Myths and Facts: The Right of Return and UN Resolution 194.

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^ Resolution 194, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 11, 1948, addressed a host of issues, but only one paragraph out of 15 dealt with refugees created by the conflict. Resolution 194 attempted to create the tools required to reach a truce in the region. It established a conciliation commission with representatives from the United States, France and Turkey to replace the UN mediator. The commission was charged with achieving “a final settlement of all questions between … governments and authorities concerned.” The Resolution’s “refugee clause” is not a standalone item, as the Arabs would have us think, nor does it pertain specifically to Palestinian Arab refugees.

Of the 15 paragraphs, the first six sections addressed ways to achieve a truce; the next four paragraphs addressed the ways that Jerusalem and surrounding villages and towns should be demilitarized, and how an international zone or jurisdiction would be created in and around Jerusalem. The resolution also called on all parties to protect and allow free access to holy places, including religious buildings.
^ One paragraph has drawn the most attention: Paragraph 11, which alone addressed the issue of refugees and compensation for those whose property was lost or damaged. Contrary to Arab claims, it did not guarantee a Right of Return and certainly did not guarantee an unconditional Right of Return – that is the right of Palestinian Arab refugees to return to Israel. Nor did it specifically mention Arab refugees, thereby indicating that the resolution was aimed at all refugees, both Jewish and Arab. Instead, Resolution 194 recommended that refugees be allowed to return to their homeland if they met two important conditions:

1. That they be willing to live in peace with their neighbors.

2. That the return takes place “at the earliest practicable date.”

The resolution also recommended that for those who did not wish to return, “Compensation should be paid for the property … and for loss of or damage to property” by the “governments or authorities responsible.”

Although Arab leaders point to Resolution 194 as proof that Arab refugees have a right of return or be compensated, it is important to note that the Arab States: Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Yemen voted against Resolution 194. Israel is not even mentioned in the resolution. The fact that plural wording also is used – “governments or authorities” – suggests that, contrary to Arab claims, the burden of compensation does not fall solely upon one side of the conflict. Because seven Arab armies invaded Israel, Israel was not responsible for creating the refugee problem. When hundreds of thousands of Arab Jews, under threat of death, attack and other forms of persecution, were forced to flee Arab communities, the State of Israel absorbed the overwhelming majority of them into the then-fledgling nation.

The Forgotten Jewish Refugees......
The real story that sheds light on a basic bone of contention. For starters: Resolution 194’s “refugee clause” is not a standalone item, as the Arabs would have us think, nor does it pertain specifically to Palestinian Arab refugees.

Myths and Facts: The Right of Return and UN Resolution 194

Or the simple fact that Res.194 is not even a binding document.
Bluf and lots of hot air, not even worth the paper its printed on.

There's no such right, as there was no such right for the Germans in post WWII Czechoslovakia.
Just like the Germans, their Arab coward allies tried to eliminate the same skin and bones that were the Jewish people just days after they were being rescued from death camps,
eventually got utterly humiliated and received what they deserved.

That's justice.
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That was then; this is now.

Israel deserves to be a Jewish state.

That is why it was established.

The Palestinians should negotiate over the West Bank and Gaza.

They are not returning to what we now call Israel.

That would mean the effective end of Israel as a Jewish state and a democratic country.

(The people in that general region are lovely people, but supporters of democracy, they are not!)
That was then; this is now.

Israel deserves to be a Jewish state.

That is why it was established.

The Palestinians should negotiate over the West Bank and Gaza.

They are not returning to what we now call Israel.

That would mean the effective end of Israel as a Jewish state and a democratic country.

(The people in that general region are lovely people, but supporters of democracy, they are not!)

Regarding the UN, which the OP refers to, I wouldn't charge them with implementing anything.
Deflect, to your heart's content.
How am I deflecting?

You post. I respond.

Please point out what I'm doing that's wrong? ... :dunno:
Why don't the Pals go to Jordan? Wasn't that created as the original Pal state?? Sorta why Arafat was offered the Position of Deputy PM. After all Jordan is 40% Pal; just not the terrorist variety.

Why should the Pals get Gaza? Wasn't it originally Philistine???

Well, you are not so much deflecting, as you are making a case against your old, worn-out slogans, by posting those slogans "davka" on this thread in particular. How? Because if there indeed had been a Holocaust on the Palestinians, they'd all be dead. There would not even be seven million so-called "Palestinians" clamoring to return.
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