My way or the highway?

Ernie S.

Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2010
So obama scolds Republicans for not coming to a budget agreement and then heads off for a fund raiser.
barack obama said:
At a time when you are struggling to pay your bills and meet your responsibilities, the least we can do to meet our responsibilities is produce a budget. That is not too much to ask for. That is what the American people expect of us, that's what they deserve. You want everybody to act like adults, quit playing games and realize it is not my way or the highway," President Obama said in Pennsylvania before he is set to hold a fundraiser tonight.
Video from CNN via real clear politics

Too bad, barack. In the words of the prophet Mick Jagger, You don't always get what you want.
the tea loons are proof that you should never give school yard bullies what they ask for because they keep asking for more and nothing is ever enough.

they asked for 32 billion. the president gave them 33 billion.

screw 'em. let 'em have their temper tantrum. call their bluff.
Obama shows very little effort in his desire to accept budget cuts. With the Republican plan presented by the House Budget Committee earlier this week which included up to $6 trillion in budget cuts over the next four years on the table, Obama has showed no support for such an idea. He believes in centralized government, has made the government much bigger under his leadership, and does not want to reform Medicare or Social Security if they allow people to rely less on the government for aid.

To Obama's credit he is supposedly meeting with Boehner and Reid at 8:45PM this evening to discuss the immediate budget issue. This does not address the much larger budget problem. A government can not run on a two week basis and needs a concrete plan. If these entitlement programs are not reformed soon, the hole will just become deeper and deeper, prolonging the climb out of it.

Not only should the current threat of a government shutdown be addressed and dealt with, the overall budget crisis should be met head on. There are sacrifices that have to made in this country to get it back on the road to success. We cannot continue to pass on the bad finances down the road to those who come after us. This government and America as a nation needs to start being responsible and making a statement by balancing the budget and reducing the national debt.
the tea loons are proof that you should never give school yard bullies what they ask for because they keep asking for more and nothing is ever enough.

they asked for 32 billion. the president gave them 33 billion.

screw 'em. let 'em have their temper tantrum. call their bluff.

don't you ever have anything other than talking points? ever?
If I was Boehner talking to BO, I'd keep reminding him of his campaign rhetoric "when you are in a hole what did you say to do?"
What do you expect? We have the blind leading the blind. There isn't a politician in Washington that is worth the toilet paper it takes to wipe their asses. That goes for all of them.
I don't see how any Democrat has a leg to stand on with any complaints. they controlled both houses of congress when this budget should have been passed. But we all know this...
If I was Boehner talking to BO, I'd keep reminding him of his campaign rhetoric "when you are in a hole what did you say to do?"

That's exactly one of the most important points. Obama pledged reform but never delivered solutions to big problems facing all Americans. We are in a bigger hole than ever and he seems in no hurry to rectify the original problem or the further damage he has caused. If he was truely committed to reform then he would begin to realize that some of the very ideas the Democrats are pushing for, are bringing the country down. Obama realizes this but has no desire to do anything about it, as it is at the root of his power.
President Oprah gave tax cuts to billionaires, bailed out Wall St. , Created a787 billion dollar fake stimulus Package which was a Democrat Interest money grab that left people without jobs and homes, then borrowed from China to illegally bomb Libya for oil at a cost of 40 million per day with an already 14 trillion debt load

The grown ups need to take over

Democrats create ghettos.
I don't see how any Democrat has a leg to stand on with any complaints. they controlled both houses of congress when this budget should have been passed. But we all know this...

i know you didn't forget about that whole filibuster thing the repubs kept doing, did you?
i know you didn't forget about that whole filibuster thing the repubs kept doing, did you?

There is also some forgetful memory on that issue that the Democrats in the House aren't all in one line like the GOP on votes.
the tea loons are proof that you should never give school yard bullies what they ask for because they keep asking for more and nothing is ever enough.

they asked for 32 billion. the president gave them 33 billion.

screw 'em. let 'em have their temper tantrum. call their bluff.


they asked for 100, got chewed down to 60....hello...

IF your grp had done its job last year and not taken a powered, punted, abrogated their responsibility etc etc etc ... ( for the first time since the new budget rules were created in 1974) then this would not even be happening.
I don't see how any Democrat has a leg to stand on with any complaints. they controlled both houses of congress when this budget should have been passed. But we all know this...

i know you didn't forget about that whole filibuster thing the repubs kept doing, did you?


please link me to a filibuster of the dems budget plan last year.....
  • Thanks
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Each side can point the finger at the other over every single little incident that comes up. The simple fact remains that at the moment there are Republicans creating plans which make real and effective cuts. These cuts are present in the short term plans, the plan for the rest of this fiscal year, and the plans for the next 10 years. Frankly it doesn't matter who should have passed the budget. What does matter is that there is no budget plan for this fiscal year and there needs to be one, a fiscally responsible one! Party politics are just an excuse at this point to blame our current economic hardships on someone else at the moment instead of taking the load upon our shoulders and bearing it. The solution is in acceptance and action, not in deliberation and finger pointing.
So obama scolds Republicans for not coming to a budget agreement and then heads off for a fund raiser.
barack obama said:
At a time when you are struggling to pay your bills and meet your responsibilities, the least we can do to meet our responsibilities is produce a budget. That is not too much to ask for. That is what the American people expect of us, that's what they deserve. You want everybody to act like adults, quit playing games and realize it is not my way or the highway," President Obama said in Pennsylvania before he is set to hold a fundraiser tonight.
Video from CNN via real clear politics

Too bad, barack. In the words of the prophet Mick Jagger, You don't always get what you want.

And How many TIMES did OBAMA and the Statists tell the Republicans...


[ame=]YouTube - Fox News; Major Garrett reports - Obama I won![/ame]
I don't see how any Democrat has a leg to stand on with any complaints. they controlled both houses of congress when this budget should have been passed. But we all know this...

i know you didn't forget about that whole filibuster thing the repubs kept doing, did you?

Nope, I didn't forget. They prevented one massive spending bill that they were not given the time to read or debate. And that was already after the fiscal year started. Sorry but todays mess is still the 111th congress's fault. Why hasn't the Democrat controlled Senate came up with a counter proposal to the House bill?

Democrats have dropped the ball and are trying to blame the Tea Party. How many members of congress are actually Tea Party?
But NOW? They want Compromise?

Ain't gonna happen.

SHUT THE GUBMINT DOWN outside Article 1, Section 8...

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