N. Korea fires on S. Korea - It was a clear provocation!!

Nothing new here.

NK plays this game evey time they need aide. From what I've been reading their economy sucks and the people are all starving. Gotta love communism.

They rattle a few sabres. Launch a few missles and golly gee the US and the UN start talking to them again. They are only looking for money. Like that 9 billion Jimmaahh Carter gave away. You know. They were supposed to stop their quest for nuclear arms. We all see how well that worked.

We should just put the little troll and his posse on ignore.
Nothing new here.

NK plays this game evey time they need aide. From what I've been reading their economy sucks and the people are all starving. Gotta love communism.

They rattle a few sabres. Launch a few missles and golly gee the US and the UN start talking to them again. They are only looking for money. Like that 9 billion Jimmaahh Carter gave away. You know. They were supposed to stop their quest for nuclear arms. We all see how well that worked.

We should just put the little troll and his posse on ignore.

How about taking our troops home too. China will never tolerate NK attacking the South en masse.
Nothing new here.

NK plays this game evey time they need aide. From what I've been reading their economy sucks and the people are all starving. Gotta love communism.

They rattle a few sabres. Launch a few missles and golly gee the US and the UN start talking to them again. They are only looking for money. Like that 9 billion Jimmaahh Carter gave away. You know. They were supposed to stop their quest for nuclear arms. We all see how well that worked.

We should just put the little troll and his posse on ignore.

How about taking our troops home too. China will never tolerate NK attacking the South en masse.

China has traded communist ideology for the quest for the mighty dollar. They have seen the massive improvement in their standard of living because of participating in the worldwide market.
While they will tollerate N Korea engaging in its brattish behavior, supporting N Korea in a live engagement would upset their access to global markets
Nothing new here.

NK plays this game evey time they need aide. From what I've been reading their economy sucks and the people are all starving. Gotta love communism.

They rattle a few sabres. Launch a few missles and golly gee the US and the UN start talking to them again. They are only looking for money. Like that 9 billion Jimmaahh Carter gave away. You know. They were supposed to stop their quest for nuclear arms. We all see how well that worked.

We should just put the little troll and his posse on ignore.

How about taking our troops home too. China will never tolerate NK attacking the South en masse.

China has traded communist ideology for the quest for the mighty dollar. They have seen the massive improvement in their standard of living because of participating in the worldwide market.
While they will tollerate N Korea engaging in its brattish behavior, supporting N Korea in a live engagement would upset their access to global markets

I'm pretty sure I just said that.

There's nothing for us or him to do.

Unless NK invades SK we have to sit and hope for the best. Even the SK Pres said to use restaint.

It is easy for Americans to puff up their chests and scream Invade! Bomb the shit out of them!

But it is the South Koreans who will do the fighting and dying. They have dealt with these provocations from the north for decades and they know what the appropriate response should be.

Then why pray tell are we even over there?

Good Question.

My guess is to help justify a bloated military budget?
It is easy for Americans to puff up their chests and scream Invade! Bomb the shit out of them!

But it is the South Koreans who will do the fighting and dying. They have dealt with these provocations from the north for decades and they know what the appropriate response should be.

Then why pray tell are we even over there?

Good Question.

My guess is to help justify a bloated military budget?

Cannon fodder. It gives us the moral right to be indignant when they are blown to bits.
Good Question.

My guess is to help justify a bloated military budget?

Cannon fodder. It gives us the moral right to be indignant when they are blown to bits.

Couldn't we feel indignant if only a tenth of them were blown to bits? Or, if they were Kuwaitis? Or Worse: Israelis?

The chances of them getting hit are greater if we have a bunch of them there. I'm sure our indignation strikes fear in the hearts of all our enemies these days.
Cannon fodder. It gives us the moral right to be indignant when they are blown to bits.

Couldn't we feel indignant if only a tenth of them were blown to bits? Or, if they were Kuwaitis? Or Worse: Israelis?

The chances of them getting hit are greater if we have a bunch of them there. I'm sure our indignation strikes fear in the hearts of all our enemies these days.

Perhaps we should have Archduke Hillary drive along the DMZ in an open Dussenberg Touring Sedan.
Couldn't we feel indignant if only a tenth of them were blown to bits? Or, if they were Kuwaitis? Or Worse: Israelis?

The chances of them getting hit are greater if we have a bunch of them there. I'm sure our indignation strikes fear in the hearts of all our enemies these days.

Perhaps we should have Archduke Hillary drive along the DMZ in an open Dussenberg Touring Sedan.

who would play the role of the Archduke's wife?
The chances of them getting hit are greater if we have a bunch of them there. I'm sure our indignation strikes fear in the hearts of all our enemies these days.

Perhaps we should have Archduke Hillary drive along the DMZ in an open Dussenberg Touring Sedan.

who would play the role of the Archduke's wife?

I bet we could offer that as a prize in a catfight between Rosie O'Donnel and Rachel Maddow.
While I'm not disputing any of your points, I would like to point out there are certainly details we don't get from consuming "headlines in a vacuum:"]

The problem is not confined to this one incident, North Korea has a decades long track record of violating international law, destabilizing the region, mass killing it's own people and provoking confrontation with the South, even when both the US and South Korea appease them.

This is an irrational regime that should have been put down long ago, so irrational the dead founder is still President, making this sick cult of the killer Kims the world's only necocracy.

This event is just their recent provocation, along with attacking a South Korean ship and their open announcement they have violated their signings concerning nuclear enrichment, again.

China must be pressured to modify or remove this regime.

That the terror of the Kims is allowed to exist at all is an affront against the very idea of civilization.

I agree 100%. China won't remove the regime though because they do not want to care for the hundreds of thousands of refugees that would flow across the border if the regime fell, and China still looks at North Korea as a buffer between them and the 50,000 US Trops on the other side.
How would you respond if Obama removed ALL US troops from South Korea?

Specifically, do you think it would stabilize or destabilize the current situation?
The problem is not confined to this one incident, North Korea has a decades long track record of violating international law, destabilizing the region, mass killing it's own people and provoking confrontation with the South, even when both the US and South Korea appease them.

This is an irrational regime that should have been put down long ago, so irrational the dead founder is still President, making this sick cult of the killer Kims the world's only necocracy.

This event is just their recent provocation, along with attacking a South Korean ship and their open announcement they have violated their signings concerning nuclear enrichment, again.

China must be pressured to modify or remove this regime.

That the terror of the Kims is allowed to exist at all is an affront against the very idea of civilization.

I agree 100%. China won't remove the regime though because they do not want to care for the hundreds of thousands of refugees that would flow across the border if the regime fell, and China still looks at North Korea as a buffer between them and the 50,000 US Trops on the other side.
How would you respond if Obama removed ALL US troops from South Korea?

Specifically, do you think it would stabilize or destabilize the current situation?

Well if all the US Troops leave North Korea will invade the South, the only reason they haven't done it is already is because of the US Presence there.
Depends. I think nobody really wants war anywhere. Nobody is hoping for war. War is maybe the most stupid activity that humankind has ever devised.

But those at risk from a North Korean crazy gone berserk, and that would include Japan, might hope there is sufficient reason to really smash North Korea and take out their nuke facilities. Who do you think would go to their defense? I don't think it would be China or Russia.

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