My teachers obvious liberal grading bias.

I don't get why some people claim the 2nd poem sounds like it was written by a 3rd grader. I sure didn't know what "free enterprise" was when I was in 3rd grade(about all I knew about economics was that you can buy things with money), nor did I know who the "Puritans" were, nor did I know about the Republicans vs. Democrats dichotomy in ideology. The writing style seems intentionally simplistic as a stylistic device in order to emphasize content and function over form. Someone with the level of education indicated by the poem clearly has the capability of writing better; however, he probably chose not to as an appeal to "the common man".

The second poem was clearly meant to serve as an example of a retard trying to write something meaningful. It is designed to be "tea party patriotic" in nature so as to lure idiot nutters to come to the defense of the "author".

Appeal to the common man? Whoooooooosh!
This is about the teacher's massive bias, it belongs in the politics section.

Oh no! Lying noob is gettin' his back up.

I get the impression that koshergrl will agree with anyone as long as they're disagreeing with me.

She's got a few issues with me, I think. It seems to occupy a lot of her time.

No, it doesn't take very long, and it isn't very difficult, to discredit you, dil. It's more of a sideline, rather than a burning obsession. I do it incidentally, not primarily...but thanks for noticing.

Though I am at a bit of a loss to the relevance of your comment about me in that particular exchange ^^nobody mentioned me, and I didn't comment...
Oh no! Lying noob is gettin' his back up.

I get the impression that koshergrl will agree with anyone as long as they're disagreeing with me.

She's got a few issues with me, I think. It seems to occupy a lot of her time.

No, it doesn't take very long, and it isn't very difficult, to discredit you, dil. It's more of a sideline, rather than a burning obsession. I do it incidentally, not primarily...but thanks for noticing.

Though I am at a bit of a loss to the relevance of your comment about me in that particular exchange ^^nobody mentioned me, and I didn't comment...

While it is true that I might have misunderstood, it seems to me that LL was referring to you thanking the OP's post when he mentioned getting "back up".

At least that's the way I took it.
I get the impression that koshergrl will agree with anyone as long as they're disagreeing with me.

She's got a few issues with me, I think. It seems to occupy a lot of her time.

No, it doesn't take very long, and it isn't very difficult, to discredit you, dil. It's more of a sideline, rather than a burning obsession. I do it incidentally, not primarily...but thanks for noticing.

Though I am at a bit of a loss to the relevance of your comment about me in that particular exchange ^^nobody mentioned me, and I didn't comment...

While it is true that I might have misunderstood, it seems to me that LL was referring to you thanking the OP's post when he mentioned getting "back up".

At least that's the way I took it.

Nope. You misunderstood. I was referring to the OP "getting his back up" over a mod moving the thread.

This does not mean that KG is not every bit as vile and nasty as you think she is.
Good grief, it's the retarded leading the retarded, lol.

No, I'm not a noob. And my back isn't up.

It appears that DIL is rather more obsessed with me than I am with him.
Liberals have infiltrated the school system.

Actually, I don't think I would put it quite that way.

The right is very open in their opposition to education. Indeed, last general election, one of the candidates said kids should not be in school but rather, they should be cleaning toilets. Another said that we should not be educating our citizens and that our president is a "snob" for wanting Americans to be able to get the kind and degree of edication they want.

The rw's here often refer to the "elitists" who run universities, thus admitting that rw's don't get educated.

If you hate the left so much, drop out and sling hamburgers. But, really, your best weapon is an education. Problem is, what will likely come with an education is an open mind. If that happens, you won't be able to talk yourself into believing tee potty shit.

'tis a real brain flosser, what?

About the poems ... Unless you're very young, the first poem is simply better than yours. You might want to open your mind and even consider participating in your own education. Talk to your teacher. Ask what he/she was considering when he/she decided the grades and then try to do better next time.
No, it doesn't take very long, and it isn't very difficult, to discredit you, dil. It's more of a sideline, rather than a burning obsession. I do it incidentally, not primarily...but thanks for noticing.

Though I am at a bit of a loss to the relevance of your comment about me in that particular exchange ^^nobody mentioned me, and I didn't comment...

While it is true that I might have misunderstood, it seems to me that LL was referring to you thanking the OP's post when he mentioned getting "back up".

At least that's the way I took it.

Nope. You misunderstood. I was referring to the OP "getting his back up" over a mod moving the thread.

This does not mean that KG is not every bit as vile and nasty as you think she is.

Aha. I see.

Thanks for the clarification.
We have a troll supporting troll.

Koshergrl is in her environment.

Roll on, girl, roll on.
Some moron (hes a leftist) in my class wrote a retarded essay that was supposed to be about your feelings about America, but his was about flowers
His was called "blue rose" and went like this

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped,

Vast miasmic vapors strain to wander within,
Voracious, a tireless veil striking the forge, to fasten a key to begin,
Vile hazel clouds lay below, mining gates, endeavoring to get in,

All entombed below the alabaster City of Silver
Wherein lie a hundred, heated, holy, hearts of Gold
Jade, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Opal, and Opulence tenfold
Along with buried hearts of dark, for Gold is cold, and thus neither is far apart"

This got a 20/20, while the essay that I wrote that was actually on topic

"America the Blessed: A Land of Free Enterprise

America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be
America is a land where we can be want we want to be
America is a land of opportunity
America where we were founded by the pilgrims & puritans
America is a good and holy place
America is where you and I can become good people
America, the best place to live in the world.
America, a land where we keep our nation safe from terrorists
America is the land where we used to protect free enterprise
America, the land where it is under attack by far-left radicals
America, land democrats despise
America, land that real Americans love
America, despite it’s setbacks will prevail like it always"

My poem got a 17/20, showing that the teacher is evil.

What's a "real" American?
What is the name of your class, what subject is being taught?

Honors English 11

Honors English 11
English 11 - Honors Course Description: This course is a study of American Literature integrated into a study of American History. Writing assignments will be completed as practice for the AP United States History Exam. Students are taught to recognize literary concepts, devices, and authors. Mastery is exhibited through discussion, testing, writing assignments, and oral interpretation. The course of study involves discussion on the historical background of the recognized time period in American literature. The writing process is involved in assignments based upon the reading. Students will be tested throughout the year on required reading assignments (novels).

I think they are trying to prepare you for College style writing.

That said, you say the assignment was to write about "your feelings" about America and you did.

Did your classmate tell you that the poem they wrote was about flowers?

Maybe they were writing in metaphors, How to Write a Metaphor (with Examples) - wikiHow

Political interpretations of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think you did a good job with your feelings but in poetry you have to use clever disguises in conveying your words about how you feel, I am not very good at it myself. :cool:
What is the name of your class, what subject is being taught?

Honors English 11

Honors English 11
English 11 - Honors Course Description: This course is a study of American Literature integrated into a study of American History. Writing assignments will be completed as practice for the AP United States History Exam. Students are taught to recognize literary concepts, devices, and authors. Mastery is exhibited through discussion, testing, writing assignments, and oral interpretation. The course of study involves discussion on the historical background of the recognized time period in American literature. The writing process is involved in assignments based upon the reading. Students will be tested throughout the year on required reading assignments (novels).

I think they are trying to prepare you for College style writing.

That said, you say the assignment was to write about "your feelings" about America and you did.

Did your classmate tell you that the poem they wrote was about flowers?

Maybe they were writing in metaphors, How to Write a Metaphor (with Examples) - wikiHow

Political interpretations of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think you did a good job with your feelings but in poetry you have to use clever disguises in conveying your words about how you feel, I am not very good at it myself. :cool:

You can't disguise "tardation". It has a way of shining through.
Honors English 11

Honors English 11
English 11 - Honors Course Description: This course is a study of American Literature integrated into a study of American History. Writing assignments will be completed as practice for the AP United States History Exam. Students are taught to recognize literary concepts, devices, and authors. Mastery is exhibited through discussion, testing, writing assignments, and oral interpretation. The course of study involves discussion on the historical background of the recognized time period in American literature. The writing process is involved in assignments based upon the reading. Students will be tested throughout the year on required reading assignments (novels).

I think they are trying to prepare you for College style writing.

That said, you say the assignment was to write about "your feelings" about America and you did.

Did your classmate tell you that the poem they wrote was about flowers?

Maybe they were writing in metaphors, How to Write a Metaphor (with Examples) - wikiHow

Political interpretations of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think you did a good job with your feelings but in poetry you have to use clever disguises in conveying your words about how you feel, I am not very good at it myself. :cool:

You can't disguise "tardation". It has a way of shining through.

He/She is in 11th grade High School.

Learning is a process :)
What is the name of your class, what subject is being taught?

Honors English 11

Interesting. I'm in Honors English 11 as well. We got a similar poem assignment in a Springboard workbook, so it must be used for a bunch of schools.

While my teacher has a clear liberal slant when presenting the material, she is relatively tolerant of opposing viewpoints and doesn't exert a Marxist bias when grading.

Here was my poem, which got 15/15 at my school:
“America: Not Just a Place, an Idea”
America is more than just another place one finds on a map
It’s an idea, the idea that people should be free to govern themselves
It’s the idea that citizens can have a say about what goes on in their government
It’s the idea that people should be free from excessive government control over their own lives
It’s the idea that taxes and federal spending should be limited so individuals and businesses prosper
It’s the idea that e-mails and phone records of American citizens should be private
The idea of America is all about freedom, freedom to flourish, or freedom to fail on one’s own merit
Our patriot Founders planted the seeds of liberty in our great land
Cultivated with care, strengthened by sacrifice, freedom flourished
But a whirlwind of big government from Washington is threatening America’s tried-and-true values
Hampering the free-enterprise system, diminishing economic freedom, killing jobs and opportunity
We must reclaim the idea of America, the ideas of liberty and freedom, and bring the country back
To the ideals that made us great
Much blood has been shed for this idea of America and we cannot let it go to waste
But let us not lose hope, as I know we can take back our liberty
because whenever freedom gets an up-or-down vote in the heartland of America, freedom always wins

The 15/15 was clearly deserved; it sounds like your teacher has a strong left-wing bias.
Some moron (hes a leftist) in my class wrote a retarded essay that was supposed to be about your feelings about America, but his was about flowers
His was called "blue rose" and went like this

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped,

Vast miasmic vapors strain to wander within,
Voracious, a tireless veil striking the forge, to fasten a key to begin,
Vile hazel clouds lay below, mining gates, endeavoring to get in,

All entombed below the alabaster City of Silver
Wherein lie a hundred, heated, holy, hearts of Gold
Jade, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Opal, and Opulence tenfold
Along with buried hearts of dark, for Gold is cold, and thus neither is far apart"

This got a 20/20, while the essay that I wrote that was actually on topic

"America the Blessed: A Land of Free Enterprise

America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be
America is a land where we can be want we want to be
America is a land of opportunity
America where we were founded by the pilgrims & puritans
America is a good and holy place
America is where you and I can become good people
America, the best place to live in the world.
America, a land where we keep our nation safe from terrorists
America is the land where we used to protect free enterprise
America, the land where it is under attack by far-left radicals
America, land democrats despise
America, land that real Americans love
America, despite it’s setbacks will prevail like it always"

My poem got a 17/20, showing that the teacher is evil.

I would say good for the teacher and you should have got an F for writing a few lines of patriotic republican dribble, but your not a student now are you?
What is the name of your class, what subject is being taught?

Honors English 11

Honors English 11
English 11 - Honors Course Description: This course is a study of American Literature integrated into a study of American History. Writing assignments will be completed as practice for the AP United States History Exam. Students are taught to recognize literary concepts, devices, and authors. Mastery is exhibited through discussion, testing, writing assignments, and oral interpretation. The course of study involves discussion on the historical background of the recognized time period in American literature. The writing process is involved in assignments based upon the reading. Students will be tested throughout the year on required reading assignments (novels).

I think they are trying to prepare you for College style writing.

That said, you say the assignment was to write about "your feelings" about America and you did.

Did your classmate tell you that the poem they wrote was about flowers?

Maybe they were writing in metaphors, How to Write a Metaphor (with Examples) - wikiHow

Political interpretations of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think you did a good job with your feelings but in poetry you have to use clever disguises in conveying your words about how you feel, I am not very good at it myself. :cool:

The OP has said this is Honors English 11, which I imagine means 11th grade. You picked up a description of Honors English 11 from somewhere. Is that from the OP's school? Each school writes out their own description of a course, so if your description is not from the OP’s school, it may not be the same at all. If the OP's class is AP (advanced placement), then, yes, they are supposedly preparing him for college. The work should be at the level or close to the level of first year college work. In the course description you supplied, which may not be the same course the OP is taking, it says "Students are taught to recognize literary concepts, devices..." The teacher may be teaching them to recognize poetic elements, but based on the poems, they have not been taught to use them with any effectiveness. The first poem is gag me with a metaphor over blown in both language and imagery. It is awful. Absolutely grotesque. It is pretentious and without any natural or personal sincerity. The second poem has virtually no literary or poetic devices or characteristics except that it is written in verse and uses anaphora (one of the devices of repetition in which the same expression (word or words) is repeated at the beginning of two or more lines, clauses, or sentences). Also, rather than expressing a natural sincerity, it seems to simply regurgitate certain conservative values. Both poems completely lack the true 'voice' of the poet. Either the OP is completely putting us on, or the teacher in this 11th grade 'honors' English literature course is very incompetent. She/he may be teaching the students about poetry and poetic devices, and the students may have tried to use them; however, a strong clue to the teacher's incompetence is giving the completed assignments such high grades. Also, I question how a student who is apparently in 11th grade honors English literature can confuse an essay with a poem: the OP initially calls the work an essay.

As well, the OP has not said whether the teacher supplied any specific criteria for the grades; this is an indication of this either being a put on or that of a teacher of what should be a high level course giving an assignment without telling the students the criteria for grading it, which, of course, indicates incompetence on the teacher's part.

BTW, poets do not use "clever disguises in conveying [their] words" or ideas; it is just the opposite--they use very controlled and specific literary devices to make their ideas clearer and more precise, to have more impact, and to convey levels of meaning. The last thing a good poet is trying to do is to obscure ideas with trickery.
Last edited:
Some moron (hes a leftist) in my class wrote a retarded essay that was supposed to be about your feelings about America, but his was about flowers
His was called "blue rose" and went like this

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped,

Vast miasmic vapors strain to wander within,
Voracious, a tireless veil striking the forge, to fasten a key to begin,
Vile hazel clouds lay below, mining gates, endeavoring to get in,

All entombed below the alabaster City of Silver
Wherein lie a hundred, heated, holy, hearts of Gold
Jade, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Opal, and Opulence tenfold
Along with buried hearts of dark, for Gold is cold, and thus neither is far apart"

This got a 20/20, while the essay that I wrote that was actually on topic

"America the Blessed: A Land of Free Enterprise

America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be
America is a land where we can be want we want to be
America is a land of opportunity
America where we were founded by the pilgrims & puritans
America is a good and holy place
America is where you and I can become good people
America, the best place to live in the world.
America, a land where we keep our nation safe from terrorists
America is the land where we used to protect free enterprise
America, the land where it is under attack by far-left radicals
America, land democrats despise
America, land that real Americans love
America, despite it’s setbacks will prevail like it always"

My poem got a 17/20, showing that the teacher is evil.

17/20 for that?

and you are complaining, hahahaha

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