded the local RNC headquarters. 5 minutes before the first meeting started, the lady who organize all of us sent us text messages saying "don't say anything about Ron Paul." Turns out, the chairman was a Romney supporter. So we kept quiet about it.
A couple of us made (not me) made it to the state convention. But apparently our chairlady had found out who the RP supporters were. So she had those who made it to state, black balled.

It was such a good plan.

If you go to our local Republican Gathering, the bottom floor is only for pre selected people. The rest of us are put in the Nose Bleed seats and will never be addressed. Even if the majority wants another candidate, the wishes of the mass will be ignored. The Democrat gathering will be weak that if you go there you just might find yourself as one of the Delegates but your candidates will have zero chance because the Republicans control everything. Including the Voting areas. For instance, they make sure that there is no polling areas in Democrat areas. It's all in just Republican Areas. You may have to travel 5 miles or more to vote. Little things like that. I am sure that in Democrat controlled areas the same games are played. So much for honest and fair elections.
I was for Ron Paul starting in 2008. Went to the "Rally for the Republic" in MN in 2011. That was awesome.
I still have a case of those Ron Paul cola's. All unopened. I had it bad.
But your right. Those things just aren't even really talked about anymore. With the Trumpbots it's all about how bad the democrats are. And visa versa with the democrats.
Fighting and arguing over crap that's not even important.

Really. I remember Rally for the Republic well. Small world. 10,000 people in the Target Center screaming End the Fed! For those who don't know, it was right down the road from the convention center. The RNC changed the rules and wouldn't let the man speak even after he'd earned the right after we played their game and earned that right for him. So, we filled the building down the road and by gosh the statesman spoke. For a while. Heh heeee. Gosh.

Those were the days.

I miss those days too. It was so different then, than it is now. It wasn't about R vs D, red helmet vs blue helmet... it was about real principles and ideas...that people were passionate about, without all the hate and division. It actually brought people together.

Btw, Yours Truly, I too gave up on politics completely in 2012, after seeing what they did to Ron Paul and realizing that the powers-that-be will NEVER let a true patriot get to the highest office of the land.

Ron Paul was a nutjob that even his own son could not support on some of his extreme positions. I am sorry you were so gullible.

I wrote him in three times, man. Freedom, peace and prosperity just isn't popular anymore.

I was for Ron Paul starting in 2008. Went to the "Rally for the Republic" in MN in 2011. That was awesome.
I still have a case of those Ron Paul cola's. All unopened. I had it bad.
But your right. Those things just aren't even really talked about anymore. With the Trumpbots it's all about how bad the democrats are. And visa versa with the democrats.
Fighting and arguing over crap that's not even important.

I didn't buy into Ron Paul's dog and pony show for a minute. He's a Washington bureaucrat lifer full of lofty ideas and pipe dreams that wouldn't have worked in the real world. His isolationist and military-cutting policies would have done more to spread radical Islam, than did Obama. He really lost me what he stated "Why shouldn't Iran have nuclear weapons?"

The only thing he accomplished by his presidential runs was siphoning off votes from the GOP and giving them to the Democrats. Granted, the GOP was running some really crappy candidates, but any of them would have been better than Obama.
I didn't buy into Ron Paul's dog and pony show for a minute.
No you didn't- you instead accepted the *talking points* vs actually listening to his beliefs, or reading-

His Military opposition was being against intervention- it also was/is a strong DEFENSE- defending is not starting, btw.
He believed the constitution, as written, will work IF abided by- sadly neither the GOP nor the Democrats have read it- and what little they have read they used their lawyerly talent to look for loop holes so they could/can intentionally misinterpret for the cause dejour- "intervention" in whatever they believe will secure their seat of power depending on how the wind is blowing-

He believed, as did Washington and Jefferson, you know, Founding fathers, who had more common sense than the entire legislative body of today, GOP included, that "trade with all, ally with none" was the wise course- that alone eliminates "isolationist".

ALL has no caveats. Ally means siding with, you know, like Saudi Arabia, or Israel and *buying* their feigned loyalty as Nixon did with the Saudi Petrodollar agreement and publicly declaring "I guess we're all Keynesian now" when he got us off the Gold Standard- funny thing that- Keynes was a British economist who laid out a monetary system for British monarchy, which the previously mentioned Founders fought a war to get out from under and the gov't they founded granted the authority to "coin money and set the value there of"-
He also believed in Sound Money, not the Fiat (phony shit) the Federal Reserve owns-

That he split the vote is laughable, at best. What he did do is wake up a few people who actually care about the well being of our money and our greatest resource, kids in the military-

Yeah, real dog and pony show- to the willfully blind and legitimately ignorant acolyte zealots of godvernment-

I wrote him in three times, man. Freedom, peace and prosperity just isn't popular anymore.

I was for Ron Paul starting in 2008. Went to the "Rally for the Republic" in MN in 2011. That was awesome.
I still have a case of those Ron Paul cola's. All unopened. I had it bad.
But your right. Those things just aren't even really talked about anymore. With the Trumpbots it's all about how bad the democrats are. And visa versa with the democrats.
Fighting and arguing over crap that's not even important.

I didn't buy into Ron Paul's dog and pony show for a minute. He's a Washington bureaucrat lifer full of lofty ideas and pipe dreams that wouldn't have worked in the real world. His isolationist and military-cutting policies would have done more to spread radical Islam, than did Obama. He really lost me what he stated "Why shouldn't Iran have nuclear weapons?"

The only thing he accomplished by his presidential runs was siphoning off votes from the GOP and giving them to the Democrats. Granted, the GOP was running some really crappy candidates, but any of them would have been better than Obama.
His "lofty ideas and pipe dreams that wouldn't have worked in the real world" worked in the real world for over 150 years, until TR & Woodrow Wilson got the progressive movement running at full throttle.

Dr. Paul's message of real liberty, a modicum of fiscal responsibility, and non-intervention drew thousands upon thousands of young people in the direction of the GOP, and for all the right reasons.....He was 10 times the candidate that the greasy used car salesman Romeny was, and would have had a fighting chance at getting rid of the mulatto meat puppet faggot... ...You'd think a dude with your handle wouldn't be such a fucking ingrate.
Yikes! I done threw a stick at a nest full of Paulestinians.
Should be easy for an acolyte zealot to rebutt with cogent and pertinent replies.

Ok then. Ron Paul was the libertarian equivalent of Jimmy Carter. Regardless of his policies, he would have brought this country nothing but mediocrity, as opposed to the greatness we're experiencing under Trump.

I wrote him in three times, man. Freedom, peace and prosperity just isn't popular anymore.

I was for Ron Paul starting in 2008. Went to the "Rally for the Republic" in MN in 2011. That was awesome.
I still have a case of those Ron Paul cola's. All unopened. I had it bad.
But your right. Those things just aren't even really talked about anymore. With the Trumpbots it's all about how bad the democrats are. And visa versa with the democrats.
Fighting and arguing over crap that's not even important.

I didn't buy into Ron Paul's dog and pony show for a minute. He's a Washington bureaucrat lifer full of lofty ideas and pipe dreams that wouldn't have worked in the real world. His isolationist and military-cutting policies would have done more to spread radical Islam, than did Obama. He really lost me what he stated "Why shouldn't Iran have nuclear weapons?"

The only thing he accomplished by his presidential runs was siphoning off votes from the GOP and giving them to the Democrats. Granted, the GOP was running some really crappy candidates, but any of them would have been better than Obama.
His "lofty ideas and pipe dreams that wouldn't have worked in the real world" worked in the real world for over 150 years, until TR & Woodrow Wilson got the progressive movement running at full throttle.

Dr. Paul's message of real liberty, a modicum of fiscal responsibility, and non-intervention drew thousands upon thousands of young people in the direction of the GOP, and for all the right reasons.....He was 10 times the candidate that the greasy used car salesman Romeny was, and would have had a fighting chance at getting rid of the mulatto meat puppet faggot... ...You'd think a dude with your handle wouldn't be such a fucking ingrate.

How would he have beaten anyone? He only got 42,426 votes in 2008 and 26,204 in 2012.
How would he have beaten anyone? He only got 42,426 votes in 2008 and 26,204 in 2012.

He wasn't the GOP nominee. So the numbers don't reflect his potential vote count had the GOP not been so neocon-ish.

Which is why he didn't get the nomination. He wasn't pro war enough for the RNC and their establishment. Even the left was against him because he was anti war.
Everyone knows the left is as much pro war as the right. In reality, that is.
Yikes! I done threw a stick at a nest full of Paulestinians. :laughing0301:

All you did was chime in. We're used to it. We got those same chimes from the right and the left. LMAO.. And both of your candidates have done soooo well at ending the wars, winning the wars, controlling the deficit, legalizing freedom and liberty again.

America is way better now than we've had Obama and Trump, right?

Yikes! I done threw a stick at a nest full of Paulestinians. :laughing0301:

All you did was chime in. We're used to it. We got those same chimes from the right and the left. LMAO.. And both of your candidates have done soooo well at ending the wars, winning the wars, controlling the deficit, legalizing freedom and liberty again.

America is way better now than we've had Obama and Trump, right?


I don't have two candidates, only Trump. He has strengthened the military and wiped out ISIS, which is what he promised to do.
Ok then. Ron Paul was the libertarian equivalent of Jimmy Carter. Regardless of his policies, he would have brought this country nothing but mediocrity, as opposed to the greatness we're experiencing under Trump.
Actually, sound money and non-interventionst policy would make this country *soundly* stronger- of course, neither he nor Trump can do anything about intellectual dishonesty- BTW, 1.4 Trillion Spending Bill- and Democrats in congress approve- imagine that- wonder why that is?
He was also against the Dept of Education which mandated your dumbing down- the thing about blind partisan beliefs is they prevent objective analysis- IF everything is measured by Liberty, which requires the belief that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, then you'll find Trump doesn't care anymore about your Liberty than Pelosi or Schumer- in fact they divide voters into tools or enemies- being a tool for one automatically makes you the enemy of the other- personally, I prefer being a tool for Liberty- it's easy for me though, I'm self educated and I believe all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- being trillions of dollars in debt doesn't seem sound, or wise, or strong- what it does mean is at least 2 things- 1) your kids, kids, kids ,kids will be paying in perpetuity for the bipartisan borrow to spend, and 2), we will continue to kill innocent people and have our most precious resource killed (soldiers) in forever wars forcing our phony, Fiat money on the world- Force, regardless of the intent (except in self defense) is immoral and is the root of ALL conflict-

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