Nancy is getting noticeably worse...

It must really sting that President Trump got bested by a near death, word botching drunkard. :lol:

How was Trump "bested"? He did the right thing by TEMPORARILY opening Fedgov, and getting those workers paid. Are you that callous that you'd want to see Federal workers go hungry to attempt to "win" politically?

Or are you just trolling again?
Trump is the one responsible for the shutdown. He even bragged about being responsible. He shut it down in a snit, and Nancy handed him his ass.

No wonder the poor sore loser tards are going after her. :lol:

You don't get credit for reopening the government you shut down except in Retardlandia.
Democrats spent more than 5.7 billion for wall before Trump. This is all political and democrats are abusing the safety of the American people for political purposes. Shame.

Voters are smarter than you think they are. They know who is responsible for this.
Yes, the majority of voters do. It's obvious to everyone that Pelosi is cracking up, but you jackals will never admit it, and when she resigns as Speaker, you'll all claim Trump is a bully and a big fat poopy pants.
I wonder if liberals realize that speaker bitch was voted speaker by TWO VOTES. There are a SHITLOAD of liberals who wish that bitch would go away.
She and RBG need to be in a home, not making decisions that affect 350 million people living in the USA, some of them even Americans.
The woman has been going downhill for years.

While democrats are known for being slow learners, It shouldn’t be long before she’s kicked to the curb.
So what you're saying: an addled, demented 78-year-old woman brought Trump to his knees and make him cry "mama" when she wouldn't give him money for his wall.

Do you ever actually THINK about something before you release the flies from your pie hole?


Trump is playing her. Just like he's played dems from day one.
He keeps winning and dems keep losing.
nancy just came right out and said she'll do nothing to protect the border,we'll see how that works out for dems.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Trump DID NOT get his money from Congress.
That's why he shut the gov't down.
What is it about reality that you just fucking don't get?

You obviously watch CNN exclusively.

Ann Coulter: Trump Is ‘Lazy and Incompetent’

^^^^ . Does not watch CNN.
""""Conservative pundit Ann Coulter called President Trump “lazy and incompetent,” and said he could potentially face a Republican primary challenger in 2020 if he doesn’t build a wall along the southern border. “We put this lunatic in the White House for one reason,” Coulter told Yahoo News. “He doesn’t need to declare an emergency.”

Coulter went on to claim how the president could use his powers to make the Department of Defense and Homeland Security build the wall without congressional approval. “I think [Trump is] finally going to pull that pocket Constitution out of his lapel pocket and [say], ‘Oh my gosh, I’m the president. This is great.’” When asked who she could see challenging Trump in 2020, Coulter said a “terrific” candidate would be Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL)—who recently claimed Democrats would have “American blood” on their hands if they blocked the wall from being built.

Coulter wouldn’t say if she has recently spoken to the president, but did tell Yahoo News that Trump was still “reading” her. “I can tell. … Well, somebody’s reading me. They’re all reading me over there,” she said."""""


So now you love Ann....

And now you don't.
Stupid sucker.
Nancy is slipping quickly into dementia, I have NO idea why the Left won't accept this fact.

Yeah, go ahead and try to make that go viral while she brings Trump down to his knees.
Go right ahead.
She's got him...and your itty bitty ball sack.


Look, it's embarrassing for her. The Wall will be built. He is giving the SOTU on the 5th. You didn't watch her today did you? It was bad
Trump is playing her. Just like he's played dems from day one.
He keeps winning and dems keep losing.
nancy just came right out and said she'll do nothing to protect the border,we'll see how that works out for dems.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Trump DID NOT get his money from Congress.
That's why he shut the gov't down.
What is it about reality that you just fucking don't get?

You obviously watch CNN exclusively.

Ann Coulter: Trump Is ‘Lazy and Incompetent’

^^^^ . Does not watch CNN.
""""Conservative pundit Ann Coulter called President Trump “lazy and incompetent,” and said he could potentially face a Republican primary challenger in 2020 if he doesn’t build a wall along the southern border. “We put this lunatic in the White House for one reason,” Coulter told Yahoo News. “He doesn’t need to declare an emergency.”

Coulter went on to claim how the president could use his powers to make the Department of Defense and Homeland Security build the wall without congressional approval. “I think [Trump is] finally going to pull that pocket Constitution out of his lapel pocket and [say], ‘Oh my gosh, I’m the president. This is great.’” When asked who she could see challenging Trump in 2020, Coulter said a “terrific” candidate would be Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL)—who recently claimed Democrats would have “American blood” on their hands if they blocked the wall from being built.

Coulter wouldn’t say if she has recently spoken to the president, but did tell Yahoo News that Trump was still “reading” her. “I can tell. … Well, somebody’s reading me. They’re all reading me over there,” she said."""""


So now you love Ann....

And now you don't.
Stupid sucker.

Nah...I still like her.
Holy Crap!!!
I bet she cant remember where she left her toothbrush this morning!
I cant believe dems actually support this loon!
Put her out to pasture for Gods sake!!....or not.

Nancy Pelosi botches words, suffers face spasms, confuses Dems, GOP
At 78 she is at the age of mental decline. Dianne Feinstein is 85. Maxine Waters is 80. They all have Dementia at some degree. Women began to mentally decline at about 50 (menopause) and it is a hormone deficiency problem. This is scary.


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Holy Crap!!!
I bet she cant remember where she left her toothbrush this morning!
I cant believe dems actually support this loon!
Put her out to pasture for Gods sake!!....or not.

Nancy Pelosi botches words, suffers face spasms, confuses Dems, GOP
At 78 she is at the age of mental decline. Dianne Feinstein is 85. Maxine Waters is 80. They all have Dementia at some degree. Women began to mentally decline at about 50 (menopause) and it is a hormone deficiency problem. This is scary.

Yep...I recognize the symptoms from watching my Mothers decline.

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