Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist

Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.

But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.

And yet, hitler also said that to destroy the capitalists they should join forces with their natural allies, the communists.

Fascism, socialism, communism....all the same house, just a different color.

Capitalism is at odds with Nationalism & social Conservative values.

Fascists understood this.

Republicans no.

Fascists were far more intelligent than Republicans.
Even if more evil.

Although Capitalism has killed a bunch too.

If fascists were so smart how is it possible they lost so badly?

Methinks you are not just wrong, but epically wrong.

Nazis were vastly outnumbered.

Even if they had better scietists, technology & grasp of politics than Republicans.

Sooooo, you're saying that a vastly superior intellect allowed itself to attack against overwhelming odds against it......

Thank you for proving my point.
Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.

But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.

And yet, hitler also said that to destroy the capitalists they should join forces with their natural allies, the communists.

Fascism, socialism, communism....all the same house, just a different color.

Capitalism is at odds with Nationalism & social Conservative values.

Fascists understood this.

Republicans no.

Fascists were far more intelligent than Republicans.
Even if more evil.

Although Capitalism has killed a bunch too.

If fascists were so smart how is it possible they lost so badly?

Methinks you are not just wrong, but epically wrong.

Nazis were vastly outnumbered.

Even if they had better scietists, technology & grasp of politics than Republicans.

Sooooo, you're saying that a vastly superior intellect allowed itself to attack against overwhelming odds against it......

Thank you for proving my point.

Republican Trump has isolated most of the World from the USA too.

We still are being culturally replaced.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.

But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.

And yet, hitler also said that to destroy the capitalists they should join forces with their natural allies, the communists.

Fascism, socialism, communism....all the same house, just a different color.

Capitalism is at odds with Nationalism & social Conservative values.

Fascists understood this.

Republicans no.

Fascists were far more intelligent than Republicans.
Even if more evil.

Although Capitalism has killed a bunch too.

If fascists were so smart how is it possible they lost so badly?

Methinks you are not just wrong, but epically wrong.

Nazis were vastly outnumbered.

Even if they had better scietists, technology & grasp of politics than Republicans.
Muricans were outnumbered by the Japanese, and won through superior technology.

You really are dumber than a bag of hammers....Knock it off before you embarrass yourself even further.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.

But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.
When your leadership, the elites, the entertainers, the media and more well to do Progs gives up all of their wealth for the cause I will believe you. They won't.
That comment makes no sense at all in context.

Was it a piss-poor attempt at deflection or did you have a min-stroke in the middle of the conversation?
Socialism is everyone living the same. That is my interpretation. And if I was in leadership with that goal you better believe we all would live near the same. One way or the other.
That may be your interpretation, but that's not what it is.

Look it up.
There are different ways. The Nordic nations had people living on the dole better then working employees at one point. Where the taxes were so high it was not worth working.
That comment makes no sense at all in context.

Thats because you're retarded
No, it's because the comment makes no sense in context.

Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.

But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.

And yet, hitler also said that to destroy the capitalists they should join forces with their natural allies, the communists.

Fascism, socialism, communism....all the same house, just a different color.

Capitalism is at odds with Nationalism & social Conservative values.

Fascists understood this.

Republicans no.

Fascists were far more intelligent than Republicans.
Even if more evil.

Although Capitalism has killed a bunch too.

If fascists were so smart how is it possible they lost so badly?

Methinks you are not just wrong, but epically wrong.

Nazis were vastly outnumbered.

Even if they had better scietists, technology & grasp of politics than Republicans.
Muricans were outnumbered by the Japanese, and won through superior technology.

You really are dumber than a bag of hammers....Knock it off before you embarrass yourself even further.

Uh. Japan had half the population of the USA.

Soviets also ended up invading Japan

The Manhattan Project was done mostly by immigrant Jews.

Don't knock yourself out Bubba, before going full retard.
It is time for a new word to be coined. A word that combines Communism, Fascism, Socialism, racist, anti-American, stupid, unpatriotic, democrat, republican, and a real snot.

de,pcratIf we had such word, think of the time saved by posters.
Actions speak louder than words. Pelosi governs like a fascist so she is a fascist. There is no debate
But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.
Takes guts to claim that while being illiterate.

The sad truth is that ideological differences and methods aside, Communists, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis all share one thing in common: total monolithic government control where the state is everything, as opposed to the far right, which wants the exact opposite, very small, very limited government. The problem with Creepy's history is that it was all written for him by Left Wing revisionists.
But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.
Takes guts to claim that while being illiterate.
The sad truth is that ideological differences and methods aside, Communists, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis all share one thing in common: total monolithic government control where the state is everything, as opposed to the far right, which wants the exact opposite, very small, very limited government. The problem with Creepy's history is that it was all written for him by Left Wing revisionists.

CRAPitus is the ultimate dumbfuck
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.
Takes guts to claim that while being illiterate.
The sad truth is that ideological differences and methods aside, Communists, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis all share one thing in common: total monolithic government control where the state is everything, as opposed to the far right, which wants the exact opposite, very small, very limited government. The problem with Creepy's history is that it was all written for him by Left Wing revisionists.

CRAPitus is the ultimate dumbfuck
You found a typo!

How nice for you!
But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.
Takes guts to claim that while being illiterate.
The sad truth is that ideological differences and methods aside, Communists, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis all share one thing in common: total monolithic government control where the state is everything, as opposed to the far right, which wants the exact opposite, very small, very limited government. The problem with Creepy's history is that it was all written for him by Left Wing revisionists.

CRAPitus is the ultimate dumbfuck
You found a typo!

How nice for you!
Why don't you tell us how a Pelosi vision of America would be better than the economic boom Trump has enacted?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.
Takes guts to claim that while being illiterate.
The sad truth is that ideological differences and methods aside, Communists, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis all share one thing in common: total monolithic government control where the state is everything, as opposed to the far right, which wants the exact opposite, very small, very limited government. The problem with Creepy's history is that it was all written for him by Left Wing revisionists.

CRAPitus is the ultimate dumbfuck
You found a typo!

How nice for you!
Why don't you tell us how a Pelosi vision of America would be better than the economic boom Trump has enacted?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Holy Non Sequitur Batman!
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
I take that into consideration. The Democrats abandoned us years back, and they need to change their name. To: I don't know, the " Pandering wealthy white self hating socialists" party perhaps. They have lost all claim to being "American" or "Democrat" by my lights.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
I take that into consideration. The Democrats abandoned us years back, and they need to change their name. To: I don't know, the " Pandering wealthy white self hating socialists" party perhaps. They have lost all claim to being "American" or "Democrat" by my lights.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists
Nazis were far right extremists. Hitler hated socialism and socialists.

But like most conservitards you don't really know any history or even the definiy of most complex.words.

Ah the big lie, from a scumbag liar.

Tell me Comrade; If we take a system where the state has absolute control of the means of production using central planning to determine what products are produced and what price they are sold for, where an authoritarian state rules under dictatorship of either a single man or a group of rulers, where the rights of individuals are subverted to the privilege of groups, where individualism in general is oppressed in favor of the collective, where any competing political or economic ideas are suppressed by the state, where the press is controlled by the state or the party and operates to further the agenda of the rulers, where speech against the state or collectivism in general is a criminal offense; how does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

She is neither you idiot.

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