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Two Professors Found What Creates a Mass Shooter. Will Politicians Pay Attention?

I am very time constrained right now and will be for the next 14 months or so, otherwise I'd be consuming and analyzing this data like crazy. I love real data but it needs to be put into a form that people can understand an see how everything fits together, sort of like the COVID rates in the U.S. dashboard/graph that John Hopkins produced at the beginning of the pandemic.

I hope these researchers reach the people they need to, they've already done the work, now someone just needs to act and to remember that mitigation is the goal even if we can't achieve immediately, a 100% reduction.

Each time a high-profile mass shooting happens in America, a grieving and incredulous nation scrambles for answers. Who was this criminal and how could he (usually) have committed such a horrendous and inhumane act? A few details emerge about the individual’s troubled life and then everyone moves on.
Three years ago, Jillian Peterson, an associate professor of criminology at Hamline University, and James Densley, a professor of criminal justice at Metro State University, decided to take a different approach. In their view, the failure to gain a more meaningful and evidence-based understanding of why mass shooters do what they do seemed a lost opportunity to stop the next one from happening. Funded by the National Institute of Justice, the research arm of the Department of Justice, their research constructed a database of every mass shooter since 1966 who shot and killed four or more people in a public place, and every shooting incident at schools, workplaces and places of worship since 1999.
Peterson and Densley also compiled detailed life histories on 180 shooters, speaking to their spouses, parents, siblings, childhood friends, work colleagues and teachers. As for the gunmen themselves, most don’t survive their carnage, but five who did talked to Peterson and Densely from prison, where they were serving life sentences. The researchers also found several people who planned a mass shooting but changed their mind.
Their findings, also published in the 2021 book, The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic, reveal striking commonalities among the perpetrators of mass shootings and suggest a data-backed, mental health-based approach could identify and address the next mass shooter before he pulls the trigger — if only politicians are willing to actually engage in finding and funding targeted solutions. POLITICO talked to Peterson and Densely from their offices in St. Paul, Minn., about how our national understanding about mass shooters has to evolve, why using terms like “monster” is counterproductive, and why political talking points about mental health need to be followed up with concrete action.

Good call asking teachers. Parents might know something is up, but of course being parents, aren't the most objective.

I have taught for many years and many many kids due to the nature of my job. I have had all manner of kids, from "model" students, to your "average" kid, to naughty and mischievous kids, and the gamut. All in a day's work.

Every so often--and more lately--you have a kid that, for lack of a better term, "raises your hackles". Yes, even in elementary school. I have two right now. These children are willing to go well beyond naughty and mischievous even in elementary school, and the way they do it is distinct. There are other indicators, but when you talk to other seasoned educators we all shake our heads and say "....yeah".

Now imagine if it were socially acceptable to get these kids the help they really need even while young, and even in day treatment centers or inpatient centers, instead of having waiting lists for child psychologists a year long or more. Or you know. We could just spend another year arguing about red list laws and assault weapons and stuff.

Because we are a stupid society, but whatever
No one has the courage to say it, but we unfortunately cannot ever prevent these types of mass casualty events from occurring simply because we're unable to predict the future.

However there are measures we can take to try to mitigate the amount of carnage that occurs or the frequency but "people" will always be the wildcard.

And the other posters are right. It's already against the law to commit murder, as well as to do so with a gun. It's also against the law to bring a firearm onto school property. All of these things are already illegal but none of those laws stopped any of the school shooters.

Passing more laws that criminalize gun owners will result in one of two things happening. Those gun owners who adhere to the law 100% will turn in their weapons or do without, if that's what the law requires. The gun owners who choose not to comply become criminals overnight and run the risk of now having their weapons legally taken.

What won't happen though is that passage of any new gun laws will magically make criminals stop committing crimes and begin obeying them. The people who never intended to harm anyone with their weapons will continue along that path, law or no law. The criminals will carry on robbing & carjacking people at gun point and committing mass shootings UNLESS some type of "people" control is implemented. Trying to do this accurately, fairly and without violating the person's rights is hard work but it can be done but attitudes will have to change.

Our society needs to start punishing people, underage or not and/or make an example of these kids that think it's funny to make threats against their schools and fellow classmates. And I mean punishment, not being kept home from school for a minute which they'd probably enjoy.

Bring back military style reform schools or something. And if they're 18 then they can spend time in jail.

No more fooling everyone with "it was just a joke". If they don't have enough sense to know why you don't make jokes like that and no one finds it funny then they deserve to be locked away for a while. Doing so would have prevented the Parkland, Florida shooting at Majorie Stoneman Douglas High School by Nikolaus Cruz. It is reported that Salvadore Cruz, the Uvalde elementary school shooting was making threats of a school shooting and of other natures while there was just dumbassery all the way around with the Oxford school shooting in Michigan done by Ethan Crumbley which is why both of his parents are in jail as well. He too excused the threats he was making in class as being for a game he was designing but designing a game doesn't explain him being caught by his teacher searching for ammo online on his phone.

In Oxford, the teacher caught him searching for ammo and I believe sent him to counseling, where he lied about what he was doing. So that message that he was searching for ammo never got higher than the teacher in time. This seems awful but in a school can happen easily. Ultimately it's the parents who knew all about what their son was doing and going through and covered for him all along the way.
I am very time constrained right now and will be for the next 14 months or so, otherwise I'd be consuming and analyzing this data like crazy. I love real data but it needs to be put into a form that people can understand an see how everything fits together, sort of like the COVID rates in the U.S. dashboard/graph that John Hopkins produced at the beginning of the pandemic.

I hope these researchers reach the people they need to, they've already done the work, now someone just needs to act and to remember that mitigation is the goal even if we can't achieve immediately, a 100% reduction.

Each time a high-profile mass shooting happens in America, a grieving and incredulous nation scrambles for answers. Who was this criminal and how could he (usually) have committed such a horrendous and inhumane act? A few details emerge about the individual’s troubled life and then everyone moves on.
Three years ago, Jillian Peterson, an associate professor of criminology at Hamline University, and James Densley, a professor of criminal justice at Metro State University, decided to take a different approach. In their view, the failure to gain a more meaningful and evidence-based understanding of why mass shooters do what they do seemed a lost opportunity to stop the next one from happening. Funded by the National Institute of Justice, the research arm of the Department of Justice, their research constructed a database of every mass shooter since 1966 who shot and killed four or more people in a public place, and every shooting incident at schools, workplaces and places of worship since 1999.
Peterson and Densley also compiled detailed life histories on 180 shooters, speaking to their spouses, parents, siblings, childhood friends, work colleagues and teachers. As for the gunmen themselves, most don’t survive their carnage, but five who did talked to Peterson and Densely from prison, where they were serving life sentences. The researchers also found several people who planned a mass shooting but changed their mind.
Their findings, also published in the 2021 book, The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic, reveal striking commonalities among the perpetrators of mass shootings and suggest a data-backed, mental health-based approach could identify and address the next mass shooter before he pulls the trigger — if only politicians are willing to actually engage in finding and funding targeted solutions. POLITICO talked to Peterson and Densely from their offices in St. Paul, Minn., about how our national understanding about mass shooters has to evolve, why using terms like “monster” is counterproductive, and why political talking points about mental health need to be followed up with concrete action.
I don't know about this last shooter but every school shooter and probably this last one were on or just coming off prescribed pharmaceutical drugs (poisons) to cure chemical imbalance but a politician will never tell you that because the drug companies lobby 8 times the cash as number two. Over 100 million are taking these poisons around the world. This would explain ones in other parts of the world that have been disarmed bring a sword to a mall or burning down schools. Each one of over 200 of these drugs make an average profit of $7.5 million a day. You mix up a new poison just find a mental disorder it will cure. Just because no one on Earth even knows what a chemical imbalance is isn't reason these fucks shouldn't get their millions. at the expense of innocent children Just ask Doctor Joe Then ask him where he got his cash. $200 billion a year profit is more than enough to grease every palm of both parties.
No one has the courage to say it, but we unfortunately cannot ever prevent these types of mass casualty events from occurring simply because we're unable to predict the future.

That's an universal excuse never to try to do anything what makes sense. If you don't like to sail to new coasts you'll never find America.

However there are measures we can take to try to mitigate the amount of carnage that occurs or the frequency but "people" will always be the wildcard.

And the other posters are right. It's already against the law to commit murder, as well as to do so with a gun. It's also against the law to bring a firearm onto school property. All of these things are already illegal but none of those laws stopped any of the school shooters.

Because you sell weapons like chewing gum and you don't take care what kind of extremely toxic substances are in. It exist normally a different license to drive a car or to drive a truck. And who buys a truck has to show a truck license and not a car license.

Passing more laws that criminalize gun owners will result in one of two things happening. Those gun owners who adhere to the law 100% will turn in their weapons or do without, if that's what the law requires. The gun owners who choose not to comply become criminals overnight and run the risk of now having their weapons legally taken.

What a nonsense. I remember how we eliminated new illegal made weapons in Germany. For some time everyone who owned such a weapon on whatever reason had the chance to bring this weapons to a police station where all over Germany the illegal weapons were collected and sent to a place where all this weapons had been totally destroyed.

What won't happen though is that passage of any new gun laws will magically make criminals stop committing crimes and begin obeying them.

That's a weird form to think from weapon addicts. Also criminals start to be much more careful with weapons when strict weapon laws exist and are taken serios from everyone.

The people who never intended to harm anyone with their weapons will continue along that path, law or no law.


The criminals will carry on robbing & carjacking people at gun point and committing mass shootings UNLESS some type of "people" control is implemented. Trying to do this accurately, fairly and without violating the person's rights is hard work but it can be done but attitudes will have to change.

It must be done - or you bury the public. In a big NFL stadion come together for example about 75000 people. What some mad men are able to do there with war weapons I don't like to think about now and here.

Our society needs to start punishing people, underage or not and/or make an example of these kids that think it's funny to make threats against their schools and fellow classmates. And I mean punishment, not being kept home from school for a minute which they'd probably enjoy.

I guess nearly everyone had a day when he liked to burn down the own school, isn't it? It's another thing to have dynamite and a lighter in the school bag which someone else did put in.

Bring back military style reform schools or something. And if they're 18 then they can spend time in jail.

No more fooling everyone with "it was just a joke".

But it is a joke. Who for heavens sake is really able to believe one of the own comrades will kill you with a gun in his hands? Only insane people can think this is possible. ... and don't tell me now it's better to believe "everyone all around me will be able to kill me and my comrades and will do so just for fun". How to keep sane with such a thought?

If they don't have enough sense to know why you don't make jokes like that and no one finds it funny then they deserve to be locked away for a while.

Do you know what the Gestapo hated very much when they spied on Catholic clerics? Their stream of jokes about the Nazis.

Doing so would have prevented the Parkland, Florida shooting at Majorie Stoneman Douglas High School by Nikolaus Cruz. It is reported that Salvadore Cruz, the Uvalde elementary school shooting was making threats of a school shooting and of other natures while there was just dumbassery all the way around with the Oxford school shooting in Michigan done by Ethan Crumbley which is why both of his parents are in jail as well. He too excused the threats he was making in class as being for a game he was designing but designing a game doesn't explain him being caught by his teacher searching for ammo online on his phone.

Hmm ... What do you think about "mass-shootings" in violent video games ? As far as I heard to play such games is a common element between all mass-murderers in schools.
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I want to know what the actual investigation turns up.
Agreed. We have to balance that slightly, with the knowledge that, IMO? I don't believe that anything that makes internal government or institutional corruption look at all culpable, is going to be on media channels. Internal investigations, are, nearly always useless.

For real investigations, you have to look to places of, what I call, "open source intelligence news." These are places like crowd-funded independent media, or social networks, folks talking to folks over fences, and then, trying to independently verify what others have picked up, or sussed out.
It was a QUESTION asked because I figured it was quite possible that you know more about the case than I do.
um. . . I have pretty much posted everything on this I know up to this point.

Thanks for pointing out the strange behavior of the arrest.

Oh, also, for some reason, before the shooter showed up, the security guard at the grocery store, was telling folks to get what they needed, and to get out, or hurry along, which some folks thought was strange behavior for a store, which wants to encourage browsing and shopping.

But I am not sure that speaks to fore-knowledge, because, if it did, he would not have been there, and I believe, he was one of the people killed, so that does not make sense to me, so I did not mention it before.
No one has the courage to say it, but we unfortunately cannot ever prevent these types of mass casualty events from occurring simply because we're unable to predict the future.

However there are measures we can take to try to mitigate the amount of carnage that occurs or the frequency but "people" will always be the wildcard.

And the other posters are right. It's already against the law to commit murder, as well as to do so with a gun. It's also against the law to bring a firearm onto school property. All of these things are already illegal but none of those laws stopped any of the school shooters.

Passing more laws that criminalize gun owners will result in one of two things happening. Those gun owners who adhere to the law 100% will turn in their weapons or do without, if that's what the law requires. The gun owners who choose not to comply become criminals overnight and run the risk of now having their weapons legally taken.

What won't happen though is that passage of any new gun laws will magically make criminals stop committing crimes and begin obeying them. The people who never intended to harm anyone with their weapons will continue along that path, law or no law. The criminals will carry on robbing & carjacking people at gun point and committing mass shootings UNLESS some type of "people" control is implemented. Trying to do this accurately, fairly and without violating the person's rights is hard work but it can be done but attitudes will have to change.

Our society needs to start punishing people, underage or not and/or make an example of these kids that think it's funny to make threats against their schools and fellow classmates. And I mean punishment, not being kept home from school for a minute which they'd probably enjoy.

Bring back military style reform schools or something. And if they're 18 then they can spend time in jail.

No more fooling everyone with "it was just a joke". If they don't have enough sense to know why you don't make jokes like that and no one finds it funny then they deserve to be locked away for a while. Doing so would have prevented the Parkland, Florida shooting at Majorie Stoneman Douglas High School by Nikolaus Cruz. It is reported that Salvadore Cruz, the Uvalde elementary school shooting was making threats of a school shooting and of other natures while there was just dumbassery all the way around with the Oxford school shooting in Michigan done by Ethan Crumbley which is why both of his parents are in jail as well. He too excused the threats he was making in class as being for a game he was designing but designing a game doesn't explain him being caught by his teacher searching for ammo online on his phone.

IMO? We need to start working on different ways to raise kids with out meddling with their neurochemistry at an early age.

Any child that is given, hormones disruption, blockers, or boosters, treatment for ADHD or bipolar disorders, or any type or anxiety or depression, should have their 2nd Amendment civil liberties suspended for at least two years until they are off of all medications.

Because of the nexus of power of big Pharma and the gun lobby, I seriously doubt, there will be any provisions in new laws passed, to stop folks that are on psychotropic medications from being allowed to purchase or handle guns.

I remember when there were hearings during the 90's about the huge increase in teen suicides associated with SSRI's, and ADHD drugs, they brushed these concerns off, and made it seem like it was a function of those who had to take those meds, and not the meds themselves.

Why? Because of the profits and power of the drug lobby. The lives of kids and teens are not important, when the power of Big Pharma and Big Guns are at stake.
The establishment, the politicians, the medicos? The corporations? They care more about their power and money than they care about the kids.



PBS Frontline - The Medicated Child​

"With over six million children now on behavior modifying medications — some starting as young as two years old — FRONTLINE continues its investigation, which began with the program Medicating Kids, into the controversial practice of medicating children. Are the drugs safe? How young can you detect mental illness in a child? Is medication really the answer? As the debate grows more fierce, FRONTLINE confronts psychiatrists, researchers, and big pharma about the risks and benefits of prescription drugs for troubled children."

(When the schools tried to start my kids on that shit? I SAID NO WAY IN HELL!)

I am very time constrained right now and will be for the next 14 months or so, otherwise I'd be consuming and analyzing this data like crazy. I love real data but it needs to be put into a form that people can understand an see how everything fits together, sort of like the COVID rates in the U.S. dashboard/graph that John Hopkins produced at the beginning of the pandemic.

I hope these researchers reach the people they need to, they've already done the work, now someone just needs to act and to remember that mitigation is the goal even if we can't achieve immediately, a 100% reduction.

Each time a high-profile mass shooting happens in America, a grieving and incredulous nation scrambles for answers. Who was this criminal and how could he (usually) have committed such a horrendous and inhumane act? A few details emerge about the individual’s troubled life and then everyone moves on.
Three years ago, Jillian Peterson, an associate professor of criminology at Hamline University, and James Densley, a professor of criminal justice at Metro State University, decided to take a different approach. In their view, the failure to gain a more meaningful and evidence-based understanding of why mass shooters do what they do seemed a lost opportunity to stop the next one from happening. Funded by the National Institute of Justice, the research arm of the Department of Justice, their research constructed a database of every mass shooter since 1966 who shot and killed four or more people in a public place, and every shooting incident at schools, workplaces and places of worship since 1999.
Peterson and Densley also compiled detailed life histories on 180 shooters, speaking to their spouses, parents, siblings, childhood friends, work colleagues and teachers. As for the gunmen themselves, most don’t survive their carnage, but five who did talked to Peterson and Densely from prison, where they were serving life sentences. The researchers also found several people who planned a mass shooting but changed their mind.
Their findings, also published in the 2021 book, The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic, reveal striking commonalities among the perpetrators of mass shootings and suggest a data-backed, mental health-based approach could identify and address the next mass shooter before he pulls the trigger — if only politicians are willing to actually engage in finding and funding targeted solutions. POLITICO talked to Peterson and Densely from their offices in St. Paul, Minn., about how our national understanding about mass shooters has to evolve, why using terms like “monster” is counterproductive, and why political talking points about mental health need to be followed up with concrete action.
What has been the common denominator in EVERY school shooting since the mid 50's is Pharmaceutical drugs (poisons) as Prozac, Nazis used the poison to make their victims insane. Then there is Mercury and fluoride. One day your problem is being to shy a week latter you can be murdering your class mates and totally cured of your shyness. There is close to 200 of these poisons prescribed to over 100 million people world wide. That is why I think these unarmed clowns in other nations just light schools on fire or go throw a mall with a sword stabbing as they go. Each of these poisons make an average of $7.5 million a day profit, $400 billion a year. When you figure in every member of the FDA have financial ties with the industry and now approve twice the number of poisons in half the time they waste no time or money. When the drug industry spends 8 times the money on lobbying as number two you figure no elected official is going to put the blame on anything but steel. That would be at both the State and Federal level plus even locale governments of smart criminals. Oh yea one more thing. There is no one on this Earth that knows what a chemical imbalance is.
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