Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.

But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

The piece itself is a bit of intellectual navel gazing.

Socialists and fascists aim for the same totalitarian ends, by only slightly different means.

Real Estate, she and mostly her husband made money in real estate. Sounds like a capitalist to me.
They say Pelosi was a card-carrying Communist before she ran for office. Her behavior and those of her colleagues engaging in secret meetings in which official information was held back from Republicans was not only like Communism being practiced currently in this country, it was an affront to the Founders' who suffered from Charles III secret meetings and taxation without representation.

Also, I think she criminally rearranged facts to ensure trouble for the people's choice of Donald Trump for President with his huge win in the Electoral College.

She's so pissed off we're not a communist country right now, she's engaged in a number of offensive jabs against the president, in a way that was downright ruinous to our former democracy, which she has single-handedly disestablished in order to extract officious revenge that she cannot get in any just way. She refused to allow President Trump to provide for the common defense by building a wall, She refereed her fellow Democrat representatives to visit Mexico and recruit more immigrants to rush the border and break through barriers, then stood down and let it happen, which is what she wanted in the first place. And like a witch, she engaged in a vicious blame game against President Trump and withheld humanitarian funds from those who had a long wait for finding out whether they could enter the country or not having been detained at the Border for attempting to illegally enter this nation.

If you ask me, Pelosi is making herself into not the most important person in the world as she claimed when she assumed the office of Speaker of the House, but the most hated government official who ever lived in a nation of free people who demand courtesy at all times from representatives. She stamps out of meetings when she doesn't get her way and blames someone else for her egregious breaches of decorum that is almost two and a half centuries old.

She has fouled the halls of Congress to be less appealing that all the poop on all the streets of San Francisco that has accumulated in her area, and she refuses to help the home owners and shop owners who are put at risk for some major diseases such as Hepatitis, and doctors are thinking that because the rats eat parts of the feces that they like, it's just a matter of time until the Plague visits San Francisco and other California towns that allow feces to accumulate in the streets. At particular risk are the government sanitation workers who have to expose themselves when they clean up human defecation every day of the week.

Nancy Pelosi is an extremely sick woman, and she is trying to cast a spell on the President of the United States by blaming him for things that her party does. And the press has shamed itself by aligning itself to her DNC talking points that seem to be published daily.

I hope we put Republicans back in power in the House and Senate whose first agenda is to amend certain behaviors demanded of people with a notion to impeach an innocent man, and I hope it is retroactive to put creeps like Nancy Pelosi in jail for breaking the laws of Congress by instituting Communist practice, when in the 1950s there is a law saying no Communism in the USA. Socialism is Communism, it just seems to have an acceptable sound to it, but its tenets are identical to communism, so they therefore are identical institutions, and if you weaponize either one, the result is killing half the Americans and immiserating the rest after a very brief honeymoon in which problems do not disappear.
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Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.

Elements of fascism exist on both sides of the political aisle. It's not relegated strictly to the right.

Pelosi is neither a fascist nor a socialist.
Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.

Elements of fascism exist on both sides of the political aisle. It's not relegated strictly to the right.

Pelosi is neither a fascist nor a socialist.
Her minions in Congress held secret impeachment meetings. The founders arranged a government of, by, and for the people which emphasized openness, observation, and participation.

Nancy is the boss and she is culpable for excluding Republican congressmen from meetings that should have been open to the public at large, not to mention Congresspersons who have to account all that stuff to their constituents when they go home.

This nation needs anti-creep laws to make sure exclusionary government never happens again in the hallowed halls of congress including the basement. :cranky:
They say Pelosi was a card-carrying Communist before she ran for office.

Who says that? I've never heard any such thing. Pelosi is actually pretty moderate when you consider the district she represents.
It was going around in 1996 when I first attended the NYT Forums, and the only people who were perturbed about it weren't Democrats, who had the run of the place. The forums were closed down prior to the second term of George W Bush on account of the animus Democrats had against Bush and his supporters. It was not pretty.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.

But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.

And yet, hitler also said that to destroy the capitalists they should join forces with their natural allies, the communists.

Fascism, socialism, communism....all the same house, just a different color.
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist | Glenn Beck | iHeartRadio

For those of you looking for the Cliff's Notes version, here is the answer: Yes, Hitler and the Nazis were socialists, for the simple reasons that they were staunchly anti-capitalist and believed that the means of production in their society should be controlled by a centralized state power. That is very clear from their writings, their words and their actions. Done and done.

Nazi nazi | Origin and meaning of the name nazi by Online Etymology Dictionary
1930, noun and adjective, from German Nazi, abbreviation of German pronunciation of Nationalsozialist (based on earlier German sozi, popular abbreviation of "socialist"), from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei "National Socialist German Workers' Party," led by Hitler from 1920.

The 24th edition of Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (2002) says the word Nazi was favored in southern Germany (supposedly from c. 1924) among opponents of National Socialism because the nickname Nazi, Naczi (from the masc. proper name Ignatz, German form of Ignatius) was used colloquially to mean "a foolish person, clumsy or awkward person." Ignatz was a popular name in Catholic Austria, and according to one source in World War I Nazi was a generic name in the German Empire for the soldiers of Austria-Hungary.

An older use of Nazi for national-sozial is attested in German from 1903, but EWdS does not think it contributed to the word as applied to Hitler and his followers. The NSDAP for a time attempted to adopt the Nazi designation as what the Germans call a "despite-word," but they gave this up, and the NSDAP is said to have generally avoided the term. Before 1930, party members had been called in English National Socialists, which dates from 1923. The use of Nazi Germany, Nazi regime, etc., was popularized by German exiles abroad. From them, it spread into other languages, and eventually was brought back to Germany, after the war. In the USSR, the terms national socialist and Nazi were said to have been forbidden after 1932, presumably to avoid any taint to the good word socialist. Soviet literature refers to fascists

Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.

But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.

Nazis supported individual rights and liberties? Really?
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.

But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.

And yet, hitler also said that to destroy the capitalists they should join forces with their natural allies, the communists.

Fascism, socialism, communism....all the same house, just a different color.
I appreciate your feelings about incivil groups that have darkened the European continent, and there are others in Europe itself who see things in a different light due to their being between Russian takeovers, replaced by German takeovers for well over a thousand years. I wish I had a more clear remembrance of the details, but we were on a joint University of Illinois Alumni Association and a Scholarly National Historic Society cruise of the Baltic Sea Region, complete with international scholars including former Polish President Lech Walesca, who mainly spoke of his experiences as leader of workers who were put in harm's way by Russian rulers at one point. During our two weeks cruising all the coastal lands between Bergen, Norway and all the countries on both sides of the Baltic Sea, except, darn it, we missed Finland, which I always wanted to go and kiss the ground there because of the stories I heard about their determination to be the first (and possibly only) country that reimbursed America for her services to Europe during WWII, which was noted in a Weekly Reader somewhere between the First and Fifth grades of schools I attended. Nevermind that, but on our trip the stories told us about the history of the area was that When Russia didn't have domination in Poland, German forces would drive them out for a hundred years or so, until Russia came back and beat back the Germans to reclaim the area. This back and forth stuff apparently went on for a thousand or even maybe more than a thousand years. Finally, in my lifetime, Poland became a separate country for once and for all, unless I missed another invasion by one or the other countries. The Russians did not become Communists until 1917, but prior to the Nazis, the Germans were united under Kaisers, who ruled rather like monarchs assisted by learned advisors. Unfortunately, Kaiser Wilhelm got himself into considerable mischief by going to war with almost every one of his neighbors, which took my grandfather to Europe into areas of considerable heavy fire. All I know about that is he came home and married my Grandma when he got back. :) And they spent their life in the American Legion supporting those who came back not whole, minus arms or legs, some confined to wheel chairs or poor veteran homes. Anyway, many of the present-day countries experienced the same thing that the Polish folks experienced--bouncing back and forth between two competitors that Germany and Russia turned out to be for centuries. Back and forth, back and forth. And a lot of abuse went on in countries the knotheads won in their tug-of-war games.

You can call them whatever you want, but to me, they were just bullies and definitely knotheads who took potshots at people who were reluctant to do as ordered unfairly.

I like President Trump, and I think the Democrat impeachment parasites are acting like all knotheads do. Endless tug of war for power. End of story. Except for one thing, Nancy Pelosi is supposedly in charge, and she has gone off her rocker.
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Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.
Sorry Buckwheat but the NAZI's (aka National SOCIALISTS) were at odds with Communists not solely because they had important philosophical differences but because they were direct COMPETITORS for political power.

But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.
ROFLMAO! pot meet kettle.
Pelosi is neither a fascist nor a socialist.

Do you believe that Nancy prefers free-market capitalism over a government-managed economy? Serious question. I don't have the answer. I suspect, however, that Nancy would favor far more regulations and restrictions on private business, as would a fascist. I'm pretty sure that Nancy favors national government control of education and healthcare, as would a fascist. Nancy apparently also supports the fascist concept of loving the party/state over everything else, including God. For fascists, the party and the government is, effectively, "God".

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