NAACP Marchers Say Tea Party Racist, But Can't Say Why


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Hmm, they repeat the talking points uttered by the radical leaders, but can't give any examples. Just goes to show that they blindly believe what their leaders tell them and did not come to the conclusion on their own.

Seriously, when you make a statement, you should be able to explain how you formed your opinion. When you just repeat stuff and can't back it up, you are a mind-numbed robot.

Playing the race card is automatic when anyone disagrees with the current liberal agenda. The accusation always comes with no proof. It's just an assumption based on the way the right is painted by the media and liberal politicians.

NAACP Moral Marchers: Tea Party is Racist, But We Don't Know Why | Independent Journal Review
Hmm, they repeat the talking points uttered by the radical leaders, but can't give any examples. Just goes to show that they blindly believe what their leaders tell them and did not come to the conclusion on their own.

Seriously, when you make a statement, you should be able to explain how you formed your opinion. When you just repeat stuff and can't back it up, you are a mind-numbed robot.

Playing the race card is automatic when anyone disagrees with the current liberal agenda. The accusation always comes with no proof. It's just an assumption based on the way the right is painted by the media and liberal politicians.

NAACP Moral Marchers: Tea Party is Racist, But We Don't Know Why | Independent Journal Review

Its called doing the Clementine
Hmm, they repeat the talking points uttered by the radical leaders, but can't give any examples. Just goes to show that they blindly believe what their leaders tell them and did not come to the conclusion on their own.

Seriously, when you make a statement, you should be able to explain how you formed your opinion. When you just repeat stuff and can't back it up, you are a mind-numbed robot.

Playing the race card is automatic when anyone disagrees with the current liberal agenda. The accusation always comes with no proof. It's just an assumption based on the way the right is painted by the media and liberal politicians.

NAACP Moral Marchers: Tea Party is Racist, But We Don't Know Why | Independent Journal Review

Its called doing the Clementine

This coming from the king of hit and run posts. At least I take the time to explain myself when I post my opinion. If you could read, you'd know that.
Typical signs and banners seen at Tea Party events. Gee, I can't think of any reason at all why they would be looked on as racist.

There is nothing typical about those.

Hack site and most weren't signs. Some I've seen posted online and any idiot could have created some of them. I think a few were the infiltrators who said they would sneak into tea parties and stir things up.

Nice try, but it's bogus and just another attempt to paint the entire right as racists. Take your pitiful race baiting somewhere else.

I know that some idiots were asked to leave tea parties for similar behavior. I don't think most who were kicked out where actually tea party members, just people showing up with ridiculous signs trying to get in the news. And the liberal media did a bang up job of ignoring the vast majority of peaceful protesters and tended to focus on shit like your link shows that doesn't even begin to give a true glimpse of the tea parties. And they don't call themselves tea baggers, that is a leftie thing.
NAACP Marchers Say Tea Party Racist, But Can't Say Why

Of course they can and have for almost five years.

The other side of the coin is that the NAACP is a racist organization as well.
Crying racist is what you do when you can't defend the policies or positions of a administration or politician you support it's quick easy and requires no thought at all. it also cheapens and belittles the struggle of those who had to endure true racism instead of these phony racism claims thrown out for nothing other than a political agenda.
Hmm, they repeat the talking points uttered by the radical leaders, but can't give any examples. Just goes to show that they blindly believe what their leaders tell them and did not come to the conclusion on their own.

Seriously, when you make a statement, you should be able to explain how you formed your opinion. When you just repeat stuff and can't back it up, you are a mind-numbed robot.

Playing the race card is automatic when anyone disagrees with the current liberal agenda. The accusation always comes with no proof. It's just an assumption based on the way the right is painted by the media and liberal politicians.

NAACP Moral Marchers: Tea Party is Racist, But We Don't Know Why | Independent Journal Review

Its called doing the Clementine

This coming from the king of hit and run posts. At least I take the time to explain myself when I post my opinion. If you could read, you'd know that.

You have to admit, it's hard to take your OP seriously -- your engaging in willful ignorance. The facts are on the record.

Is every single Tea Party member a racist. -- NO. Some are Libertarians who don't like the President's policies or the spending policy of the former GOP Prez.

Are they all overt racists -- NO. Most are more subtle.

Is there an undercurrent of racism in the Tea Party. -- YES.

Have a number of Tea Party leaders at various levels been caught making racists posts on Facebook and twitter. -- YES.

After 2008, the GOP brand was so damaged, the party's base was looking for something new and yet, OLD, at the same time. A return to traditional "values" and concepts about race. They were traditional conservatives who believed that blacks can coach football and baseball, blacks can run record labels, but these "traditionalists" are not comfortable with a black in the White house appointing another black as AG. (that really freaked them out like the black Sheriff in Blazing Saddles)

Similar to the conservative Dems after the civil war, they want things back the way they were and John McCain war hero grabbed the mic away from the old lady who though Obama was an Arab. So, Forget him!

And then the marketing geniuses at the Koch Bros, stole Ron Paul's idea and co-opted it for their own use. There stated goal: De-rail a presidency.
Typical signs and banners seen at Tea Party events. Gee, I can't think of any reason at all why they would be looked on as racist.

Yeah no doubt there are some fringe idiots following the TP but they are just the frindge. With democrats though it has always been mainstream. Their history towards blacks is horrible and they never once apologized for putting them all in chains.

The Democrat Party's Long and Shameful History of Bigotry and Racism
Typical signs and banners seen at Tea Party events. Gee, I can't think of any reason at all why they would be looked on as racist.

There is nothing typical about those.

Hack site and most weren't signs. Some I've seen posted online and any idiot could have created some of them. I think a few were the infiltrators who said they would sneak into tea parties and stir things up.

Nice try, but it's bogus and just another attempt to paint the entire right as racists. Take your pitiful race baiting somewhere else.

I know that some idiots were asked to leave tea parties for similar behavior. I don't think most who were kicked out where actually tea party members, just people showing up with ridiculous signs trying to get in the news. And the liberal media did a bang up job of ignoring the vast majority of peaceful protesters and tended to focus on shit like your link shows that doesn't even begin to give a true glimpse of the tea parties. And they don't call themselves tea baggers, that is a leftie thing.

Some of them MIGHT be democrat operatives we see it on this board everyday. Fakers pretending to be conservatives but never post anything conservative. I am surprised they know how to spell the word.

"we liberals are independent thinkers"
"we liberals are independent thinkers"
"we liberals are independent thinkers"
"we liberals are independent thinkers"
Hmm, they repeat the talking points uttered by the radical leaders, but can't give any examples. Just goes to show that they blindly believe what their leaders tell them and did not come to the conclusion on their own.

Seriously, when you make a statement, you should be able to explain how you formed your opinion. When you just repeat stuff and can't back it up, you are a mind-numbed robot.

Playing the race card is automatic when anyone disagrees with the current liberal agenda. The accusation always comes with no proof. It's just an assumption based on the way the right is painted by the media and liberal politicians.

NAACP Moral Marchers: Tea Party is Racist, But We Don't Know Why | Independent Journal Review

Its called doing the Clementine

This coming from the king of hit and run posts. At least I take the time to explain myself when I post my opinion. If you could read, you'd know that.

Hit and run? Stop lying all your life. How about you google why instead of blindly believing its for no reason? Wait, I know why...

Hmm, they repeat the talking points uttered by the radical leaders, but can't give any examples. Just goes to show that they blindly believe what their leaders tell them and did not come to the conclusion on their own.

Like I said, its called doing the Clemintine
the Naacp has become a joke and is now used for the purpose of SPREADING hate against the American people

they are the racist in my book..

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