MyPillowGuy is Broke

This is simple.

Don't lie about elections.

Don't go Full Retard and you won't lose your business.

You’re simple. Simple minded. And try to contain your glee at the misfortune of Mr. Lindell. It’s a bad look even for a troll like you.
Oh course I am, he's his own worst enemy, but like all MAGAts, he whines and blames others.
No you and the Democrats are Trump's and America's worst enemy. Your guy Biden is nothing but a scourge on America and it is more obvious every day of his clusterfuck of a Presidency.
MyPillowTM Derangement Syndrome
What you are seeing is not derangement. It's called schadenfreude.

Addict Lindell is the deranged one. Sorry!

He would not let go of his grift and lost his ass.
Don't lie about elections.

You mean like Hillary and the democrats? Lies that you can't even prove?

Everyone knows that Biden is a fake installed puppet regime lending a public face to psycho fanatics.

Gee, the pillow guy must have been a real threat to you!

Guess like all faggot fascists, you just don't believe in freedom of speech that America was founded on, unless it comports with your sick agenda.

Carry the official state line or we will come and burn your house down, eh, faggot?

Cancel Culture-- how much you hold in common with Hitler, except instead of cyber attacks, Hitler cancelled all he disagreed with to your face with a gun.

That make you a real ballless coward.
I don't give any fucks about him besides the pure entertainment value of his eventual implosion. :dunno: I like watching clowns dance for my amusement.
So a man losing his business is 'entertainment value' for you? What did he ever do to you? If you 'don't give any fucks' then why don't you just STFU?
My heart bleeds for him. Maybe if he'd put out a half-decent product, his "pillows" might still be selling okay and he'd actually have money.
I have his products and they are good and work as advertised. Do you have his products?

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