Names of campaign donors to be flashed during live stream of Trump’s State of the Union speech

Obama had it right in his speech: near the end.
It's still paid advertising, either way - whether it's a corporation seeking recognition, or a "mom and pop" looking to see their name on TV.

Better thought of as PROMOTION. Trump is promoting America. Best of all, this is really going to stick in the craw of the Left who are going to HATE IT. Reason enough to do it. And out of it, Trump is going to get a lot more free media attention. Like Pavlov's dog, the media will give Trump millions of dollars of free marketing without even realizing it. Oh how he plays them like a fiddle. Trump wins again and everyone in America but the bitter, whiny, losing Left will LOVE IT. Better record this one for posterity.
Good grief.

Three days from now..the State of the Union will be in the rear view and receding fast---an obligatory stop...until the next Tweetstorm--the next supeana, the latest arrest.

It's more fun hanging out in places like this...and watching this all evolve.
It's still paid advertising, either way - whether it's a corporation seeking recognition, or a "mom and pop" looking to see their name on TV.

Better thought of as PROMOTION. Trump is promoting America. Best of all, this is really going to stick in the craw of the Left who are going to HATE IT. Reason enough to do it. And out of it, Trump is going to get a lot more free media attention. Like Pavlov's dog, the media will give Trump millions of dollars of free marketing without even realizing it. Oh how he plays them like a fiddle. Trump wins again and everyone in America but the bitter, whiny, losing Left will LOVE IT. Better record this one for posterity.

When your entire political ideology boils down to "I bet this'll annoy the left", it's a pretty good sign that you've already lost the war.

Well, if this is Trump losing the war, you better hope he never sets his mind to winning it, because he is destroying all the Left worked for the past ten years while imploding the DNC for another major fail and with one hand tied behind his back eating french fries in the other.
When your entire political ideology boils down to "I bet this'll annoy the left", it's a pretty good sign that you've already lost the war.

Are you suggesting the left in general is not annoyed by President Trump ... :dunno:
I mean you may see no win in the left's inability to accomplish anything, but that is kind of one sided in your view.

Personally ... I understand what the super majority (a rule/provision that has been squandered away by unscrupulous politicians) was for.
I know why the Senate was chosen by the States and not general election for so long.
I know why the House and Senate were given different responsibilities in Congress.

It wasn't so Congress could "go to work for the people" ... It was to make it difficult to pass legislation of any kind at the federal level.
It was what protected the people from Congress and its political idiocy.

At first it was $35 for someone to have their name scrolled across the screen while Trump speaks--then...

Well, apparently the $35 was too steep for a lot of Trump's base, so they lowered it to as little as $1. "Even if you choose to give only $1, the proof of your support will send shockwaves around the world as they see every American who stands proudly behind our President." Nice to know there is absolutely nothing Trump won't sell, including an airtime mention during the SOTU speech.

Names of campaign donors to be flashed during live stream of Trump’s State of the Union speech


Now this..this is funny! He has commercialized his speeches!

State of the Union..brought to by the Republican Party, the NRA, the Heritage Foundation and our friends around the world--who sent me their hard earned money--in return, I, Donald Trump, will give them 20 minutes of bloviated feces--while their names..flash across the screen!


Really odd way of looking at the fact that at least Trump is being open and transparent where his money came from and he keeps winning and succeeding while doing it! I'm still waiting for Hillary and the DNC to flash the list of all the foreign countries and shady people who gave her money BIG TIME. Let me know when she does this. Snoopy might be laughing now, but then, he's just a stupid cartoon dog from a long dead cartoonist.


You know that all donations to political campaigns are publicly available information, right?

This isn't about transparency, it's about selling ads during the State of the Union.

That depends no who gets mentioned. If it is all corporate donors then you will be correct. If it is small mom and pop donators, then you will be wrong.

it's still selling ads

you guys really will excuse anything he does


Didn't see anyone mention this little fact, maybe they did, but this has NOTHING to do with BROADCAST of the SOTU. The "screen" donor names will flash on is the "live stream" at Which IS essentially a campaign finance site.

It would COST too much to arrange this for Broadcast Commercial TV. And besides, Trump would never pay the "fake news" stations to provide that service.

And --- it's not really new. My name has flashed across various website political screens in conjunction with major speeches, web events, and "money bomb" events.

Any bets on whether any of the FIVE Demo rebuttals that have been advertised will shill for partisan bucks tonight? I'll take your money betting that it will..
It's still paid advertising, either way - whether it's a corporation seeking recognition, or a "mom and pop" looking to see their name on TV.

Better thought of as PROMOTION. Trump is promoting America. Best of all, this is really going to stick in the craw of the Left who are going to HATE IT. Reason enough to do it. And out of it, Trump is going to get a lot more free media attention. Like Pavlov's dog, the media will give Trump millions of dollars of free marketing without even realizing it. Oh how he plays them like a fiddle. Trump wins again and everyone in America but the bitter, whiny, losing Left will LOVE IT. Better record this one for posterity.

When your entire political ideology boils down to "I bet this'll annoy the left", it's a pretty good sign that you've already lost the war.

Well, if this is Trump losing the war, you better hope he never sets his mind to winning it, because he is destroying all the Left worked for the past ten years while imploding the DNC for another major fail and with one hand tied behind his back eating french fries in the other.

He's actually dismantled the last 25 years of progressive work. And if he survives the next few years he will set them back at least half a century. And that is a GOOD thing.
Making money is undignified!
The sight of an alleged Billionaire scrambling for crumbs reinforces everything many of us detest about Trump. It is tasteless for the President of the United
States to behave in such a matter the legal fig leaf..from the performance of his duties. Shameful.

It's not exactly profiting if it's campaign donations, and I don't see how Trump has the unique duty to go broke on a presidential campaign by exclusively spending his personal wealth. If anything, you should be glad a likely nominee is specifically seeking out said donations from people who would appreciate having their names made public, and seeking donations in amounts that suggest that what he seeks is support from a large volume of individual voters. The alternative to what you're bitching about is Trump catering quietly to specific special interests for his campaign funding. I fail to see how that even approaches the level of an improvement.

Also, when are you folks going to get it through your heads that your opinions on what's offensive and tasteless are irrelevant?

Well, I dunno about 'you folks'. I'm well aware my opinions are general..most mature people know that. But Trump's behavior is it or not.....and I think Dignatas is important in our leaders. I guess I'm old-fashioned that way.

Does Trump have the unique duty to pay his own way? No. But an extraordinary man..a man worthy of being President--might have done such a thing. A man who takes nothing owes nothing, and nobody.

But using campaign funds to pay his lawyers--and it's legal, I guess. He has a fig leaf---but the truth is fairly obvious.

The problem here isn't Trump's behavior. Sometimes it is the problem, but not here. The problem here is that the resist crowd finds a reason to magnify and leap to hyperbolic conclusions regarding every little thing Trump does to a degree that has gone light years past petty. Your outrage has lost all meaning, might as well save it.

In this case, even if he is using that money to pay his lawyers, the jury's still out on whether or not that's a reasonable expense. Once there's enough evidence in to determine whether the Russia accusations are valid or just a fishing trip, then we can determine the validity of categorizing the defense against those very public accusations as campaign expenses.

As far as the "dignatas" in question, shit like this plays in Trump's favor. Regardless of what he does, 90 percent of the press coverage is going to find a way to paint it in a massively negative light, so the people that are ready to believe that he's unworthy of respect will have plenty to feed on, one way or another. By pulling this move, he emphasizes that he takes his donations from the working class rather than indebting himself to the donor class, and he also reciprocates by recognizing small money donors publicly, minor though that recognition may be. Nevertheless, it's a way of making those small money donors (you know, the little guy) feel included and empowered. These aspects of this maneuver are all indicative of ideals that are not only predominantly popular, but the sort of ideals that are the bread and butter of democrat and leftist rhetoric. If the press chooses to cover this negatively, and they will, it exposes some pretty blatant hypocrisy at the cost of being called undignified by people that would have called him undignified anyway. This worm's got a hook in it. Enjoy.

Lastly, the whole point of running the campaign solicitation this way is to give the impression of being indebted to a large collection of small money donors. Indebted to the voters, which he ought to be, regardless of donations. And in modern history, the vast majority of the extraordinary men who have proven worthy of the presidency have proven themselves on the wings of campaign donations. This kinda thing makes it look an awful lot like you're just searching for reasons to call Trump "unpresidential".
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So you don't see a difference between the State of the Union, and this message board?

Uh ... I know what campaign website that solicits donations is for ... :nocknockHT:


Do you know what the State of the Union is?

What do you think the reaction would be, if Obama had sold ticker space to his donors during his State of the Union?
Democrats like yourself are only upset they did not think of it first!
Otherwise you would be doing it.
Show some sympathy for all the "little folk" being BANKRUPTED and having their families ruined by all this high stakes investigating. Saw one of the "minor players" that was brought to the Grand Jury twice on TV last night. Each trip was $60K out of his pocket and his family XMas budget. All this constant squaring off is kinda expensive. Needs to be paid for somehow..
This is a hoax.

Just more lies by The Left like the lie about The President being with a porn star who came out and said she had never had a relationship with The President.

Just like the Lies
About Russia.

Lying is The Only Thing The Left knows how to do, and it is

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