N. Korea fires on S. Korea - It was a clear provocation!!

Speaking of REUNIFICATION shakedowns:

"(South Korean President) Lee's "Vision 3000" reunification policy - an assisted suicide program for the North Korean regime predicated upon it opening up its economy to foreign aid and investment while delaying integration until North Korean per capita incomes had roughly tripled to US$3,000 - has started to generate some investment bank heat.

South Korea's latest Vision 3000 video-conference pitch was hosted by Goldman Sachs.

A high tech trends website, h+, breathlessly spun the latest reunification scenario: it will pay for itself! With 'change left over!'

"Just like Iraq!

More arithmetic for you:

The Rand Corporation estimates the cost of Korean reunification at $50 billion, Credit Suisse insists $1.5 trillion is the expense, and Stanford fellow Peter M. Beck posits an alarmist $2-$5 trillion.

Question: Who's got that kind of cash?

"Answer: North Korean mines. 360 minerals are sequestered in the Hermit Kingdom's caves, many trapped by flooding and NK's [North Korea's] appalling infrastructure. Billions of tons of coal, iron, zinc, magnesite, nickel, uranium, tungsten, phosphate, graphite, gold, silver, mercury, sulfur, limestone, copper, manganese, molybdenum... worth an estimated $2-$6 trillion (Goldman Sach's figure is $2.5 trillion).

"Reunification could be entirely paid for by these mines, perhaps with change left over.

"It appears that Lee would prefer to treat northern Korea as the low-wage, resource-rich hinterland that powers the West-oriented-export economy of a united and pro-US Korea - rather than China's Shandong."

Peter Lee
Where the hell have you been?

Just for your bad ass self, daveman...

North Korea for Dummies

Wait...wait. I know. Leftist source. OK.

How about Wiki?

"At the Potsdam Conference (July–August 1945), the Allies unilaterally decided to divide Korea—without consulting the Koreans—in contradiction of the Cairo Conference.[38]:24[46]:24–5[60]:25[61]

"On 8 September 1945, Lt. Gen. John R. Hodge of the United States arrived in Incheon to accept the Japanese surrender south of the 38th parallel.[46]

"Appointed as military governor, General Hodge directly controlled South Korea via the United States Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK 1945–48).[62]:63

"He established control by restoring to power the key Japanese colonial administrators and their Korean police collaborators.

"The USAMGIK refused to recognise the provisional government of the short-lived People's Republic of Korea (PRK) because he suspected it was communist.

"These policies, voiding popular Korean sovereignty, provoked the civil insurrections and guerrilla warfare.[39]

"On 3 September 1945, Lieutenant General Yoshio Kozuki, Commander, Japanese Seventeenth Area Army, contacted Hodge, telling him that the Soviets were south of the 38th parallel at Kaesong. Hodge trusted the accuracy of the Japanese Army report."
So....NoKo shells SoKo island...and it's AMERICA'S fault.


I wish you weren't such a coward. Then maybe you'd leave the country you hate so much.
Who would you feel superior to if I left?

"Leaders of self-governing people's committees opposed to Japanese occupation formed the 'Korean People's Republic' in Seoul on September 6, 1945.

"It had a broad-based leadership ranging from right to left.

"When Lieutenant General John R. Hodge, leader of the U.S. occupation of Korea, arrived in Inchon soon thereafter, he ordered Japanese authorities to remain at their posts, refused to acknowledge the the newly-formed republic, and indeed even banned all reference to it.

"The U.S. would be in charge of what was seen as a defeated enemy nation.

"This attitude produced widespread resentment and resistance in Korea.

"(Compare contemporary occupied Iraq.)

Why is your first instinct to swallow every lie the Rich tell about your country?

It's entirely possible there would be no NoKo or SoKo today if the US and Russia had stayed the hell out of it in 1945.

North Korea for Dummies

Oh, yeah, you're one of those morons who thinks America is worse than any Communist nation.

Say, how about you take an honest look at the conditions of the average North Korean and the average South Korean and tell me who's better off. Look at this photo, apply a little rational thought to it, and see what it tells you:

North Korea is like the slightly retarded high maintenance child unable to feed itself that needs to be the center of attention because its self-esteem is completely wrapped up in itself.
You're right. They ARE like Democrats. :cool:
Speaking of REUNIFICATION shakedowns:

"(South Korean President) Lee's "Vision 3000" reunification policy - an assisted suicide program for the North Korean regime predicated upon it opening up its economy to foreign aid and investment while delaying integration until North Korean per capita incomes had roughly tripled to US$3,000 - has started to generate some investment bank heat.

South Korea's latest Vision 3000 video-conference pitch was hosted by Goldman Sachs.

A high tech trends website, h+, breathlessly spun the latest reunification scenario: it will pay for itself! With 'change left over!'

"Just like Iraq!

More arithmetic for you:

The Rand Corporation estimates the cost of Korean reunification at $50 billion, Credit Suisse insists $1.5 trillion is the expense, and Stanford fellow Peter M. Beck posits an alarmist $2-$5 trillion.

Question: Who's got that kind of cash?

"Answer: North Korean mines. 360 minerals are sequestered in the Hermit Kingdom's caves, many trapped by flooding and NK's [North Korea's] appalling infrastructure. Billions of tons of coal, iron, zinc, magnesite, nickel, uranium, tungsten, phosphate, graphite, gold, silver, mercury, sulfur, limestone, copper, manganese, molybdenum... worth an estimated $2-$6 trillion (Goldman Sach's figure is $2.5 trillion).

"Reunification could be entirely paid for by these mines, perhaps with change left over.

"It appears that Lee would prefer to treat northern Korea as the low-wage, resource-rich hinterland that powers the West-oriented-export economy of a united and pro-US Korea - rather than China's Shandong."

Peter Lee
Very interesting. So North Korea has abundant, valuable natural resources -- but their per capita income is only a thousand dollars a month?

And you think this is a successful government?

Report: N. Korea fires on S. Korea, injuring at least 4 - CNN.com
North Korea on Tuesday fired artillery into the sea near its tense western sea border with South Korea, injuring at least four South Korean soldiers, the Yonhap news agency reported.

Some of the artillery landed directly on an inhabited island, and South Korea's military returned fire, Yonhap said, citing Col. Lee Bung-woo, spokesman for the South's Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The firing began about 2:30 p.m. local time. The South Korean army raised its alert condition and braced for any possible fire, the report said.

Images of plumes of smoke were quickly broadcast on Yonhap television, but it was not immediately clear what the artillery had hit

It was a clear provocation!!!


"The Obama administration has sent the USS George Washington aircraft carrier to the Yellow Sea, between Korea and China, to take part in a previously planned joint exercise with South Korea.

"Beijing has railed against previous joint maneuvers in the Yellow Sea -- a body of water seen by China as part of its sphere of influence -- saying it could escalate tensions. Hard-line nationalists have called for military action if U.S. vessels intrude into Chinese waters.

"The Global Times -- a popular nationalistic tabloid published by the Communist Party's flagship newspaper People's Daily -- said now wasn't the time for war games.

"If sending a U.S. aircraft carrier into the Yellow Sea for military exercises becomes a regular occurrence, the strategic environment of the Yellow Sea will be altered, and Northeast Asia will be rocked by forces even greater than North-South Korean artillery barrages," the paper warned in an editorial

China Premier Urges Restraint Over Korean Tensions - FoxNews.com
Why, exactly, can't we just send a Tamahawk screaming towards his palace- or wherever he is?
So....NoKo shells SoKo island...and it's AMERICA'S fault.


I wish you weren't such a coward. Then maybe you'd leave the country you hate so much.
Who would you feel superior to if I left?

"Leaders of self-governing people's committees opposed to Japanese occupation formed the 'Korean People's Republic' in Seoul on September 6, 1945.

"It had a broad-based leadership ranging from right to left.

"When Lieutenant General John R. Hodge, leader of the U.S. occupation of Korea, arrived in Inchon soon thereafter, he ordered Japanese authorities to remain at their posts, refused to acknowledge the the newly-formed republic, and indeed even banned all reference to it.

"The U.S. would be in charge of what was seen as a defeated enemy nation.

"This attitude produced widespread resentment and resistance in Korea.

"(Compare contemporary occupied Iraq.)

Why is your first instinct to swallow every lie the Rich tell about your country?

It's entirely possible there would be no NoKo or SoKo today if the US and Russia had stayed the hell out of it in 1945.

North Korea for Dummies

Oh, yeah, you're one of those morons who thinks America is worse than any Communist nation.

Say, how about you take an honest look at the conditions of the average North Korean and the average South Korean and tell me who's better off. Look at this photo, apply a little rational thought to it, and see what it tells you:

Taking an honest look at average conditions in North Korea is easier to envision if you imagine all the points of South Korean light in the photo magically migrating north of the 38th parallel.

That would give an honest observer a reasonable approximation of the saturation bombing campaign conducted by the USAF during its "first war" in Korea.

By US admission we first turned every North Korean city and village into rubble and then came back and turned the rubble into pebbles. Curtis LeMay estimated we killed 20% of all human beings in North Korea.

Today the figure is widely believed to be one out of three North Koreans perished from US bombs. (I'm sure the profit margin on each bomb is only a happy capitalist coincidence, aren't you?)

I don't believe America is worse than any Communist nation; however, when I encounter "patriotism" like yours, I can't help thinking it stems more from an accident of birth than any application of "rational thought."

Or empathy.
Taking an honest look at average conditions in North Korea is easier to envision if you imagine all the points of South Korean light in the photo magically migrating north of the 38th parallel.

That would give an honest observer a reasonable approximation of the saturation bombing campaign conducted by the USAF during its "first war" in Korea.

By US admission we first turned every North Korean city and village into rubble and then came back and turned the rubble into pebbles. Curtis LeMay estimated we killed 20% of all human beings in North Korea.

Today the figure is widely believed to be one out of three North Koreans perished from US bombs. (I'm sure the profit margin on each bomb is only a happy capitalist coincidence, aren't you?)

I don't believe America is worse than any Communist nation; however, when I encounter "patriotism" like yours, I can't help thinking it stems more from an accident of birth than any application of "rational thought."

Or empathy.
If our intervention was so awful for Koreans, South Korea would be just as dark as North Korea, wouldn't it?

Face it, George: Communism is an utter failure, and is responsible for the condition of North Korea. I know that goes against everything you believe.

Tough shit. It's the truth.
I have no trouble recognizing or admitting the abject failure of Communism. You seem to have an almost religious conviction that capitalism is any better.

It isn't.

Both systems oppress individual liberty while elevating an elite few to positions of great power and influence, like Lt. General John R. Hodge leader of the US occupation of Korea in 1945.

When Hodge essentially outlawed the Korean People's Republic which had formed in Seoul in September of '45, he was behaving like a good communist. Had Truman and the US military not interfered with Korean politics in 1945, a unified Korea might be even more luminescent than South Korea is today.

It could also be more free and independent than what we see today. We'll never know and that's due entirely to Communist and Capitalist meddling in the affairs of the Korean people.
I have no trouble recognizing or admitting the abject failure of Communism. You seem to have an almost religious conviction that capitalism is any better.

It isn't.

Both systems oppress individual liberty while elevating an elite few to positions of great power and influence, like Lt. General John R. Hodge leader of the US occupation of Korea in 1945.

When Hodge essentially outlawed the Korean People's Republic which had formed in Seoul in September of '45, he was behaving like a good communist. Had Truman and the US military not interfered with Korean politics in 1945, a unified Korea might be even more luminescent than South Korea is today.

It could also be more free and independent than what we see today. We'll never know and that's due entirely to Communist and Capitalist meddling in the affairs of the Korean people.
That's right, George -- EVERYTHING is America's fault. :cuckoo:
I have no trouble recognizing or admitting the abject failure of Communism. You seem to have an almost religious conviction that capitalism is any better.

It isn't.

Both systems oppress individual liberty while elevating an elite few to positions of great power and influence, like Lt. General John R. Hodge leader of the US occupation of Korea in 1945.

When Hodge essentially outlawed the Korean People's Republic which had formed in Seoul in September of '45, he was behaving like a good communist. Had Truman and the US military not interfered with Korean politics in 1945, a unified Korea might be even more luminescent than South Korea is today.

It could also be more free and independent than what we see today. We'll never know and that's due entirely to Communist and Capitalist meddling in the affairs of the Korean people.
That's right, George -- EVERYTHING is America's fault. :cuckoo:
this is the order of fault for everything bad for georgie

#1 Israel
#2 America
## if no actual tie can be made to either #1 or #2, find a way to blame it on the Jews
I have no trouble recognizing or admitting the abject failure of Communism. You seem to have an almost religious conviction that capitalism is any better.

It isn't.

Both systems oppress individual liberty while elevating an elite few to positions of great power and influence, like Lt. General John R. Hodge leader of the US occupation of Korea in 1945.

When Hodge essentially outlawed the Korean People's Republic which had formed in Seoul in September of '45, he was behaving like a good communist. Had Truman and the US military not interfered with Korean politics in 1945, a unified Korea might be even more luminescent than South Korea is today.

It could also be more free and independent than what we see today. We'll never know and that's due entirely to Communist and Capitalist meddling in the affairs of the Korean people.
That's right, George -- EVERYTHING is America's fault. :cuckoo:
this is the order of fault for everything bad for georgie

#1 Israel
#2 America
## if no actual tie can be made to either #1 or #2, find a way to blame it on the Jews
He really is rather a simple little person.
But not simple enough to believe Ronald Reagan was anything except a corn-fed coward, unwilling to put his life on the line for this country in World War II.

Sounds like your kinda guy.

But not simple enough to believe Ronald Reagan was anything except a corn-fed coward, unwilling to put his life on the line for this country in World War II.

Sounds like your kinda guy.

Cowardice? No. Nearsightedness.

If you want to talk about cowardice, let's talk about your less-than-a-hundred-hours military career.

I always laugh at fools who didn't even finish bootcamp, but jump on the military bandwagon. Fucking pathetic lowlives.
Who would you feel superior to if I left?

"Leaders of self-governing people's committees opposed to Japanese occupation formed the 'Korean People's Republic' in Seoul on September 6, 1945.

"It had a broad-based leadership ranging from right to left.

"When Lieutenant General John R. Hodge, leader of the U.S. occupation of Korea, arrived in Inchon soon thereafter, he ordered Japanese authorities to remain at their posts, refused to acknowledge the the newly-formed republic, and indeed even banned all reference to it.

"The U.S. would be in charge of what was seen as a defeated enemy nation.

"This attitude produced widespread resentment and resistance in Korea.

"(Compare contemporary occupied Iraq.)

Why is your first instinct to swallow every lie the Rich tell about your country?

It's entirely possible there would be no NoKo or SoKo today if the US and Russia had stayed the hell out of it in 1945.

North Korea for Dummies

Oh, yeah, you're one of those morons who thinks America is worse than any Communist nation.

Say, how about you take an honest look at the conditions of the average North Korean and the average South Korean and tell me who's better off. Look at this photo, apply a little rational thought to it, and see what it tells you:

Taking an honest look at average conditions in North Korea is easier to envision if you imagine all the points of South Korean light in the photo magically migrating north of the 38th parallel.

That would give an honest observer a reasonable approximation of the saturation bombing campaign conducted by the USAF during its "first war" in Korea.

By US admission we first turned every North Korean city and village into rubble and then came back and turned the rubble into pebbles. Curtis LeMay estimated we killed 20% of all human beings in North Korea.

Today the figure is widely believed to be one out of three North Koreans perished from US bombs. (I'm sure the profit margin on each bomb is only a happy capitalist coincidence, aren't you?)


Dude, it's been like 60 years. Why do you think they haven't rebuilt or developed?

Hint:it has something to do with batshit insane dictators
I have no trouble recognizing or admitting the abject failure of Communism. You seem to have an almost religious conviction that capitalism is any better.

It isn't.

Both systems oppress individual liberty while elevating an elite few to positions of great power and influence, like Lt. General John R. Hodge leader of the US occupation of Korea in 1945.

When Hodge essentially outlawed the Korean People's Republic which had formed in Seoul in September of '45, he was behaving like a good communist. Had Truman and the US military not interfered with Korean politics in 1945, a unified Korea might be even more luminescent than South Korea is today.

It could also be more free and independent than what we see today. We'll never know and that's due entirely to Communist and Capitalist meddling in the affairs of the Korean people.
That's right, George -- EVERYTHING is America's fault. :cuckoo:
this is the order of fault for everything bad for georgie

#1 Israel
#2 America
## if no actual tie can be made to either #1 or #2, find a way to blame it on the Jews

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Glenn Beck: The Puppet Master
But not simple enough to believe Ronald Reagan was anything except a corn-fed coward, unwilling to put his life on the line for this country in World War II.

Sounds like your kinda guy.

Cowardice? No. Nearsightedness.

If you want to talk about cowardice, let's talk about your less-than-a-hundred-hours military career.

Tunnel vision.
Keeping his eyes firmly on the money.
The $3000 a week he earned for making war movies.

Fuck you and the Gipper.

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