Nancy Pelosi Said This Week That She Had A Plan To Forcefully Remove Trump From The White House

Journalist Greg Kelly stops in the middle of a broadcast to say a prayer for the president.

A Democrat congressional candidate posted this yesterday.

Unfortunate, but when you breed hate, you get hate.

What has trump done that is hateful -----------stand up to the fascists on the Left and stand up for america against foreigners trying to take advantage?
Standing up against fascists on the left by courting fascists on the right? How is that supposed to heal the country? Also, he has berated American citizens, suggesting that they're not really American. He's giving cover to the most hateful in our society. If he isn't rebuked at the polls, America may never recover. He's a greater danger to society than any rioter, IMO.
WEll, we know she won't be able to manipulate the 25th Amendment to get his job, since it is certain to be ruled unconstitutional and the line of succession does not include the Speaker of the House or the Senate in Pence were also to get sick and die; the secession only runs thorugh the Executive Branch, and Pompeo gets to be Prez if Trump and Pence both get disabled, so all the assassination conspiratardo theories are rubbish.
WEll, we know she won't be able to manipulate the 25th Amendment to get his job, since it is certain to be ruled unconstitutional and the line of succession does not include the Speaker of the House or the Senate if Pence were also to get sick and die; the secession only runs thorugh the Executive Branch officers, and Pompeo gets to be Prez if Trump and Pence both get disabled, so all the assassination conspiratardo theories are rubbish.
WEll, we know she won't be able to manipulate the 25th Amendment to get his job, since it is certain to be ruled unconstitutional and the line of succession does not include the Speaker of the House or the Senate in Pence were also to get sick and die; the secession only runs thorugh the Executive Branch, and Pompeo gets to be Prez if Trump and Pence both get disabled, so all the assassination conspiratardo theories are rubbish.
Speaker of the house becomes leader if the election is ruled invalid-----------

Trump dying and the republicans unable to change their nominee in time
Riots on election night preventing people from voting
Cheating that the dems love to do-----so the election can't be decided........
Pelosi says she has a plan to get Trump removed or fumigated out of the White House.
Maybe she let slip what their plan was to infect Trump with COVID-19.
She said she had alot of arrows in her quiver that she would use to prevent the president from putting Amy Barrett on the court.

Chuck Schumer didn't waste time calling for the end to hearings on her confirmation.

Joe Biden called for a national mask mandate from is basement bunker.
Some Democrats are talking like Trump shouldn't even be on the ballot in November because he tested positive.

Here's a classless tweet from Jim Acosta.

CNN hasn't even let up with their constant criticism of Trump.
Absolutely despicable.

So bioterrorism was one of the "arrows"
WEll, we know she won't be able to manipulate the 25th Amendment to get his job, since it is certain to be ruled unconstitutional and the line of succession does not include the Speaker of the House or the Senate if Pence were also to get sick and die; the secession only runs thorugh the Executive Branch officers, and Pompeo gets to be Prez if Trump and Pence both get disabled, so all the assassination conspiratardo theories are rubbish.
WEll, we know she won't be able to manipulate the 25th Amendment to get his job, since it is certain to be ruled unconstitutional and the line of succession does not include the Speaker of the House or the Senate if Pence were also to get sick and die; the secession only runs thorugh the Executive Branch officers, and Pompeo gets to be Prez if Trump and Pence both get disabled, so all the assassination conspiratardo theories are rubbish.

You don't get it.........trump is only president till January------

If he is killed that throws the election out the window at this point-----------------and with no election to decide what administration is in charge---speaker of the house becomes leader.

Obama and Hillary sabotaged Trump's presidency.
Hillary made sure that Jeffery Epstein died in prison.
It's no stretch to assume that they would be willing to try infecting the president and his campaign with COVID-19.
I have been waiting for months for this to be announced.....and they waited till October to do it.
Speaker of the house becomes leader if the election is ruled invalid-----------


That's what many people think, including myself until I read the arguments as to why, but it is incorrect; the issue came up during the Clinton impeachment, when the posibility of Newt Gingrich becoming President was being debated by the big law school geeks. Yoo at UC Berkeley points out the flaws in the 25th's clauses on secession in this weekend's WSJ re Article I and the language re 'officials'. Pelosi would have to resign from the House, which in turn would make her ineligible to be in line for the Presidency. The language is deeply flawed. It's probably a topic for its own thread but I brought up here since the issues are raised here. The 25th deals with debilitation and who and how that is handled, the 'Presidential Sucession Act of 1947' provision would be thrown out by the SC, the Constitution uses the term 'officers' to mean to reefer to members of the executive branch, and Article I says The Speaker nor the Senate president pro tem can be acting Presdient withut resigning from office, which in turn removes them from the line of succession. They only reason it's never been to the SC and thrown out is it hasn't come up yet.
Nobody will be safe anywhere if these Democrat scumbags take control. There has never been a more classless assembly of politicians than todays Democrats. They are actively trying to destroy everything this country ever stood for, communist assholes that they are. Save our country and vote straight Republican. Viva Trump
WEll, we know she won't be able to manipulate the 25th Amendment to get his job, since it is certain to be ruled unconstitutional and the line of succession does not include the Speaker of the House or the Senate if Pence were also to get sick and die; the secession only runs thorugh the Executive Branch officers, and Pompeo gets to be Prez if Trump and Pence both get disabled, so all the assassination conspiratardo theories are rubbish.

You don't get it.........trump is only president till January------

If he is killed that throws the election out the window at this point-----------------and with no election to decide what administration is in charge---speaker of the house becomes leader.

No, it doesn't throw out the election, and the Speaker doesn't get the job, the Speaker is ineligible. He dies his Party get the electoral votes he won. If Pence dies also, Pompeo becomes acting President. The succession line is the executive branch.
If he doesn't leave, she won't be the only one with a plan. In my scenario the Secret Service stands down, since he's no longer president, then the FBI comes in and arrests him for trespassing.
Yes, Antifacrats are opposed to democracy
A Democrat congressional candidate posted this yesterday.

Unfortunate, but when you breed hate, you get hate.

What has trump done that is hateful -----------stand up to the fascists on the Left and stand up for america against foreigners trying to take advantage?
Standing up against fascists on the left by courting fascists on the right? How is that supposed to heal the country? Also, he has berated American citizens, suggesting that they're not really American. He's giving cover to the most hateful in our society. If he isn't rebuked at the polls, America may never recover. He's a greater danger to society than any rioter, IMO.

Actually conservatives are the mainstream society who the fringe radical Democrats loath
If he doesn't leave, she won't be the only one with a plan. In my scenario the Secret Service stands down, since he's no longer president, then the FBI comes in and arrests him for trespassing.
Yes, Antifacrats are opposed to democracy
What's democratic about a president who's voted out refusing to leave? You have a weird notion that smacks more of Putin than Washington(the person).
A Democrat congressional candidate posted this yesterday.

Unfortunate, but when you breed hate, you get hate.

What has trump done that is hateful -----------stand up to the fascists on the Left and stand up for america against foreigners trying to take advantage?
Standing up against fascists on the left by courting fascists on the right? How is that supposed to heal the country? Also, he has berated American citizens, suggesting that they're not really American. He's giving cover to the most hateful in our society. If he isn't rebuked at the polls, America may never recover. He's a greater danger to society than any rioter, IMO.

Actually conservatives are the mainstream society who the fringe radical Democrats loath
Why are you being led by the nose by fringe ultra-conservatives? Fringe radicals don't run the Democratic Party, but fringe rightists seem to being pushed to the forefront by Republicans, e.g. the QAnon troll and its minions.
Pelosi says she has a plan to get Trump removed or fumigated out of the White House.
Maybe she let slip what their plan was to infect Trump with COVID-19.
She said she had alot of arrows in her quiver that she would use to prevent the president from putting Amy Barrett on the court.

Chuck Schumer didn't waste time calling for the end to hearings on her confirmation.

Joe Biden called for a national mask mandate from is basement bunker.
Some Democrats are talking like Trump shouldn't even be on the ballot in November because he tested positive.

Here's a classless tweet from Jim Acosta.

CNN hasn't even let up with their constant criticism of Trump.
Absolutely despicable.

Your post is so delusional it is actually sad. Their plan to infect Trump? WTF? Seriously, find a friend or somebody to ground you to reality.

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