Nailed it! What the Left will never admit regarding Gun Control


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
There is a very good article on Fox right now regarding "fatherless" homes and the broken individuals coming from those homes and the problems society faces because of it.

I believe this nails the issue. The shooting in Parkland fits this profile as do most "mass" shootings. Why won't the Left admit this is a problem? Why are single parent homes often revered by the Left? Why does the Left diminish the role of fathers?

It deserves a read by everyone. If you disagree then say why.

Missing fathers and America's broken boys - the vast majority of mass shooters come from broken homes
There is a very good article on Fox right now regarding "fatherless" homes and the broken individuals coming from those homes and the problems society faces because of it.

I believe this nails the issue. The shooting in Parkland fits this profile as do most "mass" shootings. Why won't the Left admit this is a problem? Why are single parent homes often revered by the Left? Why does the Left diminish the role of fathers?

It deserves a read by everyone. If you disagree then say why.

Missing fathers and America's broken boys - the vast majority of mass shooters come from broken homes
Never in history has the left addressed the root cause of any problem.
There is a very good article on Fox right now regarding "fatherless" homes and the broken individuals coming from those homes and the problems society faces because of it.

I believe this nails the issue. The shooting in Parkland fits this profile as do most "mass" shootings. Why won't the Left admit this is a problem? Why are single parent homes often revered by the Left? Why does the Left diminish the role of fathers?

It deserves a read by everyone. If you disagree then say why.

Missing fathers and America's broken boys - the vast majority of mass shooters come from broken homes

Lieberals never address the root cause of society's failures. They can't blame the root cause as that would point out their disregard for personal responsibility.
I posted last week the breakdown of the family unit contributes to this. Then you have kids watching "anti gun" Hollyweird leftists making violent movies, violent video games and heaven forbid anyone mention God.

The loons are bringing this on themselves
I posted last week the breakdown of the family unit contributes to this. Then you have kids watching "anti gun" Hollyweird leftists making violent movies, violent video games and heaven forbid anyone mention God.

The loons are bring this on themselves
Have to create a crisis so push their fascist agenda.
There is a very good article on Fox right now regarding "fatherless" homes and the broken individuals coming from those homes and the problems society faces because of it.

I believe this nails the issue. The shooting in Parkland fits this profile as do most "mass" shootings. Why won't the Left admit this is a problem? Why are single parent homes often revered by the Left? Why does the Left diminish the role of fathers?

It deserves a read by everyone. If you disagree then say why.

Missing fathers and America's broken boys - the vast majority of mass shooters come from broken homes

What's your point?
I posted last week the breakdown of the family unit contributes to this. Then you have kids watching "anti gun" Hollyweird leftists making violent movies, violent video games and heaven forbid anyone mention God.

The loons are bring this on themselves
Have to create a crisis so push their fascist agenda.

They are too busy teaching kids about transsexuals, gay sex, religion is repulsive, coddling children that need disciplined, all inclusive and everyone gets a trophy. Then these kids hit the real world and are like woah!!!!!

But it's all the NRA's fault. Goofy bastards can't see the forest for the trees
There is a very good article on Fox right now regarding "fatherless" homes and the broken individuals coming from those homes and the problems society faces because of it.

I believe this nails the issue. The shooting in Parkland fits this profile as do most "mass" shootings. Why won't the Left admit this is a problem? Why are single parent homes often revered by the Left? Why does the Left diminish the role of fathers?

It deserves a read by everyone. If you disagree then say why.

Missing fathers and America's broken boys - the vast majority of mass shooters come from broken homes
I have contended for a long time that the single biggest problem with the USA is men not behaving like men. Too many useless punks across all demographics.
I posted last week the breakdown of the family unit contributes to this. Then you have kids watching "anti gun" Hollyweird leftists making violent movies, violent video games and heaven forbid anyone mention God.

The loons are bring this on themselves
Have to create a crisis so push their fascist agenda.

They are too busy teaching kids about transsexuals, gay sex, religion is repulsive, coddling children that need disciplined, all inclusive and everyone gets a trophy. Then these kids hit the real world and are like woah!!!!!

But it's all the NRA's fault. Goofy bastards can't see the forest for the trees
And most of all they are teaching children they are no more significant than moss growing on a rock.
There is a very good article on Fox right now regarding "fatherless" homes and the broken individuals coming from those homes and the problems society faces because of it.

I believe this nails the issue. The shooting in Parkland fits this profile as do most "mass" shootings. Why won't the Left admit this is a problem? Why are single parent homes often revered by the Left? Why does the Left diminish the role of fathers?

It deserves a read by everyone. If you disagree then say why.

Missing fathers and America's broken boys - the vast majority of mass shooters come from broken homes
Never in history has the left addressed the root cause of any problem.

Often enough it's because the left is the source of the problem. In this case once again, the regressive agenda proves to be deadly.

This really reinforces the notion that the Left is not really concerned with saving lives but rather satisfying knee jerk emotions such as occasional gun incidents.

Do they not realize that broken homes are resulting in more child deaths and horrible abuses of children than guns?

Do they even care?
The elephant-turd-in-the-punchbowl that liberals will never, ever admit is that the overwhelming majority of America's gun violence is black crybaby on black crybaby. And we have 40 million Crybaby-Americans and their constant use of each other as target practice. Occasional mass shootings notwithstanding, whites commit a tiny fraction of the gun crime that crybabies do overall.
There is a very good article on Fox right now regarding "fatherless" homes and the broken individuals coming from those homes and the problems society faces because of it.

I believe this nails the issue. The shooting in Parkland fits this profile as do most "mass" shootings. Why won't the Left admit this is a problem? Why are single parent homes often revered by the Left? Why does the Left diminish the role of fathers?

It deserves a read by everyone. If you disagree then say why.

Missing fathers and America's broken boys - the vast majority of mass shooters come from broken homes

Okay, so in order to get a gun, you need your father to come with you.

Lanza's father died, so did Cruz's.

Are you blaming their mother's for not re-marrying?

The fuck?
Lieberals never address the root cause of society's failures. They can't blame the root cause as that would point out their disregard for personal responsibility.

LIbErals PROMOTE the root cause of society's failures.

LIbErals promote all manner of immoral behavior, while undermining marriage and family.
I posted last week the breakdown of the family unit contributes to this. Then you have kids watching "anti gun" Hollyweird leftists making violent movies, violent video games and heaven forbid anyone mention God.

The loons are bringing this on themselves

They're bringing it on all of us, even on those of us who oppose the moral degeneration that they promote.
There is a very good article on Fox right now regarding "fatherless" homes and the broken individuals coming from those homes and the problems society faces because of it.

I believe this nails the issue. The shooting in Parkland fits this profile as do most "mass" shootings. Why won't the Left admit this is a problem? Why are single parent homes often revered by the Left? Why does the Left diminish the role of fathers?

It deserves a read by everyone. If you disagree then say why.

Missing fathers and America's broken boys - the vast majority of mass shooters come from broken homes

Okay, so in order to get a gun, you need your father to come with you.

Lanza's father died, so did Cruz's.

Are you blaming their mother's for not re-marrying?

The fuck?
Liberals.... proving it is a mental disorder every day.
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There is a very good article on Fox right now regarding "fatherless" homes and the broken individuals coming from those homes and the problems society faces because of it.

I believe this nails the issue. The shooting in Parkland fits this profile as do most "mass" shootings. Why won't the Left admit this is a problem? Why are single parent homes often revered by the Left? Why does the Left diminish the role of fathers?

It deserves a read by everyone. If you disagree then say why.

Missing fathers and America's broken boys - the vast majority of mass shooters come from broken homes

Okay, so in order to get a gun, you need your father to come with you.

Lanza's father died, so did Cruz's.

Are you blaming their mother's for not re-marrying?

The fuck?

The 70% out of wedlock rate in black communities sure is because all those dead fathers.

Thankfully liberals are doing everything to stop it and not at all promoting the situation and securing the votes.
There is a very good article on Fox right now regarding "fatherless" homes and the broken individuals coming from those homes and the problems society faces because of it.

I believe this nails the issue. The shooting in Parkland fits this profile as do most "mass" shootings. Why won't the Left admit this is a problem? Why are single parent homes often revered by the Left? Why does the Left diminish the role of fathers?

It deserves a read by everyone. If you disagree then say why.

Missing fathers and America's broken boys - the vast majority of mass shooters come from broken homes
White wingernuts are always accusing liberals of Democrats of nonsense.

Course, they did that to Hillary for 30 years and Obama the last 10.

Wish I could say all Trump's scams were nonsense. Only he leaves so much evidence to the contrary.
There is a very good article on Fox right now regarding "fatherless" homes and the broken individuals coming from those homes and the problems society faces because of it.

I believe this nails the issue. The shooting in Parkland fits this profile as do most "mass" shootings. Why won't the Left admit this is a problem? Why are single parent homes often revered by the Left? Why does the Left diminish the role of fathers?

It deserves a read by everyone. If you disagree then say why.

Missing fathers and America's broken boys - the vast majority of mass shooters come from broken homes
White wingernuts are always accusing liberals of Democrats of nonsense.

Course, they did that to Hillary for 30 years and Obama the last 10.

Wish I could say all Trump's scams were nonsense. Only he leaves so much evidence to the contrary.

Man, there sure is a glut of hatred for the left. There's enough venom on here to kill 100 of us. I've seen a whole lot of negative things one has to be to be a Liberal. And all you have to be to be a Conservative is full o' sh_t!

All this hate brings images of a long line of Liberals pissing on the cornflakes of a conservative. Well, eat up! If you all can swallow the daily manure from the GOP and the yellow Scourge then a few corn flakes isn't gonna hurt ya. I'm appreciative to all you righties for breaking down for me all of the ills of society and coming to a single conclusion. The reason for anything that is wrong in the world is us damn peaceniks and our constant truth telling. You don't wanna hear that stuff. Who does? You certainly don't need to be reminded of the cancer in the white house. It's there for anyone to see. So, all we need do is to knock off all the Liberals and suddenly all will be right with the world once again. The poor will all die off, the annoying disabled will quit their complaining and Trump will be sane. Who knew it would be that simple? And if we want to hasten that nirvana, well, we've got the equipment to do it. So get going before those bastards take away that equipment and spoil and foil our plans. We could catch them as they are busy trying to wolf down their adult happy meals.
This really reinforces the notion that the Left is not really concerned with saving lives but rather satisfying knee jerk emotions such as occasional gun incidents.

Do they not realize that broken homes are resulting in more child deaths and horrible abuses of children than guns?

Do they even care?

I've never seen anyone pick up a broken home and bludgeon anyone to death. I have however seen more than my share of guns ripping apart flesh and bone and brain matter.

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