My teachers obvious liberal grading bias.

Nothing screams "personal responsibility" than blaming your bad grades on everyone but yourself.


17 out of 20 is 85%, a B+, generally. How is that a bad grade? What's obvious here is that the teacher has not made it clear what would constitute a well written poem and what would not, so the student has no idea why one poem got a 17 and one got a 20, if, indeed, this scenario is even real. Both poems are so ridiculous, I suspect this is not a real situation but someone who doesn't know anything about poetry just making something up to complain about 'liberal' teachers. How, for example, does one student get the full text of another student's poem? Usually that would not happen.
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Nothing screams "personal responsibility" than blaming your bad grades on everyone but yourself.


In general, I agree. However, we should be realistic about roadblocks in the way, including ones like professors who grade based on what they want to read versus what the assignment wanted. Some teachers are so biased that they just refuse to give an A for anything that doesn't line up with their political biases. It happens.
Some moron (hes a leftist) in my class wrote a retarded essay that was supposed to be about your feelings about America, but his was about flowers
His was called "blue rose" and went like this

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped,

Vast miasmic vapors strain to wander within,
Voracious, a tireless veil striking the forge, to fasten a key to begin,
Vile hazel clouds lay below, mining gates, endeavoring to get in,

All entombed below the alabaster City of Silver
Wherein lie a hundred, heated, holy, hearts of Gold
Jade, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Opal, and Opulence tenfold
Along with buried hearts of dark, for Gold is cold, and thus neither is far apart"

This got a 20/20, while the essay that I wrote that was actually on topic

"America the Blessed: A Land of Free Enterprise

America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be
America is a land where we can be want we want to be
America is a land of opportunity
America where we were founded by the pilgrims & puritans
America is a good and holy place
America is where you and I can become good people
America, the best place to live in the world.
America, a land where we keep our nation safe from terrorists
America is the land where we used to protect free enterprise
America, the land where it is under attack by far-left radicals
America, land democrats despise
America, land that real Americans love
America, despite it’s setbacks will prevail like it always"

My poem got a 17/20, showing that the teacher is evil.

Alright class, now pay attention!

The first poem is an example of the extreme left - high as a kite, in their own little la-la land where everything is shiny and new.

The second poem is an example of the extreme right - dumb as they come, in their own little Bible study where Leviticus is relevant to modern society.

Naturally, the dumber of the two poems will score slightly lower, though neither has any real merit.

Class dismissed.

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Both poems are equally horrible, but, given the fact the teacher has given them both high grades, I conclude the inability of the students to write poetry is due to the teacher's inability to teach them how to write poetry. Failure all around.

Actually, mine was better. Mine ACTUALLY MADE SENSE
Nothing screams "personal responsibility" than blaming your bad grades on everyone but yourself.


17 out of 20 is 85%, a B+, generally. How is that a bad grade. What's obvious here is that the teacher has not made it clear what would constitute a well written poem and what would not, so the student has no idea why one poem got a 17 and one got a 20, if, indeed, this scenario is even real. Both poems are so ridiculous, I suspect this is not a real situation but someone who doesn't know anything about poetry just making something up to complain about about 'liberal' teachers. How, for example, does one student get the full text of another student's poem? Usually that would not happen.

You're probably right about the story being completely fictional. But I tend to give posters (particularly new ones) the benefit of the doubt simply for the sake of argument.
Nothing screams "personal responsibility" than blaming your bad grades on everyone but yourself.


17 out of 20 is 85%, a B+, generally. How is that a bad grade? What's obvious here is that the teacher has not made it clear what would constitute a well written poem and what would not, so the student has no idea why one poem got a 17 and one got a 20, if, indeed, this scenario is even real. Both poems are so ridiculous, I suspect this is not a real situation but someone who doesn't know anything about poetry just making something up to complain about 'liberal' teachers. How, for example, does one student get the full text of another student's poem? Usually that would not happen.

I told the kid to email it to me.
Both poems are equally horrible, but, given the fact the teacher has given them both high grades, I conclude the inability of the students to write poetry is due to the teacher's inability to teach them how to write poetry. Failure all around.

Actually, mine was better. Mine ACTUALLY MADE SENSE

Your ideas were clearly expressed, but there was no poetic quality to the work. The other poem is full of what some people think of as poetic or artistic language, but whatever ideas were supposedly being expressed were not expressed with any clarity or control. Neither of these 'poems' function as poetry. Poetry is not 'completely subjective,' not any more than any other art form--music, dance, theatre, painting, etc. There are techniques and elements consistent with all forms of art. Poetry, rather than just being anything you want to throw down on paper, is very concise and controlled, though some types of free verse poetry may, to people who don't understand how poetry works, seem just the opposite. It can be thought of as controlled chaos, perhaps. But it isn't chaos at all.
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Nothing screams "personal responsibility" than blaming your bad grades on everyone but yourself.


17 out of 20 is 85%, a B+, generally. How is that a bad grade? What's obvious here is that the teacher has not made it clear what would constitute a well written poem and what would not, so the student has no idea why one poem got a 17 and one got a 20, if, indeed, this scenario is even real. Both poems are so ridiculous, I suspect this is not a real situation but someone who doesn't know anything about poetry just making something up to complain about 'liberal' teachers. How, for example, does one student get the full text of another student's poem? Usually that would not happen.

I told the kid to email it to me.

What class was this? Creative writing, English? High school, community college, university?
What a ridiculous statement to make about learning institutions.

Some moron (hes a leftist) in my class wrote a retarded essay that was supposed to be about your feelings about America, but his was about flowers
His was called "blue rose" and went like this

"O mythical island of Ivory,
Where suns of Gilded Gold lie within,
High above the mists of penury,
O In the solemn skies of heaven, mapped,

Vast miasmic vapors strain to wander within,
Voracious, a tireless veil striking the forge, to fasten a key to begin,
Vile hazel clouds lay below, mining gates, endeavoring to get in,

All entombed below the alabaster City of Silver
Wherein lie a hundred, heated, holy, hearts of Gold
Jade, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Opal, and Opulence tenfold
Along with buried hearts of dark, for Gold is cold, and thus neither is far apart"

This got a 20/20, while the essay that I wrote that was actually on topic

"America the Blessed: A Land of Free Enterprise

America is a land where anyone could be what they want to be
America is a land where we can be want we want to be
America is a land of opportunity
America where we were founded by the pilgrims & puritans
America is a good and holy place
America is where you and I can become good people
America, the best place to live in the world.
America, a land where we keep our nation safe from terrorists
America is the land where we used to protect free enterprise
America, the land where it is under attack by far-left radicals
America, land democrats despise
America, land that real Americans love
America, despite it’s setbacks will prevail like it always"

My poem got a 17/20, showing that the teacher is evil.

Here's the deal with "education". These so-called "teachers" were trained in the same institutions that willfully embrace radical hatred for America. Unfortunately, these "teachers" are completely unwilling or incapable of thinking for themselves and carry this into the public school system - not so much the private system, because it isn't tolerated there.

My Father, a retired Brigadier General (Air Force) gave me this advice, when I started my education (communications and political science) at the University of Louisville in the mid 70s:

He told me to do the work that was "required" of me but to always remember that there is "truth" and there is "BS". The trick is knowing what the difference is. He always said "Stand on your upbringing" As soon as I got my degree - I put that crap behind me and moved on.

Work hard in school. But take the lessons that your parents gave you as the gospel and take the crap that these "teachers" give you with a grain of salt.
I don't get why some people claim the 2nd poem sounds like it was written by a 3rd grader. I sure didn't know what "free enterprise" was when I was in 3rd grade(about all I knew about economics was that you can buy things with money), nor did I know who the "Puritans" were, nor did I know about the Republicans vs. Democrats dichotomy in ideology. The writing style seems intentionally simplistic as a stylistic device in order to emphasize content and function over form. Someone with the level of education indicated by the poem clearly has the capability of writing better; however, he probably chose not to as an appeal to "the common man".
Liberals have infiltrated the school system.

That is completely true.

But let me tell you the truth...... The poem that got graded higher than yours is better.

Sorry, but it is. By a lot.

I don't like it, but it is what it is.... :dunno:

And nobody on this board is more Conservative than am I.


But I calls them as I sees them.

No offense

I find both slanted, one left, yours right. The depth of the first poem blows yours away. Neither grasp America as a whole, both of you are locked in "Us and Them".
You need to get past that, or your future in that class is going to hurt your GPA. Suck it up, try harder.

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