Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist

Sorry Buckwheat but the NAZI's (aka National SOCIALISTS) were at odds with Communists not solely because they had important philosophical differences but because they were direct COMPETITORS for political power.

Hitler was a German nationalist and the communists were globalists with loyalty to Joseph Stalin.
Pelosi is neither a fascist nor a socialist.

Do you believe that Nancy prefers free-market capitalism over a government-managed economy? Serious question.

Yes. Pelosi most certainly prefers a more centralized government and probably a stronger social safety net or she wouldn't be a Democrat , but by and large she has tried to steer her party away from a far left European style shift because she knows it's detrimental to her party in the long run. She does this despite representing quite possibly the most left wing nut bag radical district in the country. Her husband also owns and runs a real estate and venture capital investment and consulting firm in San Francisco. He has also owned professional sports teams in the past. This hardly screams socialist.
Pelosi is neither a fascist nor a socialist.

Do you believe that Nancy prefers free-market capitalism over a government-managed economy? Serious question.

Yes. Pelosi most certainly prefers a more centralized government and probably a stronger social safety net or she wouldn't be a Democrat , but by and large she has tried to steer her party away from a far left European style shift because she knows it's detrimental to her party in the long run. She does this despite representing quite possibly the most left wing nut bag radical district in the country. Her husband also owns and runs a real estate and venture capital investment and consulting firm in San Francisco. He has also owned professional sports teams in the past. This hardly screams socialist.

Nancy strikes me as a supporter of the welfare state as are many European nations. High taxes and lots of social programs.
Nancy strikes me as a supporter of the welfare state as are many European nations. High taxes and lots of social programs.

Agreed, but that in itself is not socialism. Redistribution of wealth is more Marxism than socialism. Socialism is when the state owns the means of production and distribution of goods. Some forms of universal health care would be socialist, but Pelosi does not support a government run universal health care system.

Nancy Pelosi urges caution on 'Medicare for All,' says Obamacare is best path to 'quality, affordable' health care

I don't care for Nancy Pelosi. She's a liar and an opportunist like most politicians, but given how far left the Democratic Party is moving we're damn lucky to have her as Speaker as opposed to many of the alternatives. I'll take her every day of the week over a screw ball like Bernie Sanders.
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I'll take Historical Revisionism for 2000 Alex!. Because, everyone knows Nazis were Socialist like North Korea is a Republic.
Pelosi is neither a fascist nor a socialist.

Do you believe that Nancy prefers free-market capitalism over a government-managed economy? Serious question.

Yes. Pelosi most certainly prefers a more centralized government and probably a stronger social safety net or she wouldn't be a Democrat , but by and large she has tried to steer her party away from a far left European style shift because she knows it's detrimental to her party in the long run. She does this despite representing quite possibly the most left wing nut bag radical district in the country. Her husband also owns and runs a real estate and venture capital investment and consulting firm in San Francisco. He has also owned professional sports teams in the past. This hardly screams socialist.

Except she uses her political power to support her husband. The California Desert protection Act of 1994 is a prime example of that. The legislation locked up the majority of the Rare Earths in the US and made them unobtanium, but her husband just happened to have the sole rights to import them in from China. Funny how that happens.
I'll take Historical Revisionism for 2000 Alex!. Because, everyone knows Nazis were Socialist like North Korea is a Republic.

I'm sure you would. Anything to deflect from the fact that you and fascists are aligned. But don't believe me....believe THEM. That's the problem you idiots have, you simply don't like the fact that the information is already out there and you can't cover it up.

"The Nazis and Soviets Agree
But don’t take it from me. Just listen to what the Soviets and Nazis said about each other. Between 1939 and 1941, Soviet propaganda about Nazi Germany was positively glowing, to the point that the Soviets began painting swastikas on public buildings and on posters of Soviet leaders.

Stalin wasn’t shy about his praise for Hitler. When he heard of the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler’s purge of all opponents within the Nazi Party, the Soviet dictator remarked: “Some fellow… that Hitler. Knows how to treat his political opponents.”

Hitler saw a kindred spirit in Stalin, and appreciated his brutal rise to power. The Führer believed that Stalin “is one of the most extraordinary figures in world history. He began as a small clerk, and he has never stopped being a clerk,” governing a bureaucracy “that obeys his every nod and gesture.”

Nazis Dug the Idea of a Socialist Economy

The Nazis and communists also shared similar economic views. Although some today insist on claiming the Nazis were capitalists, Hitler and his cronies always saw the state as supreme over all sectors of society, including the private sector.

As Ludwig Von Mises put it, the Nazi economy was “socialism with the outward appearance of capitalism,” a system in which the government “tells…entrepreneurs what and how to produce, at what prices and from whom to buy, at what prices and to whom to sell,” and “decrees at what wages labourers should work, and to whom and under what terms the capitalists should entrust their funds.” A centralized economy is still a centralized economy, no matter the wrapper."

The Nazi-Soviet Pact Shows Communism And Fascism Are Allies
I'll take Historical Revisionism for 2000 Alex!. Because, everyone knows Nazis were Socialist like North Korea is a Republic.

I'm sure you would. Anything to deflect from the fact that you and fascists are aligned. But don't believe me....believe THEM. That's the problem you idiots have, you simply don't like the fact that the information is already out there and you can't cover it up.

"The Nazis and Soviets Agree
But don’t take it from me. Just listen to what the Soviets and Nazis said about each other. Between 1939 and 1941, Soviet propaganda about Nazi Germany was positively glowing, to the point that the Soviets began painting swastikas on public buildings and on posters of Soviet leaders.

Stalin wasn’t shy about his praise for Hitler. When he heard of the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler’s purge of all opponents within the Nazi Party, the Soviet dictator remarked: “Some fellow… that Hitler. Knows how to treat his political opponents.”

Hitler saw a kindred spirit in Stalin, and appreciated his brutal rise to power. The Führer believed that Stalin “is one of the most extraordinary figures in world history. He began as a small clerk, and he has never stopped being a clerk,” governing a bureaucracy “that obeys his every nod and gesture.”

Nazis Dug the Idea of a Socialist Economy

The Nazis and communists also shared similar economic views. Although some today insist on claiming the Nazis were capitalists, Hitler and his cronies always saw the state as supreme over all sectors of society, including the private sector.

As Ludwig Von Mises put it, the Nazi economy was “socialism with the outward appearance of capitalism,” a system in which the government “tells…entrepreneurs what and how to produce, at what prices and from whom to buy, at what prices and to whom to sell,” and “decrees at what wages labourers should work, and to whom and under what terms the capitalists should entrust their funds.” A centralized economy is still a centralized economy, no matter the wrapper."

The Nazi-Soviet Pact Shows Communism And Fascism Are Allies

Authoritarians like Trumpybear and Puty-bear are a perfect reminders to the world of just how evil the Axis powers were and their non aggression pact and plan to divide up Poland was. What has ol Trumpybear been talking to his, um, his buddy Puty-bear, what have they been talking about in their secret meetings? Do you even wonder?
Authoritarians like Trumpybear and Puty-bear are a perfect reminders to the world of just how evil the Axis powers were and their non aggression pact and plan to divide up Poland was. What has ol Trumpybear been talking to his, um, his buddy Puty-bear, what have they been talking about in their secret meetings? Do you even wonder?

Nobody is as "authoritarian" as your leftist goons. Take Michael Bloomberg. He's such an authoritarian that he signed off onto laws that determine how much soda one can buy. You didn't complain.

Was it "authoritarian" when Obama used the IRS to prevent his political opponents from participating in the 2012 election?
Authoritarians like Trumpybear and Puty-bear are a perfect reminders to the world of just how evil the Axis powers were and their non aggression pact and plan to divide up Poland was. What has ol Trumpybear been talking to his, um, his buddy Puty-bear, what have they been talking about in their secret meetings? Do you even wonder?

Nobody is as "authoritarian" as your leftist goons. Take Michael Bloomberg. He's such an authoritarian that he signed off onto laws that determine how much soda one can buy. You didn't complain.

Bull shit I complained plenty about Nanny Bloomers. And ti was a limit on cup size. You could always buy another 16 oz cup.

Was it "authoritarian" when Obama used the IRS to prevent his political opponents from participating in the 2012 election?

Obama wasn't involved and no group was denied tax free status or disallowed from participating. Got any more lies you want debunked today?
Bull shit I complained plenty about Nanny Bloomers. And ti was a limit on cup size. You could always buy another 16 oz cup.

That's good to know.

My point remains. The left is FAR more "authoritarian" than Trump. An "authoritarian" adds regulations and restrictions and takes more of the people's money. Trump has done the opposite.
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist
Nancy Pelosi is a Fascist, not a socialist - Conservative Quest

People, particularly conservative people keep making a fundamental error when they describe Pelosi . They describe her as a “socialist”. She is not a “socialist” she is a fascist. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire, she has never worked in the private sector, she comes from a family of East Coast Politicians and she has been accumulating wealth since she was bequeathed a house seat many moons ago.

She has kept the Democrat Party in harness to the bidding of the billionaire Hedge Fund and Investment banker backers who have been financing the grass roots infrastructure and agit prop front groups which have helped keep Pelosi in her leadership role.

The binding together of various power groupings in a society under a strong central leadership is the very definition of Fascism as developed by Mussolini. Where strong central industries are favored by a centralized political structure along with very strong enforcement via the police – and the military.

ME: As far as I am concerned she is both, because the Nazis WERE socialists

The piece itself is a bit of intellectual navel gazing.

Socialists and fascists aim for the same totalitarian ends, by only slightly different means.

View attachment 295379
Obama wasn't involved and no group was denied tax free status or disallowed from participating. Got any more lies you want debunked today?

Of course he was involved. And why is it that all of the IRS executives plead the fifth when brought in front of Congress to testify?

The left is a totalitarian movement. Nobody is as "authoritarian" as the left.

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