N. Korea fires on S. Korea - It was a clear provocation!!

How? We don't know what or where they are. We didn't know about the refinery they just rubbed our noses in until they decided to show it to us.I have this strange case of deja vu like we've lost this war before...

Really we lost? so what are those American troops doing in South Korea if the US lost the Korean war?sampling the local cuisine?

Yes, we lost. In case you forgot, the aim of the war was to defeat the neocommunists in NK, supported by China. We barely managed to reach a standstill after marching back and forth up and down the region. What are we doing now? Trying to hold onto what we managed to save the last time.

Rubbish, the US didn't win that war but didn't lose it either, it was a ceasefire if anything. If the US lost the war there wouldn't be a single US Soldier on that Penninsula and Korea would be united under Kim Jong Il's boot. You just hate America so much it has you saying stupid shit.
I would send in the Special Forces, I would walk them right in. Anyone who shoots at us dies, we have complete control.

China will never fight us, not in our life, right now China is at its weakest militarily, weaker at any other point in history. You think China will bite the hand that feeds, first thing that will happen is all the foreign engineers in the country would flee, China knows this, China understands it is not the Chinese building China, its the Western Conservative Capitalist ideals building China.

It is perfect timing, destroy the regime in North Korea.

A nice Special Force's action.
You want to know who's really weak?

We are.

If Iran can move to control the Straight of Hormuz and/or regional oil production, we're royally fucked. We're talking rationing and difficulty keeping our military running. If OPEC, which is not made up of our allies, supports Iran, we could be in big trouble. If we dedicate forces to securing our oil supply, then we weaken our offense everywhere else.

If we're tied up with Iran and NK (possibly w/ Chinese support, be it openly or behind the scenes), how can we aid Israel if the surrounding nation-states or non-state entities decide it's time to make a move while the U.S. is distracted? How long will it take us to get American manufacturing up to where it needs to be to fuel the war effort ala' WWII?

Then there's AQ and other terrorist organizations which would love the opportunity and excuse to attack our homeland again, with Mexico providing ample room and opportunity to gather, plan, and prepare- with relative ease crossing over the border to get into the States.

This could get really ugly really quickly with Israel fighting for its existence, us trying to defend our homeland while tied up in Iraq, Afghanistan, The UAE/Kuwait/elsewhere in the region, Korea... Even with the British and whatever coalition we might be able to gather together after the last 8 years, we're looking at a pretty grim situation.

Rushing headlong into war in NK could easily provide the opportunities our enemies are looking for and lead us straight into World War Three. It's happened twice before, so don't give me a bunch of bullshit about how it won't happen again.

We simply cannot afford to let the warhawks go diving into another clusterfuck in Korea right now.
Really we lost? so what are those American troops doing in South Korea if the US lost the Korean war?sampling the local cuisine?

Yes, we lost. In case you forgot, the aim of the war was to defeat the neocommunists in NK, supported by China. We barely managed to reach a standstill after marching back and forth up and down the region. What are we doing now? Trying to hold onto what we managed to save the last time.

Rubbish, the US didn't win that war but didn't lose it either, it was a ceasefire if anything. If the US lost the war there wouldn't be a single US Soldier on that Penninsula and Korea would be united under Kim Jong Il's boot. You just hate America so much it has you saying stupid shit.

fail, moron

if I hated America, I'd be cheering for war, as it would present a good chance to see this nation get royally fucked

I'm trying to save this nation- and our allies- from the retards looking live out their fantasies of seeing The Big War for themselves
Yes, we lost. In case you forgot, the aim of the war was to defeat the neocommunists in NK, supported by China. We barely managed to reach a standstill after marching back and forth up and down the region. What are we doing now? Trying to hold onto what we managed to save the last time.

Rubbish, the US didn't win that war but didn't lose it either, it was a ceasefire if anything. If the US lost the war there wouldn't be a single US Soldier on that Penninsula and Korea would be united under Kim Jong Il's boot. You just hate America so much it has you saying stupid shit.

fail, moron

if I hated America, I'd be cheering for war, as it would present a good chance to see this nation get royally fucked

I'm trying to save this nation- and our allies- from the retards looking live out their fantasies of seeing The Big War for themselves

You do hate America jack ass, every single worthless post I seen from you is talking about how America is weak and how America lost to North Korea, you hate America so much you can't see straight. You probably converted to Islam a few years back too didn't you?
You're an idiot.

How about you lose the Bil O'Reilly schtick and try showing how anything I've said is wrong
You're an idiot.

How about you lose the Bil O'Reilly schtick and try showing how anything I've said is wrong

Everything you said is bullshit, you lost all credibility when you tried to say America started the Korean war. Log off your computer and delete your account.
Its in this thread jackass, anyone that can read can go back to the post where you wrote that vomit.

So North Korea fired on South Korea. Anyone else heard about this?
Why am I not surprised that someone who names himself after a variety of drunkard's piss can't follow a conversation?
Its in this thread jackass, anyone that can read can go back to the post where you wrote that vomit.

do cite

all that alcoholic urine you've been drinking seems to have killed off some brain cells

I never addressed the beginning of the Korean War. I've never discussed how that war began on this forum. Only how it ended and its relevance to the current situation.
Why am I not surprised that someone who names himself after a variety of drunkard's piss can't follow a conversation?

What conversation jackass? you wrote that America started the Korean war so you have lost all crediblity with that post, now log off and delete your account.
Jeremy... every time you post, I get distracted by the Kirby dance and have difficulty paying attention to what you actually post...
Why am I not surprised that someone who names himself after a variety of drunkard's piss can't follow a conversation?

What conversation jackass? you wrote that America started the Korean war so you have lost all crediblity with that post, now log off and delete your account.


Stop guzzling hobo piss. It's having a negative impact on your cognitive functions.

Do feel free to cite where I said any such thing.
Its in this thread jackass, anyone that can read can go back to the post where you wrote that vomit.

do cite

all that alcoholic urine you've been drinking seems to have killed off some brain cells

I never addressed the beginning of the Korean War. I've never discussed how that war began on this forum. Only how it ended and its relevance to the current situation.

You have no crediblity, delete your account.
Why am I not surprised that someone who names himself after a variety of drunkard's piss can't follow a conversation?

What conversation jackass? you wrote that America started the Korean war so you have lost all crediblity with that post, now log off and delete your account.


Stop guzzling hobo piss. It's having a negative impact on your cognitive functions.

Do feel free to cite where I said any such thing.

Delete your account.
Right... so you can't cite where I've said any such thing?

You may now sit your ass back down on the curb and enjoy your hobo piss.

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