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Two Professors Found What Creates a Mass Shooter. Will Politicians Pay Attention?

That's a lot of information but I"m not sure what you're implying. That someone within the government planned this, wanted it to happen or let it happen?
Yeah, it is a lot of information.

. . . and no, I am not implying anything, other than, the narrative that the scientists are pushing? Needs a careful examination, because, clearly, it lacks some serious data points, which seemed to have influence.

Nothing, "official," of course. But yeah, folks connected to our inner workings, I have no doubt, are experts at overthrowing governments all over the world. They have streamlined the art of creating color revolutions.

To think, that creating chaos for political change, both for the right, and for the left, so the global capitalism won't abuse our system for its own nefarious agenda, is something that could be thought of as. . ."beyond the pale?" The thirty-third degree free-masons used to have a motto, ORDO AB CHAO, "order from chaos," it is, essentially, the Hegelian dialectic. Problem, reaction, solution. Old as time. This is not new stuff, it really isn't.



I don't claim to have any of it worked out. And of course, much of it, or these mass shootings, I am sure are organic.

The nature of this one?

Neither do I deny something could be very perverse going on, nor do I claim that it is. . . I just have an open mind to possibilities.

But if you want to?

. . . then don't EVER come crawling to me, and whine about your belief in "institutional racism," again, when there it is, laid out in front of you.


(I was first alerted to the inside nature by browsing a black forum, btw.)

Same thing that causes black on black murder in our innercities. Feminism.

The difference between black young men and white young men is black young men choose to look outwards, while white young men look inwards to deal with their screwed up reality. Black young men join gangs, developed thug culture and choose to be outwards. White young men when they don't have a dad within a broken family choose to look inward. Normally video games, computer, etc. They choose to be quit and that makes them a target of bullying and scarn. One day instead of shootinig at other gang members like the black young man they choose instead to make the people that hurt them pay within the ugliest way and that is normally at a school.
Yeah, it is a lot of information.

. . . and no, I am not implying anything, other than, the narrative that the scientists are pushing? Needs a careful examination, because, clearly, it lacks some serious data points, which seemed to have influence.
Yeah but we haven't even seen the data yet, at least I haven't which is why I was lamenting not having the time currently to do so, especially with the ability of predictive analytics these days.

I'm not saying it's the solution BUT it's another tool we can add to the toolbox and the more EFFECTIVE tools, the better. I'm not one for advocating something merely for show or so it can be said that something is being done, it needs to have the ability to improve the situation.
. . . then don't EVER come crawling to me, and whine about your belief in "institutional racism," again, when there it is, laid out in front of you.
Did you just have a stroke or something or did you just forget where you were?!? Crawling? Not even in your wildest dreams lol.

And there certainly is no whining going on when it comes to our documentation of institutional racism in the United States, but I for one have grown accustomed to a segment of the population rejecting out of hand information that they are unable to reconcile. Not because it's not truthful but because it would cause their world view and everything they have ever been taught and have come to believe in, to come crashing down around them. I understand that dilemma, but we can't give people a pass simply because they're too weak minded to face the truth.

I'm still not sure how the conversation went from this new mass murderer database to institutional racism but, never mind.
I am very time constrained right now and will be for the next 14 months or so, otherwise I'd be consuming and analyzing this data like crazy. I love real data but it needs to be put into a form that people can understand an see how everything fits together, sort of like the COVID rates in the U.S. dashboard/graph that John Hopkins produced at the beginning of the pandemic.

I hope these researchers reach the people they need to, they've already done the work, now someone just needs to act and to remember that mitigation is the goal even if we can't achieve immediately, a 100% reduction.

Each time a high-profile mass shooting happens in America, a grieving and incredulous nation scrambles for answers. Who was this criminal and how could he (usually) have committed such a horrendous and inhumane act? A few details emerge about the individual’s troubled life and then everyone moves on.
Three years ago, Jillian Peterson, an associate professor of criminology at Hamline University, and James Densley, a professor of criminal justice at Metro State University, decided to take a different approach. In their view, the failure to gain a more meaningful and evidence-based understanding of why mass shooters do what they do seemed a lost opportunity to stop the next one from happening. Funded by the National Institute of Justice, the research arm of the Department of Justice, their research constructed a database of every mass shooter since 1966 who shot and killed four or more people in a public place, and every shooting incident at schools, workplaces and places of worship since 1999.
Peterson and Densley also compiled detailed life histories on 180 shooters, speaking to their spouses, parents, siblings, childhood friends, work colleagues and teachers. As for the gunmen themselves, most don’t survive their carnage, but five who did talked to Peterson and Densely from prison, where they were serving life sentences. The researchers also found several people who planned a mass shooting but changed their mind.
Their findings, also published in the 2021 book, The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic, reveal striking commonalities among the perpetrators of mass shootings and suggest a data-backed, mental health-based approach could identify and address the next mass shooter before he pulls the trigger — if only politicians are willing to actually engage in finding and funding targeted solutions. POLITICO talked to Peterson and Densely from their offices in St. Paul, Minn., about how our national understanding about mass shooters has to evolve, why using terms like “monster” is counterproductive, and why political talking points about mental health need to be followed up with concrete action.
DRUG And alcohol abuse---including that of the mother of the shooter. There solved. Simple.
Peterson: I don’t think most people realize that these are suicides, in addition to homicides. Mass shooters design these to be their final acts. When you realize this, it completely flips the idea that someone with a gun on the scene is going to deter this. If anything, that’s an incentive for these individuals. They are going in to be killed.

Only if the responders refuse to act and move in to take the crazy bastard down!
So, if these people are not concerned about being killed by an armed victim, why do they choose schools, where nobody is armed?

Sounds like these "experts" are full of shit and are only helping the gun grabber cause to disarm everyone.
Did you just have a stroke or something or did you just forget where you were?!? Crawling? Not even in your wildest dreams lol.

And there certainly is no whining going on when it comes to our documentation of institutional racism in the United States, but I for one have grown accustomed to a segment of the population rejecting out of hand information that they are unable to reconcile. Not because it's not truthful but because it would cause their world view and everything they have ever been taught and have come to believe in, to come crashing down around them. I understand that dilemma, but we can't give people a pass simply because they're too weak minded to face the truth.

I'm still not sure how the conversation went from this new mass murderer database to institutional racism but, never mind.
Well, it just seems to me, from your reply to me, that you seem to be more incredulous about what our establishment could possibly be up to, and more readily willing to accept elite foundation explanations, out of hand, when given clear circumstantial proof.

Even the family of MLK does not believe the narrative of the FBI on the official assassination story.

. . . and yet? You come at me with, "I'm not sure what you're implying. That someone within the government planned this, wanted it to happen or let it happen?"

You're a smart woman Mariyam, I should not have to spell anything out, or lead you anywhere.

Mental health, mental health, mental health....
So, leave my gun alone. It's owner is mentally healthy...

How do you take care that no one will sell a gun which fires dozens or hundreds shots within a minute to someone who will do in the next years and/or decades a mass-shooting?
How do you take care that no one will sell a gun which fires dozens or hundreds shots within a minute to someone who will do in the next years and/or decades a mass-shooting?

What makes you think taking my gun is going to prevent him from getting one?
What makes you think taking my gun is going to prevent him from getting one?

Your political opinion - basing on reality and not on ideology - is able to help with your vote all US-Americans not to have to hold again murdering and murdered children in their arms, hearts and minds. And the best what you are able to do with your private gun - even if it is not a war weapon - is to throw it into a scrap press. Totally senseless piece of metal for private use. And to know something about reality is by the way very easy! Example: "750 shots per minute"!!! (AR-15): Such weapons make gatherings to a totally uncalculable risk. Example: 2017 Las Vegas, country music concert, 58 dead and hundreds injured! You had been lucky - even in this case!!! So what do you wait for - better to say "anti-wait" for? That your own death will solve all problems?

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.. if only politicians are willing to actually engage in finding and funding targeted solutions. POLITICO talked to Peterson and Densely from their offices in St. Paul, Minn., about how our national understanding about mass shooters has to evolve, why using terms like “monster” is counterproductive, and why political talking points about mental health need to be followed up with concrete action.
And there's the real answer as to why America can't fix this problem, or any other problem.

When virtually any negative event happens, it immediately becomes one-sided partisan political fodder. The goal is not "in finding and funding targeted solutions". Solutions aren't the point. Assigning all blame, guilt and responsibility to the other tribe to raise money and get re-elected is the point.

This is an "all of the above" issue, from mental health to legislation to culture. That's too complicated for us now. It doesn't fit on a baseball cap or a protest sign. It's much easier to just scream and point.
Well, it just seems to me, from your reply to me, that you seem to be more incredulous about what our establishment could possibly be up to, and more readily willing to accept elite foundation explanations, out of hand, when given clear circumstantial proof.

Even the family of MLK does not believe the narrative of the FBI on the official assassination story.

. . . and yet? You come at me with, "I'm not sure what you're implying. That someone within the government planned this, wanted it to happen or let it happen?"

You're a smart woman Mariyam, I should not have to spell anything out, or lead you anywhere.

It was a QUESTION asked because I figured it was quite possible that you know more about the case than I do.

I have intentionally not looked into the incident further because it's too f up and early and I want to know what the actual investigation turns up.

But the worse thing aside from the loss of the victims, is the way Gendron was taken into custody. In the video they keep showing he's not on the ground, there is no one kneeling on his legs with another officer on his back. He's just standing there after having intentionally killed almost a dozen people, with pre-meditation while live streaming his rampage and the cops are going through his pockets like they had just made a traffic stop and found an open container in his vehicle.

The scene looks really calm with one of the officer shooing away someone.

I'll read about him after his first jailhouse encounter to see how he fares.
How do you take care that no one will sell a gun which fires dozens or hundreds shots within a minute to someone who will do in the next years and/or decades a mass-shooting?
No one has the courage to say it, but we unfortunately cannot ever prevent these types of mass casualty events from occurring simply because we're unable to predict the future.

However there are measures we can take to try to mitigate the amount of carnage that occurs or the frequency but "people" will always be the wildcard.

And the other posters are right. It's already against the law to commit murder, as well as to do so with a gun. It's also against the law to bring a firearm onto school property. All of these things are already illegal but none of those laws stopped any of the school shooters.

Passing more laws that criminalize gun owners will result in one of two things happening. Those gun owners who adhere to the law 100% will turn in their weapons or do without, if that's what the law requires. The gun owners who choose not to comply become criminals overnight and run the risk of now having their weapons legally taken.

What won't happen though is that passage of any new gun laws will magically make criminals stop committing crimes and begin obeying them. The people who never intended to harm anyone with their weapons will continue along that path, law or no law. The criminals will carry on robbing & carjacking people at gun point and committing mass shootings UNLESS some type of "people" control is implemented. Trying to do this accurately, fairly and without violating the person's rights is hard work but it can be done but attitudes will have to change.

Our society needs to start punishing people, underage or not and/or make an example of these kids that think it's funny to make threats against their schools and fellow classmates. And I mean punishment, not being kept home from school for a minute which they'd probably enjoy.

Bring back military style reform schools or something. And if they're 18 then they can spend time in jail.

No more fooling everyone with "it was just a joke". If they don't have enough sense to know why you don't make jokes like that and no one finds it funny then they deserve to be locked away for a while. Doing so would have prevented the Parkland, Florida shooting at Majorie Stoneman Douglas High School by Nikolaus Cruz. It is reported that Salvadore Cruz, the Uvalde elementary school shooting was making threats of a school shooting and of other natures while there was just dumbassery all the way around with the Oxford school shooting in Michigan done by Ethan Crumbley which is why both of his parents are in jail as well. He too excused the threats he was making in class as being for a game he was designing but designing a game doesn't explain him being caught by his teacher searching for ammo online on his phone.

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