My teachers obvious liberal grading bias.

Were you looking for honest feedback? If so it seems most people didn't care for your poem. I think it was a good attempt, but learning requires the ability to accept honest feedback and use it to grow. If you felt you were correct in your assessment of the situation, there was very little point in seeking feedback.

Based on his recent posts, I suspect he may be a troll

Lets see if he brings in his little troll friend
Were you looking for honest feedback? If so it seems most people didn't care for your poem. I think it was a good attempt, but learning requires the ability to accept honest feedback and use it to grow. If you felt you were correct in your assessment of the situation, there was very little point in seeking feedback.

Based on his recent posts, I suspect he may be a troll

Lets see if he brings in his little troll friend

There is the primitive liberal again, when he runs out of things to say, he immediately defaults to insults.
You have brought nothing to these 9 pages, but idiocy, and misguided "advice". I think you should go.
These boards are filled with stories, case histories, anecdotes, and it seems there are more on the education thread. A teacher did this or that and it's usually, if not always, a liberal teacher that did this or that. I suspect that most of these stories, if taken from real incidents are altered to fit the writers purpose, and were we to hear the teacher's real instructions for the assignment we might have a different take on the post.
After much fighting with teachers and professors over many years, I was finally beaten down to the point where I accepted the premise that a "poem" is a literary product whose "meaning" is partly influenced by the SOUND of it, and not just the literal meaning of the words. This is what separates prose from poetry. It doesn't have to rhyme or have any particular cadence. I don't like it, but that's what it is.

But having said that, it is also necessary for the words to make sense. There can be free association, obsure references, nuances, and so on, but they can't be nonsensical.

And with that in mind, both of these poems are, if you will pardon my directness, garbage. Any grade higher than a 'D' for either of them renders the very idea of "grades" meaningless.

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped"

Good lord. What is mythical? Nothing. Where is this island? Nowhere. "Gilded Gold" is redundant and stupid. Gilded means trimmed with gold. "Mists of penury"? "...solemn skies of heaven?" Give me a fucking break. This is rubbish.

"America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be,
America is a land where we can be want we want to be."

Let's see...this is a land where anyone COULD be what they want to be. What does that mean? I want to be a mountain goat. Are you saying that I just might be a mountain goat? I COULD be, right? Or if I try hard I can make myself into a mountain goat? I don't get it.

"...where we can be want we want to be"? Did you mean, " WHAT we want to be"?

Laddie, I have a doctorate and you are quite fortunate that I wasn't grading your "poem." And I ain't no liberal, neither!
After much fighting with teachers and professors over many years, I was finally beaten down to the point where I accepted the premise that a "poem" is a literary product whose "meaning" is partly influenced by the SOUND of it, and not just the literal meaning of the words. This is what separates prose from poetry. It doesn't have to rhyme or have any particular cadence. I don't like it, but that's what it is.

But having said that, it is also necessary for the words to make sense. There can be free association, obsure references, nuances, and so on, but they can't be nonsensical.

And with that in mind, both of these poems are, if you will pardon my directness, garbage. Any grade higher than a 'D' for either of them renders the very idea of "grades" meaningless.

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped"

Good lord. What is mythical? Nothing. Where is this island? Nowhere. "Gilded Gold" is redundant and stupid. Gilded means trimmed with gold. "Mists of penury"? "...solemn skies of heaven?" Give me a fucking break. This is rubbish.

"America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be,
America is a land where we can be want we want to be."

Let's see...this is a land where anyone COULD be what they want to be. What does that mean? I want to be a mountain goat. Are you saying that I just might be a mountain goat? I COULD be, right? Or if I try hard I can make myself into a mountain goat? I don't get it.

"...where we can be want we want to be"? Did you mean, " WHAT we want to be"?

Laddie, I have a doctorate and you are quite fortunate that I wasn't grading your "poem." And I ain't no liberal, neither!

A "doctorate" in a liberal arts degree is tantamount to a middle school education.
If I were to grade your "life" it would probably be an F.
My poem CLEARLY refers to the fact that there is upward mobility, and the fact that anyone can make our their OWN life in the American dream.
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Hoosier4liberty admitted that my poem was better, so the point is moot.

On this board we expect links

He'll be on soon enough, but you are done.

What I was saying is that your poem meets the requirements better than the gold one. Compared to mine, yours is more direct, and since you may be using stylistic devices which make yours appear to be too simple, I'm not going to judge your wording as indicating that you're unintelligent. However, I think the best thing to say is that both of our poems equally meet the requirement of the poem, but mine has an emphasis on formality while yours has a different emphasis. Quantifying the good/bad of each emphasis is fruitless, however.
On this board we expect links

He'll be on soon enough, but you are done.

What I was saying is that your poem meets the requirements better than the gold one. Compared to mine, yours is more direct, and since you may be using stylistic devices which make yours appear to be too simple, I'm not going to judge your wording as indicating that you're unintelligent. However, I think the best thing to say is that both of our poems equally meet the requirement of the poem, but mine has an emphasis on formality while yours has a different emphasis. Quantifying the good/bad of each emphasis is fruitless, however.

This is so obviously not written by a high school student. So, yes, most of the posters are correct, this is just a troll thread, a complete put on. A pathetic put on by a right winger trying to prove that in education, all teachers are liberal hacks who promote liberal ideas and do not grade fairly. Also, it seems the OP thinks 'liberal arts' means liberal politics. Pretty funny. Whatever opportunities the OP had to learn from his/her educational experience, few were taken.
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After much fighting with teachers and professors over many years, I was finally beaten down to the point where I accepted the premise that a "poem" is a literary product whose "meaning" is partly influenced by the SOUND of it, and not just the literal meaning of the words. This is what separates prose from poetry. It doesn't have to rhyme or have any particular cadence. I don't like it, but that's what it is.

But having said that, it is also necessary for the words to make sense. There can be free association, obsure references, nuances, and so on, but they can't be nonsensical.

And with that in mind, both of these poems are, if you will pardon my directness, garbage. Any grade higher than a 'D' for either of them renders the very idea of "grades" meaningless.

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped"

Good lord. What is mythical? Nothing. Where is this island? Nowhere. "Gilded Gold" is redundant and stupid. Gilded means trimmed with gold. "Mists of penury"? "...solemn skies of heaven?" Give me a fucking break. This is rubbish.

"America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be,
America is a land where we can be want we want to be."

Let's see...this is a land where anyone COULD be what they want to be. What does that mean? I want to be a mountain goat. Are you saying that I just might be a mountain goat? I COULD be, right? Or if I try hard I can make myself into a mountain goat? I don't get it.

"...where we can be want we want to be"? Did you mean, " WHAT we want to be"?

Laddie, I have a doctorate and you are quite fortunate that I wasn't grading your "poem." And I ain't no liberal, neither!

A "doctorate" in a liberal arts degree is tantamount to a middle school education.
If I were to grade your "life" it would probably be an F.
My poem CLEARLY refers to the fact that there is upward mobility, and the fact that anyone can make our their OWN life in the American dream.

Lets see if he bites... :eusa_whistle:

I suspect your time on this board will be shortlived. We have seen your type come and go rather quickly. Whether you will be banned or just tire of playing games is irrelevant
After much fighting with teachers and professors over many years, I was finally beaten down to the point where I accepted the premise that a "poem" is a literary product whose "meaning" is partly influenced by the SOUND of it, and not just the literal meaning of the words. This is what separates prose from poetry. It doesn't have to rhyme or have any particular cadence. I don't like it, but that's what it is.

But having said that, it is also necessary for the words to make sense. There can be free association, obsure references, nuances, and so on, but they can't be nonsensical.

And with that in mind, both of these poems are, if you will pardon my directness, garbage. Any grade higher than a 'D' for either of them renders the very idea of "grades" meaningless.

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped"

Good lord. What is mythical? Nothing. Where is this island? Nowhere. "Gilded Gold" is redundant and stupid. Gilded means trimmed with gold. "Mists of penury"? "...solemn skies of heaven?" Give me a fucking break. This is rubbish.

"America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be,
America is a land where we can be want we want to be."

Let's see...this is a land where anyone COULD be what they want to be. What does that mean? I want to be a mountain goat. Are you saying that I just might be a mountain goat? I COULD be, right? Or if I try hard I can make myself into a mountain goat? I don't get it.

"...where we can be want we want to be"? Did you mean, " WHAT we want to be"?

Laddie, I have a doctorate and you are quite fortunate that I wasn't grading your "poem." And I ain't no liberal, neither!

A "doctorate" in a liberal arts degree is tantamount to a middle school education.
If I were to grade your "life" it would probably be an F.
My poem CLEARLY refers to the fact that there is upward mobility, and the fact that anyone can make our their OWN life in the American dream.

Lets see if he bites... :eusa_whistle:

I suspect your time on this board will be shortlived. We have seen your type come and go rather quickly. Whether you will be banned or just tire of playing games is irrelevant

May I remind you that you were the first to begin spewing insults. If I'm not mistaken, you called me a right-wing moron. I wouldn't be surprised if liberal bullies like you force people off this website.
Ignore liewinger and the other lefty trolls who have populated your thread, A4A. They jump on any thread that disses the leftist establishment, and the way they marginalize is to lie, make ridiculous predictions (while presenting themselves as if they are actually in a position to know what they are talking about) and to call you *stoopid*.

When you have the biggest trolls the site has jumping on your thread and calling you a troll, you can rest assured you have a future on the site, if you want it.

Just put them on ignore. It's what all the thinking humans do.
Liewinger, fakey and es are all recognized half-wit liars and trolls.

For some reason, they've taken a shine to you. If they work, they're most likely leftist teachers, lol.
A "doctorate" in a liberal arts degree is tantamount to a middle school education.
If I were to grade your "life" it would probably be an F.
My poem CLEARLY refers to the fact that there is upward mobility, and the fact that anyone can make our their OWN life in the American dream.

Lets see if he bites... :eusa_whistle:

I suspect your time on this board will be shortlived. We have seen your type come and go rather quickly. Whether you will be banned or just tire of playing games is irrelevant

May I remind you that you were the first to begin spewing insults. If I'm not mistaken, you called me a right-wing moron. I wouldn't be surprised if liberal bullies like you force people off this website.

Several posters immediately labled you a troll. Being that you were new, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and treated your thread honestly. Based on how you have raised your level of rhetoric on day two. I suspect troll might be the best answer

So, in terms of your poetic talents...I would give you a C
In terms of your ability to troll a new message board...I'll give you an A
A "doctorate" in a liberal arts degree is tantamount to a middle school education.
If I were to grade your "life" it would probably be an F.
My poem CLEARLY refers to the fact that there is upward mobility, and the fact that anyone can make our their OWN life in the American dream.

Lets see if he bites... :eusa_whistle:

I suspect your time on this board will be shortlived. We have seen your type come and go rather quickly. Whether you will be banned or just tire of playing games is irrelevant

May I remind you that you were the first to begin spewing insults. If I'm not mistaken, you called me a right-wing moron. I wouldn't be surprised if liberal bullies like you force people off this website.

Nobody is forced anywhere. You appear to have a victim mentality.
Soon you will be going to college where your writing deficiencies cannot be hidden.

Of course they can. Grade inflation is rampant at many colleges. You, of course, have to add your pointless little rant at the end like the mindless, hyper-partisan fuck you are.

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