Myanmar: Once again Muslims cause the theproblem and then they expect the west to take care of them

From the article that you linked in the OP .... :cool:

3. How have the Rohingya been treated?
Myanmar’s authorities have progressively denied the Rohingya rights and, along with vigilantes sometimes led by Buddhist monks, persecuted them, driving them from their homes and into neighboring countries, mostly Bangladesh. In 1982, the government stripped the Rohingya of citizenship. In the name of bringing order to Rakhine, the army launched an operation in 1991 featuring forced labor, rape and religious suppression. The Rohingya face numerous legal restrictions. Couples need government permission to marry and to travel beyond their home town or move to a new one. Those in two of Rakhine’s cities are limited to having two children.
The vast majority of Rohingya Muslims are not legal citizens. Further, this large, mostly illegal population has pressured the government for special rights and their own autonomous state.
The Myanmar government is simply showing them the door back into neighboring Muslim shithole Bangladesh.

They have lived there for hundreds of years as legal citizens. Their citizenless status is a recent government decree.
That gives them the right to rape Buddhist women then, wouldn't you think.
This is the reason for the current situation, and as usual, while the West portrays the muslims as innocent victims, that couldn't be further form the truth. They just cannot coexist peacefully:

Rohingya Muslim militants armed with machetes 'ambush Burma police' killing up to 32
Fighting marks major escalation in simmering conflict

At least 21 insurgents and 11 members of the security forces were killed in Myanmar's Rakhine state on Friday when militants staged a major coordinated attack on 24 police posts and an army base, the military said...

As many as 32 dead as 'Rohingya militants armed with machetes ambush police'
Pope champions the Islamic side in Europe .... Pope champions Islamic side in Myanmar. What a coincidence.
I had no idea so many people here support genocide. Freaking unbelievable.
From the OP's linked article. ... :cool:

"The Rohingya stress the fact a Muslim community existed in the state, the site of independent kingdoms since antiquity, before Burma took control of Rakhine in 1784."

Ah yes...those arguments. And the Muslims occupied Pattani in the South of Thailand before Rama VI took control making it part of Buddhist, Thailand. Well if you want to follow that set of rules...Hinduism was the predominant religion in Medina and Mecca before Islam...why dont we all just revert to whenever an area fitted our particular need?
The ways of the parasite Islam and its followers.

That is really ignorant. You really ought to do some research...or get out a bit.

The religions in and around Mecca and Medina were predominately pagan and polytheistic. Hinduism was never one of that part of the world.

You are pure emotion and pathetically false indignation. Coming from the person who completely glosses over the mountain of evidence provided in this thread regarding the violence committed by all of those poor...oppressed...Muslims.
Spare me lady...go feed your cats.

Whatever credibility you might have had was dashed when you claimed Hinduism was in Mecca and Medina.

Not really-----there is some evidence that there was some hindu influence in Mecca ------before the filthy rapist pig of mecca
was born------and there CERTAINLY were Zoroastrians and Jews and Christians------some people insist that some of the
idols in the area where hindu deities--------not at all difficult to believe but hard to prove because muslims do not allow
excavation of mecca-----too DAMNED HOLY (all kinds of unwelcomed information is likely to be uncovered)

From the article that you linked in the OP .... :cool:

3. How have the Rohingya been treated?
Myanmar’s authorities have progressively denied the Rohingya rights and, along with vigilantes sometimes led by Buddhist monks, persecuted them, driving them from their homes and into neighboring countries, mostly Bangladesh. In 1982, the government stripped the Rohingya of citizenship. In the name of bringing order to Rakhine, the army launched an operation in 1991 featuring forced labor, rape and religious suppression. The Rohingya face numerous legal restrictions. Couples need government permission to marry and to travel beyond their home town or move to a new one. Those in two of Rakhine’s cities are limited to having two children.

the army launched an operation in 1991 featuring forced labor, rape and religious suppression

That's awful! Only muslims can do that to other religions, eh?
The genocide of the Rohingya people could turn into a regional conflict as the muslim majority governments of Indonesia, Malaysia. Bangladesh, India, and others become involved in the crisis. ..... :cool:
No one is afraid of you fucking parasites. They just need to learn to treat you as you are...a bug that needs smashing immediately. Letting you hang about is the wrong policy IMHO.
Slurping Usurpers

Do the appeasing pansies who took over our foreign policy ever use IMHO?
From the article that you linked in the OP .... :cool:

3. How have the Rohingya been treated?
Myanmar’s authorities have progressively denied the Rohingya rights and, along with vigilantes sometimes led by Buddhist monks, persecuted them, driving them from their homes and into neighboring countries, mostly Bangladesh. In 1982, the government stripped the Rohingya of citizenship. In the name of bringing order to Rakhine, the army launched an operation in 1991 featuring forced labor, rape and religious suppression. The Rohingya face numerous legal restrictions. Couples need government permission to marry and to travel beyond their home town or move to a new one. Those in two of Rakhine’s cities are limited to having two children.

the army launched an operation in 1991 featuring forced labor, rape and religious suppression

That's awful! Only muslims can do that to other religions, eh?

In order to understand the problem between Hindus/Buddhists---- VS ---MUSLIMS -----think MUGHAL EMPIRE------a few
hundred years ago-----there was a VAST EMPIRE------actually a CALIPHATE-----the MUGHAL CALIPHATE. From
birth---muslim children in the Indian subcontinent and its precincts KNOW that all of the area is a CALIPHATE. This
huge caliphate functioned for 300 years of GLORIOUS MUSLIM SUPREMACISM. ------then it got STOLEN by evil
westerners and scummy hindus and Buddhists. GOT IT NOW?
It is legal by use and custom for countries in THAT area of the world to declare STATE religions and to disenfranchise ALL
OTHERS. OR----name which religions are legal and which are not. By law in Indonesia----it is illegal to be a jew.
Jews HAD lived in Indonesia ----for several hundred years-----mostly immigrants from persecution in Iraq. But now it is
ILLEGAL to be a jew in Indonesia. Is illegal to be a Christian or Buddhist or Jew or Zoroastrian in the MUSLIM
country MALDIVES Myanmar can solved its muslim problem by passing laws which render Islam ILLEGAL ------
see? easy
Hinduism was the predominant religion in Medina and Mecca before Islam...
When you start pulling nonsense claims out of your rectal cavity to back up your retarded agenda.

The conversation with me is over. ..... :cool:
Got rid of one roach....1.5B to go...
Delenda Est Carthago

Islam must be destroyed and go the way of all other cretins' creeds. It is not too big to fail. And, despite our smug and self-centered indifference, neither are we.
I had no idea so many people here support genocide. Freaking unbelievable.
From the OP's linked article. ... :cool:

"The Rohingya stress the fact a Muslim community existed in the state, the site of independent kingdoms since antiquity, before Burma took control of Rakhine in 1784."

Ah yes...those arguments. And the Muslims occupied Pattani in the South of Thailand before Rama VI took control making it part of Buddhist, Thailand. Well if you want to follow that set of rules...Hinduism was the predominant religion in Medina and Mecca before Islam...why dont we all just revert to whenever an area fitted our particular need?
The ways of the parasite Islam and its followers.
Nuclear Archeology

A nice little A-bomb there will clear off all the topsoil and save the wannabe Indiana Joneses a lot of digging.
That is really ignorant. You really ought to do some research...or get out a bit.

The religions in and around Mecca and Medina were predominately pagan and polytheistic. Hinduism was never one of that part of the world.

You are pure emotion and pathetically false indignation. Coming from the person who completely glosses over the mountain of evidence provided in this thread regarding the violence committed by all of those poor...oppressed...Muslims.
Spare me lady...go feed your cats.

Whatever credibility you might have had was dashed when you claimed Hinduism was in Mecca and Medina.

Not really-----there is some evidence that there was some hindu influence in Mecca ------before the filthy rapist pig of mecca
was born------and there CERTAINLY were Zoroastrians and Jews and Christians------some people insist that some of the
idols in the area where hindu deities--------not at all difficult to believe but hard to prove because muslims do not allow
excavation of mecca-----too DAMNED HOLY (all kinds of unwelcomed information is likely to be uncovered)


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