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Myth: Palestinian Arabs Seek Peace with Israel


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Myth: Palestinian Arabs Seek Peace with Israel

The PLO Charter, also known as “the Palestinian National Charter” or “the Palestinian Covenant,” was adopted by the Palestine National Council (PNC) on July 1-17, 1968. It reads:

“Article 2: Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit.

“Article 9: Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. Thus it is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase. The Palestinian Arab people assert their absolute determination and firm resolution to continue their armed struggle and to work for an armed popular revolution for the liberation of their country and their return to it. They also assert their right to normal life in Palestine and to exercise their right to self-determination and sovereignty over it.

“Article 19: The partition of Palestine in 1947 and the establishment of the state of Israel are entirely illegal, regardless of the passage of time, because they were contrary to the will of the Palestinian people and to their natural right in their homeland, and inconsistent with the principles embodied in the Charter of the United Nations, particularly the right to self-determination.

“Article 20: The Balfour Declaration, the Mandate for Palestine, and everything that has been based upon them, are deemed null and void. Claims of historical or religious ties of Jews with Palestine are incompatible with the facts of history and the true conception of what constitutes statehood. Judaism, being a religion, is not an independent nationality. Nor do Jews constitute a single nation with an identity of its own; they are citizens of the states to which they belong.” 53

The FATEH Constitution (referred to, at time, as Fatah) calls under Article 12 for the:

“Complete liberation of Palestine, and obliteration of Zionist economic, political, military and cultural existence.”

As for how it will achieve its goal to wipe Israel off the map, Fateh’s constitution, Article 19, minces no words:

“Armed struggle is a strategy and not a tactic, and the Palestinian Arab People’s armed revolution is a decisive factor in the liberation fight and in uprooting the Zionist existence, and this struggle will not cease unless the Zionist state is demolished and Palestine is completely liberated.”54

The Hamas Charter (acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement” and at time referred to as the Hamas Covenant) states in its second paragraph:55

“ Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its predecessors. The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, May Allah Pity his Soul.”
They want nothing to do with the Jews in the Middle East.

My buddy Ahmad Abu Jandal said it best:

"We will not rest until you leave the Muslim countries"

Remember, this guy was from Hamas (before he blew himself up and killed Jews) not just some random Palestinian
Hamas represent the Palestinians in Gaza, no ?
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Roudy I agree with Jandal-----jews and muslims cannot live together ----especially not
arab muslims sometimes turkish and Iranian muslims get along ok -----but
even that one breaks apart PERIODICALLY sad to say--- Israel really should not have
a muslim population------living with a JEWISH MAJORITY makes muslims very unhappy
They want nothing to do with the Jews in the Middle East.

My buddy Ahmad Abu Jandal said it best:

"We will not rest until you leave the Muslim countries"


Remember, this guy was from Hamas (before he blew himself up and killed Jews) not just some random Palestinian
Hamas represent the Palestinians in Gaza, no ?
Would they like some aged cheese with that blood?

As Jews we cannot have blood and cheese, it ain't kosher.
Roudy I agree with Jandal-----jews and muslims cannot live together ----especially not
arab muslims sometimes turkish and Iranian muslims get along ok -----but
even that one breaks apart PERIODICALLY sad to say--- Israel really should not have
a muslim population------living with a JEWISH MAJORITY makes muslims very unhappy
irose, I come from a family that had to flee Muslim animals twice. I think it's pretty clear, as a non Muslim you never know.

Things could be good one day and the next day, they're taking (stealing) everything you own for no reason, putting you, your friends and family in jail or torturing you.

I promised myself never to live in a country that has anything to do with the filth and barbarism that Islam breeds.

Their inhumanity and lack of respect for human life is indescribable.
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Another reason there won't be peace with Hamas as government:

Once this generation of Palestinian terrorist are dead, we got a next one coming
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Another reason there won't be peace with Hamas as government:


Once this generation of Palestinian terrorist are dead, we got a next one coming
Well of course, this is what happens when the lunatics are in charge of the asylum!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRNYqsMIbg0]Fun Boy Three - The Lunatics (have taken over the Asylum) - YouTube[/ame]
Another reason there won't be peace with Hamas as government:


Once this generation of Palestinian terrorist are dead, we got a next one coming

There will never be peace with the Palestinians even if Hamas goes ( which it won't)

Well let it be then. Israel will continue to thwart off any attacks, and the more they attack us, the more they will suffer !

Like MJB said, when you're in a hole, keep digging. It's called Palestinian Mentality
Another reason there won't be peace with Hamas as government:


Once this generation of Palestinian terrorist are dead, we got a next one coming

There will never be peace with the Palestinians even if Hamas goes ( which it won't)

Well let it be then. Israel will continue to thwart off any attacks, and the more they attack us, the more they will suffer !

Like MJB said, when you're in a hole, keep digging. It's called Palestinian Mentality

Iran=nukes=no peace= IsraelKABOOM
There will never be peace with the Palestinians even if Hamas goes ( which it won't)

Well let it be then. Israel will continue to thwart off any attacks, and the more they attack us, the more they will suffer !

Like MJB said, when you're in a hole, keep digging. It's called Palestinian Mentality

Iran=nukes=no peace= IsraelKABOOM
Dude, you are so wrong about Iran and Israel. The Arab Sunnis are the ones more worried about Iran getting nukes than anybody else.
You just gotta keep telling these same bullshit lies over and over and over...

...I"m surprised there are still brain-dead dumbasses that buy into this shit.

Gregory Harms: Israel is well aware of why rockets get fired into southern Israel. It’s no secret. The Gaza Strip has been turned into a penal colony and some of its inhabitants have decided to throw things over the wall, so to speak.

In general, if Israel wanted peace, it wouldn’t conduct itself in the manner it does.

This goes for the region and this goes for the Palestinian territories. If you make a large number of people angry or desperate, a few of them are going to let you know about it in a violent way. The fact that the title “terrorism expert” has been created is sort of laughable, in a way. There isn’t much to be an expert on. Terrorism is an expression of anger and desperation, and typically involves low-tech methods, owing to the conditions under which the perpetrators live. Terrorists, as the label is commonly used, don’t use F-16s and Apache helicopters, they use what they have at their disposal.
This thread needs a reality check!

The fact that Iran and Syria have supported Hamas and Hizballah is used by the major American news companies as a device to highlight Israel’s (stated) security concerns, and to show how scary and sinister America’s regional enemies are; it reinforces the canard that “Israel lives in a rough neighborhood.” When you pull back, it’s difficult to get excited about the issue, or even take it very seriously. You have the world’s sole superpower and greatest military force in world history (the United States) sponsoring the Middle East’s most sophisticated military power (Israel) as it lords over what the Christian Science Monitor describes as “the most foreign-aid dependent society on earth” (Gaza). And then a couple of second- and third-rate powers (Iran and Syria, respectively) give the government of the most foreign-aid dependent society on earth some guns, rockets, money, and verbal support. When one steps back and takes stock of this situation, one discovers an issue that is closer to a non-issue.
For over a half-century, peace proposals have been submitted and every one of them have been rejected by Israel.

The diplomatic record features decades of proposals and initiatives – many by the Arab states and the Palestinians – and the systematic rejection of a legitimate peace process by Israel and/or the United States. When one goes through each proposal, plan, trial balloon, and so on over the course of the 1967-2007 period, it is glaring just how rejectionist Tel Aviv and the White House have been, since Levi Eshkol and Lyndon Johnson. What came to be called the “peace process” has usually been political theater.
Have a nice day, racist Pal haters.
sure---the turks who murdered 2 million armenians in house
to house rampages ----slitting the throats of males and females
of all ages----did so because the
armenians were abusing them.
In fact lets take it back further---the romans
who fed early christians to lions did so because
the christians were abusing them.

christians are persecuted in Iran---because Iranian
christians abuse muslim christians
Well let it be then. Israel will continue to thwart off any attacks, and the more they attack us, the more they will suffer !

Like MJB said, when you're in a hole, keep digging. It's called Palestinian Mentality

Iran=nukes=no peace= IsraelKABOOM
Dude, you are so wrong about Iran and Israel. The Arab Sunnis are the ones more worried about Iran getting nukes than anybody else.

If Iran nails sunnis, I'd consider that a bonus.
Iran=nukes=no peace= IsraelKABOOM
Dude, you are so wrong about Iran and Israel. The Arab Sunnis are the ones more worried about Iran getting nukes than anybody else.

If Iran nails sunnis, I'd consider that a bonus.
If anything Iran will use its weapon to threaten the Saudis first, and cause an overthrow of the Saudi Royal family. The Saudis have already conducted air raids and bombed many Shiite strongholds in Yemen that are financed and supported by Iran.

The goal being shiite and by default Iran's control of Islam's holiest sites Mecca and Medina.
If anything Iran will use its weapon to threaten the Saudis first, and cause an overthrow of the Saudi Royal family. The Saudis have already conducted air raids and bombed many Shiite strongholds in Yemen that are financed and supported by Iran.

The goal being shiite and by default Iran's control of Islam's holiest sites Mecca and Medina.
Or they could just wait and do nothing. They can just sit back and wait until we invade another country then put the shiites in control of the government, which is already aligned with Iran, like we did with Iraq.
If anything Iran will use its weapon to threaten the Saudis first, and cause an overthrow of the Saudi Royal family. The Saudis have already conducted air raids and bombed many Shiite strongholds in Yemen that are financed and supported by Iran.

The goal being shiite and by default Iran's control of Islam's holiest sites Mecca and Medina.
Or they could just wait and do nothing. They can just sit back and wait until we invade another country then put the shiites in control of the government, which is already aligned with Iran, like we did with Iraq.
Eh, keep up, majority of Muslims (somewhere around 90% I believe) are Sunnis, and Saudi Arabia is overwhelming Sunni country. Therefore, about a billion Muslims worldwide want to keep Saudi Arabia just like it is and about 200 million don't. Shiite's and Sunnis hate each other more than they hate non Muslims, they just don't show it, and we don't hear about it hear. The bombings and massacres of hundreds of Shiites at a time during a Shi'ite religious procession are a usual thing.

The only two countries that are Shiite majority are Iran 90% and Iraq about 60%. If it's an ideological Shi'ite vs Sunni war that is being fought, the Shi'ites are at a serious disadvantage. Which is the major reason Iran is developing a nuke.
Another reason there won't be peace with Hamas as government:


Once this generation of Palestinian terrorist are dead, we got a next one coming

There will never be peace with the Palestinians even if Hamas goes ( which it won't)
There will never be peace with Israel if Sherri had a say in it.

If the palis and Israel ever attained peace----- one and three/quarter
billion islamo nazis would have no reason to live

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