My take on the candidates and the president.

Ok then. Ron Paul was the libertarian equivalent of Jimmy Carter. Regardless of his policies, he would have brought this country nothing but mediocrity, as opposed to the greatness we're experiencing under Trump.
Actually, sound money and non-interventionst policy would make this country *soundly* stronger- of course, neither he nor Trump can do anything about intellectual dishonesty- BTW, 1.4 Trillion Spending Bill- and Democrats in congress approve- imagine that- wonder why that is?
He was also against the Dept of Education which mandated your dumbing down- the thing about blind partisan beliefs is they prevent objective analysis- IF everything is measured by Liberty, which requires the belief that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, then you'll find Trump doesn't care anymore about your Liberty than Pelosi or Schumer- in fact they divide voters into tools or enemies- being a tool for one automatically makes you the enemy of the other- personally, I prefer being a tool for Liberty- it's easy for me though, I'm self educated and I believe all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- being trillions of dollars in debt doesn't seem sound, or wise, or strong- what it does mean is at least 2 things- 1) your kids, kids, kids ,kids will be paying in perpetuity for the bipartisan borrow to spend, and 2), we will continue to kill innocent people and have our most precious resource killed (soldiers) in forever wars forcing our phony, Fiat money on the world- Force, regardless of the intent (except in self defense) is immoral and is the root of ALL conflict-

Well sorry dude, but all I can tell you is the same thing I tell the left-wingers: I don't care. I am not so much a conservative as I am a right-winger. I detest socialism, communism, the progressive movement, and modern-day liberalism. And I have no problem with President Donald J. Trump, and I will never buy into what Ron Paul was selling.
Well sorry dude, but all I can tell you is the same thing I tell the left-wingers: I don't care. I am not so much a conservative as I am a right-winger. I detest socialism, communism, the progressive movement, and modern-day liberalism. And I have no problem with President Donald J. Trump, and I will never buy into what Ron Paul was selling.
You don't have to hate liberty to detest the things you detest- but you must since there is NO politician I've heard since Ron Paul even mention it- being in debt is a left wing strong suit- which Trump supports and other Republicans do too- what you believe you are and what you support are 2 different things- your descendants will thank you for the debt-
Ok then. Ron Paul was the libertarian equivalent of Jimmy Carter. Regardless of his policies, he would have brought this country nothing but mediocrity, as opposed to the greatness we're experiencing under Trump.
Actually, sound money and non-interventionst policy would make this country *soundly* stronger- of course, neither he nor Trump can do anything about intellectual dishonesty- BTW, 1.4 Trillion Spending Bill- and Democrats in congress approve- imagine that- wonder why that is?
He was also against the Dept of Education which mandated your dumbing down- the thing about blind partisan beliefs is they prevent objective analysis- IF everything is measured by Liberty, which requires the belief that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, then you'll find Trump doesn't care anymore about your Liberty than Pelosi or Schumer- in fact they divide voters into tools or enemies- being a tool for one automatically makes you the enemy of the other- personally, I prefer being a tool for Liberty- it's easy for me though, I'm self educated and I believe all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- being trillions of dollars in debt doesn't seem sound, or wise, or strong- what it does mean is at least 2 things- 1) your kids, kids, kids ,kids will be paying in perpetuity for the bipartisan borrow to spend, and 2), we will continue to kill innocent people and have our most precious resource killed (soldiers) in forever wars forcing our phony, Fiat money on the world- Force, regardless of the intent (except in self defense) is immoral and is the root of ALL conflict-

Well sorry dude, but all I can tell you is the same thing I tell the left-wingers: I don't care. I am not so much a conservative as I am a right-winger. I detest socialism, communism, the progressive movement, and modern-day liberalism. And I have no problem with President Donald J. Trump, and I will never buy into what Ron Paul was selling.
If you don't buy into what Dr. Paul was selling, then you are -whether by hook or by crook- aiding and abetting socialism, communism, and the progressive movement you claim to detest so.....And someone going around with your handle ought to know that.

Maybe you should take some time and get to learning what John Galt was really all about.
Well sorry dude, but all I can tell you is the same thing I tell the left-wingers: I don't care. I am not so much a conservative as I am a right-winger. I detest socialism, communism, the progressive movement, and modern-day liberalism. And I have no problem with President Donald J. Trump, and I will never buy into what Ron Paul was selling.

Remember the old saying "you can't spend your way out of debt?" It was widely used during the Obama administration. Nothing changed with Trump was elected. You still can't spend your way out of debt.
In fact, there's several things that hasn't changed since Trump took office. The debt is still increasing. Trump and the rest of them are still funding almost all of the same things that Obama and his gang funded.
The patriot act is still enforced. As well as FISA 702. Trumps new spending bill provide border walls in foreign countries. The NDAA (which is also unconstitutional) is still alive and well.

Jobs are still being outsourced. Trump, like Obama borrowed a ton of money from the Fed. Pumped it into the economy and it's making everything look all great and awesome. Reagan did this. And it caused a pretty big recession. Clinton and W did it, and it caused a HUGE recession during Obama's term. Obama did it, and now Trumps doing it.
So get what.

Go ahead. Take a wild guess as to what's going to happen next.
Well sorry dude, but all I can tell you is the same thing I tell the left-wingers: I don't care. I am not so much a conservative as I am a right-winger. I detest socialism, communism, the progressive movement, and modern-day liberalism. And I have no problem with President Donald J. Trump, and I will never buy into what Ron Paul was selling.

Remember the old saying "you can't spend your way out of debt?" It was widely used during the Obama administration. Nothing changed with Trump was elected. You still can't spend your way out of debt.
In fact, there's several things that hasn't changed since Trump took office. The debt is still increasing. Trump and the rest of them are still funding almost all of the same things that Obama and his gang funded.
The patriot act is still enforced. As well as FISA 702. Trumps new spending bill provide border walls in foreign countries. The NDAA (which is also unconstitutional) is still alive and well.

Jobs are still being outsourced. Trump, like Obama borrowed a ton of money from the Fed. Pumped it into the economy and it's making everything look all great and awesome. Reagan did this. And it caused a pretty big recession. Clinton and W did it, and it caused a HUGE recession during Obama's term. Obama did it, and now Trumps doing it.
So get what.

Go ahead. Take a wild guess as to what's going to happen next.

Reagan had a recession? You need to lay off the drugs man!

The recession started under Carter and Reagan fixed it! It ended in November 1982 which was less than two years after Reagan took office.
Reagan had a recession? You need to lay off the drugs man!

The recession started under Carter and Reagan fixed it! It ended in November 1982 which was less than two years after Reagan took office.

I didn't say there was a recession during Reagan's terms. His spending caused a recession after he was gone. Clinton borrowed a ton and pumped it into the economy and made things look better. W came along and was reaping the benefits of Clinton/Gingrich's deal, and borrowed a ton more. That created another recession. So did Obama and now Trump.

They've been kicking the can for as long as I've been alive. But Reagan was the first president to increase the debt more than $1 trillion during a presidents terms.
Reagan had a recession? You need to lay off the drugs man!

The recession started under Carter and Reagan fixed it! It ended in November 1982 which was less than two years after Reagan took office.

I didn't say there was a recession during Reagan's terms. His spending caused a recession after he was gone. Clinton borrowed a ton and pumped it into the economy and made things look better. W came along and was reaping the benefits of Clinton/Gingrich's deal, and borrowed a ton more. That created another recession. So did Obama and now Trump.

They've been kicking the can for as long as I've been alive. But Reagan was the first president to increase the debt more than $1 trillion during a presidents terms.

Uh, no. Try again. Epic fail. There was a recession during Reagan's terms. I just showed you that was true, so now why do you claim there was not? The blame was Carter. Ever hear of the Misery Index during Carter's "economic malaise"? It sucked!
GOP is just an extention of the Democrat party now.

I'm in a bind. I wrote in Ron Paul last three elections. So the only one even remotely talking about anything I'm interested in is Gabbard. And that's basically the rigged nomination proces and ending these unconstitutional military occupations. Was thinking about writing her in just to flip both sides of the party of one the finger.

My normal write in is Willie Nelson. But you give me something to think about. Writing in Tulsi doesn't sound all that bad. The way the GOP rigged the 2012 nomination for Romney was my last straw with them crooked tards.
I can't stand Sanders. Especially for his watering down the Audit the Fed bill several years ago, to the point that it was useless. Plus 99% of his politics.
Tulsi co sponsored "audit the fed." She saved lives and limbs in the middle east. And she...........
Well it doesn't matter. The DNC and Hitlery have destroyed her. So I may write her in, just to spite Hillary.

Thanks for the idea.
So you're a far left socialist.

Glad we got that out of the way
Reagan had a recession? You need to lay off the drugs man!

The recession started under Carter and Reagan fixed it! It ended in November 1982 which was less than two years after Reagan took office.

It was all borrowed money, ya half-wit. lol. Reagan and the party gave us skyrocketing deficits. Ten times that of the Democrats. Massive monetary inflation. Indiscriminate military spending. Reckless and unconstitutional foreign policy. They balooned foreign aid and promoted international banking. And routinely attacked the electorate's Individual liberties, as well as their privacy.
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So you're a far left socialist.

Glad we got that out of the way

If you're gonna go through my posts in the thread leaving a buncha stupid girly giggles, at least have the fortitude to tell me what you find so funny about what I said. That's what men do.
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Reagan had a recession? You need to lay off the drugs man!

The recession started under Carter and Reagan fixed it! It ended in November 1982 which was less than two years after Reagan took office.

It was all borrowed money, ya half-wit. lol. Reagan and the party gave us skyrocketing deficits. Ten times that of the Democrats. Massive monetary inflation. Indiscriminate military spending. Reckless and unconstitutional foreign policy. They balooned foreign aid and promoted international banking. And routinely attacked the electorate's Individual liberties, as well as their privacy.
Reagan swapped out the deficits for the 12+% inflation and 20+% inflation rates under Carter, which were largely the result of the bills coming due for Vietnam and LBJ's idiotic welfare state programs.....That's not approval, just the way it went.

His claimed intent was to unwind it and return to pay-as-you-go as soon as the economic times turned around, but by then the lure of all the "free money" had become fiscal crack to everyone involved in both parties, and the rest is history.
GOP is just an extention of the Democrat party now.

I'm in a bind. I wrote in Ron Paul last three elections. So the only one even remotely talking about anything I'm interested in is Gabbard. And that's basically the rigged nomination proces and ending these unconstitutional military occupations. Was thinking about writing her in just to flip both sides of the party of one the finger.

My normal write in is Willie Nelson. But you give me something to think about. Writing in Tulsi doesn't sound all that bad. The way the GOP rigged the 2012 nomination for Romney was my last straw with them crooked tards.
I can't stand Sanders. Especially for his watering down the Audit the Fed bill several years ago, to the point that it was useless. Plus 99% of his politics.
Tulsi co sponsored "audit the fed." She saved lives and limbs in the middle east. And she...........
Well it doesn't matter. The DNC and Hitlery have destroyed her. So I may write her in, just to spite Hillary.

Thanks for the idea.
So you're a far left socialist.

Glad we got that out of the way

I figured there was something goofy going on with him. My first impression was either CIA or a foreign troll.
Uh, no. Try again. Epic fail. There was a recession during Reagan's terms. I just showed you that was true, so now why do you claim there was not? The blame was Carter. Ever hear of the Misery Index during Carter's "economic malaise"? It sucked!

Carter himself didn't cause the recession. There were factors involved in all that carter crap that was there before he came. As in the Vietnam war spending, embargo's that created high fuel prices that hurt the economy.

Just like now, everything looks awesome and great. But when this bubble burst, a democrat will probably be the president and will get the blame for it. And so republican and democrats will vote in another republican because they don't understand what caused the bubble to burst.

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