Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist

I haven't given up on the democrats entirety.The party of slavery. FDR, the new deal, the party that fought WWII and put the Japanese in internment camps too, JFK and LBJ . Ever listened to Noam Chomsky? I want to make the Democratic party great again. And its gonna involve rolling up our sleeves and working hard. Kicking out assholes and the party apparatchiks like Pelosi.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

Boy, you sure are triggered today. What do you think the odds are that he will be removed from office? I would say that Moscow Mitch is losing his grip on the Senate Trial.
Poor Nancy living in gated communities, she feels our pain. All that keep that in mind, her entire party gave sanctuary to illegal aliens ( Remember: "Nobody is above the law") without say, er legal democratic voter consent or our foreknowledge. Or, our lawful consent. Impeaching Trump on contrived conditions? That's OK, though? Put this all in perspective...
But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.
Takes guts to claim that while being illiterate.
The sad truth is that ideological differences and methods aside, Communists, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis all share one thing in common: total monolithic government control where the state is everything, as opposed to the far right, which wants the exact opposite, very small, very limited government. The problem with Creepy's history is that it was all written for him by Left Wing revisionists.

CRAPitus is the ultimate dumbfuck
You found a typo!

How nice for you!
Why don't you tell us how a Pelosi vision of America would be better than the economic boom Trump has enacted?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Holy Non Sequitur Batman!

This is what you get from these spermatozoa when you try to nail them down to actual policy reasons for opposing Trump. They got nothing but vitriol and meaningless grade school personal attacks.
Trump is orange!
Fat Donnie.
Trump is a crook!
Moscow Mitch!
Trump is a danger to the world!

Can you believe these morons actually have a shot at running the country? I wonder if Orkin sells a bug spray to treat for liberal infestation.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

So, let's compare this list with The Speaker and The President:

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism.

You've made the claim, now provide your opinion on each one of these 14 points which the Speaker has done. I will respond in kind on those which fit trump like the empty suit he wears.
But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.
Takes guts to claim that while being illiterate.
The sad truth is that ideological differences and methods aside, Communists, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis all share one thing in common: total monolithic government control where the state is everything, as opposed to the far right, which wants the exact opposite, very small, very limited government. The problem with Creepy's history is that it was all written for him by Left Wing revisionists.

CRAPitus is the ultimate dumbfuck
You found a typo!

How nice for you!
Why don't you tell us how a Pelosi vision of America would be better than the economic boom Trump has enacted?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Holy Non Sequitur Batman!

I prefer to call it shifting to a useful conversation, but I understand you can't answer that question .... That's a you problem.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

She is neither you idiot.

You're right, I don't think that Pelosi is either a socialist, nor a fascist...She is just a corrupt politician whom like most democrats thinks they are entitled to power, and usually end up overstepping that authority, with extreme arrogance.
But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.
Takes guts to claim that while being illiterate.
The sad truth is that ideological differences and methods aside, Communists, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis all share one thing in common: total monolithic government control where the state is everything, as opposed to the far right, which wants the exact opposite, very small, very limited government. The problem with Creepy's history is that it was all written for him by Left Wing revisionists.

CRAPitus is the ultimate dumbfuck
You found a typo!

How nice for you!
Why don't you tell us how a Pelosi vision of America would be better than the economic boom Trump has enacted?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Holy Non Sequitur Batman!

I prefer to call it shifting to a useful conversation, but I understand you can't answer that question .... That's a you problem.
It's deflecting. Nothing more.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

She is neither you idiot.

You're right, I don't think that Pelosi is either a socialist, nor a fascist...She is just a corrupt politician whom like most democrats thinks they are entitled to power, and usually end up overstepping that authority, with extreme arrogance.

Actions speak louder than words. She governs like a fascist, so she's a fascist.

I'll tell you what she is not; a Catholic
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

She is neither you idiot.

You're right, I don't think that Pelosi is either a socialist, nor a fascist...She is just a corrupt politician whom like most democrats thinks they are entitled to power, and usually end up overstepping that authority, with extreme arrogance.

Actions speak louder than words. She governs like a fascist, so she's a fascist.

I'll tell you what she is not; a Catholic

She governs like a savvy politician in control of her caucus (you know, like McConnel).

I couldn't care less what religion she is - that's between her and her deity.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

She is neither you idiot.

You're right, I don't think that Pelosi is either a socialist, nor a fascist...She is just a corrupt politician whom like most democrats thinks they are entitled to power, and usually end up overstepping that authority, with extreme arrogance.

Why do you think she's corrupt? Because she's capable and a hard ass?
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest
People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

She is neither you idiot.

You're right, I don't think that Pelosi is either a socialist, nor a fascist...She is just a corrupt politician whom like most democrats thinks they are entitled to power, and usually end up overstepping that authority, with extreme arrogance.

Actions speak louder than words. She governs like a fascist, so she's a fascist.

I'll tell you what she is not; a Catholic
Is that better than being a communist?
CRAPitus is the ultimate dumbfuck
You found a typo!

How nice for you!
Why don't you tell us how a Pelosi vision of America would be better than the economic boom Trump has enacted?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Holy Non Sequitur Batman!

I prefer to call it shifting to a useful conversation, but I understand you can't answer that question .... That's a you problem.
It's deflecting. Nothing more.

So, you're not really intrested in intelectual conversation, that is evident. Look, it is clear that in today's democrat party, they, and you are not open to discussing anything that doesn't comport with your own set in concrete views. And anyone that strays from those preconcieved notions, to you, is an 'enemy'.... With that no honest conversation can be had with someone so hardened in thier views...So, I guess, the real question is what the hell are you doing here, if not to discuss ideas, and events with those that don't necessarily agree with you...?

My guess is to name call, and troll....I have little appitite for that kind of childish approach...Do better.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

She is neither you idiot.

You're right, I don't think that Pelosi is either a socialist, nor a fascist...She is just a corrupt politician whom like most democrats thinks they are entitled to power, and usually end up overstepping that authority, with extreme arrogance.

Actions speak louder than words. She governs like a fascist, so she's a fascist.

I'll tell you what she is not; a Catholic

Today' Catholic church has lost a great deal of not only credibility, but their way in what, and how they believe....I'm not so sure that is the correct approach...Is she a giant hypocrite? Hell yeah. Is she a progressive? Well, she certainly wants that wing to think so...

Her actions as speaker speak more of childish temper tantrum than fascism, or socialistic behavior to me....She thinks that Democrats are entitled to power, and she weilds that power she has with some pretty misguided, and less than virtuistic ways.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

She is neither you idiot.

You're right, I don't think that Pelosi is either a socialist, nor a fascist...She is just a corrupt politician whom like most democrats thinks they are entitled to power, and usually end up overstepping that authority, with extreme arrogance.

Actions speak louder than words. She governs like a fascist, so she's a fascist.

I'll tell you what she is not; a Catholic

She governs like a savvy politician in control of her caucus (you know, like McConnel).

I couldn't care less what religion she is - that's between her and her deity.

Savvy? I don't think so...She governs like those Democrats before her in the modern age, with her finger to the wind...Hell, when she talks she sounds like she's had a stoke or something....That's why AOC was able to bully her into this Schiff show....

As for her Catholicism, it is but one more convenient tool she drags out when she want's to stifle the conversation....My view is that when her judgement comes she will pay the price.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

She is neither you idiot.

You're right, I don't think that Pelosi is either a socialist, nor a fascist...She is just a corrupt politician whom like most democrats thinks they are entitled to power, and usually end up overstepping that authority, with extreme arrogance.

Why do you think she's corrupt? Because she's capable and a hard ass?

No, because she is....She's used her office to enrich herself, and her husband. Pure and simple.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest
People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

She is neither you idiot.

You're right, I don't think that Pelosi is either a socialist, nor a fascist...She is just a corrupt politician whom like most democrats thinks they are entitled to power, and usually end up overstepping that authority, with extreme arrogance.

Actions speak louder than words. She governs like a fascist, so she's a fascist.

I'll tell you what she is not; a Catholic
Is that better than being a communist?

I don't think Pelosi, or other Democrats see Communism as a bad system of government, becuase they believe they would be the ones in control....

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