N. Korea to release 3 U.S. captives: Cheong Wa Dae official

Two Americans were taken under Trumps watch....

Two Americans were freed under Obama’s watch.

What is with the the bent knee?

You must have been PISSED when you heard North Korea is planning to release those people. Party over people, right?
Two Americans were taken under Trumps watch....

Two Americans were freed under Obama’s watch.

What is with the the bent knee?
3 getting released - so one is a holdover from when Obama was POTUS?

I keep hearing from many of my friends on the left that Trump deserves zero credit for improvements on the NORK front; those claims are obviously off base

say what you want, but Trump seems to be in a position of strength in our relationship with errybody's least favorite rocket shooting commie...

She hopes that Jung-un reneges on releasing the Americans and that the peace talks fail. She loves the Democratic Party and despises Trump. That's all that matters. America could be vaporized and be a radioactive wasteland but, as long as a Democrat is in the White House, that's all that matters to her. Yea, she's a partisan hack.
Two Americans were taken under Trumps watch....

Two Americans were freed under Obama’s watch.

What is with the the bent knee?
3 getting released - so one is a holdover from when Obama was POTUS?

I keep hearing from many of my friends on the left that Trump deserves zero credit for improvements on the NORK front; those claims are obviously off base

say what you want, but Trump seems to be in a position of strength in our relationship with errybody's least favorite rocket shooting commie...

Trump claimed all three were Americans the prior Administration had been trying for years to get released when in fact one was captured towards the end of the Obama Administration ant the other two under Trump.

I am not so sure about position of strength. NK has been trying for decades to get a direct meeting with the POTUS. Now Trump is giving him a huge coup. What is Rocketboy giving?

Trump's remark about the three hostages under Obama was stupid. He makes a lot of dumb, off-the-cuff remarks.

I used to joke that Trump could get Jung-un to abandon its nuclear program and unify with the south and liberals would condemn him. You're proof that I am correct.
2. Food for thought. NK doesn’t need to do any more testing. This is an easy win for them.

We'll see if and where a nuclear disarmament agreement goes. Trump has promised to walk away from a bad deal, in which case, we'll back at square one and be looking at a potential war. I know you'll be rooting for the away team.
If you want the story don't watch CNN...they won't cover it because its good news for Trump and America....
"I don't like people who are captured...especially during my term. No Deal!"

Knee [bent] not bent

N. Korea to release 3 U.S. captives: Cheong Wa Dae official

SEOUL, May 9 (Yonhap) -- North Korea is expected to release three U.S. citizens held in the communist state on Wednesday, an official from Seoul's presidential office Cheong Wa Dae said, in an apparent goodwill gesture ahead of a historic meeting between its leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump.

Those must be the three guys that Obama left there to rot.
Truly? This is great news!
it really is

I have been really pleased with the Trump Administration on foreign policy, an area I expected to see us struggle

Problem is, it's not going to happen.

South Korea said US troops aren't leaving South Korea. Well, unless they leave there isn't going to be a peace deal. China will make sure of that.

Lots of stories are coming out throwing potential problems out already.
2. Food for thought. NK doesn’t need to do any more testing. This is an easy win for them.

We'll see if and where a nuclear disarmament agreement goes. Trump has promised to walk away from a bad deal, in which case, we'll back at square one and be looking at a potential war. I know you'll be rooting for the away team.
I know you will be rooting for war...or basically anything Trump does. Have we got an ambassador to SK yet?
Two Americans were taken under Trumps watch....

Two Americans were freed under Obama’s watch.

What is with the the bent knee?
Why did Trump lie and say they were taken under Obama?
Trump botched any chance of a nuclear deal by breaking the deal with Iran
Two Americans were taken under Trumps watch....

Two Americans were freed under Obama’s watch.

What is with the the bent knee?

You must have been PISSED when you heard North Korea is planning to release those people. Party over people, right?
Nope, I am really happy and happy to give credit where it is due, even if he had to lie about it in order to self aggrandize. How about you? Can you bring yourself to give credit to those not of your party? What do you think of the bent knee comment? Even though Obama got two Americans freed from NK?
We really shouldn't be trying to score political points off the suffering and captivity of innocent people. Just another sign of how deeply divided we are as a nation...
Well....blended knee comments and Trumps own false claims that the prior administration had been trying for years to get them released make it hard to ignore, but you are right TK.
We really shouldn't be trying to score political points off the suffering and captivity of innocent people. Just another sign of how deeply divided we are as a nation...
Well....blended knee comments and Trumps own false claims that the prior administration had been trying for years to get them released make it hard to ignore, but you are right TK.
Why does Trump lie about things that are so easily verified ?

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