N. Korea fires on S. Korea - It was a clear provocation!!

How would you feel if you were in Tokyo?


There are some really hot asian chicks in Tokyo.

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The United States said Wednesday North Korea's lethal artillery strike on a South Korean island was premeditated and a violation of the 1953 Korean War armistice. But U.S. officials do not believe Pyongyang is preparing for an extended military campaign.

Officials here are not minimizing the seriousness of the North Korean artillery barrage, which they call a serious provocation and a deliberate violation of the Korean armistice.

But they say they are not observing preparations for a broader conflict by North Korea, and say they are looking to China to play a "pivotal" role in restraining its neighbor.

State Department Spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters the United States is engaged in wide-ranging diplomacy with China and others in the aftermath of the artillery clash, and intends to raise the matter directly with North Korea in the armistice framework.

The spokesman rejected North Korea's claim it acted in self defense after South Korean shelling in a military exercise. He said North Korea attacked the South Korean island hours after the routine exercise ended, in an obviously premeditated act, but that there has been no sign of a broader aggressive move by the North.
VOA | US Calls North Korean Artillery Strike Armistice Violation | News | English
WASHINGTON — President Obama and South Korea’s president agreed Tuesday night to hold joint military exercises as a first response to North Korea’s deadly shelling of a South Korean military installation, as both countries struggled for the second time this year to keep a North Korean provocation from escalating into war.

The exercise will include sending the aircraft carrier George Washington and a number of accompanying ships into the region, both to deter further attacks by the North and to signal to China that unless it reins in its unruly ally it will see an even larger American presence in the vicinity.

The decision came after Mr. Obama attended the end of an emergency session in the White House Situation Room and then emerged to call President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea to express American solidarity and talk about a coordinated response.

But as a former national security official who dealt frequently with North Korea in the Bush administration, Victor Cha, said just a few hours before the attack began, North Korea is “the land of lousy options.”
WASHINGTON — President Obama and South Korea’s president agreed Tuesday night to hold joint military exercises as a first response to North Korea’s deadly shelling of a South Korean military installation, as both countries struggled for the second time this year to keep a North Korean provocation from escalating into war.

The exercise will include sending the aircraft carrier George Washington and a number of accompanying ships into the region, both to deter further attacks by the North and to signal to China that unless it reins in its unruly ally it will see an even larger American presence in the vicinity.

I wonder how many $$$billion$$$ this is gonna cost.
Smedley Darlington Butler would know the answer to that question.

Today when retired Marine Corps generals speak out on the War Racket they're more likely to reveal how much of their (unearned) income derives from defense contractors and "think tanks" serving war profits.

A few years ago, Anthony Zinni was asked if he had ever considered running for political office. The first words from the recently retired Marine general's mouth revealed he would take a 90% pay cut if elected to public office.

I don't think Smedley ever faced that conundrum.

War is a Racket
Then why pray tell are we even over there?

Have they been invaded in the last 50 years?

Are you saying the US Army is not doing any good unless they actually go to war?
Why did the US Army invade and occupy South Korea after World War II ended, and the Japanese were defeated?

How many North Koreans have died since then from US bombs?
Goodness gracious. If there's a wrong side to an issue, you jump on it with both feet.

Have they been invaded in the last 50 years?

Are you saying the US Army is not doing any good unless they actually go to war?
Why did the US Army invade and occupy South Korea after World War II ended, and the Japanese were defeated?

How many North Koreans have died since then from US bombs?
Goodness gracious. If there's a wrong side to an issue, you jump on it with both feet.

Where the hell have you been?

Just for your bad ass self, daveman...

North Korea for Dummies

Wait...wait. I know. Leftist source. OK.

How about Wiki?

"At the Potsdam Conference (July–August 1945), the Allies unilaterally decided to divide Korea—without consulting the Koreans—in contradiction of the Cairo Conference.[38]:24[46]:24–5[60]:25[61]

"On 8 September 1945, Lt. Gen. John R. Hodge of the United States arrived in Incheon to accept the Japanese surrender south of the 38th parallel.[46]

"Appointed as military governor, General Hodge directly controlled South Korea via the United States Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK 1945–48).[62]:63

"He established control by restoring to power the key Japanese colonial administrators and their Korean police collaborators.

"The USAMGIK refused to recognise the provisional government of the short-lived People's Republic of Korea (PRK) because he suspected it was communist.

"These policies, voiding popular Korean sovereignty, provoked the civil insurrections and guerrilla warfare.[39]

"On 3 September 1945, Lieutenant General Yoshio Kozuki, Commander, Japanese Seventeenth Area Army, contacted Hodge, telling him that the Soviets were south of the 38th parallel at Kaesong. Hodge trusted the accuracy of the Japanese Army report."
Why did the US Army invade and occupy South Korea after World War II ended, and the Japanese were defeated?

How many North Koreans have died since then from US bombs?
Goodness gracious. If there's a wrong side to an issue, you jump on it with both feet.

Where the hell have you been?

Just for your bad ass self, daveman...

North Korea for Dummies

Wait...wait. I know. Leftist source. OK.

How about Wiki?

"At the Potsdam Conference (July–August 1945), the Allies unilaterally decided to divide Korea—without consulting the Koreans—in contradiction of the Cairo Conference.[38]:24[46]:24–5[60]:25[61]

"On 8 September 1945, Lt. Gen. John R. Hodge of the United States arrived in Incheon to accept the Japanese surrender south of the 38th parallel.[46]

"Appointed as military governor, General Hodge directly controlled South Korea via the United States Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK 1945–48).[62]:63

"He established control by restoring to power the key Japanese colonial administrators and their Korean police collaborators.

"The USAMGIK refused to recognise the provisional government of the short-lived People's Republic of Korea (PRK) because he suspected it was communist.

"These policies, voiding popular Korean sovereignty, provoked the civil insurrections and guerrilla warfare.[39]

"On 3 September 1945, Lieutenant General Yoshio Kozuki, Commander, Japanese Seventeenth Area Army, contacted Hodge, telling him that the Soviets were south of the 38th parallel at Kaesong. Hodge trusted the accuracy of the Japanese Army report."
So....NoKo shells SoKo island...and it's AMERICA'S fault.


I wish you weren't such a coward. Then maybe you'd leave the country you hate so much.
Goodness gracious. If there's a wrong side to an issue, you jump on it with both feet.

Where the hell have you been?

Just for your bad ass self, daveman...

North Korea for Dummies

Wait...wait. I know. Leftist source. OK.

How about Wiki?

"At the Potsdam Conference (July–August 1945), the Allies unilaterally decided to divide Korea—without consulting the Koreans—in contradiction of the Cairo Conference.[38]:24[46]:24–5[60]:25[61]

"On 8 September 1945, Lt. Gen. John R. Hodge of the United States arrived in Incheon to accept the Japanese surrender south of the 38th parallel.[46]

"Appointed as military governor, General Hodge directly controlled South Korea via the United States Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK 1945–48).[62]:63

"He established control by restoring to power the key Japanese colonial administrators and their Korean police collaborators.

"The USAMGIK refused to recognise the provisional government of the short-lived People's Republic of Korea (PRK) because he suspected it was communist.

"These policies, voiding popular Korean sovereignty, provoked the civil insurrections and guerrilla warfare.[39]

"On 3 September 1945, Lieutenant General Yoshio Kozuki, Commander, Japanese Seventeenth Area Army, contacted Hodge, telling him that the Soviets were south of the 38th parallel at Kaesong. Hodge trusted the accuracy of the Japanese Army report."
So....NoKo shells SoKo island...and it's AMERICA'S fault.


I wish you weren't such a coward. Then maybe you'd leave the country you hate so much.
Who would you feel superior to if I left?

"Leaders of self-governing people's committees opposed to Japanese occupation formed the 'Korean People's Republic' in Seoul on September 6, 1945.

"It had a broad-based leadership ranging from right to left.

"When Lieutenant General John R. Hodge, leader of the U.S. occupation of Korea, arrived in Inchon soon thereafter, he ordered Japanese authorities to remain at their posts, refused to acknowledge the the newly-formed republic, and indeed even banned all reference to it.

"The U.S. would be in charge of what was seen as a defeated enemy nation.

"This attitude produced widespread resentment and resistance in Korea.

"(Compare contemporary occupied Iraq.)

Why is your first instinct to swallow every lie the Rich tell about your country?

It's entirely possible there would be no NoKo or SoKo today if the US and Russia had stayed the hell out of it in 1945.

North Korea for Dummies
Goodness gracious. If there's a wrong side to an issue, you jump on it with both feet.

Where the hell have you been?

Just for your bad ass self, daveman...

North Korea for Dummies

Wait...wait. I know. Leftist source. OK.

How about Wiki?

"At the Potsdam Conference (July–August 1945), the Allies unilaterally decided to divide Korea—without consulting the Koreans—in contradiction of the Cairo Conference.[38]:24[46]:24–5[60]:25[61]

"On 8 September 1945, Lt. Gen. John R. Hodge of the United States arrived in Incheon to accept the Japanese surrender south of the 38th parallel.[46]

"Appointed as military governor, General Hodge directly controlled South Korea via the United States Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK 1945–48).[62]:63

"He established control by restoring to power the key Japanese colonial administrators and their Korean police collaborators.

"The USAMGIK refused to recognise the provisional government of the short-lived People's Republic of Korea (PRK) because he suspected it was communist.

"These policies, voiding popular Korean sovereignty, provoked the civil insurrections and guerrilla warfare.[39]

"On 3 September 1945, Lieutenant General Yoshio Kozuki, Commander, Japanese Seventeenth Area Army, contacted Hodge, telling him that the Soviets were south of the 38th parallel at Kaesong. Hodge trusted the accuracy of the Japanese Army report."
So....NoKo shells SoKo island...and it's AMERICA'S fault.


I wish you weren't such a coward. Then maybe you'd leave the country you hate so much.

Actually, it's Truman's fault.
Where the hell have you been?

Just for your bad ass self, daveman...

North Korea for Dummies

Wait...wait. I know. Leftist source. OK.

How about Wiki?

"At the Potsdam Conference (July–August 1945), the Allies unilaterally decided to divide Korea—without consulting the Koreans—in contradiction of the Cairo Conference.[38]:24[46]:24–5[60]:25[61]

"On 8 September 1945, Lt. Gen. John R. Hodge of the United States arrived in Incheon to accept the Japanese surrender south of the 38th parallel.[46]

"Appointed as military governor, General Hodge directly controlled South Korea via the United States Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK 1945–48).[62]:63

"He established control by restoring to power the key Japanese colonial administrators and their Korean police collaborators.

"The USAMGIK refused to recognise the provisional government of the short-lived People's Republic of Korea (PRK) because he suspected it was communist.

"These policies, voiding popular Korean sovereignty, provoked the civil insurrections and guerrilla warfare.[39]

"On 3 September 1945, Lieutenant General Yoshio Kozuki, Commander, Japanese Seventeenth Area Army, contacted Hodge, telling him that the Soviets were south of the 38th parallel at Kaesong. Hodge trusted the accuracy of the Japanese Army report."
So....NoKo shells SoKo island...and it's AMERICA'S fault.


I wish you weren't such a coward. Then maybe you'd leave the country you hate so much.

Actually, it's Truman's fault.
You and Gary Leupp agree:

"The Korean peninsula, peopled by one of the world's most homogeneous ethnic groups, and united from the seventh century through 1945, is now divided into two nations due primarily to the actions of the Truman administration and the U.S. military.

"This is something upon which South and North Koreans agree."

North Korea...
So....NoKo shells SoKo island...and it's AMERICA'S fault.


I wish you weren't such a coward. Then maybe you'd leave the country you hate so much.

Actually, it's Truman's fault.
You and Gary Leupp agree:

"The Korean peninsula, peopled by one of the world's most homogeneous ethnic groups, and united from the seventh century through 1945, is now divided into two nations due primarily to the actions of the Truman administration and the U.S. military.

"This is something upon which South and North Koreans agree."

North Korea...

Well, at least we saved half of them. ;)
This is another shake-down.

North Korea is running out of money, so they started up their nuclear program again. But since no one is paying attention, they fired on an island.

It would be laughable if these nutters weren't so crazy. This is the most incompetent, venal and paranoid regime on earth. Their biggest earners of foreign currency are selling military secrets and taking a cut from drug traffickers using North Korea as a transport route.

If the West doesn't pay them, the country could collapse, and the delusional and desperate leadership could start a war with the South.

BTW, as I understand it, the South Koreans are taking this more casually than we are. It is the most serious event since the Korean War, but they are seeing this more for what it is than us.
This is another shake-down.

North Korea is running out of money, so they started up their nuclear program again. But since no one is paying attention, they fired on an island.

It would be laughable if these nutters weren't so crazy. This is the most incompetent, venal and paranoid regime on earth. Their biggest earners of foreign currency are selling military secrets and taking a cut from drug traffickers using North Korea as a transport route.

If the West doesn't pay them, the country could collapse, and the delusional and desperate leadership could start a war with the South.

BTW, as I understand it, the South Koreans are taking this more casually than we are. It is the most serious event since the Korean War, but they are seeing this more for what it is than us.

Not too casually . . .

South Korea’s Defense Chief Resigns in Wake of Attack
Published: November 25, 2010

SEOUL, South Korea — President Lee Myung-bak accepted the resignation of Defense Minister Kim Tae-young on Thursday amid intense criticism over the South’s response to an artillery attack by North Korea two days earlier and the sinking of a warship in March.​
This is another shake-down.

North Korea is running out of money, so they started up their nuclear program again. But since no one is paying attention, they fired on an island.

It would be laughable if these nutters weren't so crazy. This is the most incompetent, venal and paranoid regime on earth. Their biggest earners of foreign currency are selling military secrets and taking a cut from drug traffickers using North Korea as a transport route.

If the West doesn't pay them, the country could collapse, and the delusional and desperate leadership could start a war with the South.

BTW, as I understand it, the South Koreans are taking this more casually than we are. It is the most serious event since the Korean War, but they are seeing this more for what it is than us.

Not too casually . . .

South Korea’s Defense Chief Resigns in Wake of Attack
Published: November 25, 2010

SEOUL, South Korea — President Lee Myung-bak accepted the resignation of Defense Minister Kim Tae-young on Thursday amid intense criticism over the South’s response to an artillery attack by North Korea two days earlier and the sinking of a warship in March.​

It's not surprising, but the point is that - at least from the Koreans whom I have spoken to about this - they are seeing this for what it is, which is a shakedown of the West.

North Korea is like the slightly retarded high maintenance child unable to feed itself that needs to be the center of attention because its self-esteem is completely wrapped up in itself.

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