Mysterious formations in Siberia attributed to climate change

anything to specifically say addressing the OP denier?

Yeah.. Actually I do.. The top Russian experts on sequestered Siberian carbon say that a moderate sized EARTHQUAKE is the most likely precipitating event for massive Methane releases. That --- and termites..

Would be a shame if that happened huh Dottie? Unless you could blame Big Carbon for the quake..
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"They will believe absolutely anything. Anything!"


In 1998 a team of scientists applied a statistical analysis to a selected data set of earth's past temperatures and reported that instead of having a Little Ice Age and Medieval Climate Optimum over the past 1000 years, the earth's temperature was relatively flat, until the latter half of the twentieth century when it skyrocketed, allegedly providing proof positive that mankind was causing the warming due to CO2 emissions. The curve was called the Hockey Stick Curve because of the similarity of the graph to a hockey stick. Without verifying these results, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) made this graph the centerpiece of its 2001 Summary for Policy Makers. When other scientists tried to verify the results, Dr. Michael Mann (the lead author of the study) refused to provide the data set to the scientists wanting to verify his results.
anything to specifically say addressing the OP denier?
I just did. It's no different than any of the other bogus claims by you freaks.

so, an unsourced opinion from the denier :dunno: Go to the kiddy pool son w/ the rest of the deniers in the thread and their unsourced opinions.

This must be why you people hate higher education :( because you have to do work/cite sources.
Mysterious Siberian crater attributed to methane : Nature News & Comment
But Plekhanov and his team believe that it is linked to the abnormally hot Yamal summers of 2012 and 2013, which were warmer than usual by an average of about 5°C. As temperatures rose, the researchers suggest, permafrost thawed and collapsed, releasing methane that had been trapped in the icy ground.

Ruskies aren't known as tree huggers so we know they are puitting-out objective findings as are 96% of climate scientists.

Isn't that just a fancy way of saying what I did weeks ago? "Looks like a sinkhole." :)
CF's AGW Scam Point # 6. Instead of acting like responsible scientist and welcome and demand their assumption be challenged, they yell DENIER!!! Michelson Morley could have set physics back 100 years by calling Einstein and other "ETHER DENIERS!!"
Mysterious Siberian crater attributed to methane : Nature News & Comment
But Plekhanov and his team believe that it is linked to the abnormally hot Yamal summers of 2012 and 2013, which were warmer than usual by an average of about 5°C. As temperatures rose, the researchers suggest, permafrost thawed and collapsed, releasing methane that had been trapped in the icy ground.

Ruskies aren't known as tree huggers so we know they are puitting-out objective findings as are 96% of climate scientists.

Of course it must be climate change..what else could it possibly be? My nose hair is white because of climate change...has nothing to do with my age....must be climate change...every damned thing going on in the whole damned world is happening because of climate change...

David Hannum was dead on when he said that there was a sucker born every minute. You warmer wackos are some of the biggest suckers of all time...right up there with the aztecs who willingly walked up those steps to have their hearts cut out.
Mysterious Siberian crater attributed to methane : Nature News & Comment
But Plekhanov and his team believe that it is linked to the abnormally hot Yamal summers of 2012 and 2013, which were warmer than usual by an average of about 5°C. As temperatures rose, the researchers suggest, permafrost thawed and collapsed, releasing methane that had been trapped in the icy ground.

Ruskies aren't known as tree huggers so we know they are puitting-out objective findings as are 96% of climate scientists.

Of course it must be climate change..what else could it possibly be? My nose hair is white because of climate change...has nothing to do with my age....must be climate change...every damned thing going on in the whole damned world is happening because of climate change...

David Hannum was dead on when he said that there was a sucker born every minute. You warmer wackos are some of the biggest suckers of all time...right up there with the aztecs who willingly walked up those steps to have their hearts cut out.

what's more scary is how many people have bought into globull warming aka Climate change cultish/snake oil salemans
The Really Scary Thing About Those Jaw-Dropping Siberian Craters
While staring down into the abyss of these craters is a scary thought, the release of large quantities of greenhouse gases from melting permafrost is existentially daunting. A study from earlier this year found that melting permafrost soil, which typically remains frozen all year, is thawing and decomposing at an accelerating rate. This is releasing more methane into the atmosphere, causing the greenhouse effect to increase global temperatures and creating a positive feedback loop in which more permafrost melts.

The Really Scary Thing About Those Jaw-Dropping Siberian Craters
While staring down into the abyss of these craters is a scary thought, the release of large quantities of greenhouse gases from melting permafrost is existentially daunting. A study from earlier this year found that melting permafrost soil, which typically remains frozen all year, is thawing and decomposing at an accelerating rate. This is releasing more methane into the atmosphere, causing the greenhouse effect to increase global temperatures and creating a positive feedback loop in which more permafrost melts.


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Mysterious Siberian crater attributed to methane : Nature News & Comment
But Plekhanov and his team believe that it is linked to the abnormally hot Yamal summers of 2012 and 2013, which were warmer than usual by an average of about 5°C. As temperatures rose, the researchers suggest, permafrost thawed and collapsed, releasing methane that had been trapped in the icy ground.

Ruskies aren't known as tree huggers so we know they are puitting-out objective findings as are 96% of climate scientists.

From your link:

"Other researchers argue that long-term global warming might be to blame "

None of the researches named in the article attribute the cause to global warming. Instead, the article author inserts a stray comment that anonymous researchers of no known pedigree think there might be a possibility it has something to do with global warming.

Typical for 'Nature'....weak.

Take some critical reading classes.


better re-check your critical reading skillz denier troll. "perma" frost means just that. I'm embarrassed for you :redface: :boohoo: :lol:
better re-check your critical reading skillz denier troll. "perma" frost means just that. I'm embarrassed for you :redface: :boohoo: :lol:

Dottie... now I know this might be painful, but I need you to Think with me here. The 2 or 3 times during the ice ages, when 2000ft deep ice made it down to the ohio valley, HOW MUCH "permafrost needed to thaw around the northern hemispere in those interludes? Compare that to the regions currently shifting to warmer climate. How much warming was required to thaw all permafrost back then? Are you still panicked that RUNAWAY thermal warming can be incited by a little melting permafrost? Take a chill pill and call me in the morning.:lol:
methane that was previously trapped under the permafrost is quite volatile. Theres much more where that came from. It has a shorter life in the atmosphere but more short-term consequences:

Methane Emissions | Climate Change | US EPA
Methane's lifetime in the atmosphere is much shorter than carbon dioxide (CO2), but CH4 is more efficient at trapping radiation than CO2. Pound for pound, the comparative impact of CH4 on climate change is over 20 times greater than CO2 over a 100-year period.


from [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] 's favorite agency :up: the EPA :)

methane that was formed from organic matter from

a time warmer then the now thawing permafrost
better re-check your critical reading skillz denier troll. "perma" frost means just that. I'm embarrassed for you :redface: :boohoo: :lol:

Dottie... now I know this might be painful, but I need you to Think with me here. The 2 or 3 times during the ice ages, when 2000ft deep ice made it down to the ohio valley, HOW MUCH "permafrost needed to thaw around the northern hemispere in those interludes? Compare that to the regions currently shifting to warmer climate. How much warming was required to thaw all permafrost back then? Are you still panicked that RUNAWAY thermal warming can be incited by a little melting permafrost? Take a chill pill and call me in the morning.:lol:

And what was the human population back then? How much in the way of resources were invested in coastal structures? In high density agriculture and animal husbandry? How many humans were borderline starving? How was the world's supply of fresh water?
Mysterious Siberian crater attributed to methane : Nature News & Comment
But Plekhanov and his team believe that it is linked to the abnormally hot Yamal summers of 2012 and 2013, which were warmer than usual by an average of about 5°C. As temperatures rose, the researchers suggest, permafrost thawed and collapsed, releasing methane that had been trapped in the icy ground.

Ruskies aren't known as tree huggers so we know they are puitting-out objective findings as are 96% of climate scientists.

I see you went to the rdean school of science, believe anything as long as it sounds good.

I would love to see something other than conjecture, but the article doesn't present any evidence. All you have is a writer who may be misquoting the scientist as proof that climate change caused a crater. Frankly, that only works if we pretend that science is all about guesses.
Thread summary:

Dot writes a neutral post stating just the facts.

Deniers go berserk and start blaming everything on global warmign.

Conclusion: Deniers are addicted to being hysterical, hence there's little reason to pay attention to their screaming.
The title states, "mysterious", the article says the scientist"believe", and that it, "may", AND ALL the AGW Nuts think this is a fact when the article states it's just belief.

No science here, just agw morons who can not comprehend simple written words.
Those scientists can provide reasons for their beliefs and their suspicions. What do you think it causing all those blasts and what reasons do you have to believe so?

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