Myanmar: Once again Muslims cause the theproblem and then they expect the west to take care of them

Saying they do not deserve citizenship would be like the US saying no one who can't prove their ancestors were here before 1776 can be citizens.
The R
The vast majority of Rohingya Muslims are not legal citizens. Further, this large, mostly illegal population has pressured the government for special rights and their own autonomous state.
The Rohingya have lived in Myanmar for centuries.

Just because the state, formally known as Burma, didn't give the Rohingya people citizenship when the country was formed. Doesn't negate their right to live on the land of their ancestors in peace. ..... :cool:
Because they are not Burmese. They dont and wont speak Burmese. They are nomadic and have historically never contributed to Burmese culture. They have chosen to remain outside of the culture which is typical of Muslim populations throughout the world. Oh...but now they want citizenship and their own autonomous state? GTFO...Muslims are Muslims no matter the place.

Ah. So you are fine with persecution, ethnic cleansing and genocide if it's the right religious group involved. Thank you for clarifying.
Sometimes you have to break some eggs to keep some GD Muslims out.
The R
The vast majority of Rohingya Muslims are not legal citizens. Further, this large, mostly illegal population has pressured the government for special rights and their own autonomous state.
The Rohingya have lived in Myanmar for centuries.

Just because the state, formally known as Burma, didn't give the Rohingya people citizenship when the country was formed. Doesn't negate their right to live on the land of their ancestors in peace. ..... :cool:
Because they are not Burmese. They dont and wont speak Burmese. They are nomadic and have historically never contributed to Burmese culture. They have chosen to remain outside of the culture which is typical of Muslim populations throughout the world. Oh...but now they want citizenship and their own autonomous state? GTFO...Muslims are Muslims no matter the place.

Ah. So you are fine with persecution, ethnic cleansing and genocide if it's the right religious group involved. Thank you for clarifying.
Sometimes you have to break some eggs to keep some GD Muslims out.
Kind of like what Hitler felt about the Jews.
The Rohingya are known to be a very peace loving people and have no history of radicalism or terrorism.

But I'm sure that is going to change in the near future. ..... :cool:
The R
The vast majority of Rohingya Muslims are not legal citizens. Further, this large, mostly illegal population has pressured the government for special rights and their own autonomous state.
The Rohingya have lived in Myanmar for centuries.

Just because the state, formally known as Burma, didn't give the Rohingya people citizenship when the country was formed. Doesn't negate their right to live on the land of their ancestors in peace. ..... :cool:
Because they are not Burmese. They dont and wont speak Burmese. They are nomadic and have historically never contributed to Burmese culture. They have chosen to remain outside of the culture which is typical of Muslim populations throughout the world. Oh...but now they want citizenship and their own autonomous state? GTFO...Muslims are Muslims no matter the place.

Ah. So you are fine with persecution, ethnic cleansing and genocide if it's the right religious group involved. Thank you for clarifying.
Sometimes you have to break some eggs to keep some GD Muslims out.
Kind of like what Hitler felt about the Jews.

ahhh...I almost posted something because I knew it was coming. original, little bag in the wind.
Myanmar Islam versus Buddhist conflict should be seen in light of the following:

During the nine-month-long Bangladesh war (1971) ......, members of the Pakistani (Muslim) military and supporting Islamist militias .....

killed up to 3,000,000 people and raped between 200,000 and 400,000 Bangladeshi women,according to Bangladeshi and Indian sources,

in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape.


The actions against women were supported by Muslim religious leaders, who declared that Bengali women were gonimoter maal

(Bengali for "public property").

And CENTURIES of Muslim aggression against Hindus and Buddhist in India and Afghanistan.

1971 Bangladesh genocide - Wikipedia

Islamic Invasion Of India: The Greatest Genocide In History

June 8, 2012 After Friday prayers thousands of Muslims attacked Buddhist in Maungdaw Myanmar.

“The Government Could Have Stopped This”

This premeditated Muslim attack was comparable to the 1572 Roman Catholic St Bartholomew massacre of Protestants.

Context of Muslim aggression in Myanmar is CENTURIES of Muslim violent aggression against Hindus and Buddhist.

Put simply, Islam demands to rule the world.

Papacy is using Islam as a tool to bring down all "sovereign" nations/governments.
The R
The Rohingya have lived in Myanmar for centuries.

Just because the state, formally known as Burma, didn't give the Rohingya people citizenship when the country was formed. Doesn't negate their right to live on the land of their ancestors in peace. ..... :cool:
Because they are not Burmese. They dont and wont speak Burmese. They are nomadic and have historically never contributed to Burmese culture. They have chosen to remain outside of the culture which is typical of Muslim populations throughout the world. Oh...but now they want citizenship and their own autonomous state? GTFO...Muslims are Muslims no matter the place.

Ah. So you are fine with persecution, ethnic cleansing and genocide if it's the right religious group involved. Thank you for clarifying.
Sometimes you have to break some eggs to keep some GD Muslims out.
Kind of like what Hitler felt about the Jews.

ahhh...I almost posted something because I knew it was coming. original, little bag in the wind.
Of course it isn't original, your rhetoric is old and reoccurring...Hitler was merely the poster child.
The Rohingya are known to be a very peace loving people and have no history of jihad or terrorism.

But I'm sure that is going to change in the near future. ..... :cool:
They are GD parasites who were pushed out of what is modern no opposition of other Muslim groups at the time IMS.
Burma is BUDDHIST..fuck off back to the lands of Mohammad. There is no peace with the Muslim unless you are one...if you are not, there is only Dar al-harb and Dar al-Islam.
Myanmar Islam versus Buddhist conflict should be seen in light of the following:

During the nine-month-long Bangladesh war (1971) ......, members of the Pakistani (Muslim) military and supporting Islamist militias .....

killed up to 3,000,000 people and raped between 200,000 and 400,000 Bangladeshi women,according to Bangladeshi and Indian sources,

in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape.


The actions against women were supported by Muslim religious leaders, who declared that Bengali women were gonimoter maal

(Bengali for "public property").

And CENTURIES of Muslim aggression against Hindus and Buddhist in India and Afghanistan.

1971 Bangladesh genocide - Wikipedia

Islamic Invasion Of India: The Greatest Genocide In History

June 8, 2012 After Friday prayers thousands of Muslims attacked Buddhist in Maungdaw Myanmar.

“The Government Could Have Stopped This”

This premeditated Muslim attack was comparable to the 1572 Roman Catholic St Bartholomew massacre of Protestants.

Context of Muslim aggression in Myanmar is CENTURIES of Muslim violent aggression against Hindus and Buddhist.

Put simply, Islam demands to rule the world.

Papacy is using Islam as a tool to bring down all "sovereign" nations/governments.
Your idiotic off topic post has nothing to do with the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar. ..... :cuckoo:
'If we don't get out rights, we will die': Rohingya rebel leader challenges Myanmar's Suu Kyi

Yangon: The leader of a Rohingya Muslim insurgency against Myanmar's security forces said on Friday his group would keep fighting "even if a million die" unless the country's de-facto leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, took action to protect the religious minority.

Attacks on Myanmar border guard posts in October last year by a previously unknown insurgent group ignited the biggest crisis of Suu Kyi's year in power, with more than 75,000 Rohingya fleeing to Bangladesh in the ensuing army crackdown.

The military has denied the accusations, saying it was engaged in a legitimate counter-insurgency operation.

"If they attack us violently, we will respond the same way. Nowhere in the world would violent action be tolerated."

n the earlier videos, Ata Ullah had cited Koranic verse and called for "jihad".

Zaw Htay said he "urged the international community to see the group's background...they are linked with terrorist organisations from the Middle East".

But Ata Ullah denied the group, which issued a statement earlier this week saying it was changing its name to the Arakan [Rakhine] Rohingya Salvation Army, had any connections with other militants or received outside support.
Myanmar Islam versus Buddhist conflict should be seen in light of the following:

During the nine-month-long Bangladesh war (1971) ......, members of the Pakistani (Muslim) military and supporting Islamist militias .....

killed up to 3,000,000 people and raped between 200,000 and 400,000 Bangladeshi women,according to Bangladeshi and Indian sources,

in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape.


The actions against women were supported by Muslim religious leaders, who declared that Bengali women were gonimoter maal

(Bengali for "public property").

And CENTURIES of Muslim aggression against Hindus and Buddhist in India and Afghanistan.

1971 Bangladesh genocide - Wikipedia

Islamic Invasion Of India: The Greatest Genocide In History

“The Government Could Have Stopped This”

This premeditated Muslim attack was comparable to the 1572 Roman Catholic St Bartholomew massacre of Protestants.

Context of Muslim aggression in Myanmar is CENTURIES of Muslim violent aggression against Hindus and Buddhist.

Put simply, Islam demands to rule the world.

Papacy is using Islam as a tool to bring down all "sovereign" nations/governments.
Your idiotic off topic post has nothing to do with the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar. ..... :cuckoo:

"June 8, 2012 After Friday prayers thousands of Muslims attacked Buddhist in Maungdaw Myanmar."

Are you blind? Read.
The genocide of the Rohingya people could turn into a regional conflict as the muslim majority governments of Indonesia, Malaysia. Bangladesh, India, and others become involved in the crisis. ..... :cool:
Bangladeshi Rohingya rejects from Myanmar ‘rescued’ in Indonesian waters

Firstly, mainstream news omits an important point in discussing the issue of Rohingyas. There were no such people called ‘Rohingya’ before 1948 or even as far back as 1824 when the British conducted a census. Muslims were brought into Myanmar by the British. They are thus not indigenous to Myanmar. They have been streaming from neighboring Bangladesh.

These “Rohingyas Muslims fleeing discrimination in Burma” are illegals ordered to occupy Mymanmar for the sake of hijra (jihad immigration). The Rohingya’s export themselves to persecute Buddhists and Hindus. Why would a Muslim intend to illegally gain entry into a Buddhist society when they have persecuted and killed Buddhists, until barely any remain, in their own country Bangladesh? Many of these belong to Chittagong militant groups. They have forced their way into the country and created violent Islamist no-go zones, persecuting the Buddhist in Myanmar with endless unprovoked terrorism, trying to force locals to convert to Islam or face continued threats, arsons, rape and murders.

Qatar tried to infiltrate Burma with over 3,500 Isis terrorists from Tunisia and Bangladesh in 2013 but failed. Muslims were ordered to slaughter Hindus and Buddhists. Burma is keeping vigil on border controls, deeply pressurized by the Obama administration to let Muslims in and create a permanent Muslim problem in the country. Burma (Myanmar) has offered to ship these Muslims to any Islamic nation, free of charge, provided they permanently leave Burma. We think that’s a pretty generous offer. So no need for them to do any journeys on their own.
The genocide of the Rohingya people could turn into a regional conflict as the muslim majority governments of Indonesia, Malaysia. Bangladesh, India, and others become involved in the crisis. ..... :cool:
No one is afraid of you fucking parasites. They just need to learn to treat you as you are...a bug that needs smashing immediately. Letting you hang about is the wrong policy IMHO.
From the OP's linked article. ... :cool:

"The Rohingya stress the fact a Muslim community existed in the state, the site of independent kingdoms since antiquity, before Burma took control of Rakhine in 1784."
From the OP's linked article. ... :cool:

"The Rohingya stress the fact a Muslim community existed in the state, the site of independent kingdoms since antiquity, before Burma took control of Rakhine in 1784."

Ah yes...those arguments. And the Muslims occupied Pattani in the South of Thailand before Rama VI took control making it part of Buddhist, Thailand. Well if you want to follow that set of rules...Hinduism was the predominant religion in Medina and Mecca before Islam...why dont we all just revert to whenever an area fitted our particular need?
The ways of the parasite Islam and its followers.
No one is afraid of you fucking parasites. They just need to learn to treat you as you are...a bug that needs smashing immediately. Letting you hang about is the wrong policy IMHO.
Myanmar government and military has generated a lot of anti- Rohinga propaganda to justify genocide.

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