Nancy Pelosi should resign

Apologists for this loon Pelosi and for The Obama simply have no intellectual honesty. Blinded by partisan hate, they really don't care what happens in government so long as "repugs" are defeated.

They would welcome Hitler to the Democrap Tardy, even as POTUS if it meant "repugs" were minimized.

This of course is what the Party has been working on since 2000, a legion of mindless puppet parrot minions. And they have it.

Are we going to hell in an actual handbasket? You seem to have real good sources. :cuckoo:
Is this your picture?


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It will be fun watching people surround Nan and scream 'war criminal' at her the way they do it for Rummy.

That's right ...It was all Nancy's fault.


If there was torture, she was complicit. So yes, she would too be responsible.

No, she was not complicit. It would have been illegal for her to take her concerns to the public, and writing a letter of objection to Bush and Cheney would have been an excersize in futility. Still, she should have written the letter.

As for what the CIA people, and Bush and Cheney are presently saying? They have been so honest with us in the past? Right?

I say put everything out in public, including the pictures, require testimony under oath for all concerned, and let the chips fall where they may.
That's right ...It was all Nancy's fault.


If there was torture, she was complicit. So yes, she would too be responsible.

No, she was not complicit. It would have been illegal for her to take her concerns to the public, and writing a letter of objection to Bush and Cheney would have been an excersize in futility. Still, she should have written the letter.

As for what the CIA people, and Bush and Cheney are presently saying? They have been so honest with us in the past? Right?

I say put everything out in public, including the pictures, require testimony under oath for all concerned, and let the chips fall where they may.

She certainly was complicit, as may well be Rockerfeller and others. The difference though is that Pelosi has since lied about it. She didn't have to complain privately, but she continued to vote for funding and continuance.
It will be fun watching people surround Nan and scream 'war criminal' at her the way they do it for Rummy.

That's right ...It was all Nancy's fault.


And you struggle to understand why so many find you neo cons fucking bat shit crazy.

Not to be a contrarian with this, but what is your feeling on Pelosi?

She's obviously lying. She's obviously motivated only by political expediancies. She obviously cares nothing for any higher ethics beyond advancing the power of her Party.

What possible advantage is there for the country to have a person as impudent as this in a position of power?

Every time she opens her mouth, you know it's going to be a lie, going to be hate filled and going to be self serving. She offers nothing that is inspiring, nothing that is wise and nothing that motivates the nobility within us. She is a vile and contentious manipulator of the worst kind.

Of course, I could be wrong.
That's right ...It was all Nancy's fault.


If there was torture, she was complicit. So yes, she would too be responsible.

No, she was not complicit. It would have been illegal for her to take her concerns to the public, and writing a letter of objection to Bush and Cheney would have been an excersize in futility. Still, she should have written the letter.

As for what the CIA people, and Bush and Cheney are presently saying? They have been so honest with us in the past? Right?

I say put everything out in public, including the pictures, require testimony under oath for all concerned, and let the chips fall where they may.

Yes and first she denied ever being briefed about waterboarding. So we all know she is highly credible...
She had in the past, made an objection and the CIA reversed why not in this case?
Why do you hate free and fair elections?


When idiots make fools of themselves in office, they step down for the good of the party. Nancy should do that.
Because you think she lied about the CIA lying you think she should step down.


I'd rather find out the truth.

Me too! It will be fun watching her testify before the congresscritters,, a little spoonful of her own medicine won't be too bad will it? it'll be fun watching her go head to head with leon panetta..

When idiots make fools of themselves in office, they step down for the good of the party. Nancy should do that.
Because you think she lied about the CIA lying you think she should step down.


I'd rather find out the truth.

Me too! It will be fun watching her testify before the congresscritters,, a little spoonful of her own medicine won't be too bad will it? it'll be fun watching her go head to head with leon panetta..
It will even be more fun to watch the assholes the ordered torture squirm like the worms they are.
Nancy Pelosi should resign

If Pelosi needs to resign.... then Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfreld, Rice and Powell need to be convicted of treason...lined up against a wall and executed.
you seem to be a bit of an extremist.. they can't torture but you can execute! well all righty then! dingbat!
Nancy Pelosi should resign

If Pelosi needs to resign.... then Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfreld, Rice and Powell need to be convicted of treason...lined up against a wall and executed.

Execution and resignation are equal in your eyes?
What planet do you come from?

Knowing that torture was authorized, and being powerless to stop it, and authorizing torture are equal in your eyes?
What planet do you come from?
If there was torture, she was complicit. So yes, she would too be responsible.

No, she was not complicit. It would have been illegal for her to take her concerns to the public, and writing a letter of objection to Bush and Cheney would have been an excersize in futility. Still, she should have written the letter.

As for what the CIA people, and Bush and Cheney are presently saying? They have been so honest with us in the past? Right?

I say put everything out in public, including the pictures, require testimony under oath for all concerned, and let the chips fall where they may.

Yes and first she denied ever being briefed about waterboarding. So we all know she is highly credible...
She had in the past, made an objection and the CIA reversed why not in this case?

Are you people brain dead? Who cares what Pelosi knew or not? Did she torture anyone like the CIA and the Army and Blackwater did? Did she cook up the perposterous illegal memo's that Bush and Cheney and Rice and Rumsfeld used as authorization? Did she give the orders or attend the meetings when specific cases of detainees would be designated torture victims?

All this illegal activity and what Pelosi knew is the problem? Do you have the mental capacity to understand how crazy you people look right now?
Nancy Pelosi should resign

If Pelosi needs to resign.... then Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfreld, Rice and Powell need to be convicted of treason...lined up against a wall and executed.

Execution and resignation are equal in your eyes?
What planet do you come from?

Knowing that torture was authorized, and being powerless to stop it, and authorizing torture are equal in your eyes?
What planet do you come from?

Are you saying Ms Pelosi is powerless?
Get a grip on reality.
Not only is Nancy Pelosi one of the biggest partisan hacks on Capitol Hill today, her political philosophy is one of the furthest to the left. In the past 3 years of her term, she has done nothing, absolutely nothing to include the Republicans in legislation.

Her speech back in September, blaming Bush for the economy, is largely responsible for causing Republicans to back out of the bailout bill and for it to NOT PASS the House which caused the worst market crash in history.

Additionally, her latest flop, accusing the CIA of LYING to her about the enhanced interrogation techniques. I've had enough of her San Francisco, ultra-liberal ways. It's time Pelosi stepped down and let someone else lead the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives. We need someone more moderate who is in touch with the rest of the American people and can lead the House Democrats to be more inclusive of the Republicans. The Democrats must lead the Republicans, not exclude them. Only when the American people see leadership, can they continue to let the Democrats control the House.

If Pelosi does not step down, she will make a name for herself as the biggest far Left buffoon since Lenin (not the Beattle). Accusing the CIA of lying to her is inexcusable. She needs to step down.
I think we as people should stop voting in the same twits over and over again that create this mess, if we really looked at things and became informed voters and didnt believe the rhetoric that most politicians spew JUST to get elected then just maybe we would start to be better off. I fell for all of Obamas lies of bs and voted for him now I am learning it was a mistake, he is just bush light following in the footsteps of all his corrupt buddies as he is going back on pretty much ALL he campaigned on, hell even his universal healthcare isnt so universal anymore if you dig deep enough and look at it. We need to wake up as a nation and boot ALL these stupid fucks out of office!
Execution and resignation are equal in your eyes?
What planet do you come from?

Knowing that torture was authorized, and being powerless to stop it, and authorizing torture are equal in your eyes?
What planet do you come from?

Are you saying Ms Pelosi is powerless?
Get a grip on reality.

Please tell me what she could have done to stop Bush administration officials from torturing.

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