My teachers obvious liberal grading bias.

Some moron (hes a leftist) in my class wrote a retarded essay that was supposed to be about your feelings about America, but his was about flowers
His was called "blue rose" and went like this

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped,

Vast miasmic vapors strain to wander within,
Voracious, a tireless veil striking the forge, to fasten a key to begin,
Vile hazel clouds lay below, mining gates, endeavoring to get in,

All entombed below the alabaster City of Silver
Wherein lie a hundred, heated, holy, hearts of Gold
Jade, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Opal, and Opulence tenfold
Along with buried hearts of dark, for Gold is cold, and thus neither is far apart"

This got a 20/20, while the essay that I wrote that was actually on topic

"America the Blessed: A Land of Free Enterprise

America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be
America is a land where we can be want we want to be
America is a land of opportunity
America where we were founded by the pilgrims & puritans
America is a good and holy place
America is where you and I can become good people
America, the best place to live in the world.
America, a land where we keep our nation safe from terrorists
America is the land where we used to protect free enterprise
America, the land where it is under attack by far-left radicals
America, land democrats despise
America, land that real Americans love
America, despite it’s setbacks will prevail like it always"

My poem got a 17/20, showing that the teacher is evil.

They both suck, but yours sucks much, much worse.
Some moron (hes a leftist) in my class wrote a retarded essay that was supposed to be about your feelings about America, but his was about flowers
His was called "blue rose" and went like this

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped,

Vast miasmic vapors strain to wander within,
Voracious, a tireless veil striking the forge, to fasten a key to begin,
Vile hazel clouds lay below, mining gates, endeavoring to get in,

All entombed below the alabaster City of Silver
Wherein lie a hundred, heated, holy, hearts of Gold
Jade, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Opal, and Opulence tenfold
Along with buried hearts of dark, for Gold is cold, and thus neither is far apart"

This got a 20/20, while the essay that I wrote that was actually on topic

"America the Blessed: A Land of Free Enterprise

America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be
America is a land where we can be want we want to be
America is a land of opportunity
America where we were founded by the pilgrims & puritans
America is a good and holy place
America is where you and I can become good people
America, the best place to live in the world.
America, a land where we keep our nation safe from terrorists
America is the land where we used to protect free enterprise
America, the land where it is under attack by far-left radicals
America, land democrats despise
America, land that real Americans love
America, despite it’s setbacks will prevail like it always"

My poem got a 17/20, showing that the teacher is evil.

Sure, it's all mythical without a sig from the author.
this poem is amazing, and portrays what Hussein is doing quite acurately. my poem also deserved a 20/20.

Read what he wrote and compare it to the simplistic drivel you put out. He is a Conservative and put out political ideals from his perspective. You put out bumper sticker slogans.... America is a land of opportunity
America where we were founded by the pilgrims & puritans
America is a good and holy place

You should kiss your teachers ass for not having the balls to tell you that your writing sucks. I guess he is a liberal because he is afraid to hurt your feelings and be accused of liberal bias

Soon you will be going to college where your writing deficiencies cannot be hidden. But like any good conservative, continue to blame the teacher, media, pollsters and ignorant public for your own shortfalls

Hoosier4liberty admitted that my poem was better, so the point is moot.

But more of us said your poem sucked. Checkmate. :D
Honestly I was just trying to be supportive.

You are correct the person who made the original post did not provide enough information.

I am not a poet and I am not taking the class that's why I prefaced to say, I think" not "I know", although I have read some poetry that seems like the poet is trying to be clever with words to have double meanings which I personally see as indirect and kind of a disguise, that's just my opinion though.

However Honors English 11 is for high school students that much we can deduce. ;)

Sorry, didn't mean to make you feel like you were being attacked, just correcting you, and I do know a lot about poetry. Being supportive is okay, but being honest is important in order to help the student learn. It's the teacher in this case, if this is a real situation, who either isn't being honest or just doesn't know enough about teaching poetry. Not sure what's going on.

It appears as though you are amongst the crowd that expresses their painful liberal bias as well. Needless to say, however, poetry doesn't matter. "Liberal Arts" are a subjective waste of time (Kind of like liberalism in general), as such everyone should get an A since NO ONE will ever use this in their lives. The only thing that really matters is the grade, learning is not a priority at all. The public school system should stop wasting their time with idiocy like this.

I must have the "I'm a victim" part of the RW meme down pretty well for only being in 11th grade.
Were you looking for honest feedback? If so it seems most people didn't care for your poem. I think it was a good attempt, but learning requires the ability to accept honest feedback and use it to grow. If you felt you were correct in your assessment of the situation, there was very little point in seeking feedback.

Based on his recent posts, I suspect he may be a troll

Lets see if he brings in his little troll friend

There is the primitive liberal again, when he runs out of things to say, he immediately defaults to insults.
You have brought nothing to these 9 pages, but idiocy, and misguided "advice". I think you should go.

:rofl: :rofl:
Let's examine something for a moment:

"A 'doctorate' in a liberal arts degree is tantamount to a middle school education."

I'm not sure what "a doctorate in a liberal arts degree" means. Does anybody? A liberal arts degree could be a Bachelors ("B.A."), a Masters (M.A., or even M.F.A.), or a doctorate (PhD) - even an associates degree (AA), I suppose. But a doctorate in a liberal arts degree strikes me as nonsense.

As does everything else that asshole posts.

I personally have a J.D. I wonder if he can figure out what that means.
Let's examine something for a moment:

"A 'doctorate' in a liberal arts degree is tantamount to a middle school education."

I'm not sure what "a doctorate in a liberal arts degree" means. Does anybody? A liberal arts degree could be a Bachelors ("B.A."), a Masters (M.A., or even M.F.A.), or a doctorate (PhD) - even an associates degree (AA), I suppose. But a doctorate in a liberal arts degree strikes me as nonsense.

As does everything else that asshole posts.

I personally have a J.D. I wonder if he can figure out what that means.

Good for you!

You managed to troll AND brag!
if this is college level work, then my how times have changed? I do find it interesting that people construe our educational system as liberal. Can I then conclude that either our educational system is so skewed it has little value or that conservatives are below the curve?

It's High school, 11th grade.
Well if anyone knows *troll*, it would be you and dil.

Actually, CrazyLady, it would be you.

Hmmm YOU diagnosing craziness is just...... crazy

Says one of the most fo shizzle crazy liars on the board.

Ernie S. is a far right reactionary who is a bitter old man without a clue. :lol:

Just as libertarianism and the TPM are becoming more irrelevant in American affairs, we find Ernie S. already there.
if this is college level work, then my how times have changed? I do find it interesting that people construe our educational system as liberal. Can I then conclude that either our educational system is so skewed it has little value or that conservatives are below the curve?

It's High school, 11th grade.

If it is 'Advanced Placement,' then it is supposed to be first year college level work, or close to it. Advanced Placement means, if a student has completed AP courses in high school, he/she can skip some of the freshman courses in college because he/she has essentially completed equal level work in high school. As the OP is a a fake, the course is not AP or Honors or anything: just the OP's imagination. The work presented by the OP in the original post is definitely not advanced placement or honors level work, far from it.
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Nothing screams "personal responsibility" than blaming your bad grades on everyone but yourself.


In general, I agree. However, we should be realistic about roadblocks in the way, including ones like professors who grade based on what they want to read versus what the assignment wanted. Some teachers are so biased that they just refuse to give an A for anything that doesn't line up with their political biases. It happens.

Show me a perfect world. Hell! I got a failing grade in technical writing, after I was discharged from the Army and was at school for electronics engineering. She had us write a tech description of a pencil. The class all started the paper by describing what a pencil's function was. She retorted to the class after perusing the papers that we were stupid for telling the consumer what a pencil does, the consumers are not stupid and know what a pencil is for. I retorted back that all tech papers cover uses of the product and she didn't know what was happening in the real world cause she was teaching the first years after graduating.
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Reminds me of when I applied to Harvard University and was asked to provide an essay on the meaning of life and why bad things happen to good people

I titled my essay "Ode to a pay toilet"

Here I sit broken hearted
paid to shit, but only farted.

Later on I took a chance.
Went to fart and shit my pants.

Now I sit, I'm at a loss
Trying to shit out taco sauce

I know I'm gonna drop a load
I only hope I don't explode

Some come here to sit and think
Some come here to shit and stink

But I just come to scratch my balls
and read the writing on the walls

Stupid liberals only offered me a half scholarship
if this is college level work, then my how times have changed? I do find it interesting that people construe our educational system as liberal. Can I then conclude that either our educational system is so skewed it has little value or that conservatives are below the curve?

It's High school, 11th grade.

If it is 'Advanced Placement,' then it is supposed to be first year college level work, or close to it. Advanced Placement means, if a student has completed AP courses in high school, he/she can skip some of the freshman courses in college because he/she has essentially completed equal level work in high school. As the OP is a a fake, the course is not AP or Honors or anything: just the OP's imagination. The work presented by the OP in the original post is definitely not advanced placement or honors level work, far from it.

I tend to think you are right, the person posting this probably made this whole thing up.
Told ya.

Teachers are trolling the thread.
Which sort of says something about the veracity of the OP, lol.
The greatest thing about this thread is that two idiot adults have claimed authorship of "poems" that no 5th grader would be proud to produce.
I feel that way about most poetry.

I am also highly suspicious of asswads who claim to have some sort of poem-o-meter that allows them to distinguish crap poetry from the good stuff. Like most fine art, poetry is subjective and not something that can really be *taught*. You can teach about poetry, and meter, and form...but poets answer only to themselves.

And anyone who claims otherwise, or sees fit to jeer at another's poetry, doesn't understand poetry at ALL.
Why don't be silly, o no in-
deed; money can't do
(never did & never will)
any damn thing:
far from it;
You're wrong, my friend.
But what does do,
Has always done;
& will do always something is
Yes You're Right:
My enemy.

by E. E. Cummings
I feel that way about most poetry.

I am also highly suspicious of asswads who claim to have some sort of poem-o-meter that allows them to distinguish crap poetry from the good stuff. Like most fine art, poetry is subjective and not something that can really be *taught*. You can teach about poetry, and meter, and form...but poets answer only to themselves.

And anyone who claims otherwise, or sees fit to jeer at another's poetry, doesn't understand poetry at ALL.

I thought the same thing but since I don't write poetry or teach writing I am clearly wrong.

I dunno :dunno:
we had a poster who wrote great poems.

i was a big fan of his performance art.

his name was gautama, and i miss him :(

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