MyPillowGuy is Broke

So a man losing his business is 'entertainment value' for you?
Fuckin' a right. He bought the ticket. Watching it happen on TeeVee makes it a 1000 times sweeter. :auiqs.jpg:
What did he ever do to you?
Personally? Not much, besides promoting Big Lie nonsense. :dunno: I can take him or leave him.
If you 'don't give any fucks' then why don't you just STFU?
Nah. Free country.
Fuckin' a right. He bought the ticket. Watching it happen on TeeVee makes it a 1000 times sweeter. :auiqs.jpg:

Personally? Not much, besides promoting Big Lie nonsense. :dunno: I can take him or leave him.

Nah. Free country.
You seem obsessed with hate. 'The big lie' is POTUS right now.
Fuckin' a right. He bought the ticket. Watching it happen on TeeVee makes it a 1000 times sweeter.

Sweet. Kinda like seeing Disney, Amazon, Bud Lite, Walmart, the Bidens, anti-abortionists, pro-open borderists, sanctuary city suckasses, anti-Trumpers, and a hundred other leftwinger groups and causes all going down in flames getting the fork stuck in them! :happy-1:

Cept all you got is one guy making pillows. :71:

Pillows are dime a dozen.
I'm certainly fascinated with the magaturd hate overflowing the board recently. Sucks to be you.
Make America Great Again has nothing to do with a turd. You seem fascinated with turds, do you play with your turds? But, I understand that supporting making America great is hatred to you because you obviously hate America.
Sweet. Kinda like seeing Disney, Amazon, Bud Lite, Walmart, the Bidens, anti-abortionists, pro-open borderists, sanctuary city suckasses, anti-Trumpers, and a hundred other leftwinger groups and causes all going down in flames getting the fork stuck in them! :happy-1:

Cept all you got is one guy making pillows. :71:

Pillows are dime a dozen.
TT prolly stuffs his pillows with turds.
Sweet. Kinda like seeing Disney, Amazon, Bud Lite, Walmart, the Bidens, anti-abortionists, pro-open borderists, sanctuary city suckasses, anti-Trumpers, and a hundred other leftwinger groups and causes all going down in flames getting the fork stuck in them! :happy-1:

Cept all you got is one guy making pillows. :71:

Pillows are dime a dozen.
Was that supposed to be your idea of a profound point? Boycotting stuff makes you heroes now? :auiqs.jpg: You magaturds are fucking hilarious lately. Now fuck off.
Send me your address and I will send you some gifts

So a man losing his business is 'entertainment value' for you? What did he ever do to you? If you 'don't give any fucks' then why don't you just STFU?

Loser, he did it to himself. He wasted $40 million chasing a hallucination. What do you think happens to people who throw everything away?
Choosing not to patronize a company for political reasons is your choice, but you seek to put people whom don't agree with your politics out of business, dead, cancelled even.
Uh, no I don't. This is your magaturd fever dream. I have nothing to do with this nonsense.
Just hope you remember that and are as fine with it when things come full cicle on you.
Nothing is coming over on me. See, dickless, I don't fuck people over like most of the magaturd tribe you worship does. :dunno: I have empathy. And morals.
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I can tell you that the hate comes from the people you support. Those people are not MAGA.
You can't. Just stop. You don't have the first clue who I support. We could be in total agreement on 99% of the issues, and I'd still kick you in the nuts every chance I got.

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