Nancy Pelosi."Make America White Again".OK,But Isn't Mizz Pelosi White?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
so how did u all react when she made that assinine remark?,,,i think the most likely one would be,,,"Ah,,Uhm,,Miss Pelosi, look in the mirror, you are white, OK?
So asking anyone to verify if they are legal/illegal American is racist?
And how many races are there in the USA?
Apparently Mizz Pelosi is still living in the Bush years when we only had two races.
so how did u all react when she made that assinine remark?,,,i think the most likely one would be,,,"Ah,,Uhm,,Miss Pelosi, look in the mirror, you are white, OK?
So asking anyone to verify if they are legal/illegal American is racist?
And how many races are there in the USA?
Apparently Mizz Pelosi is still living in the Bush years when we only had two races.
Almost the entire top of the party is white.
so how did u all react when she made that assinine remark?,,,i think the most likely one would be,,,"Ah,,Uhm,,Miss Pelosi, look in the mirror, you are white, OK?
So asking anyone to verify if they are legal/illegal American is racist?
And how many races are there in the USA?
Apparently Mizz Pelosi is still living in the Bush years when we only had two races.

Nancy, part of the mentally ill fringe group of the white liberal that unlike EVERY OTHER RACE on the planet fighting for itself, is instead fighting to undermine itself in s never-ending second-guessing of itself in eternal guilt for being successful. Yet all these elite white people keep running for high office so that they can decide for others, how much of YOUR rights and liberty, not theirs, they can give away.

Yet somehow, it never occurs to these white liberals that you cannot artificially elevate a population beyond its natural status, as soon as you remove the artificial aid, they will simply fall back to their natural state, that if any of these other races had the same drive to succeed and excel, they would be founding their our countries and inventing things and raising us up instead with aid and technology creating a gateway for others rather than us for them. White people are where white people are in this world because we've simply proven ourselves better adapted and more successful at controlling and exploiting our environment to get farther ahead, and that is nothing to need to be apologetic about.
so how did u all react when she made that assinine remark?,,,i think the most likely one would be,,,"Ah,,Uhm,,Miss Pelosi, look in the mirror, you are white, OK?
So asking anyone to verify if they are legal/illegal American is racist?
And how many races are there in the USA?
Apparently Mizz Pelosi is still living in the Bush years when we only had two races.
She claims that borders are racist too.
so how did u all react when she made that assinine remark?,,,i think the most likely one would be,,,"Ah,,Uhm,,Miss Pelosi, look in the mirror, you are white, OK?
So asking anyone to verify if they are legal/illegal American is racist?
And how many races are there in the USA?
Apparently Mizz Pelosi is still living in the Bush years when we only had two races.

White and rich. Wonder who picks grapes on her vineyard? Maybe we should see her tax returns?
so how did u all react when she made that assinine remark?,,,i think the most likely one would be,,,"Ah,,Uhm,,Miss Pelosi, look in the mirror, you are white, OK?
So asking anyone to verify if they are legal/illegal American is racist?
And how many races are there in the USA?
Apparently Mizz Pelosi is still living in the Bush years when we only had two races.
Nancy Pelosi is so correct. When you look at those who are crossing our southern borders, they are coming from Africa, Middle East and Hispanic countries. Why is that? Because their other than white countries are 3rd world shitholes, and we of the US dont want to turn this country into a 3rd world shithole that 1/2 black president tried to Fundamental transform in his 8 years. You look at SE Washington DC, mostly black, a 3rd world shithole. Look at Detroit. mostly black, a 3rd world shithole. Look at Manassas now, mostly Hispanic, a 3rd world shithole. LA, a 3rd world shithole. Why., because liberals want US to be a 3rd world shithole, and if something isnt done about it, We the People will be in a 3rd world shithole, with the invasion of diseased hordes crossing every day.

Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Diseases
Vote Whores, pandering to Minority voters, are oftentimes White... nothing new there.
so how did u all react when she made that assinine remark?,,,i think the most likely one would be,,,"Ah,,Uhm,,Miss Pelosi, look in the mirror, you are white, OK?
So asking anyone to verify if they are legal/illegal American is racist?
And how many races are there in the USA?
Apparently Mizz Pelosi is still living in the Bush years when we only had two races.

Nancy, part of the mentally ill fringe group of the white liberal that unlike EVERY OTHER RACE on the planet fighting for itself, is instead fighting to undermine itself in s never-ending second-guessing of itself in eternal guilt for being successful. Yet all these elite white people keep running for high office so that they can decide for others, how much of YOUR rights and liberty, not theirs, they can give away.

Yet somehow, it never occurs to these white liberals that you cannot artificially elevate a population beyond its natural status, as soon as you remove the artificial aid, they will simply fall back to their natural state, that if any of these other races had the same drive to succeed and excel, they would be founding their our countries and inventing things and raising us up instead with aid and technology creating a gateway for others rather than us for them. White people are where white people are in this world because we've simply proven ourselves better adapted and more successful at controlling and exploiting our environment to get farther ahead, and that is nothing to need to be apologetic about.
but isnt America already white?
so how did u all react when she made that assinine remark?,,,i think the most likely one would be,,,"Ah,,Uhm,,Miss Pelosi, look in the mirror, you are white, OK?
So asking anyone to verify if they are legal/illegal American is racist?
And how many races are there in the USA?
Apparently Mizz Pelosi is still living in the Bush years when we only had two races.
She claims that borders are racist too.
this would be like moochelle going to kenya/doing a speech and saying that we need to make africa black again

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