My theory. .. Biden will drop out of the debates because he will say he tested positive for Covid

Every thread seems to come from Republicans
They must be afraid to debate him

It's classic republican projection.

They are terrified of trump debating Biden.

Actually they're afraid of Biden debating Trump. Especially since Trump is now on defense in calling soldiers "losers" and "suckers"

He even said that in 2015 of John McCain getting shot down in Vietnam. Long before Trump had any reason to hate McCain for voting against his healthcare bill 2 years later.
They have been playing the 2015 video of Trump calling John McCain a "loser" for getting shot down in Vietnam.
Yeah, Trump didn't like McCain. Your point?
Trump swears he never called McCain a loser.

You don't see a problem with his lying about it?

You support the Democrats who not only constantly lie, fake news and that most of Trump's supposed lies are actually the left lying about what he said, and you're suddenly worried about lying? Seriously?

I've learned in my life that those who tell me "believe me" are the last people who should ever be believed or trusted.

Trumps latest offer

Trump Says He’ll ‘Swear on Whatever’ That He Never Called Fallen American Soldiers ‘Losers’ or ‘Suckers’

“Also, I never called……John a loser and swear on whatever, or whoever, I was asked to swear on, that I never called our great fallen soldiers anything other than HEROES,” Trump insisted.

Wow, I've never seen Democrats brainwashing yourselves in action before. I mean I've heard about it, but never seen it directly like this. It's like seeing the Panda's in the National Zoo give birth. Fascinating
You support the Democrats who not only constantly lie, fake news and that most of Trump's supposed lies are actually the left lying about what he said, and you're suddenly worried about lying? Seriously?

In this case, they have Trump on video lying about what he called John McCain.

When somebody tells such a bold faced lie with a straight face, you know they're a pathological liar. And that's not a good thing for somebody with access to nuclear weapons.
You support the Democrats who not only constantly lie, fake news and that most of Trump's supposed lies are actually the left lying about what he said, and you're suddenly worried about lying? Seriously?

In this case, they have Trump on video lying about what he called John McCain.

When somebody tells such a bold faced lie with a straight face, you know they're a pathological liar. And that's not a good thing for somebody with access to nuclear weapons.

And yet you're going to vote for Biden. At least you don't want Pelosi or Schummer near them though
When somebody tells such a bold faced lie with a straight face, you know they're a pathological liar. And that's not a good thing for somebody with access to nuclear weapons.
And yet you're going to vote for Biden. At least you don't want Pelosi or Schummer near them though
Schummer does not have access to nuclear weapons. He's a senior senator from New York, which does not put him in the presidential succession chain.

But you should worry about the election being disputed, and going to congress.
I also wouldn't put it past democrats to gin up the riots, violence and mass shootings right before the debate, and then propose postponing debates so people can deal with healing or something along those lines...

Drafts of a DHS report call white supremacists the 'most persistent and lethal' terror threat in the US: report
Ellen Cranley Sep 5, 2020, 11:33 AM
  • A report from the Department of Homeland Security cast white supremacy as the greatest terror threat to the US, according to Politico.
  • In three drafts viewed by the outlet, the department concluded that "white supremacist extremists (WSEs) will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland through 2021."
  • The report comes as President Donald Trump and some of his allies have slammed violence at protests against racism and police brutality as a fallout of left-wing actors in Democratic cities.
A report from the Department of Homeland Security cast white supremacy as the greatest terror threat to the US, according to Politico.
Drafts of a DHS report call white supremacists the 'most persistent and lethal' terror threat in the US: report

that's donny's base.

Gee. Guess they forgot about BLM and Antifa who have looted, burned and murdered in Portland, Seattle and Indianapolis.

Oh and Politico?? LMAO

gee - didn't know that a vast majority of arrests have benn the supreeeeeeeeeeeeeeemes?

all major outlets have confirmed & are reporting on this - politico was the first. & that there report will be coming out.

as for your comment on politico?


Has this Media Source failed a fact check? LET US KNOW HERE.

Politico - Least Biased - Not Left - Not Right - Not Liberal - Not Conservative - Credible
Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased Sources.

  • Overall, we rate Politico Least Biased based on balanced coverage of news stories and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.
Politico - Media Bias/Fact Check

lol... next?

Wow, leftists declaring leftists not biased. I'd say that's a fantastic argument, but wow, it's really not

View attachment 386094

so i guess then when they say MSNBC daily kos, or mother jones are left biased or that the WSJ is right leaning, they are lying too right? ?

you're dismissed.

MBFC is nothing more than a left fact check. Sure they ping a few left media outlets to try and give the appearance of being neutral, but if you look at how they determine their rating it's nonsense. Just take CNN with all the stories they have lied about and misrepresented their rating should be in the conspiracy column, same with Politico. They list left biased outlets as left leaning but they identify them as highly creditable, yet they give no clear explanation how they determine an outlets credibility.
"I don't think that there should be any debates," Pelosi said out of the blue at a news conference at the Capitol. There is a whole lot more in the media and from politicians but I am lazy.

That was before the commander in chief had to start playing defense after calling our brave soldiers "suckers" and "losers".
You liberals hate the military and the police except when you think you have caught Trump in something
Ultimate pukes and hypocrites
You liberals hate the military and the police except when you think you have caught Trump in something
Ultimate pukes and hypocrites
Liberals don't call soldiers "losers" and "suckers". Even when McCain ran against Obama liberals never called McCain a "loser" And that speaks volumes that liberals never sank as low as Donald Trump when it came to military service.
I also wouldn't put it past democrats to gin up the riots, violence and mass shootings right before the debate, and then propose postponing debates so people can deal with healing or something along those lines...

Drafts of a DHS report call white supremacists the 'most persistent and lethal' terror threat in the US: report
Ellen Cranley Sep 5, 2020, 11:33 AM
  • A report from the Department of Homeland Security cast white supremacy as the greatest terror threat to the US, according to Politico.
  • In three drafts viewed by the outlet, the department concluded that "white supremacist extremists (WSEs) will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland through 2021."
  • The report comes as President Donald Trump and some of his allies have slammed violence at protests against racism and police brutality as a fallout of left-wing actors in Democratic cities.
A report from the Department of Homeland Security cast white supremacy as the greatest terror threat to the US, according to Politico.
Drafts of a DHS report call white supremacists the 'most persistent and lethal' terror threat in the US: report

that's donny's base.

Gee. Guess they forgot about BLM and Antifa who have looted, burned and murdered in Portland, Seattle and Indianapolis.

Oh and Politico?? LMAO

gee - didn't know that a vast majority of arrests have benn the supreeeeeeeeeeeeeeemes?

all major outlets have confirmed & are reporting on this - politico was the first. & that there report will be coming out.

as for your comment on politico?


Has this Media Source failed a fact check? LET US KNOW HERE.

Politico - Least Biased - Not Left - Not Right - Not Liberal - Not Conservative - Credible
Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased Sources.

  • Overall, we rate Politico Least Biased based on balanced coverage of news stories and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.
Politico - Media Bias/Fact Check

lol... next?

Wow, leftists declaring leftists not biased. I'd say that's a fantastic argument, but wow, it's really not

View attachment 386094

so i guess then when they say MSNBC daily kos, or mother jones are left biased or that the WSJ is right leaning, they are lying too right? ?

you're dismissed.

I don't know what that means, but then neither do you

it means they are accurate in their ratings. damn - no critical thinking skills on your part.

The WSJ editorial board is conservative, but the news section is very left. So it depends what you meant.

And that doesn't add up to accurate, you were snuffing that one

View attachment 386098

i didn't vote for clinton, so my conscience is clear... lol - but it's looking pretty clear that donny grabbed you.


No, petting Biden's legs is your gig. How'd you like the shoulder massage?

not really but you go on supporting your pussy grabbing man whore from NYC...

I also wouldn't put it past democrats to gin up the riots, violence and mass shootings right before the debate, and then propose postponing debates so people can deal with healing or something along those lines...

Drafts of a DHS report call white supremacists the 'most persistent and lethal' terror threat in the US: report
Ellen Cranley Sep 5, 2020, 11:33 AM
  • A report from the Department of Homeland Security cast white supremacy as the greatest terror threat to the US, according to Politico.
  • In three drafts viewed by the outlet, the department concluded that "white supremacist extremists (WSEs) will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland through 2021."
  • The report comes as President Donald Trump and some of his allies have slammed violence at protests against racism and police brutality as a fallout of left-wing actors in Democratic cities.
A report from the Department of Homeland Security cast white supremacy as the greatest terror threat to the US, according to Politico.
Drafts of a DHS report call white supremacists the 'most persistent and lethal' terror threat in the US: report

that's donny's base.

Gee. Guess they forgot about BLM and Antifa who have looted, burned and murdered in Portland, Seattle and Indianapolis.

Oh and Politico?? LMAO

gee - didn't know that a vast majority of arrests have benn the supreeeeeeeeeeeeeeemes?

all major outlets have confirmed & are reporting on this - politico was the first. & that there report will be coming out.

as for your comment on politico?


Has this Media Source failed a fact check? LET US KNOW HERE.

Politico - Least Biased - Not Left - Not Right - Not Liberal - Not Conservative - Credible
Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased Sources.

  • Overall, we rate Politico Least Biased based on balanced coverage of news stories and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.
Politico - Media Bias/Fact Check

lol... next?

Wow, leftists declaring leftists not biased. I'd say that's a fantastic argument, but wow, it's really not

View attachment 386094

so i guess then when they say MSNBC daily kos, or mother jones are left biased or that the WSJ is right leaning, they are lying too right? ?

you're dismissed.

MBFC is nothing more than a left fact check. Sure they ping a few left media outlets to try and give the appearance of being neutral, but if you look at how they determine their rating it's nonsense. Just take CNN with all the stories they have lied about and misrepresented their rating should be in the conspiracy column, same with Politico. They list left biased outlets as left leaning but they identify them as highly creditable, yet they give no clear explanation how they determine an outlets credibility.


wrong. are you THAT poorly educated, that you couldn't bother to make sure b4 you spewed YOUR obviously biased bullshit?

About - Media Bias/Fact Check

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Media Bias Fact Check is frequently used as a resource for Educational Institutions and Libraries. Below is a shortlist of the top 10 institutions that use MBFC as an educational resource.

Protecting you from fake news sites since 2015
Media Bias Fact Check as a Source: Universities and Libraries - Media Bias/Fact Check

donny loves the poorly educated long time.
Last edited:
You liberals hate the military and the police except when you think you have caught Trump in something
Ultimate pukes and hypocrites
Liberals don't call soldiers "losers" and "suckers". Even when McCain ran against Obama liberals never called McCain a "loser" And that speaks volumes that liberals never sank as low as Donald Trump when it came to military service.

Liberals just vote to defund(using their term...evidently it doesn't mean to withdraw funding, just decrease it...who knew) the military and denounce the very nation they defend. Yeah, that's MUCH better than calling an individual veteran whom you don't like a name. The real proof is in the pudding. The VA and the military overall is light years ahead of where it was when Trump took office. Democrats don't give two craps about military personnel, past, present or future.
Last edited:
If Biden wasn't such a senile old asshole I could almost feel sorry for him having to go up against Trump in the debates. Trump will destroy him and he knows it.

Trump really made Crooked Hillary look like a fool in the 2016 debates, especially the last one. Biden won't have a chance so it is likely he will come up with some excuse.
This is my theory I believe there will be no debate with Biden..

Wow you people come up with some of the most ridiculous things to justify trump not debating Biden.

There are 3 scheduled debates. The first one is the end of this month.

Get a grip.

Oh believe me Trump is looking forward to debating Biden.

Its Bidens camp that doesn't want to debated cause Biden will be all on his own with no handlers to tell him what to say. They know Trump is a great debater and will chew Biden up and spit him all over the floor.

I can hardly wait and hope the debates come to pass but I won't be holding my breath.

I couldn't get past your first ridiculous sentence.

When someone says "believe me" the last thing I'm going to do is believe them. People who don't lie or know what they are talking about don't need to tell people to believe them. Their history of behavior speaks for them and no words are necessary.

I've learned in my life that those who tell me "believe me" are the last people who should ever be believed or trusted.

You don't know what trump is thinking. About anything. No more than I do or anyone else in this nation. The only person who knows that is trump.

So don't try to pretend you know what goes on in his head.

The only people talking about not debating are you far right radical extremists.

No one else is. Especially not Biden or any one of his staff.

So like I said to the OP, get a grip.

LMAO You are right. No one knows what Trump is thinking but as far as Biden and his handlers go, they aren't anxious to debate Trump.

You need to get a grip. Biden isn't POTUS material and the list of things he wants to do if elected proved that hands down. Get a grip.
This is my theory I believe there will be no debate with Biden..

Wow you people come up with some of the most ridiculous things to justify trump not debating Biden.

There are 3 scheduled debates. The first one is the end of this month.

Get a grip.

Oh believe me Trump is looking forward to debating Biden.

Its Bidens camp that doesn't want to debated cause Biden will be all on his own with no handlers to tell him what to say. They know Trump is a great debater and will chew Biden up and spit him all over the floor.

I can hardly wait and hope the debates come to pass but I won't be holding my breath.

I couldn't get past your first ridiculous sentence.

When someone says "believe me" the last thing I'm going to do is believe them. People who don't lie or know what they are talking about don't need to tell people to believe them. Their history of behavior speaks for them and no words are necessary.

I've learned in my life that those who tell me "believe me" are the last people who should ever be believed or trusted.

You don't know what trump is thinking. About anything. No more than I do or anyone else in this nation. The only person who knows that is trump.

So don't try to pretend you know what goes on in his head.

The only people talking about not debating are you far right radical extremists.

No one else is. Especially not Biden or any one of his staff.

So like I said to the OP, get a grip.

LMAO You are right. No one knows what Trump is thinking but as far as Biden and his handlers go, they aren't anxious to debate Trump.

You need to get a grip. Biden isn't POTUS material and the list of things he wants to do if elected proved that hands down. Get a grip.

^ ' ... You are right. No one knows what Trump is thinking ... '

This is my theory I believe there will be no debate with Biden..

Wow you people come up with some of the most ridiculous things to justify trump not debating Biden.

There are 3 scheduled debates. The first one is the end of this month.

Get a grip.

Oh believe me Trump is looking forward to debating Biden.

Its Bidens camp that doesn't want to debated cause Biden will be all on his own with no handlers to tell him what to say. They know Trump is a great debater and will chew Biden up and spit him all over the floor.

I can hardly wait and hope the debates come to pass but I won't be holding my breath.

I couldn't get past your first ridiculous sentence.

When someone says "believe me" the last thing I'm going to do is believe them. People who don't lie or know what they are talking about don't need to tell people to believe them. Their history of behavior speaks for them and no words are necessary.

I've learned in my life that those who tell me "believe me" are the last people who should ever be believed or trusted.

You don't know what trump is thinking. About anything. No more than I do or anyone else in this nation. The only person who knows that is trump.

So don't try to pretend you know what goes on in his head.

The only people talking about not debating are you far right radical extremists.

No one else is. Especially not Biden or any one of his staff.

So like I said to the OP, get a grip.

LMAO You are right. No one knows what Trump is thinking but as far as Biden and his handlers go, they aren't anxious to debate Trump.

You need to get a grip. Biden isn't POTUS material and the list of things he wants to do if elected proved that hands down. Get a grip.

^ ' ... You are right. No one knows what Trump is thinking ... '

View attachment 386388

Hell. No one know what anyone is actually thinking. Oh and Trump is way smarter than you will ever be. LOL
This is my theory I believe there will be no debate with Biden..

Wow you people come up with some of the most ridiculous things to justify trump not debating Biden.

There are 3 scheduled debates. The first one is the end of this month.

Get a grip.

Oh believe me Trump is looking forward to debating Biden.

Its Bidens camp that doesn't want to debated cause Biden will be all on his own with no handlers to tell him what to say. They know Trump is a great debater and will chew Biden up and spit him all over the floor.

I can hardly wait and hope the debates come to pass but I won't be holding my breath.

I couldn't get past your first ridiculous sentence.

When someone says "believe me" the last thing I'm going to do is believe them. People who don't lie or know what they are talking about don't need to tell people to believe them. Their history of behavior speaks for them and no words are necessary.

I've learned in my life that those who tell me "believe me" are the last people who should ever be believed or trusted.

You don't know what trump is thinking. About anything. No more than I do or anyone else in this nation. The only person who knows that is trump.

So don't try to pretend you know what goes on in his head.

The only people talking about not debating are you far right radical extremists.

No one else is. Especially not Biden or any one of his staff.

So like I said to the OP, get a grip.

LMAO You are right. No one knows what Trump is thinking but as far as Biden and his handlers go, they aren't anxious to debate Trump.

You need to get a grip. Biden isn't POTUS material and the list of things he wants to do if elected proved that hands down. Get a grip.

^ ' ... You are right. No one knows what Trump is thinking ... '

View attachment 386388

Hell. No one know what anyone is actually thinking. Oh and Trump is way smarter than you will ever be. LOL


I also wouldn't put it past democrats to gin up the riots, violence and mass shootings right before the debate, and then propose postponing debates so people can deal with healing or something along those lines...

Drafts of a DHS report call white supremacists the 'most persistent and lethal' terror threat in the US: report
Ellen Cranley Sep 5, 2020, 11:33 AM
  • A report from the Department of Homeland Security cast white supremacy as the greatest terror threat to the US, according to Politico.
  • In three drafts viewed by the outlet, the department concluded that "white supremacist extremists (WSEs) will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland through 2021."
  • The report comes as President Donald Trump and some of his allies have slammed violence at protests against racism and police brutality as a fallout of left-wing actors in Democratic cities.
A report from the Department of Homeland Security cast white supremacy as the greatest terror threat to the US, according to Politico.
Drafts of a DHS report call white supremacists the 'most persistent and lethal' terror threat in the US: report

that's donny's base.

Gee. Guess they forgot about BLM and Antifa who have looted, burned and murdered in Portland, Seattle and Indianapolis.

Oh and Politico?? LMAO

gee - didn't know that a vast majority of arrests have benn the supreeeeeeeeeeeeeeemes?

all major outlets have confirmed & are reporting on this - politico was the first. & that there report will be coming out.

as for your comment on politico?


Has this Media Source failed a fact check? LET US KNOW HERE.

Politico - Least Biased - Not Left - Not Right - Not Liberal - Not Conservative - Credible
Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased Sources.

  • Overall, we rate Politico Least Biased based on balanced coverage of news stories and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.
Politico - Media Bias/Fact Check

lol... next?

Wow, leftists declaring leftists not biased. I'd say that's a fantastic argument, but wow, it's really not

View attachment 386094

so i guess then when they say MSNBC daily kos, or mother jones are left biased or that the WSJ is right leaning, they are lying too right? ?

you're dismissed.

I don't know what that means, but then neither do you

it means they are accurate in their ratings. damn - no critical thinking skills on your part.

The WSJ editorial board is conservative, but the news section is very left. So it depends what you meant.

And that doesn't add up to accurate, you were snuffing that one

View attachment 386098

i didn't vote for clinton, so my conscience is clear... lol - but it's looking pretty clear that donny grabbed you.


No, petting Biden's legs is your gig. How'd you like the shoulder massage?

not really but you go on supporting your pussy grabbing man whore from NYC...


LOL, from the girl who voted twice for a rapist and then for his enabler. Classic.

Now you're voting for an avowed racist.

When I want to take voting advice from someone, I'll find someone with morals, not you. Pass

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