My teachers obvious liberal grading bias.

The OP/s poem was a pipe dream, OK for an third grade class that teaches Washington chopped down a cherry tree but not a high school class.
It was about my ATTITUTDE towards America, so it was right

I would have given you a C for trying

Other than that, it shows minimal effort and no individual insightful thought

Next time, write a poem with the word penury in it
The moron sent me his translation of the poem, as how it relates to America, and it is worse than I thought. Its pretty stupid, and the poem is actually far-left hogwash, replet with evil connotations

So this goes to show that LEFTIST things get better grades.
The moron sent me his translation of the poem, as how it relates to America, and it is worse than I thought. Its pretty stupid, and the poem is actually far-left hogwash, replet with evil connotations

So this goes to show that LEFTIST things get better grades.

Actually, I think it shows that rightwingers can't write worth a shit

I really, really hope that you are still in High School and not trying to pass off the crap you write at a college level
My niece took a test in high school that included the question "who won the 2000 presidential election".
Her answer, Bush, was marked as incorrect.
Even after being confronted by my brother, the teacher refused to budge.

Now THAT is Liberal bullshit in the classroom.
My niece took a test in high school that included the question "who won the 2000 presidential election".
Her answer, Bush, was marked as incorrect.
Even after being confronted by my brother, the teacher refused to budge.

Now THAT is Liberal bullshit in the classroom.

I call bullshit on your post
You're going about this all wrong. The key isn't to learn and grow as a person, but to get a good grade and pass the class. Just regurgitate what the professor says. It doesn't have to be right or correct or even sane, but if the professor says Amerikkka is the land of evil, put that back on paper.

Save thinking and the free exchange of ideas for when you have your own class.

As much as I disagree with this, as much as I dislike this....

StevenR is 100% correct.

You're in School for one reason -- To graduate, to move to the next Grade.... Whatever.

Right now, you think school is the end-all, be-all of your life? It isn't. It's okay to think it is for now, but concentrate on getting advanced, graduated... Whatever.

And then, as soon as you get out of School? The first thing people will tell you once you get to your job....?

"Forget everything you learned in School".

Because most of it is shit...

Especially the liberal arts. Not saying it is worth learning, but it's generally useless.

Won't earn you a dime in the real world.
Some moron (hes a leftist) in my class wrote a retarded essay that was supposed to be about your feelings about America, but his was about flowers
His was called "blue rose" and went like this

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped,

Vast miasmic vapors strain to wander within,
Voracious, a tireless veil striking the forge, to fasten a key to begin,
Vile hazel clouds lay below, mining gates, endeavoring to get in,

All entombed below the alabaster City of Silver
Wherein lie a hundred, heated, holy, hearts of Gold
Jade, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Opal, and Opulence tenfold
Along with buried hearts of dark, for Gold is cold, and thus neither is far apart"

This got a 20/20, while the essay that I wrote that was actually on topic

"America the Blessed: A Land of Free Enterprise

America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be
America is a land where we can be want we want to be
America is a land of opportunity
America where we were founded by the pilgrims & puritans
America is a good and holy place
America is where you and I can become good people
America, the best place to live in the world.
America, a land where we keep our nation safe from terrorists
America is the land where we used to protect free enterprise
America, the land where it is under attack by far-left radicals
America, land democrats despise
America, land that real Americans love
America, despite it’s setbacks will prevail like it always"

My poem got a 17/20, showing that the teacher is evil.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Your "poem" blows,
And it sucks, too.
Some moron (hes a leftist) in my class wrote a retarded essay that was supposed to be about your feelings about America, but his was about flowers
His was called "blue rose" and went like this

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped,

Vast miasmic vapors strain to wander within,
Voracious, a tireless veil striking the forge, to fasten a key to begin,
Vile hazel clouds lay below, mining gates, endeavoring to get in,

All entombed below the alabaster City of Silver
Wherein lie a hundred, heated, holy, hearts of Gold
Jade, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Opal, and Opulence tenfold
Along with buried hearts of dark, for Gold is cold, and thus neither is far apart"

This got a 20/20, while the essay that I wrote that was actually on topic

"America the Blessed: A Land of Free Enterprise

America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be
America is a land where we can be want we want to be
America is a land of opportunity
America where we were founded by the pilgrims & puritans
America is a good and holy place
America is where you and I can become good people
America, the best place to live in the world.
America, a land where we keep our nation safe from terrorists
America is the land where we used to protect free enterprise
America, the land where it is under attack by far-left radicals
America, land democrats despise
America, land that real Americans love
America, despite it’s setbacks will prevail like it always"

My poem got a 17/20, showing that the teacher is evil.

Is this for real? OK I'll play along.

IMO, the first poem is much better.

(disclosure- I'm a Republican)
What makes what you wrote a poem vs a bunch of random thoughts?

Where does what you wrote show more insightful reflection on our country than that a third grader could have written?

I think 17/20 is overly generous

The first poem doesn't even make any sense, so it just shows how arbitrary the grading is.

Of course it doesn't make sense....poems are pretentious bull shit
Yours is just a childlike rightwing rant

America is a good and holy place
America is where you and I can become good people
America, the best place to live in the world.

A third grader couldn't have written this?

Maybe a 3rd grader did, have you thought of that?

Stop picking on the kid, he/she has suffered enough already
What makes what you wrote a poem vs a bunch of random thoughts?

Where does what you wrote show more insightful reflection on our country than that a third grader could have written?

I think 17/20 is overly generous

The first poem doesn't even make any sense, so it just shows how arbitrary the grading is.

Of course it doesn't make sense....poems are pretentious bull shit
Yours is just a childlike rightwing rant

America is a good and holy place
America is where you and I can become good people
America, the best place to live in the world.

A third grader couldn't have written this?

May be onto something there.
My niece took a test in high school that included the question "who won the 2000 presidential election".
Her answer, Bush, was marked as incorrect.
Even after being confronted by my brother, the teacher refused to budge.

Now THAT is Liberal bullshit in the classroom.

I call bullshit on your post

Here's my take...I bet it was marked wrong because she did not specify which Bush. Like if I were to answer Roosevelt as to who was President during WWII.....there were two Roosevelts....need to be more specific.
The first poem doesn't even make any sense, so it just shows how arbitrary the grading is.

Of course it doesn't make sense....poems are pretentious bull shit
Yours is just a childlike rightwing rant

America is a good and holy place
America is where you and I can become good people
America, the best place to live in the world.

A third grader couldn't have written this?

Maybe a 3rd grader did, have you thought of that?

Stop picking on the kid, he/she has suffered enough already

Seriously? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a pansy!
Hello everyone.

A couple of have figured it out....but way too many have not.

The dude is not for real.

Damn......sometimes it is embarrassing to be here.

That first poem would make excellent lyrics for a Black Sabbath song.

I'm just sayin'.


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