Nairobi terrorism, could there have been torture?


Senior Member
Dec 5, 2011
Ok I know the daily mail isn't the most reliable source out there, but should this turn out to be true,it's a game changer.

Soldiers told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday with claims hostages were dismembered, had their eyes gouged out and were left hanging from hooks in the ceiling.

Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged.

Children were found dead in the food court fridges with knives still embedded in their bodies, it was claimed.

Read more: Kenya mall attack torture claims emerge from soldiers: 'Eyes gouged out, bodies on hooks, fingers removed' | Mail Online
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All the killings of the kuffar at the west gate mall were carried out according to specific instructions contained in the Islamic books .
In particular the Koran and Hadith.
Should allegations of torture be true in the West Gate Mall incident, it would be the equivent of what to do with hijackers pre and post 9/11.

Pre 9/11 when on a hijacked plane, you kept calm and let negotiators do their work. Post 9/11 when confronted with hijackers the passengers fight back.

Most people in a mass shooting situation would run and duck for cover and wait until the police arrive or hide until they can escape. But if you know if found you might be tortured if the shooters turn out to be muslim terrorists,will people now start fighting back? If something like this happens in America,I'd expect people like me, who have a permit to carry concealed,but never do, will start to rethink whether or not they should. Even with all the mass shooting we have had recently that were non muslim terrorist, it's become clear that the mental health system in this country is a fail and perhaps the only defense against the crazy's is to start carrying. Gun Control A La Obama won't help because criminals and nutjobs don't give a flying fuck about the law. Now if we are going to add terrorists to the mix, It might be time for soccor moms to start packing everywhere they go.

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