Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist

Much of which they brought upon themselves through they cover up of horrific behavior, not to mention electing a political pontiff that can't seem to keep his political views to himself and rise to what a leader of the church should be.

First off there's also pedophile clergy in other religions, this doesn't get publicity much, if at all.

I tend to not excuse bad behavior with pointing out others bad behavior...Not a good argument there buddy.

I think Pedophile priests should rot in a jail cell.

Its not about that.

Then why'd you try to dismiss the Church's bad behavior, by pointing to others and their bad behavior...? If you want to address how the Catholic's failed their flock by defending, and hiding pedophile priests then do that, but don't tell me that "Johnny does it too".... That's weak.

Why don't you address Protestant & Jewish or other pedophile clergy around the World & in the United States?

I didn't deny anywhere that Catholic priest pedos should rot in a jail cell, now did I?

You just are nitpicking Catholics, and can't take that you are a even bigger problem.

Many Catholic nations don't have Abortion, almost every single Protestant nation has Abortion.

Maybe you should start looking at your own failings.

Who are you to judge me? Some Christian you are...

Oh, and btw, I am a confirmed Catholic....So, you are just wrong...

Maybe you should learn to address the topic instead of deflect...Anyway, this derailment of the topic of the thread now bores me....You've already lost this sub argument, but something tells me you will fail to accept that.
First off there's also pedophile clergy in other religions, this doesn't get publicity much, if at all.

I tend to not excuse bad behavior with pointing out others bad behavior...Not a good argument there buddy.

I think Pedophile priests should rot in a jail cell.

Its not about that.

Then why'd you try to dismiss the Church's bad behavior, by pointing to others and their bad behavior...? If you want to address how the Catholic's failed their flock by defending, and hiding pedophile priests then do that, but don't tell me that "Johnny does it too".... That's weak.

Why don't you address Protestant & Jewish or other pedophile clergy around the World & in the United States?

I didn't deny anywhere that Catholic priest pedos should rot in a jail cell, now did I?

You just are nitpicking Catholics, and can't take that you are a even bigger problem.

Many Catholic nations don't have Abortion, almost every single Protestant nation has Abortion.

Maybe you should start looking at your own failings.

Who are you to judge me? Some Christian you are...

Oh, and btw, I am a confirmed Catholic....So, you are just wrong...

Maybe you should learn to address the topic instead of deflect...Anyway, this derailment of the topic of the thread now bores me....You've already lost this sub argument, but something tells me you will fail to accept that.

Who are you to judge the Catholic faith?/
I tend to not excuse bad behavior with pointing out others bad behavior...Not a good argument there buddy.

I think Pedophile priests should rot in a jail cell.

Its not about that.

Then why'd you try to dismiss the Church's bad behavior, by pointing to others and their bad behavior...? If you want to address how the Catholic's failed their flock by defending, and hiding pedophile priests then do that, but don't tell me that "Johnny does it too".... That's weak.

Why don't you address Protestant & Jewish or other pedophile clergy around the World & in the United States?

I didn't deny anywhere that Catholic priest pedos should rot in a jail cell, now did I?

You just are nitpicking Catholics, and can't take that you are a even bigger problem.

Many Catholic nations don't have Abortion, almost every single Protestant nation has Abortion.

Maybe you should start looking at your own failings.

Who are you to judge me? Some Christian you are...

Oh, and btw, I am a confirmed Catholic....So, you are just wrong...

Maybe you should learn to address the topic instead of deflect...Anyway, this derailment of the topic of the thread now bores me....You've already lost this sub argument, but something tells me you will fail to accept that.

Who are you to judge the Catholic faith?/

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
I tend to not excuse bad behavior with pointing out others bad behavior...Not a good argument there buddy.

I think Pedophile priests should rot in a jail cell.

Its not about that.

Then why'd you try to dismiss the Church's bad behavior, by pointing to others and their bad behavior...? If you want to address how the Catholic's failed their flock by defending, and hiding pedophile priests then do that, but don't tell me that "Johnny does it too".... That's weak.

Why don't you address Protestant & Jewish or other pedophile clergy around the World & in the United States?

I didn't deny anywhere that Catholic priest pedos should rot in a jail cell, now did I?

You just are nitpicking Catholics, and can't take that you are a even bigger problem.

Many Catholic nations don't have Abortion, almost every single Protestant nation has Abortion.

Maybe you should start looking at your own failings.

Who are you to judge me? Some Christian you are...

Oh, and btw, I am a confirmed Catholic....So, you are just wrong...

Maybe you should learn to address the topic instead of deflect...Anyway, this derailment of the topic of the thread now bores me....You've already lost this sub argument, but something tells me you will fail to accept that.

Who are you to judge the Catholic faith?/

Are you saying you represent the whole of the Catholic faith?
I think Pedophile priests should rot in a jail cell.

Its not about that.

Then why'd you try to dismiss the Church's bad behavior, by pointing to others and their bad behavior...? If you want to address how the Catholic's failed their flock by defending, and hiding pedophile priests then do that, but don't tell me that "Johnny does it too".... That's weak.

Why don't you address Protestant & Jewish or other pedophile clergy around the World & in the United States?

I didn't deny anywhere that Catholic priest pedos should rot in a jail cell, now did I?

You just are nitpicking Catholics, and can't take that you are a even bigger problem.

Many Catholic nations don't have Abortion, almost every single Protestant nation has Abortion.

Maybe you should start looking at your own failings.

Who are you to judge me? Some Christian you are...

Oh, and btw, I am a confirmed Catholic....So, you are just wrong...

Maybe you should learn to address the topic instead of deflect...Anyway, this derailment of the topic of the thread now bores me....You've already lost this sub argument, but something tells me you will fail to accept that.

Who are you to judge the Catholic faith?/

Are you saying you represent the whole of the Catholic faith?

No, but I don't quite grasp why you're so enthusiastic to nitpick Catholics, and then so defensive about going back at Protestants & Jews?

You're a traitor, plain & simple.
Then why'd you try to dismiss the Church's bad behavior, by pointing to others and their bad behavior...? If you want to address how the Catholic's failed their flock by defending, and hiding pedophile priests then do that, but don't tell me that "Johnny does it too".... That's weak.

Why don't you address Protestant & Jewish or other pedophile clergy around the World & in the United States?

I didn't deny anywhere that Catholic priest pedos should rot in a jail cell, now did I?

You just are nitpicking Catholics, and can't take that you are a even bigger problem.

Many Catholic nations don't have Abortion, almost every single Protestant nation has Abortion.

Maybe you should start looking at your own failings.

Who are you to judge me? Some Christian you are...

Oh, and btw, I am a confirmed Catholic....So, you are just wrong...

Maybe you should learn to address the topic instead of deflect...Anyway, this derailment of the topic of the thread now bores me....You've already lost this sub argument, but something tells me you will fail to accept that.

Who are you to judge the Catholic faith?/

Are you saying you represent the whole of the Catholic faith?

No, but I don't quite grasp why you're so enthusiastic to nitpick Catholics, and then so defensive about going back at Protestants & Jews?

You're a traitor, plain & simple.

I am sorry you feel that way....I just don't see what attacking others with the "they do it too" argument is anything but immature, and irrelevant...If you want Catholicism to clean their house as I do, then the first step is to take responsibility for their bahavior that brings us to this point...And if you as a fellow Catholic thinks that by calling me a traitor, or other Christian's and Jews as equally bad therefore making you feel better about it, then I just don't know what to tell you other than you need to talk deeply with your own priest, and reconcile the anger you obviously have suppressed.
Why don't you address Protestant & Jewish or other pedophile clergy around the World & in the United States?

I didn't deny anywhere that Catholic priest pedos should rot in a jail cell, now did I?

You just are nitpicking Catholics, and can't take that you are a even bigger problem.

Many Catholic nations don't have Abortion, almost every single Protestant nation has Abortion.

Maybe you should start looking at your own failings.

Who are you to judge me? Some Christian you are...

Oh, and btw, I am a confirmed Catholic....So, you are just wrong...

Maybe you should learn to address the topic instead of deflect...Anyway, this derailment of the topic of the thread now bores me....You've already lost this sub argument, but something tells me you will fail to accept that.

Who are you to judge the Catholic faith?/

Are you saying you represent the whole of the Catholic faith?

No, but I don't quite grasp why you're so enthusiastic to nitpick Catholics, and then so defensive about going back at Protestants & Jews?

You're a traitor, plain & simple.

I am sorry you feel that way....I just don't see what attacking others with the "they do it too" argument is anything but immature, and irrelevant...If you want Catholicism to clean their house as I do, then the first step is to take responsibility for their bahavior that brings us to this point...And if you as a fellow Catholic thinks that by calling me a traitor, or other Christian's and Jews as equally bad therefore making you feel better about it, then I just don't know what to tell you other than you need to talk deeply with your own priest, and reconcile the anger you obviously have suppressed.

Pedophilia is less among Catholic Priests than the general public.

The agenda is to nitpick & crush the Catholic faith.
Holy Non Sequitur Batman!

I prefer to call it shifting to a useful conversation, but I understand you can't answer that question .... That's a you problem.
It's deflecting. Nothing more.

So, you're not really intrested in intelectual conversation, that is evident. Look, it is clear that in today's democrat party, they, and you are not open to discussing anything that doesn't comport with your own set in concrete views. And anyone that strays from those preconcieved notions, to you, is an 'enemy'.... With that no honest conversation can be had with someone so hardened in thier views...So, I guess, the real question is what the hell are you doing here, if not to discuss ideas, and events with those that don't necessarily agree with you...?

My guess is to name call, and troll....I have little appitite for that kind of childish approach...Do better.
I'm interested in discussing the topic, Son.

You want a different topic, start a different thread.

What you are doing now is deflecting.

No, I'm trying to get you to discuss the topic...There are those in this thread that want to attach labels to Pelosi, I however want you to defend her ideas, instead of trolling and namecalling...If that is possible.
I notice you've cleverly removed the question you are dodging from the quite string.

I'll be right here when you decide to stop deflecting and answer it.
Who are you to judge me? Some Christian you are...

Oh, and btw, I am a confirmed Catholic....So, you are just wrong...

Maybe you should learn to address the topic instead of deflect...Anyway, this derailment of the topic of the thread now bores me....You've already lost this sub argument, but something tells me you will fail to accept that.

Who are you to judge the Catholic faith?/

Are you saying you represent the whole of the Catholic faith?

No, but I don't quite grasp why you're so enthusiastic to nitpick Catholics, and then so defensive about going back at Protestants & Jews?

You're a traitor, plain & simple.

I am sorry you feel that way....I just don't see what attacking others with the "they do it too" argument is anything but immature, and irrelevant...If you want Catholicism to clean their house as I do, then the first step is to take responsibility for their bahavior that brings us to this point...And if you as a fellow Catholic thinks that by calling me a traitor, or other Christian's and Jews as equally bad therefore making you feel better about it, then I just don't know what to tell you other than you need to talk deeply with your own priest, and reconcile the anger you obviously have suppressed.

Pedophilia is less among Catholic Priests than the general public.

The agenda is to nitpick & crush the Catholic faith.

Do you have actual stats for that claim?

There is no doubt that an agenda to harm the faith exists in public opinion out there, but let's be honest, until the Pope recently declared that no longer will the Church protect these people, they have done a lion share of damage to themselves by protecting the priests that committed these crimes....It was an afront to Catholic's world wide.

Maybe now if they hold to the Pope's declaration, we can start to heal by expelling those who took advantage of their most critical of obligation, to look out for the children, instead of exploiting them.
Who are you to judge the Catholic faith?/

Are you saying you represent the whole of the Catholic faith?

No, but I don't quite grasp why you're so enthusiastic to nitpick Catholics, and then so defensive about going back at Protestants & Jews?

You're a traitor, plain & simple.

I am sorry you feel that way....I just don't see what attacking others with the "they do it too" argument is anything but immature, and irrelevant...If you want Catholicism to clean their house as I do, then the first step is to take responsibility for their bahavior that brings us to this point...And if you as a fellow Catholic thinks that by calling me a traitor, or other Christian's and Jews as equally bad therefore making you feel better about it, then I just don't know what to tell you other than you need to talk deeply with your own priest, and reconcile the anger you obviously have suppressed.

Pedophilia is less among Catholic Priests than the general public.

The agenda is to nitpick & crush the Catholic faith.

Do you have actual stats for that claim?

There is no doubt that an agenda to harm the faith exists in public opinion out there, but let's be honest, until the Pope recently declared that no longer will the Church protect these people, they have done a lion share of damage to themselves by protecting the priests that committed these crimes....It was an afront to Catholic's world wide.

Maybe now if they hold to the Pope's declaration, we can start to heal by expelling those who took advantage of their most critical of obligation, to look out for the children, instead of exploiting them.

Contrary to your ignorance Catholic clergy is far less guilty than the Hasidim in pedo clergy.
Are you saying you represent the whole of the Catholic faith?

No, but I don't quite grasp why you're so enthusiastic to nitpick Catholics, and then so defensive about going back at Protestants & Jews?

You're a traitor, plain & simple.

I am sorry you feel that way....I just don't see what attacking others with the "they do it too" argument is anything but immature, and irrelevant...If you want Catholicism to clean their house as I do, then the first step is to take responsibility for their bahavior that brings us to this point...And if you as a fellow Catholic thinks that by calling me a traitor, or other Christian's and Jews as equally bad therefore making you feel better about it, then I just don't know what to tell you other than you need to talk deeply with your own priest, and reconcile the anger you obviously have suppressed.

Pedophilia is less among Catholic Priests than the general public.

The agenda is to nitpick & crush the Catholic faith.

Do you have actual stats for that claim?

There is no doubt that an agenda to harm the faith exists in public opinion out there, but let's be honest, until the Pope recently declared that no longer will the Church protect these people, they have done a lion share of damage to themselves by protecting the priests that committed these crimes....It was an afront to Catholic's world wide.

Maybe now if they hold to the Pope's declaration, we can start to heal by expelling those who took advantage of their most critical of obligation, to look out for the children, instead of exploiting them.

Contrary to your ignorance Catholic clergy is far less guilty than the Hasidim in pedo clergy.

I see you making a whole lot of claims and no actual stats to back them up....

And you're still trying to shift blame to others...You are incapable of talking about this in a rational way...

You're arguments of 'others do it too' are what's ignorant here, as well as immature...

I'm done with it.
No, but I don't quite grasp why you're so enthusiastic to nitpick Catholics, and then so defensive about going back at Protestants & Jews?

You're a traitor, plain & simple.

I am sorry you feel that way....I just don't see what attacking others with the "they do it too" argument is anything but immature, and irrelevant...If you want Catholicism to clean their house as I do, then the first step is to take responsibility for their bahavior that brings us to this point...And if you as a fellow Catholic thinks that by calling me a traitor, or other Christian's and Jews as equally bad therefore making you feel better about it, then I just don't know what to tell you other than you need to talk deeply with your own priest, and reconcile the anger you obviously have suppressed.

Pedophilia is less among Catholic Priests than the general public.

The agenda is to nitpick & crush the Catholic faith.

Do you have actual stats for that claim?

There is no doubt that an agenda to harm the faith exists in public opinion out there, but let's be honest, until the Pope recently declared that no longer will the Church protect these people, they have done a lion share of damage to themselves by protecting the priests that committed these crimes....It was an afront to Catholic's world wide.

Maybe now if they hold to the Pope's declaration, we can start to heal by expelling those who took advantage of their most critical of obligation, to look out for the children, instead of exploiting them.

Contrary to your ignorance Catholic clergy is far less guilty than the Hasidim in pedo clergy.

I see you making a whole lot of claims and no actual stats to back them up....

And you're still trying to shift blame to others...You are incapable of talking about this in a rational way...

You're arguments of 'others do it too' are what's ignorant here, as well as immature...

I'm done with it.

You're a low IQ savage.

I'm against ALL PEDOS.

You're ONLY against Catholic ones, because you're a small minded buffoon.
I am sorry you feel that way....I just don't see what attacking others with the "they do it too" argument is anything but immature, and irrelevant...If you want Catholicism to clean their house as I do, then the first step is to take responsibility for their bahavior that brings us to this point...And if you as a fellow Catholic thinks that by calling me a traitor, or other Christian's and Jews as equally bad therefore making you feel better about it, then I just don't know what to tell you other than you need to talk deeply with your own priest, and reconcile the anger you obviously have suppressed.

Pedophilia is less among Catholic Priests than the general public.

The agenda is to nitpick & crush the Catholic faith.

Do you have actual stats for that claim?

There is no doubt that an agenda to harm the faith exists in public opinion out there, but let's be honest, until the Pope recently declared that no longer will the Church protect these people, they have done a lion share of damage to themselves by protecting the priests that committed these crimes....It was an afront to Catholic's world wide.

Maybe now if they hold to the Pope's declaration, we can start to heal by expelling those who took advantage of their most critical of obligation, to look out for the children, instead of exploiting them.

Contrary to your ignorance Catholic clergy is far less guilty than the Hasidim in pedo clergy.

I see you making a whole lot of claims and no actual stats to back them up....

And you're still trying to shift blame to others...You are incapable of talking about this in a rational way...

You're arguments of 'others do it too' are what's ignorant here, as well as immature...

I'm done with it.

You're a low IQ savage.

I'm against ALL PEDOS.

You're ONLY against Catholic ones, because you're a small minded buffoon.

Sure buddy....Peace be with you.
Pedophilia is less among Catholic Priests than the general public.

The agenda is to nitpick & crush the Catholic faith.

Do you have actual stats for that claim?

There is no doubt that an agenda to harm the faith exists in public opinion out there, but let's be honest, until the Pope recently declared that no longer will the Church protect these people, they have done a lion share of damage to themselves by protecting the priests that committed these crimes....It was an afront to Catholic's world wide.

Maybe now if they hold to the Pope's declaration, we can start to heal by expelling those who took advantage of their most critical of obligation, to look out for the children, instead of exploiting them.

Contrary to your ignorance Catholic clergy is far less guilty than the Hasidim in pedo clergy.

I see you making a whole lot of claims and no actual stats to back them up....

And you're still trying to shift blame to others...You are incapable of talking about this in a rational way...

You're arguments of 'others do it too' are what's ignorant here, as well as immature...

I'm done with it.

You're a low IQ savage.

I'm against ALL PEDOS.

You're ONLY against Catholic ones, because you're a small minded buffoon.

Sure buddy....Peace be with you.

I feel sorry for such a one track minded thoughtless brute.
Do you have actual stats for that claim?

There is no doubt that an agenda to harm the faith exists in public opinion out there, but let's be honest, until the Pope recently declared that no longer will the Church protect these people, they have done a lion share of damage to themselves by protecting the priests that committed these crimes....It was an afront to Catholic's world wide.

Maybe now if they hold to the Pope's declaration, we can start to heal by expelling those who took advantage of their most critical of obligation, to look out for the children, instead of exploiting them.

Contrary to your ignorance Catholic clergy is far less guilty than the Hasidim in pedo clergy.

I see you making a whole lot of claims and no actual stats to back them up....

And you're still trying to shift blame to others...You are incapable of talking about this in a rational way...

You're arguments of 'others do it too' are what's ignorant here, as well as immature...

I'm done with it.

You're a low IQ savage.

I'm against ALL PEDOS.

You're ONLY against Catholic ones, because you're a small minded buffoon.

Sure buddy....Peace be with you.

I feel sorry for such a one track minded thoughtless brute.

Sure buddy....Peace be with you.
Levin: ‘Nancy Pelosi is the closest thing to a fascist we have’
Levin: 'Nancy Pelosi is the closest thing to a fascist we have'

Tuesday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin lit into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for announcing at a news conference Tuesday that she would be beginning formal impeachment proceedings, despite the fact that the full House chamber has yet to vote on the question.

Pelosi said she would be directing the chairmen of six committees to provide information for the proceedings to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y.

Levin gives his take on Pelosi and the proceedings:

“Ladies and gentlemen, that’s exactly what they’re doing right now, as I’ve been telling people in the media … This is not a formal impeachment inquiry, inasmuch as the full House of Representatives has not been asked to vote on it. A roll-call vote, a head count, for each one is to be noted. Impeachment is serious business. It’s not left to committee chairmen, it’s not left to the speaker of the House, it’s not left to the Judiciary Committee. The full House of Representatives tradition in this country — process in this country — if it wished to proceed with a formal impeachment inquiry, which is a crucially, crucially important and grave event, and it requires a body politic, not committee chairmen or speaker of the House to launch it. And she wouldn’t take a vote on the House floor. And she’s in charge of scheduling.

“She did not allow a vote on the House floor because she’s still trying to protect 30, 40, 50 of her members. So she makes this pronouncement, like she’s some kind of a fascist dictator, that she has determined — one person from San Francisco, one House district — that she has determined to launch a formal impeachment inquiry. That’s not what the Constitution calls for, so that’s what she’s done. There’s been absolutely no change they changed, except the labelling and the nomenclature. That’s it. That’s it.”

Listen: Levin: 'Nancy Pelosi is the closest thing to a fascist we have'

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